
The present playing fields are a great boon. We have the choice of swimming off the rugger fields in mud, or absorbing several cubic yards of it through mouth, eyes, ears and nose, not to mention the quantity carried away daily in our boots. Altogether we have found it very exciting to be pioneers. ^^ "IF" (With apologies to Rudyard Kipling.) If nervously you steal up to the wicket, And take your stance outside the offside pin; If when the ball comes down you try to kick it, And take a yorker full upon the shin; If in the field the balls go bouncing past you, Or in the slips you get one on the nose; If, when by chance you stop a ball at last, you Hurl savagely and give four overthrows; If, when you bowl, you hit the square leg ump.. Or point, alas, receives it on the ear; If not a ball you bowl goes near the stump. But rather fills the fielding side with fear; If you can fil l each unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' dozing in the sun, And hate the game, and everything that's in it— It's time you tried your hand at bowls, my son. J.F.R. 17