KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE ??'' r- «fn« <^PE '- > >M i«K^ >• , ^ J f. %' '■i. ^ ,r ■"■^f \ "T jJ^ A> & *■ * V . ..; •■--7 ^v • V.e^?lf?^r\"^-„- JULY, 1942 ■ft- ^ - 4
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 1 No.6 JULY, 1942 EDITORIAL The restrictions imposed by the Paper Control Board have resulted in this edition of the "Chronicle" being reduced in bulk. This is inevitable, but the greater use of smaller type has in some degree made up for this loss in weight. Contributed articles have been cut out, and certain sections have been condensed, but the Magazine still performs its main function—that of presenting a record of the activities of the School and its Old Boys during the past half-year. The war draws ever closer to us. At this moment our personal anxieties are acute, as the fighting in Libya grows fiercer and fiercer. We are, too, at last enduring the dis comforts of permanent black-outs, for there are rumours of raiders off our coasts, and we all know that Durban is very much a military objective. With fighting in Libya, Russia and the Far East growing daily in intensity, R.A.F. bombing raids over Germany ex ceeding even the German raids upon Britain, and American factories turning out more and more weapons of destruction, the world is caught up in a maelstrom which even three years ago could never have been conceived. So rapidly does crisis succeed crisis that even by the time these words appear in print, the writing on the wall may have become plain for the one side or the other. The present pace can not be maintained for long. Is it too much to hope that by the time the next "Chronicle" is published the feet of the Allies may be well set upon the road that leads to victory? Since the above words were written there has come the news of the fall of Tobruk, where a considerable part of the South African First and Second Divisions was stationed. It is the most anxious moment of the war to the people of this country, and to all who are connected with our School and who are now in distress of mind we present our sympathies, with the hope that all will be well in the end. 181
SCHOOL NOTES The year opened with approximately 160 boarders, 70 each in Finningley and Ciiiingham, and 20 inthe new Junior House, under the care of Mr. Medworth. This is the absolute saturation point of capacity ! In addition there are a few day-boys. First term opened 28th January, closed 1st April. Second term opened 13th April, closed 26th June. Mr. W. J. Swanepoel, B.A. (Stellenbosch) joined the Staff this year and from the start took a keen interest in all the school activities. We hope that he wil l stay with us for many years to come. We welcome, too, our new minister. Rev. S. le Grove Smith, who has soon made himself personally l iked and his influence spiritually felt in the school. May he long remain! Services this half have also been taken by Rev. A. Graham, Canon Heywood Harris, Rev. C. E. Wilkinson, Rev. R. C. Bellis, Rev. W. H. Irving, and Mr. H. W. Haley (evening service). The entry of the Japanese into the war has brought our selves nearer the danger zone. We have taken precautions against air-raids by digging our own slit trenches, roughly ten boys to a trench. By means of practice alarms we have reached quite a measure of efficiency in getting into our positions with speed and without confusion, by day and night. For the Staff, too, military duties have been so in creased that it has become impossible for them to attend to them all. They all dressed for the occasion during Uniform Week; some took part in Durban's Rect^ting Parade; they have passed, with and without respjfators, through the gas chamber, and have been seen at times diligently throwing hand grenades for distances up to 45 yards. From the middle of June, permanent black-outs came into force. These restrictions have presented the School with a very grave problem. When we had all our windows constructed with steel frames, we did not anticipate black outs! To fit wooden frames and obtain sufficient material for curtaining would cost a fabulous sum, and for the last fortnight of the term we simply lived in darkness. Games ended at 3.45, Prep, lasted from 4.15 to 5.15, supper was taken at 5.30, and thereafter the School roamed about in the dark till "lights out." The kitchen and one or two other rooms where light was essential had their windows painted black, but this, of course, made these quarters any thing but cheerful during the day-time. These various 182
