
-2-. ooDsnemoration stone of the dining-hall block, and the stones of the two Houses, Gillinghaiu and Finningley.were laid by iIr.A.S.L. Hulett (Chaiinaan of the old'College Council) and Mr,J.j, Crookes respectively, tfo note here gratitude that I,ir,Crookes pro vided the whole cost of building one of the Houses, A full aoco\mt of the stone-laying ceremony appears elsewhere in "bhis issue. The College T,Tas opened on lOth July by His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Patrick Duncan, As this date was in the middle of the holidays, only a fev; of the boys were able to be present. There was a large attendance of the general public, however, and it was especially pleasing to see a considerable number of Old Boys present, EHTERTADE-lEl-rTS; On 29tl.a April, on the occasion of the annual visit of" a he'am. from the Durban Athletic Club, some of their friends provided a ve^ enjojrable concert in the Hall, The following ladies and gentleznen took part; Miss Piraser and Jiiss Mengenslmusen; pianoforte solos. Mr, Richard Murray; songs, Mr, Percy Jeffryes; hijmorous songs and choruses, Mrs,Jeffrjres ; sketches, llr, Billy Mills; monologues (in costuiTie). !3r» Les, Liddell: mouth organ solos and a Yiddishe sketoh. The Arinuai School play was given on 22nd June, the last night of the last term at Kearsney, After beginning the rehear sal of tvTo or three other plays, a rather severe shortage of talent ?ras discovered, and it was decided to fall back on a schoolboy play thrt had -been done at Kearsney in 1928,namely, "A Quiet Tims", As large an audienOe as ever, enjoyed its perfomance, FARBJELLS: Hhen the final curtain descended on the last school pTa^rto he performed at Kearsney, it was discovered that there was an unexpected addition to the programme. Our neighbour, Mr, E.F.B.Hindson came on to the stage to express the regret of our Horth Coast friends at our departure from the district eoad to vfish the School every happiness and success in its new home. At the end of a very happy speech he asked the Headmaster to accept for the use of the Sfcaff coinmon--room a handsome silver tea ser vice inscribed vrith the good vrishes of the Stanger and Kearsney district. The Head aijqjressed vrarm appreciation of tliis generous girt and assured our friends that we should silways think verjr