
-31' Ihet Mew Utapis. The minister vms droning on smd on. Besides, it is so hard to hoar hira ivhen you are sitting behind him in the choir. I think now and then I may have dozed off, riiioh is a Bad Thing, when ovoryono can see you. So I turned" the pages of my anthem idly over; scanning the music, and glancing doiivn the list of anthems on the back page. But what was this I savr ? Suddenly I Was avirako. This is what I read ; "The eyes of the Lord are West", Are they ? Tifhy west ? This had me puzzled ; quite Tfoko me up in fact. Do wo, then, "go west" when wo die, in the hopes that the Lord will notice us ? This was indeed a puzzler. But even as I mused, luy glance upon the next lino, whore I read; "The fool hath said Sir»W,Bennott", Oh, ho hath, hath ho ? Now why should the fool pick on Sir, VJ", Bennett, who im.s probably quite a harmless old fellovr ? TrJhat had ho been doing ? - Then daylight daimed. Of course J The first part of the first lino of each anthem was being given, to bo followed by the name of the composer, Tfith a happy disregard for spacing and punctuation, the effect was somotimos striking. And so I discovered The Noiir Game. ■ , . Impioiisly hoping that tho minister would prolong his address at least until I had read the page through, I began, and this is what I road ; ^ A"' Tho Heavens declare MacPherson. (One up for Scotland) Tho hills stand about G,Gardner, Tho Lord hath Mondolssohn, (Vfe'd boon hoping so) Tho Lord hath dcxne Smart, (Caught you out, ny man), The Lor-i. hear thee Blow, (First Trombonist),