
-.29--, In "fcno second half Cldfton wore getting most of tho ha"'! fram sot scrums but pv.szod badly, Schcffox^T/aa plcylng afino gamo^in sprto of an injured finger and broJce' repeatedly only uo find tho pass laiodcGd on„ Iroiy "bvico went through a gap ■witii detormination but found no one in suoporbo ^ Schriffex" dummied round tho blind side^ passed to McLood -who rovers-'d back to Schoffer for the latter to score a roolly good try/ Tho dofonco was good throughout the game but the hmidline; not as certain as it should have boon, Perry at scrim half" played woli, particularly in dofonco and in going doim in tho raco of fomvard inishos^ TEAM: Jacobs j MoLoodi Ivoryj Thounisson; Thw; Schoffor (o)} Porry M; Tfalkorj Garbuttj Tronthomj Humoj Honocksborg; Porcivali Corbishloy; Balcomb,