measures can only be considered temporary, and we wait with interest to see what arrangements are made for next term. With the rubber and oil of the East Indies now denied us, and shipping needed for war essentials, we are finding our luxuries fast disappearing. Shortage of petrol and tyres now makes the arrival of a motor car at the School some thing of an occasion, while the sight of a loaf of white bread would surely cause a riot. The destruction of paper is now a crime, and we are co-operating to the best of our ability in the general salvage scheme, sending large quan tities of paper and other materials to the depot in Hill Crest. The generosity of friends of the School, and parents of the boys, has enabled the Housemasters, since Easter, to equip their Houses with a large number of new books. With money still in hand, more books can still be bought as they appear on the market. One of the School's most serious deficiencies in these past 20 years has been a very real lack of good modern literature, and this fact has caused much concern to those who are interested in the School's cultural development. These recent generous contributions are therefore highly appreciated by everybody, and the School is now indulging in quite an orgy of reading. The activities of the Choir continue unabated, with two to three practices a week, and nearly 50 boys have attended regularly. Nothing pretentious has been attempted, particularly as new recruithsave had to be initiated into the mysteries of sight-reading. Many hymn-harmonies and sacred songs were learnt first, and these were followed by Weber's "Huntsman's Chorus," "March of the Cameron Men,""As Pants the Hart,""Come to the Fair,""Come let us join our Cheerful Songs," and several unison songs. This choral work is now quite a feature of the School's activities, although the acoustics of the Dining Hall are very poor. We deeply regret the death, early in March, of Mr. Horace Hulett. Thus there passes to his eternal rest one of the great pioneering family so closely connected with the foundation of our School. It has been a remarkable tribute to their sturdiness and steadfast living that the eight sons and daughters of our founder. Sir j. Liege Hulett, the youngest of whom is now nearly 70, should up to this year have all remained so fit and well, and we sincerely wish them all many more years of health and life's enjoyment. Another old friend of the school has just passedaway. Mrs. Balcomb, known to scores of Kearsney boys who used to visit the Post Office at Kearsney, has gone to her rest in her ninetieth year. Apart from deafness, she retained her 183
faculties and her interest in everybody until the end, and the world was the fresher and sweeter for her presence. The Board of Governors met at the School on May 7th for their Quarterly Board Meeting, and showed a keen interest in recent developments. It is worthy to note that they have now decided to buy outright the junior House. A welcome visitor during june was Squadron-Leader H. T. Hughes, padre in the R.A.F., who was passing through Durban on convoy. Rev. Hughes has been Chaplain at Culford School, Bury St. Edmunds, for some years. He watched the Rugger in the afternoon, took part in a choir practice, and gave the School an interesting talk on "A Day in the Life of an R.A.F. Padre." Work has been begun on the wattle plantation which marks the site of the future cricket oval, in front of the Tuckshop (now nearly complete). The trees have been felled, so that at least the shape and size of the field can be observed. When the trees are removed, the School will get busy levelling the ground. We feel that a special word of praise is due to the Housekeeper, Miss Ceddes, who continues to serve up wellvaried meals, in spite of tremendous difficultiens obtaining foodstuffs. After convoys have passed through, particu larly, fruit and vegetables are almost unprocurable, and at al l times the ubiquitous egg has proved elusive and expen sive. Incidentally, the School is beginning to learn the nutritive value of milk. The following boys left at the end of 1941: C. j. C. Beningfield, Form VI, House Prefect, 3rd Class Matric., 1st XV, Choir (came 1940); j. W. Clayton, Post-Matric., Head Prefect, 1st Class Matric., 1st XV, 1st XI, Choir, Student Officer (came 1933); H. C. Corbishley, Form IVc (came 1936); F. R. Comins, Form IVc (came 1941 ); F. R. Chick, Form Vic, School Prefect, 1st XI. Choir (came 1937); P. R. Charter, Form Vic, Senior Certificate (came 1939); C. E. Dent, Form I I, P.S.C. (came 1938); A. H. Doidge, Form VI, School Prefect, j.C., 1st XV, Natal Schools Trials, C.S.M., Choir (came 1940); P. A. Foss (June), Form Vc, House Prefect, 1st XI (came 1938); L. T. Fisher, Form VI, 2nd Class Matric. (came 1940); P. A. Lee, Form Vc, House Prefect, Commercial j.C., 1st XV (came 1936); A. C. Mandell, Form VI, 3rd Class Matric. (came 1939); B. P. Ninnis, Form V, 1st XV (came 1939); A. N. Nisbet, Form IV, 2nd Class j.C., 1st XI (came 1940); A. W. Paul, Form VI, 2nd Class Matric., House Prefect, 1st XV (came 1938); L. M. Preston, Form Vc, House Prefect, 1st XV, 1st XI (came 1939); H. L. Robinson, Form VI, School Prefect, Head of 184
