
-4-. enjoyable time at Sinkwazi beach,thanks to the kind hospitality of Sister Attlee and Ilrs, F» Balcomb* ]n the second free week-end on May 20th the spare beds were used by Old Boys "vdio oame up for the annual Rugger match which they lost (fighting braiTely) by10 points to 17, TERMS; 1st Quarter; 2nd Quarter: 2nd February to 5th April, 12th April to 22nd June, February 1939, Va Mandell A, Vb Rinnis B. Baggaley R, Hume L.Yi". Scheffer L,H. Allsopp J,D, Charter P, IV McLeod I.G. Sallard 0,0, Trentham J.B, Rosenberg C, Rock D.A, III Trentham A, Dent C, iTory Durban Durban Vearulam Empangeni Stanger Camperdo\m Umhiali Durban Johannesburg Flagstaff Johannesburg TJmhlali Empangeni. Prep; Foss R.G. Jacobs W,M. Friday R.W, Sipargo S.H. Vov/les B, Vowles C, Staniland D.F Lee A, MoBean M.Oo McDonald D. Pennefather Pennefather Stark VJ",!, Felixton Durban . Umhlali Doomkop Stanger Amatikulu S, Coast,