
-28-, ■m, OLD CROCKS. May 31st, WON 10-9, This was a most enjoyable game, and after the Junior had got over the initial stage fright, and -the Old Crocks had once more ^ot the feel of the ball, both sides settled down to earnest work. George Weber on the wiag was a tower of strength to his side, scoring all three their tries, one from a brilliant interception in his own 25', Coutts and Boyd had a rare tussle on the other vring neither being able to get airny from the other. There was an interesting duel at half, and fathers and sons in the forwards settled old scores (we noticed one father looking with pride at a neat move ly his son too). The ball was given plenty of air and J, Hulett at full-back saved his side repeatedly and also gavo them well earned and much needed rest at the right time v/ith well judged kicks, Clayton and scored our tries, Wessels converting, our winning effort being made just on time - owing to a nrLsunderstanding among our guests, C, Jackson led his team with sympathetic undeie tanding and much encoinragement and at one time it looked as though they held a stranglehold on the game. Both sides shoived plenty of determination and indulged in some spark ling movements altogether an excellent game played in theright spirit, ¥fe are grateful to Mr, C, Jackson for bringing up this side and giving the Juniors a lesson in Sportsmanship,which only the Seniors have hitherto boon able to enjoy once a year on Old Crocks day. OLD CROCKS TEAM: H, Jackson; G, Weber; McDonald; J.Hulett; Boyd; R, Jackson; P, Milner; C, Jackson; R, Hulett; M» Perry; H, Dent; Boyd-Smith; Bland; Marsberg; J, Clayton, UNDER 14 V CLIFTON. June 17, Won 9-0, Home, A pleasing game this, for although outweighted we had most of the play, mainly due to the excellent work of the forwards who all played well, Henocksberg picked up from the loose and sent Scheffer over for a neat try, YiTalker was up and secured frcm a loose scrvm, passed to McLood who broke inwards to score.