House, 2ncl Class Matric., 1st XV, 1st XI (Capt.), Student Officer (came 1931). The following have left in 1942: E.M. Perry (Easter), Form IV, P.S.C. (came 1937); M. H. Perry (June), Form I I I (came 1937); B. H. Sparks, Form IV, 1st XI (came 1937); D. L. Philips (June), Form II (came 1940). We welcome the following new boys:— Cillingham: j. H. S. Ayres (Renishaw), D. M. Comins (Albert Falls), B. j. S. Duranty (Kloof), C. Didcott (Dur ban), L. F. Forsyth (P.M.B.), E. Hall (P.M.B.), j. E. Harding (Empangeni), W. Hodsdon (Vryheid), D. D. L. jardine (Umbogintwini), D, H. Jones (Johannesburg), D. J. Kionstad (Izotsha), S. A. Morrison (Durban), D. North (Durban), B. Neal (Pretoria), J. L. B. Taylor (Mooi River), C.C. J. Weston (Durban), C. T. Weston (Durban), V. C. Mathias (Durban). Finningley: W. B. Boast (Nongoma), C. R. Browne (Warmbaths), D. Crankshaw (Newcastle), J. N. Cook (Gillitts), G. M. Gillies (Durban), G. G. M. Hurst (Salis bury), G. de Jager (Amersfoort), M. G. Lawson (Johannes burg) (June), T. M. McKenzie (P.M.B.), O. McLaverty (Durban), N. R. Paverd (Bethlehem), H. R. Roffe (Dur ban) (Easter), K. Shimwell (Durban), G. R. T. Smyth (Warmbaths), D. L. Woodhead (Pretoria), R. W, Woods (Durban), P. J. Wills (Durban), D. Whyte (Johannesburg), P. R. Young (Benoni). PREFECTS Cillingham; I. E. Coutts, D. P. Beningfield, I. G. McLeod (School Prefects), J. A. Clarkson, P. R. Davidson (House Prefects). Finningley: J. D. Allsopp, D. Beckett, N. Baker (School Prefects), J. L. Couper, L. N. W. Hume, R. Le Grove Smith (House Prefects). Junior House: D. L. Blake (Finningley), L. P. Jackson (Gillingham). Cricket Captain: I. G. McLeod. Rugger Captain: I. E. Coutts. 185
ENTERTAINMENTS Films;— Jan. 31st—" Diamond Jim." April 18th—" House of the Seven Feb. 14th—" Honour of the Cables." West." May 2nd—"Code of the Streets." Feb. 28th—"Oh, Mr. Porter." May 17th—'"Hotel Imperial." Mar. 14th—"Night Work." May 30th—"Missing Evidence." March 28th—"Ride 'Em, Cow- June 13th—"Take Your Seats, boy." Please." June 20:h—"One Hour to Live." The petrol ban has naturally prevented entertainers or lecturers from visiting us this year, and we have had to be content with films approxi mately every other week. However, one pleasant exception was provided on March 7th by Capt. A. B. Theunissen, whose letters from Palestine have appeared in recent issues of the "Chronicle." He gave us a most interesting and breezy lecture on his experiences and impressions north of the Equator. These included an air-trip, the sensation of being bombed, and some news and views of the Syrian campaign. A.B. has the distinction of having gone the furthest north reached by any member of the South African Forces. A concert arranged for the last night of term had to be cancelled owing to the black-out. FURTHER EXAMINATION RESULTS B.J. Woods and J. C. Clarkson obtained bursaries on their J.C. results. S.C.C.: C. J. Beningfieid (Bkp.), P. R. Charter (Eng. A, Bkp., Comm., Geog., Arith., Science—full certificate), j. W. Clayton (Bkp.), I. E. Coutts (Afrik.B., Eng. A), A. H. Doidge (Bio!.), L. P. Jackson (Bkp.), P. R. Lee (Bkp., Comm.), A. W. Paul (Bkp.). N.C.C.: j. D. Allsopp (Bkp., Arith.), N. I. Baker (Bkp.), D. Beckett (Eng. A, Bkp., Comm. Arith.), D. P. Beningfieid (Bkp.), F. R. Chick (Arith.), P. R. Davidson (Eng. A., Comm.), M. j. C. Graham (Bkp.), L. P. Jackson (Arith.), P. R. Lee (Afrik. B., Arith.), B. P. Ninnis (Bkp.), L. M, Preston (Eng. A.), B. Theunissen (Bkp.). J.C.C.: C. M. Albertyn (Geog., Science), A. J. Boorman (Bkp.), F. R. Gomins (Arith., Geog., Science), H. G. Corbishley (Arith., Geog., Science), G. D. D. Crookes (Geog.), P. R. Davidson (Bkp.), L. W. E. Dyson (Arith., Comm., Geog.) Preliminary Bookkeeping: E.G. Ayres, I. R. Balcomb, G. J. Barnes (D.), T. W. Calder, E. G. Cole, D. E. Damp (D.), C. J. Davey (D.), R. E. J. Relding, V. C. Gevers (D.), A. D. Harcourt, H. F. Ivory, I. F. Jackson, W. N. John, R. J. Lee (D.), T. j. Lees, R. C. McLeod, B. H. Sparks, N. E. Theu nissen (D.), N. H. Walker, G. H. Walsh (D.), R. W. Whiteley. (D.) = Distinction. 186
LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY Preside'nt: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. J. F. Reece. Hon. Secretary: L. N. W. Hume. Executive Com mittee: M. J. C. Graham, J. D. Allsopp, 1. G. McLeod, G. Stein, D. P. Beningfield. Programme: Feb. 1st.—General Meeting for appointment of officers. Feb. 15th.—Debate: "That Capital Punishment should be Abolished." 29 votes to 16. March 1st.—Sharp practice. March 15th—Debate: "That Socialism must supersede Democracy." 18 votes to 26. March 29th.—Lecture:"The Campaign in Abyssinia," by Mr. P. Milner. April 26th.—Debate: "That Britain should invade the Con tinent." 18 votes to 14. May 10th.—Toasts. May 24th—Debate: "That exams are unnecessary." 1 1 votes to 12. June 7th.—Lecturettes. The meetings this year have been well and enthusias tically attended, an average of 35 being present at the debates, and 55 at other meetings, from wnich it may be gathered that the prospect of having to speak too easily deters many of the less energetic members. Debate speeches for the most part have been well compiled, notably the one by D. Beningfield, who devoured a book on Socialism by way of preparation! Toasts evening was very popular, and some interesting biographical infor mation was presented, ranging from thelife of Chiang Kai Shek to that of Greta Garbo! Mr. Milner's lecture on the Abyssinian campaign attracted a "gate" of 65 seniors, who were kept vastly interested and amused by the revelation of details and incidents in the course of the year's "fighting," most of which were new to us and many of which showed very clearly how little heart the Italians have for the war. One was left with the impression, too, that tfie grim sense of humour of the Abyssinian patriots contributed consider ably to the desire of the Italians to be put into safe custody. 187
