
picture the gonorations of boys who will bo trainod in this school to servo the land in wliich thoy woro bom. Perhaps some of you are not aware that the ceremony of today has a \mique historicsignificance, It is another link in the chain that binds this school and tlie Hulott family to John Wesley and ilesleyan Methodist educational work. Dr. James iiulett, L.L.D,, a graduate of Aber deen, was a friend of John Vfosley, and one of the earlier Methodist preachers, I have in posses sion his original licence as a minister of the gospel, dated 14th April, 1790, The obituary notice of Dr.James Hulett appear ed in the Methodist I,5agazino in 1838, and there it is stated that "his chief sphere of usefulness was his profession as a teacher of youth; several ministers of the gospel and a still larger niunberof private Christians derived the highest advantage from his careful tuition. I have reason to believe that one of those ministers of the gospel waS: the famous Dr, Jaboz Bunting, Dr, James Hulott had established "A School for Young Gkjritlomon" at Gillingham in Kent,the original mlcs of which aro also in possession, I think .it would shov/ a true historical sense if this house woro named "Gillingh£aa",but I should hesitate to ask the headmaster to apply the rules of Gillingham School to Kcarsnoy College, I am sure they would not bo popular, but thoy disclose a high sonso of discipline and, perhaps, what is moro im portant, they disclose that religious basis of edu cation XThich wo, as Methodist people, firmlybelieve is necessary in a complete training for life, I have a print of this "School for Yoimg