
CHARACTERS OF THE XV. BAZLEY* (capt.) (centre): Played brilliantly in the first half of the season, but was unfortunately crocked and not able to play at all in the second half of the season. Strong running centre with very safe hands and good kick. Defence very sound. A good leader. Chosen as reserve for the Natal Schools side. MUNRO* (vice-captain) (forward): Hooks well. Handles much better now and always in the thick of things. A good, hard-working scrummager and tackles well. BALCOMB* (wing) ; Sound in defence and good kick. Has played well at full-back. Determined straight runner. ROSENBERG* (forward); Solid scrummager and always in the thick of things. Has played consistently well. A. LEE* (forward): Very hard-working and always on the ball. Tackles very well. Unfortunately injured in the first game in the second half and unable to play again. GROOM* (wing): The main scoring factor of the side, having scored 22 tries this season. Very fast, with deceptive swerve. A side-step would be a valuable asset. Has developed a powerful kick and tackles magnificently. Chosen as reserve for the Natal Schools side. BOYD* (forward): Has improved steadily and is one of the best forwards in the side, particularly at covering up in defence. Best line-out forward. Shows a good rugby sense. MARK* (scrum half): Very sound in defence and always where danger threatens. Has slowed down his pass, but has played consistently and always energetically. Good strong kick when not harassed. P. LEE (forward): Always on the ball, and tackles very well. Handling improving, but not kicking. Can be relied on to be up in support. Rather light. HAMLYN* (forward): Has pace and weight, but handles poorly and must learn to kick. Line-out work improving, but not yet good. ROCK* (centre): Played very well the first half, but missed Bazley's presence in the second half. Handling greatly improved and de veloped a strong kick. Defence sound. Dummies cleverly, but too often breaks away from his line. ROBINSON (fly-half): Very light, but has acted as a good link. Must pay more attention to his kicking, and must learn to fall on the ball in defence. SCHEFFER (forward): Dribbles and tackles well. Breaks very fast from the scrum and has greatly improved his play forward. CHAPLIN (forward); Rather wild at times; handling poor, but plays hard when the spirit moves. Could be much better if he persevered. FRENCH (full back and wing): Has weight, but does not always use it to advantage. Could do much better with more fire and deter mination. Others who have played are:— R. Putterill (scrum-half and full back); Six games. Preston (forward): Four games. Crowder (forward): Three games. Ballard (forward and full back): Three games. Coutts (forward): Two games. Paul (forward): One game. *Colours. 40