CRICKET We decided to enter the ranks of 1st Xl's this year, by asking to play all schools' 1st teams. We did so, ex pecting to be beaten, but hoping to show we were worthy of our admission to senior status. The results have been far beyond our expectations:— Played Won Drawn Lost 8 5 2 1 it is a record we are proud of, and the team is to be con gratulated on its consistently good form. It must be remembered, however, that success can only be achieved by hard work, and we must not be content to rejt on our laurels, but maintain our interest and even increase our determination to justify those goods things said of us. The attack is gaining in accuracy and direction. The fielding has been steady and keen, but the batting has been marked by an impetuosity which has brought the downfall of most batsmen at times. Davidson has been easily the best all-rounder. Gillies scored two successive centuries for the Colts and then made an excellent debut in the 1st XI. The Colts have had an unbeaten term's cricket, but there are too many batsmen capable of making runs who repeatedly fail to stay long enough. Mr. C. Jackson presented a bat for the best all-round performance. This was won by Davidson for his 87 and 7 for 29 against Clenwood. RESULTS OF FIRST Xf MATCHES February 7th v. MARiTZBURC COLLEGE 1st XI. Home Kearsney: 90 (Davidson 49, Ivory 12, Fletcher 5 for 23) Marltzburg College: 62 (Davidson 7 for 23, Nathan 3 for 18) Won by 28 runs. February 14th v. HILTON COLLEGE 1st XI. Away Hilton College: 140 (Hall 44, Arbuthnot 47, Knaggs 6 for 76, David son 4 for 42) Kearsney: 34 for 3 wickets. Drawn (rain). February 21st v. WITWATERSRAND RIFLES. Away Wit. Rifles: 102 for 8 wickets. (Delaney 43 not out, Nathan 3 for 37, Davidson 4 for 35) Kearsney: 95 for 4 wickets (Davidson 22 not out, McLeod 1.31 not out) Drawn. February 28th v. CLENWOOD 1st XI. Home Kearsney: 165 (Davidson 87, Albertyn 22, Jonsson 18) Glenwood: 1 10 (Granger 37, Davidson 7 for 29, Nathan 2 for 40) Won by 55 runs. 188
March 7th v. ESTCOURT 1st XI. Home Kearsney: 167 for 5 wicketsdec. (Davidson 99, Baker 22) Estcouft: 1st Innings 45 (Davidson 3 for 22, Knaggs 6 for 6) 2nd Innings 23 (Sparks 7 for 9, Baker 2 for 10) Won by Innings and 99 runs. March l4th v. MARISTS 1st XI. Away Marists 95 (Knaggs 5 for 17, Nathan 2 for 15, Davidson 2 for 42) Kearsney: 1 19 for 6 wickets (Albertyn 36, Nathan 21, Theunissen 19, Jonsson 18 not out) Won by 4 wickets. March 21st. v. ST. CHARLES 1st XI. Home Kearsney; 83 (Davidson 27, Jonsson 23) St. Charles: 151 (Stevenson 81 not out, Kirby-Smith 40, Nathan 3 for 47, Davidson 4 for 53) Lost by 68 runs. March 28th v. D.H.S. 1st XI. Home Kearsney: 113 (Gillies 47) D.H.S.: 57 (Mun-Cavin 27 not out, Davidson 6 for 30, Nathan 4 for 23) Won by 56 runs. COLTS. Highbury (Away) Kearsney: 225 (Jacobs T. 73, Davy 29 not out. Stein 29, McLeod R, 28) Highbury; 1st Innings 64 (Jacobs T. 4 for 15, Stein 3 for 1) Highbury; 2nd Innings 53 (Jacobs T. 5 for 20, Walker 2 for 7) Won by Innings and 108 runs. Hilton Hilton: 125 (Dunton 60, Stein 3 for 10, McLeod R. 3 for 18) Kearsney; 72 for 4 wickets (McLeod R. 27, Stein 16 not out) Drawn. Cordwalles Kearsney: 87 (Walker 28, Stein 24) Cordwalles: 28 (McLeod R. 4 for 14, Gillies 3 for 11, Davy 2 for 2) Won by 59 runs. Glenwood Kearsney: 1st Innings 30 and 2nd Innings 88. Glenwood: 1st Innings 84 (Gillies 5 for 25, Stein 3 tor lli 2nd Innings 24 (Gillies 7 for 9) Won by 10 runs. Marists Kearsney: 194 for 6 wickets declared (Gillies 106 not. out) Marists: 40 (Stein 4 for 9) Won by 154 runs. St. Charles Kearsney: 186 for 5 wkts. declared (Gillies 100, Walker 40 not Out) St. Charles: 96 for 6 wickets (Gillies 5 for 33) Drawn. Played Won Drawn Lost 6 4 2 0 189
OTHER MATCHES Colts U V. Highbury II Kearsney; 1st Innings 159 (Carbutt C. 32, Dixon 30) 2nd Innings 63 for 5 wickets declared (Foss 22 not out) Highbury: 1st Innings 15 (Henochsberg 5 for 7, Slayen 4 for 6) 2nd Innings 35 (Friday 5 for 9, Vowles B. 2 for 1 ) Won by 172 runs. Colts II V. Highbury I Highbury: 1st Innings 115 (Slayen 6 for 34, Carbutt P. 3 for 12) 2nd Innings 29 (Slayen 8 for 15) Kearsney: 1st Innings 70 2nd Innings 45 Lost by 29 runs. 2nd XI V. Harward Harward: 1st Innings 48 (Jensen 2 tor 7, Davey 2 for 4, Ives 2 for 1 1, Damp 3 for 9) 2nd Innings 17 (Davey 5 for 10, Damp 5 for 4) Kearsney: 168 (Davey 51, Damp 30 not out) Won by Innings and 103 runs. 2nd XI V. N.U.C. 2nd XI Kearsney: 1st Innings 59 and 2nd Innings 111 for 6 wickets N.U.C.; 1st Innings 55 (Allsopp 7 for25) 2nd Innings 75 (Sparks 4 for 6, Ivory 4 for 12) Won by 40 runs. Colts III V. Highbury III Highbury: 1st Innings 43 (Jacobs W. 5 for 17, Fox 4 for 9) 2nd Innings 63 (Fox 6 for 23, Vowles C. 3 for 0) Kearsney: 160 for 7 wickets declared (V. Aardt 53, Hill 32) Won by Innings and 54 runs. 2nd XI V. Hilton 2nd XI. Kearsney: 83 (Ives 22) Hilton: 198 for 9 wickets. Lost by 105 runs. HOUSE MATCHES 1st Division Cillingham: 1 1 1 (Davidson 35) Finningley: 126 for 7 wickets (Knaggs 36) Finningley won by 3 wkts and 15 runs. Cillingham; 109 Finningley; 63 (Nathan 6 for 27) Cillingham won by 46 runs. Cillingham: 94 Finningley: 98 (Cillies 49 not out, Davidson 7 for 43) Finningley won by 4 runs. 3rd Division Finningley: 54 Cillingham: 56 (Jacobs W. 5 for 25) Cillingham won by 2 runs. m 190
