
-24-. ■fch© kick failed (28-6). One© again the ball travelled out to Groom who ran right round the opposition, swerved past the full back and scored between the posts. This time Balcomb succeeded in converting. (33-0), Glenwood now attacked strongly and were on our line for some time until Badcomb relieved with a very long kick. Back on attack again Groom once more rounded the opposition to score between the posts, Balcomb failing with the goal kick, (36-0). Just before the end Glenwood missed an easy penalty, TEAM; Balcomb; Groom; Bazleyj Rook; French; Robinson; . Mark; Munro; A,Lee; Rosenberg; Boyd; Hamlynj P.Lee; Scheffer; Chaplin. vs. OLD CROCKS. MAY 31st, Won 36-18, HOME, This was one of the most spectacular games over seen at College. Movements followed in such bewildering rapidity thatit was difficult to keep count. From the sot scrums we saw little of the ball, which was only to bo expected, but in the loose the fojrwards were always on the ball, heeling and giving their backs all the opportunities, Munro at the head of the forwards led them particularly well while Bazley played an outstanding game, time after time caiving out perfect openings. From the kick off Groom was nearly over and from the re sulting scruiTi, Bazley shot through a gap and sent Groom over, Bazley converting (5-0), Rook broke inwards, swerved back to link up vrf-th the line and Groom raced over, Bazley failing with the kick (8-0). The Old Crocks came with a determined rush but were checked and from a line out they slung back a pass, which went astray, the forwards were on the ball and dribbled over, a whole bunch falling on the ball. Bazley converted (13-0). The Old Crocks swung the ball along the line and Clarkson seciared the overlap to send Allsopp in for a try (13-3), Just before half time Bazley broke again and Groom cut inside to take a reverse pass and score for Bazley to convert (18-3), If the handling had been good in the first.half, it proved almost perfect in the second. Prom the kick off the ball was