
Hardaker (Liaison Officer for Natal) and Lieut. Medworth acted as judges. It proved both an instructive and enjoyable outing, and some of the stalking was very well done. Concealment, camouflage and holding of fire were points especially well illustrated. It was purely a coincidence that the two leaders came face to face just as the"cease fire" was sounded, and the two "shot each other" simultaneously, thereby leaving the matter a draw. The advancing parties did, however, succeed in piercing the lines of the defence, as two flares indicated to the judges. It was after dark when the "cease fire" was sounded, and the whole corps ate a well-earned supper, well served by the orderlies. We hope to be able to repeat this sort of outing again in the near future. Shooting.—There has been a good deal of activity this term, especially as the second round of the Frank Stevens Shield, and the Imperial Challenge Shield, had to be shot. In the Frank Stevens Shield an average of 84.8 was scored, the best individual scores being; A. Lee, 98; Groom, 97; and Ninnis, 90. In the Imperial Challenge Shield, the seniors averaged 78, while the juniors averaged 72. The last Spoon Competition was won by Groom with 95.43%. C.O.M., Lieut. 28