RUGBY SEASON, 1942 This year, for the first time in our history, we have played ail schools' 1st XV's. We admit that the decision was not an easy one, and that we were afraid we would be hopelessly outweighted and outclassed; but, while the former certainly proved correct, the latter was not the case. Not only did the team respond nobly and give of their best, but they came within an ace of defeating one school re nowned for its past teams. The number of senior boys is still far too small to permit of a really good all-round side, but the spirit is admirable and the enthusiasm leaves nothing to be desired. The team is to be congratulated on having got through a heavy programme of matches so well. I. Coutts and D. Beningfield were invited to the Natal School Trials, j. McLeod and C. D. Nathan were unfortunate in sustaining injuries before the last match. The Junior Team has been unbeaten this term, and they have played good Rugby. Five of this team—A. V. Trentham (vice-captain, forward), N. H. Walker (forward), R. McLeod (wing), D. Gillies (centre) and C. J. Davey (scrum-half) were selected to represent Durban in the inter-town against Maritzburg. The junior Rugby is good, but more weight is needed to build for the future. Congratulations to J. D. Allsopp, D. Beningfield, T. Calder, S. jensen, I. McLeod, D. Nathan. D. Rock and j. B. Trentham on being awarded their 1st XV colours. RUGBY RESULTS:— July 25th. V ST. CHARLES 1st. Away. Lost 3—14. Very heavily outweighted, the side gave a good account of itself. St. Charles scored a goal and three tries, while Davidson goaled a penalty forus. The forwards stuck to their task gamely, while the backs defended with determination. Twice we were nearly over, Ayres and Knaggs irj turn being hauled down right on the line. The robust nature of play prevented the game being spectacular. May 2nd. v. HILTON 1st. Aw^y, Lost 0—33. We were outweighted and outspeeded, but put up a very brave show. In spite of the size of the score, our opponents had to fight for every point. We secured the ball from only four scrums throughout the game, and from two of these very nearly scored. The Hilton fort wards and three-quarters combined to put up a glorious display of open Rugby. Our defence hung on grimly and never once flagged, but they were not able to cope with the speed and extra weight pitted against them. May 9th. V. D.H.S. 1st. Home. Lost 6—8. Of all the games played by College teams, this will surely be remem bered as one of the finest. Against a side very much heavier and very 191
fast we were perhafjs untucky not to have made at least a draw of the game. Had the bounce of the ball favoured us once of the several times we were hammering at their line, we might have gained a victory. The seven forwards put up a splendid performance with everyone doing his utmost. The backs came up so fast in defence that D.H.S. could not get going. The tackling was deadly, and only once during the whole game was a gap found when D.H.S. scored their first try late in the first half. The second try came when for minutes on end D.H.S. swarmed on our line, the whole pack of forwards finally going over. Davidson narrowly missed a penalty in the first half, and in the second half he kicked two splendid penalties. No one person can be singled out for praise when the whole side played inspired Rugby and never once did they flag in their efforts. While we were only naturally outpushed in the scrums, we were not inferior in the loose or line-outs, and had our backs had more of the ball the score might very easily have gone in our favour. May 16th. v MICHAELHOUSE 1st. Home. Lost 3—11. Heavy rain and bitterly cold conditions spoilt what would un doubtedly have been a most attractive game. Handling the ball was almost impossible. We led 3—0 at half-time through a splendid penalty by Davidson from well out. Their first try came from a break by the scrum-half, who returned the ball to the forwards. The second try fol lowed a penalty kick when quick following up caught us out of position, and their third try was the result of good intensive backing up by their forwards. Once again the weight in the scrums told in the second half, while the tackling was not nearly so sure as on the previous week, players being inclined to go too high. May 23rd. v. CLENWOOD 1. Durban. Lost 8—12. This was a good game, never lacking in interest, for the play swept from end to end of the field, each side in turn looking like scoring. Glenwood went ahead through a good try by their forwards, followed by a well kicked penalty. Davidson reduced the lead by a good penalty goal, but soon after Glenwood scored from a blind side