OLD BOYS' NEWS The following Old Boys have paid their subscriptions up to August, 1940:— Life Members; Ashwell, H. (24-27); Ash, V. L. (23-27); Beckett, F. S. (22-24); Bourne, J. H. (23-26); Balcomb, K. (24-31); Bromiley, W. P. (22-25); Bourne, F. G. (23-27); Brown, E. A. C. (34-40); Clark, D. (21-27); Chick, A. J. (33-38); Drummond, R. (32-37); Dyer K W. (31-36); Evans, A. M. (23-26); France, L. (26-29); Griffin, G. E. (23-27); Huiett, W. H. (21-25); Hulett, G, C. (21-26); Hulett, W. L. (21-24); Hulett, J. N. (22-29); Hulett, Geoff. (21-25); Hind, P. (25-30); Hopkins, J. H. (26-33); Hackland, H. G. (30--3); Hittler, F. (33-34); Hall, A. (38); Kirk, C. O. (27-29); Keyserlingk, C. von (27-30); Miller, F. H. (26); Miller, A. G. (26-27); Piper, D. K. (32-37); Putterill, W. R. D. (27-28); Raw, J. D. (2837);'Raw, A. E. (28-38); Pottow, L. G. (31-32); Poole, M. M. F. (24-25); Sparks, D. (23-24); Sparks, C. W. (25-26); Smith, E. C. (27-34)- Sinclari, D. N. (2-23); Weston, G. F. (37-38); Crawford, R. J. (28-33). Ordinary Members: Askew, A. (34-36); Barratt, J. L. (25-32) Bentley, D. (36-37); Bazley, G. C. (32-40); Crook, A. O. (28-31) Chambers, N. (37-38); Davies, N. W. (32); Gilliat, D. H. (31-35) Hopkins, W.C. (22-26); Howarth, J. (24-29); Hudson, D. G. (36-38) Larrington, J. E. C. (29-35); Middleton, H. F. P. (22); Michell, W S. (27-31); Metcalf, A. R. W. (33-38); Polkinghorne, L. T. (21-25) Putterill, K. (33-34); Pencharz, A. H. (29-34); Pearce, W. (29-37) Reeves, N. (31-35); Robinson, W. L. (31-37); Smith, L. (31-38) Steel, D. C. (35-38); Theunissen, A. B. (29-31 ); Theunissen, C (32-36); Tedder, O. T. S. (31-36); Theunissen, K. (34-37); Wilkinson C. E. (25-27). The Editor must remind Old Boys that the increased cost of the Magazine prevents its being sent to any Old Boys who are more than one edition in arrears with their subscription. Annual sub., 7s. 6d.; Life sub., £3 3s. Od. The following Old Boys are serving in the Forces. This list is far from complete, and may be inaccurate: it contains the latest information as we have received it. The Editor especially asks that Old Boys keep him in touch with their movements, so that a proper record may be kept in the "Chronicle" of their whereabouts. U.M.R: Sergt. R. Burnett. B. Tedder. J. Carr. H. Pencharz. G. Lee. G. Wood. J. D. Raw. 1st N.M.R.: Lieut. A. M. Foss. L. Vermaak. Sergt. H. Hackland. G. Jacobs. W. Balcomb. R- Drummond. G. F. Balcomb. 0. T. Tedder. D. R. Beckett (Med. Sect.). R. Mason. W. Irving. 76