
ENTERTAINMENTS Films— 3rd Feb.—" Great Expectations." 24th Feb.—" 100 Men and a Girl." 16th March—" Magnificent Obsession." 6th April—"Texas Rangers." 27th April—" Little Miss Marker." 18th May—" If I Had a Million." 8th June—"The Thirty Nine Steps." 22nd June—"Take My Tip." On Saturday, 10th February, Mr. C. J. Offord came up to address the School on his travels round the country organising the Nuffield Cricket Shield Tournament. Mr. Offord was the originator of the Natal Schools' Cricket Week, and his enthusiasm for schoolboy cricket is unbounded. No better man could have been chosen for the task (a pleasure to him) of contacting all the schools in the leading centres of the country, to learn their views on the proposed tournament. He interested and amused us as we did a lightning tour of the Union and Rhodesia together, and we were thrilled by the enthusiasm that he met with throughout the country. The successof the Nuffield Week was ample proof of the enthusiastic yet tactful manner in which he conducted his campaign. Mr. Cower-Jackson, secretary of the A.A. for Natal, visited us on 2nd March, reinforced with vast quantities of road signs and posters. His address was mostly concerned with the administrative side of the A.A. work, and he gave us an insight into the manner in which questions of road rules come under discussion and are recommended for adoption. Mr. Jackson then went on to emphasise to us the most essential rules for road safety; if all road users could have heard his reminders, there would be far fewer accidents. Unsuspected talent was revealed on 9th March when the new boys entertained the School with an almost unrehearsed concert. We have never regarded ourselves (unfortunately) as a school where music has parti cularly flourished, so that this sudden inrush of pianistic and vocalistic talent rather took us by surprise, and created quite a furore in the peanut gallery. Nervous fingers occasionally struck the wrong notes, and vocalists, in their enthusiasm, occasionally jumped an octave, but who could cavil at this? Performers were as follows;— Piano: Dixon, McClaren, Stein, Woods, Van Aardt; 11