movement. Just before half-time McLeod intercepted a badly timed pass and scored far out, Davidson converting with a beautiful kick. Shortly after the resumption Davidson missed a penalty from a short range, the ball going just wide; then play swept up to the other end, where the whole pack were caught offside and Glenwood goaled with a good kick. The for wards appeared somewhat tired towards the end, the weight of their opponents having worn them down. On the whole, it was a creditable performance. May 30th. v. MARISTS. Durban. Won 12—6. An early penalty converted by Davidson opened the scoring. This was followed by a blind side threequarter movement, and Rock reversed to Ives, who scored. Davidson's kick was adjudged to have gone over the upright and was disallowed. A second penalty by Davidson from far out put us further ahead. McLeod was sent racing away twice, but was just held up short of the line, then Damp dummied through neatly and passed out just at the right moment. Baker drew the full back and Coutts scored. Davidson's kick narrowly missed. Marists' forwards now took the game in hand and we had to defend desperately. Our forwards were completely outplayed and the backs were called upon to defend and fall back time after time. Davidson handled and kicked excellently, relieving many an anxious moment. Having once got the upper hand, Marists never relaxed, and if they had used their backs they must have scored. Two penalties for foot up against us were converted, and several more were missed. After a good start, the game ended disappointingly, our forwards being beaten in every department of the game. 192
june 13th. OLD CROCKS. Home. Won 14—6. Mr. Alf Walker collected a formidable looking side this year, in cluding Bob Williams, Alex Smith, Charlie Coghill, Henry Miller, all Natal "caps," and then a sprinkling of younger players to hold the fort when the bellows of the older brigade needed mending. Near our 25, Alex Smith cut through to score near the post, Williams converting. Croom intercepted a late pass from Baker and would certainly have been through but, fortunately for us, he slipped, and we could recover. Only determined tackling kept the Old Crocks out, for they were winning most of the scrums. Rock and Nathan, at half, took a little while to settle down, but later combined very well. The ball was swinging along our line very well, but lacked thrust in the centre, where an occasional break could have been made. Baker cut through, but stumbled. Coutts looked a certain scorer, but Mathews held on to him grimly, and then a neat dummy by Coutts opened our scoring, Davidson's kick being wide. Half-time came as a great relief to the Crocks! Several times we were called upon to defend desperately. The Old Crocks continued to press, and Rock was not quick enough to get the ball away, and so let the Old Crocks in for their second try. Soon we were attacking again, and first Beningfield and then Ayres went racing down the touchline. Allsopp had looked a certain scorer, but Bird came across at a great pace to save the try. He repeated this a second time when Rock looked like going over. Clarkson went over close to the posts, but failed to ground the ball properly, and another try was lost. A similar movement a moment later, with both backs and forwards com bining, saw Barnes go over for Davidson to convert. With the scores level, a ding-dong struggle ensued. Davidson increased our score with two fine penalties, one of which was a long range kick. Towards the end we were constantly on the attack, but just could not get that necessary change of direction. The forwards stood up to their gruelling exceptionally well, while the backs handled with precision, but lacked penetrating quality. It was a grand game, fully up to the standard of previous encounters. Of the 14 matches played, each side now has seven victories. Mr. Zeller, who refereed the game, controlled it most admirably. June 20th. v. ESTCOURT. Home. Won 16—13, It was very hot and unpleasant for Rugger. Our tackling was the poorest display this term: it was "eyebrow high," instead of "ankle high." Estcourt scored from a break by their fly-half, whom no one attempted to tackle, and the try was converted. Davidson broke and sent Coutts over, but he was held over the line, and no try resulted. A high punt and a lucky bounce saw Coutts go over for an easy try, David son converting. Desultory play and poor handling nearly let Estcourt in, the forwards appearing lifeless. In the second half Baker scored after followingup a long kick, then Coutts broke and sent Baker over Davidson converting from well out. From a forward movement Jensen dived over. Estcourt scored two further tries as the result of good backing up, one try being converted. For the first time since the D.H.S. match there was thrust in the centre, but the wings were never dangerous. The line missed McLeod and Nathan, who were injured during the week. Our visitors' forwards completed outscrummed us, and had their backs handled well we would not have succeeded in defeating them. UNDER 15. V. St. Charles. Won 13—3. V. Hilton. Won 26—6. V. D.H.S. Won 30—13. V. Michaelhouse. Won 15—3. V. Glenwood. Won 1 1 —10, V. Marists 2nd XV. Won 25—0. V. Michaelhouse. Won 10—6. "A" V. Estcourt. Drawn 3—3. 193
