
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. I. No. 1 December, 1939. SCHOOL NOTES Chaplain.—At Botha's Hiii we have been under the "pastoral care" of the Rev. W. H. Irving, a tried and valued friend of the School. It is a curious coincidence that Mr. Irving was our first Chaplain when the School opened at Kearsney, on the North Coast. Mr. Irving has now moved on to Maritzburg, and although we have lost his presence, we know that we have not lost his interest. We are grateful for his wise spiritual guidance during these few months, and we wish him God-speed in his new sphere. We welcome Miss G. G. Hayman, who has been appointed Sister in charge of Finningley House. Miss Hayman is new to the country, but has had many years of experience in English public schools, and we trust that she will soon adapt herself to South African conditions. Entertainment's.—The following items were arranged for Saturday evenings:— On 26th August Mr. R. Marwick gave a very interesting and amusing programme of recitations, most of them based on native studies. Miss Eraser gave two pianoforte recitals to illustrate the theme,"Pictures in Music." Mr. Denis Walker, one of the Durban Studio announcers, gave the School an interesting talk on a recent trip to England, and referred to some of the problems and experiences that come the way of those who arrange broad cast programmes. Captain H. Jeffery related his experiences while attemping to sail round the world on his little ketch, the "Lands End." His account of the wreck of the "Lands End" in the East Indies, and of his attemps to salvage her, was particularly interesting. Captain Jeffery also showed some cinema films that he had taken during the voyage. Cinema Shows.—The following films were shown through our newly-acquired projector: "The Good Com panions," "The Magnificent Brute," and "The Invisible Ray." 32