
-5-. 'hEt NewSchdox.. COIMMORATIOH STOITE-LAYDTG CERMOI'TY', Saturday, February 25, was a red-letter day in the history of Methodism in Hatal as during the afternoon, the commemoration stones of three of Kearsney College's new buildings at Botha's Hili were laid before a large crowd. The Rev, Arnold Nichols, Chairman of the Distinct, presided, and extended a cordial welcome to the Administrator of Natal, Mr, Gordon Yfatson, Mr, W,J, Williams, Chairman of the Epworth-Kearsney Building Committee, veiy happily welcomed the visitors, and thanked the Committee who were largely responsible for the partial completion of the scheme, especially the Secretaiy, Mr, H, Yf, Haley, In describing the history of this courageous venture, Mr, Williams said that two years ago it was felt necessary in order to preserve the fine traditions of Kearsney and Epworth to embark on new building schemes, but they had nothing with v/hich to set out on this big venture. Then Mr, Clement H, Stott came along and presented some 25 acres of land at Botha's Hill, and this was fol lowed by the gift of another 25 acres purchased by Mr, George Crookes, Tremendous encouragement was given the scheme when Mr, John J, Crookes decided to present a complete House costing some £12,000, The Conferenceof the Methodist Church donated £5000,and sacrificial gifts had come in from all parts of the country. The present scheme v/ould cost about £45,000 and it was theintention to build later two additional boarding Houses, and extend the class rooms, Mr. Williams reminded those present that this was a joint scheme, and Epworth would be started very shortly. The follovdng is the text of the speech of the Administrator before laying the first stone; "It gives me much pleasure to be here this afternoon to be associated with those who have given such lively proofs of their interest in that splendid effortof the Y Methodist Church, the practical beginning of which is ' represented by the Foundation Stones which are being laid today. That pai*t of this afternoon's function wiiii which I