OTHER MATCHES. "A" V. Michaelhouse 2nd XV. Lost 0—9. Under 14 "A" v. Highbury 1st XV. Drawn 3—3. Under 14 "A" v. St. Charles. Won 15—0. Under 14 "B" v. Highbury 2nd XV. Won 13—0 Under 13 "A" v. St. Charles. Won 15—3. Under 13"B"v. Highbury 3rd XV. Lost 0—6. Under 13"B"v. Highbury 3rd XV. Won 28—6. Under 13"B"v. Highbury 3rd XV. Won 18—0. Under 13"B"v.Highbury 2nd XV. Won 13—0. CADET CORPS The following appointments are made; Student Officers: I. Coutts, I. McLeod, L. Dyson, J. Davey, T. Wyatt-Minter. Sergeants: B. Theunissen, ). Clarkson, D. Nathan. C.S.M.: L. Hume. Corporals: D. Beningfield, P. Davidson, N. Baker, L, Jackson. Lance-Corporals: D. Beckett, H. Ivory, D. Percival, R. Le Grove Smith. Sergeant/Drummer: j. Allsopp, Corporal/Drummer: j. Couper. Lance-Corporal/Drummer: I. Ives. LanceCorporal/Buglers: D. Blake, j. Trentham, j. Nasmith, R. McLeod. The equipment for the Band has improved. We now need three drums to complete the outfit. The enthusiasm of the Band is still un bounded. The following, who attended a course at Maritzburg during January, obtained these results in the Final Examinations:—Sgt. I . McLeocf, 8th out of 75 entries; Cpl. B. Theunissen, 2nd out of 102; Cpl. J. Davey, 2nd out of 102; Cpl. J. Clarkson, 38th out of 102; Cpl. L. Dyson, 91st out of 102 (unable to take P.T. exam). Mr. P. Milner has been appointed 2nd/Lieut. on our strength. We offer him our congratulations on becoming an official member of the Corps after having helped us so long unofficially. He has taken control of the musketry. 2nd/Lieut. G. M. Oram attended a course at the Heights in Decem ber and did very well in the examinations. Lieut. C. O. Medworth assisted in the running of the Student Officers and N.C.O. course at Maritzburg in January. The standard of the drill is not as good as that of previous years. I expectthe Student Officers and N.C.O.s's to see that this Is improved in the second half of the year. The standard of shooting is far below normal. Now that Mr. Milner is back again and has charge of this branch an improvement is expected. Our P.T. was inspected by Capt. Kock, Staff Officer, Pretoria. He expressed complete satisfaction at the high standard he saw. 2nd/Lieut. Dyson is to be congratulated on the efficient way he handled the class. It will be possible next term to fit out the entire Corps in uniforms as the new supply has just arrived. C. MEDWORTH, O.C. 194
LOOKING BACK 1928 Third Term.—The acquisition of the new classrooms on the lawn is proving a great blessing. The Staff have moved into the room left vacant by the Sixth Form, and the adjoining room has made an excellent Library for the boys. The College was visited this term by Mr. ff. M. Millar, of Durban, who is engaged on a series of water-colour paintings of South African birds. The School was fascinated by his tales and he exhibited over 100 of his paintings. Stanger, with Mr. Medworth as Captain, and Mr. Oram, Mr. Reece and C. Kirk as members of the XV, captured the Weber Cup for 1 928. Sports.—J. Barratt won the 100 yards junior and open, 220 yards junior and open, cricket ball junior and open; C. Kirk won the 440 yards open, P. Slabbert the mile open, and L. France the mile walk open. Rugger: V. Tech. 2nd XV (now Clenwood), won 9—3. V. D.H.S. 3rd XV, lost 0—17. v. Stanger, won 8—0. V. Old Boys, won 6—3. v. D.H.S. 3rd XV, won 14—0. V. D.P.H.S., won 37—3. v. Stanger, won 20—3. V. Tech. 2nd XV, lost 0—9. Fourth Term.—On November 13th the College Staff presented two plays ( The Man in the Bowler Hat" and "The Monkey's Paw ") in Stanger. Despite some difficulty with the lights, the show was 3 great success and the Warren Hall was full. A sum of £10 was raised for furniture for the Library. M. Beckett is Rugger Captain and J. Hulett Cricket Captain We possess at present the Stewart Shield for Rugby and the Hulett Cup for cricket. Mr. Medworth is in charge of the football and Mr Reece of the cricket. On the last night of term the College gave an old-fashioned party, to which most of the boys and Staff came in fancy dress. Competitions, games, music (by a most successful improvised jazz band) and a good feed made up a pleasant evening Cricket: Darnall 140 (Mr. Medworth 6 for 56, C. Kirk 4 for 56), Kearsney 201 (Hargreaves 76, Nilsen 29). Won. Stanger 148, Kearsney 157 for 4 wkts. (j. Hulett 39, Mr. Medworth 47 not out, Mr. Reece25 not out). Won. D.H.S. 2nd XI 121 (Kirk 5 for 42), Kearsney 178 (France 62). Won Kearsney 85 (Mr. Matterson 25), Umhiali 141 for 8 wkts. Lost. ' Darnall 106, Kearsney 103. Lost. Kearsney 79 (Nilsen 27 not out) and 130 for 0 wkt. (j. Hulett 58 Har greaves 64, both not out). Tech. 2nd XI 130 (Kirk 5 for 54) and /2 for 7 wkts. Drawn; Old Boys 77 (K. Balcomb 5 for 15) and 52 (K. Balcomb 6 for 19), Kearsney 148 for 2 wkts. (Hargreaves 68 not out, Mr. Reece 62). Won. Stanger 165 for 9 wkts. (Hargreaves 6 for 25), Kearsney 104 for 4 wkts. Drawn. D.P.H S 90 (Kirk 5 for 20), Kearsney 139 (j. Hulett 47, Hargreaves 36). Won. Final Averages.—Batting: J. Hulett 462 runs (av. 30.8), Hargreaves 431 runs (av. 30.8), Nilsen 156 runs (av. 19.5), France 126 runs (av. 14) Bowling: K. Balcomb 25 wkts. (av. 12.7), Hargreaves 26 wkts (av 13.3), Kirk 31 wkts. (av. 15.1). 195
