
TENNIS Captain: L. Jordan. On 8th May Mr. W. J, Williams officially opened the four new tennis courts. There was a goodly number of parents and friends present for the opening, and everyone expressed their satisfaction at the final result of so much labour and trouble that the laying of the courts had taken. Only those boys who have their own tennis rackets are allowed to play, and at the moment over half the School are playing! There are four "sets" arranged, and the Winter Championship results are:— A Croup.—Singles: Boyd. Doubles: Boyd and Robinson B Croup.—Doubles: Doidge and Baker. C Croup.—Doubles: Dyson and Scheffer. D Croup.—Doubles: Henochsberg and Jacobs. With the facilities offered to those keen on tennis, we ought to turn out some good players in the years that lie ahead. At present each boy is able to get in two after noons of tennis, and play is also possible on Saturday mornings. CADET CORPS Mr. Milner and Mr. Hopkins, who helped with the corps work, have both left to go on Active Service. We wish them all good cheer and a safe return. C. Bazley has been appointed Student Officer, and takes a course in Durban during July. Lieutenant Medworth will also be taking a course during July. N.C.O.'s for this half year have been:— Sergeants: A. Lee, Jordan, L. Lee. Corporals: C. Boyd, Croom, Robinson, Mark, Clayton, French, Lowe, Lund, Coutts. Lance Corporals: Doidge, Paul, Mandell, L. Putterill, P. Lee, Preston, Ninnis, Chick, Foss. On 9th May the corps spent the afternoon and evening on manoeuvres. The attacking party was led by Mr. Milner, and the defending party by Mr. Hopkins, while Major 27 , ,1