
RUGBY We have struggled somewhat this term—a very sandy temporary field is the best we could hope for under the circumstances. Bazley was unfortunately injured during the holidays, and his loss to the side is considerable. A. Lee sustained an injury to his back early in the first game, and has not been able to play again. In addition, other members of the First have been "off" for one or two games. All this has been most unsettling to the side. Highbury very kindly offered us the use of their ground on Wednesdays, and we are grateful to them for this kind gesture. Owing to our late return we had to cancel our fixture against Estcourt 1st. Honour Caps are awarded to C. Bazley and E. Groom. Colours are awarded to P. Lee, B. Scheffer, L. Robinson, N. Chaplin. The 2nd Division have very few promising players, and there is a lack of spirit and grit which does not make the immediate future bright. In Division 3, however, there is some good material, keenness and enthusiasm, which must bring good results. 26th May, Kearsney College v. Technical Day School, Away, Lost 0-5, A very evenly contested game which might have been won by either side. We had several chances, but just failed to get over. There was no score at half-time. Rock broke on two occasions, but lacked support. The forwards worked hard, but were unable to shake off a determined defence. Near the end the Tech, snapped up a stray kick, punted ahead and caught the defence on the wrong foot, scored and converted, A most pleasant game between two evenly matched sides, 19th May, Kearsney College v, N,U,C. II. Away. Lost 0-22, Outweighed heavily, the team defended splendidly, N.U.C. secured monotonously from the scrums and line-outs, and in addition Lee was injured early in the game. Sheer bad handling prevented early and heavy scoring by N.U.C, Groom had two runs, and on each occasion gained nearly 50 yards. It was only in the last ten minutes that N.U.C, really gained a real hold, for in that time a tired defence could not stop them and they scored I 3 points, 2nd September, Kearsney College v. Glenwood, Away, Lost 5-6. The forwards gained possession frequently, but Mark and Robinson were slow in getting their line going, consequently Rock and Groom had little room to move in. Twice Rock cut through, but was hemmed in, and then he sold a neat dummy and passed to P. Lee, who flung himself over the line. Rock converting, Munro, Boyd and Rosenberg were pro minent throughout, but did not receive the support they might have done. Groom was all but over once after a long solo run. After half-time Glenwood attacked repeatedly, but the defence held. 38