
-36. SpMEBiya AaaiTy R--p.nMerRic5 A FIGDRE A RECTAITGLE A BISECTOR ACUTE AUCLE A POLYGOR A TARGERT A DIAIffiTER A CURVE A CENTRE A SCALEira A IfflDIAN CONCURREITCY VERTEX A HYPOTHESIS RADIUS « any collection of points, pins or needles, " the result of an accident (wrecked tangle), " an instrument for cutting up stomacha, etc., " an angle which takes some brains to work out, = an empty cage (polly gone), ■ a bicycle made for two, " the apparatus for putting unwanted animals ' out of the way (die - a - meter). ~ ©•g. the outline of a pompous man's stomach (very often one who partakes of beer), - the name given to a good type of hunting dog, (a scenter). s a species of river fish, = a humorous person on the stage, " something to do with money, " a new type of cotton shorts (not shirts ; aertex), " the side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle, - a rare and expensive mineral. L.N.P,