
acquisition, and great credit is due to Mr. Medwcrth for his constant supervision, and to all those who materially con tributed to their preparation. We welcome the following new boys:— Finningl^: Baker, N. I.;Barker, D. W.; Baumann,O. R. Cole, E. G.: Crookes, G. D. D.; Dale, R. H.; Doidge, A. H. Dyson, L. W. E.; Fox, J. S. M.; Grant, J. A.; Ives, I. I. Johnson, D. N.; Loader, J.; McLaren, R. J.; Mathews, L. D. Peddie, T. S.; Woods, B. j. Gillingham: Barnes, G.; Barnes, R.; Beningfield, C. J. C.; Calder, T.; Clarkson, j. A.; Dixon, L. A.; Ellwood, H. j. C.; Hill, G. D.; Hulett, N.; Lees, T. ].; Nasmith, j. N.; Nathan, D. C.; Nisbet, N. A.; Stein, C. H.; van Aardt, A. D.; van der Schyff, E. We congratulate Mr. Oram on being appointed senior choir master and organist at West Street Church, Durban. His choir work here wi l l be taken over by Mr. Reece. Our morning services have been shared by our minister. Rev. F. P. Evans and his colleagues. Rev. P. Barker, Rev. j. R. Saunders, Mr. Selwyn Smith, Mr. E. P. Fowie, and Archdeacon Heywood Harris. Once a quarter we have enjoyed a visit from Rev. C. E. Wilkinson, and on 5th May we were very fortunate to have with us Rev. T. Grant, up on missionary deputation work from Lovedale. He gave us a very interesting address on the question of the educa tion of the native. Unfortunately his visit coincided with the storm which broke so devastatingly upon the Province, with the result that he had to strain his voice considerably to make himself heard. The following boys have left during the half year— G. F. Balcomb, E. Brown and Staniland.