
-30-, Applied SHSKEsPE^mE. aad Others. FR.ITCH t Hero will he an old abusing of the king's English, ^ is tho short and long of it, lY.Tx ° .D,V,RN.,,L; I oannot toll what the dickens his name is, B.YD : A good man, sir ; h© will be talking, GR.V.S : A lion among ladios is a most dreadful thing, R,S,1IB,R6 ; Framed in the prodigality of nature. B.ZL.y ; For my voice, I have lost it with halloing and singing of.janthams, GR,,M : He hath ©aten me out of houso and home, L,W, : But, for mine cwm part, it was Greek to me, TR.NTH.M : 0, what a fall was there, ny countrymen, R.CK I For this relief, much thanks, C.D.TS : 0, reform it altogether, SW,L, s Egregiously an ass, L.RD t Ring out, wild bells, to tho wild sky, J,C,BS ; Tho last and greatest art, tho art to blot, CH.PL.R ; I struck on© chord of music, like the sound of a great Amen, H,ML,N t That air and harmony of shape express, J,F,R,