
t -26-. Groom swung out then swerved in to score between the posts, Bazley converting (5-0). Groom v/as being well watched and twice brought down when in full stride, Munro broke through from the line out and beat the full back scoring a good try (8-0), Baloomb allowed the ball to bounce from a high kick and Boude was up, collected and scored just in time as Groom tackled him heavily (8-3). Groom secured from a loose kick and cut infield and following some hand to hand passing Boyd went over, but the kick failed (11-3). A full movement and Groom ran right roTmd to score Bazley converting (16-3), Heavy tackling by both sides was a marked feature at this stage, several jerseys being torn. Bazley ran half the length of the field and was pushed out just on the comer flag. Rock next cut through but did not link up with the forwards but shortly aftemards he d\mimied his way through for Bazley to convert (21-3). Marists forwards were several thues \mmarked in the line out and twice nearly scored as the result. Again they broke from the line out and this time Rault scored (21-6). Very sluggish heeling by our forwards gave the backs less room to move in than visual while Mark and Robin son were both slower than usual. The forwards while playing hard, did not vase their feet as well as they have been doing of late. TEAM; Baloombi Groom; Bazl^; Rock; French; Robinson; Mark; Munro; Lee; Rosenberg; Boyd; Hamlyn; P.Lee; Scheffer; Chaplin, JUHIOR GAMES . May 18. vs. D,H,S. UNDBR-14A. Won 19-11. French scored against the run of play then D.H,S. scored and converted and added a penalty. Swale scored after a -x move Wessels converting to level the scores, L.Lee next scomd after taking the ball out of an opponent's hands. D.H.S. scored after a forward rush. Clayton made an opening and French scored, tlien Lee L. scored after a neat dumny, YiTessels converting. This was a very even game. vs. GLEW/OOD. U 15A. May 27, Lost 0 - 27,