
-32-. The Lord is full of F.E.Gladstone, The Lord presei-veth Airmes, The Lord will comfort Dr. Hiles. There was war in Gruikshank:. (cheese and onions for supper again). This is the record of John Gibbons, (Empire sports, not Olympic), Turn thy face. Dr. SteggajLl. • ■ (That's a nasty one), * We have hearW. Sir, A, Sullivan. (And enou^ is as good as a feast), ifhen Israel came out of Wesley. (These conjurors again). While shepherds watched Bamby. (Can't trust anyone these days). Who can comprehend thee, Mozart ? (The answer goes up, Yfho ?), Who is this Elliot Button ? (Yes, indeed, who is he ?). I was sorry when the minister finished. J.F.R•