
-7-. encouraging to see such evidence of the fact that we have in llatal those who are quite ready to respond liberally to appeals, when those appeals are wellfoimded, I pray that the blessing of Alraighty God may be vouchsafod to this College,and that it may bo atten ded with every success in the yoars to come," Mr, J, J, Crookos then laid the commeraoration stone of Finningloy House, of which ho is the donor, and when that was well and truly done, l!r, A,S,L, Ikilott laid the commemoration stone of Gillingham House, He porformod the ceromony in truly workman like style, and followed it up with the following intorosting speech; "I am very conscious of the honour that has come to mo to bo asked to lay one of tho foundation stonos of tho new Kearsney Collogo, It would bo unnatural on my part if I did not fool a certain regret in tho removal of tho Collogo from tho Kearsney Estate to this site, but tho name of Koarsnoy is still rotainod and so tho association of this school 1/ith its first homo cannot bo forgotten. I rojoico, however, in tho larger oppor'fcimity of service that tho school will have in its prosont position which, in my jud^^mont, is ono of tho finest sitos for any school in tlio Provinoo of Natal, Then I am suro that tho honour that is done to mo to day is intended to bo a rocognition of tho fine s crvico that my father, tho late Sir Liogo Hulott, rondorod to oducation in this Province, And this now school is a culmination of his vrork for oducation & a continuation of tliat public work in which ho ¥fas most intorestod, Koarsney Collogo has had a splendid record in tho i first sixtoon yoars of its oxistonco, but this is a now boginaaing in its histojry,tho results of which no |: onan can fully ostimato, A Man, hoaTOVor, doos not | need to bo a soor - in tho Old Tostamont sonso - to J