
E -23-. From, an early scrum close to their line Baloomb scored far out (3-0). Wanderers defaeded desperately to keep the hack out and then Mark stole away from the sci*um and eluded the everyeager hands to. score (6-0)o Bazley goaled a penalty soon afterwards (9-0). In spite of a tendency towards hanging offside, the school line kept on the mcve^ only heroic"tackling by Kemiok keeping the score dcf\^jiLo Bpyd secured rrom a line ou"b.and barged his v/ay over (12--0)« Groom had not been given much rocan, to move in but Bazley gave hdm a chance and away he sped; and with a deceptive swerve scored for Bazley to convert (17-0), The forwards were getting the ball: from most of the scrums but quick spoiling by the Wanderers side and slight hesitation by the. halves gave the line loss room to move in. A complete misundorstanditig by the backs let Wanderers in for an easy try under the posts (17-5). Before the^end'a himch of forward? wont over (20-5)» Both sides tackled hard with the forvrards having a good deal of the gEsme. The threes wore less effective than \;isual C'Ving to the ball hanging somewhat in the scrums. ' TEAM; Coutts; Groom.j BazleyJ Rock; Balcombj Robinson; • Mark; Munro; A., Loe; Rosenborgs Boydj Ifemlyn; P.Loo;^ Chaplin; Scheffor.,, . i I . May 27th, Y5,.'GLEIhlOOD II, ' Homoj ^ ■ ■ _ ' ■ WON 5G-0, From a sbrnm on the half way Bazley broke and after changingdireotion twice cbmp3ntely outwitted the opposition to score . bo-. tween the posts, but could not convert ((a fact which kept thescore doi-n, foi-, if anyono had been able to convert trios the score would have bbon half as big again), (3-0)9 Following a fonifard rash P.,Loe scored (6-0)r, First Bazley brolce and sent Groom tearing doT,wi for a try and then Bazley went over himsel.f, both trios being converted (only just) 16-0s,Rook was hanging-on at this stage instead of fcoding the line. P, Leo dived over aPber a scramble near their line (19-0),, Ralei^ of Glcnwood bi'oke but -was brought dovjn by Robinson® Rook gathorod a high Id-ok^ sold a dummy and sent Groom over (22-0)aRock short-punted, gathered and Boyd was inside to take the final pass and go over (25-0), From a scrum in iiiidfiold Bazley secured and broke right through, droxv tho full back and Groom scorod botwoen the posts, Onoo again