
'•5"& affectionately of them. In the vj-oek following the breaking up of the School, Mr.- and Mrs., EcFi,W, Hulott gave a garden pai-ty at thoir homo >■ "Kirkloy Vale" for the neighbourhood to take a more personal farowell of the S-caff, Some fifty guests attended, and Dr,IJ„Haysom oppressed tliexr regret at losing the College.i At the Head's inwitati.on, Mr, Oram replied, EKAM5: The following results vroro omitrbed from' thoso given in the December issue: Higher Taalbond: Passmoro, G-roves, ' B/Iunro. mSFECTS: Bazley (Hoad), Ilunro D, Balcomb G, Jordan, Hamlyn, Leo A, Mark and Groves', ATHLETICS: As the fields at .Botha's Hill would.not bo ready by the thue wo moved. Sports virero held during the first weeks of the second term. The D.A.C. visit, alrj-ays looked, forward to keenly, was evenly contested, the College winning by the narrow marginof 40 points to 37. Sports i)ay v/as on May 6th, when Iilrs .Bazley proEontcd the prizes. Three new records v/ero set up : Shot JAitt: 34ft 9ins, l:y Bazley 440 yards; 53,6/lO sees, also by Bazley, Long J^p: 20ft Sgins by Groom (avmrdpd tho Hulott Tropi-y). Athlonc won tho Oliver Poarce Inter-House trophy by 792 points to 622, RUGGiai: Bazley and Groom were invited to the Hatal Schools Trials In Maritzburg and both wore selected as reserves for tho final Natal Schools side to play tho 'Hniversity on September 2nd, Both boys are to be congratulated on the good shovfing they made in thn Trials, have been avmrdod to G. Balcomb, Tivc free week-ends were given during the Half. The first, March 4th - 6th coincided with tho famous (or infamoiis ) timeless (Fifth) Test Match in fXirban, but of courso did not last as long as that m^athon encounter. Most of the School got to town to soo part of it, and the tweniy boys vrho had to remain behind spent an