
I - -27-. Teague opened the scoring and shortly afterwards, Acutt . barged OTTer, Putterill missed an easy penalty, Glenwood wpfe havang all the p3.ay but selfishness md brilliant tackling ' by Putterill and Coutts kept the score down. On the few occasions when we did get the ball L,Lee Icnocked on, spoiling the move- . mentSj A badly directed short punt deserved what it got Teague scoring an eetsy try. Then Sinclair scored from a line out and L.Loe once again kicked into their hands, another easy try re sulting while finally the Glenwood side simply s^Tept throughTeague s coring againoTfe were outvTeighted and outplayed, ■ but the -defence was praiseworthy, vs, D.H.S, UMDER 14, June 3, ' Won 8-6. Away. After we had had most of ihe play in the first quarter, D.H.S, forv^ards broke through and they fell over in a bmch. After half time Lee Lo scored a capital try after a long run, D.H.S. attacked again and once again their fommrds went over in a bunch. Their foiwards were better than ours, while our backs always looked as though they might score. Right on time Putterill half broke, Scheffer slipped past, L.Lee gave Foss the bgill at the right moment and he beat the full back to score be tween the posts, We3se].s converting. Once again this proved a most evenly contested game. vs MARISTS U. 15, June 10, Lost (5-21), Paiqe scored early on from a reverse pass, Boydconverting then Jeffreys scored, A determined forward rush and Swale scored for Wessels to convert, Boyd, their fly half,scored an excellent try end then Mullins scored after a cross kick, Boyd converting. With only 14 men our sidP played with plenty of vigour and dash and on several occasions were nearly over, Wessels missed an easy penalty and then Patterson scored for Boyd to convert, Marists played really good rugby and but for lapses in handling would have scored many more points.