OBITUARY GEORGE CHARLES BAZLEY We remember George arriving at Kearsney as a small, malaria-stricken lad of nine in 1932. We watched him develop rapidly and very soon begin to show a genius for friendship and leadership—saw him reach the middle of the School, where he was the leader of group of healthy, happy youngsters, always in trouble for good clean mischief. Marked how he took naturally to games and soon after he was in his teens found a place in the XI and the XV. Watched him again as he began to fill out, began to be the mainstay of the threequarter line, a fine bat and quite a useful bowler. We remember with delight his 154 in 70 minutes against Durban Tech. and 148 against Marist Bros. Then came more than the usual honours and responsibilities. Captain of the XI and of the XV, Student Officer, Head of his House and Head Prefect of the School—and with it all a real sense of responsi bility and leadership. We heard with delight of his success in the Air Force, of the rapidity with which he earned his wings, and it was no surprise to those of us who knew and loved him when we heard that he had been made an instructor—though we knew that his heart was set on going North. Now his life has been laid on the altar of sacrifice, killed in a flying accident at Randfontein, but his memory will remain green in the hearts of those who knew him. ARTHUR HALL Arthur Hall came to us at the beginning of 1938 and stayed only the one year, so that he had no chance to make a great mark on the life of the School. We knew him as a quiet boy, no athlete and no scholar, yet just the kind of whom heroes are made. He was only 16 when he joined up and 18 when he was killed at Sidi Rezegh. In his last letter home he wrote; "We have a job of work to do here, and I mean to see it through." No more could be wished of any man. 196
OLD BOYS' CLUB WAR CASUALTIES Killed: 2nd/Lieut. C. C Bazley (32-40), Pte. A Hall (38). Missing, now presumed killed: Lieut. A. Camobell (27-28). Wounded: L/Cpl. N. Reeves (31-35), Sap. R. Poynton (27-28), P. Campbell (27-28), Pte. G. C. Jacobs (30-37) (second time). Prisoners of War: G. Mann (24-26), Gunner T. Collins (31 -33), Piper N. C. Poole (32-36), 2nd Lieut. A. M. Kingon (35),, Pte. W. D. j. Henry (32-36), Bdr. L. C. Smith (31-38). Missing: Pte. M. J. Christie (29-35), Pte. G. Sandiford (30-31), Pte. K. H. Sanders (25-26), Sgt. P. H. (Tim) Jackson (22-24), Lieut. W. M. Crook (28-33), Corpl. J. D. Raw (28-37) was posted missing with the U.M.R. at Tobruk, but a letter just received reveals that he had arrived safely in Cairo, with four others, after a thrilling dash through enemy lines! AWARDS. B.E.M.: D. Sparks (23-24). We understand that David Sparks received his award for the construction of a cableway across the Blue Nile, under very difficult and dangerous conditions. No details are available for us, but his Commanding Officer has spoken enthusiastically about the nature of the work done. Sparks is now back at Robert's Heights, getting his Lieutenancy, which he refused before, as he preferred to go North rather than remain behind as an officer. Mentioned in dispatches: Sgt. P. Milner, M.C. 197
NEWS OF OLD BOYS V. L. V. Ash (23-27), who is married and has two daughters, is a Leading Air Mechanic, S.A.A.F., Kimberley. C. V. Blaine (25-28) is surgeon at sea on one of the first 50 American destroyers taken over by England. N. L. Blaine (25-28) was urrderstood to be in England, a Lieutenant risen from the ranks, when he most surprisingly turned up at the School here, en route with a convoy for Heaven knew where. This was his first return to South Africa since he left at the end of 1928. F. R. Comins (41) has begun a two year course at Cedara Agricul tural College, where he hopes to sit for his Diploma at the end of 1943. P. A. Foss (38-41), who is with the S.A.A.F., had a blank trenchmortar explode in his face at Roberts Heights, and nearly lost his sight. Fortunately he recovered completely. L. T. Fisher (40-41) is taking Mechanical Engineering at N.U.C. F. R. C. Croom (37-40) is often to be seen at Kearsney or at matches in Durban. He Is still with the Standard Bank in Durban. D. H. Cilliaf (31-35), who has put in a good deal of his time with the S.A.C.D.C. part-time unit, has sailed to England, guarding a convoy of Italian prisoners. Incidentally, various members of the Kearsney Staff had the chance of making this trip, but, knowing how disappointed the boys would be, declined with thanks! D. C. Hudson (35-38), who is with the meteorological section of the S.A.A.F., has sailed away for research work on an island in the Atlantic. W. D. J. Henry (32-36) was posted missing after Sidi Rezegh, but in January his parents learned officially that he was a prisoner of war in Italy. A. M. Kingon (35), Lieut, in S.A.A.F., is now prisoner of war in Italy. The circumstances of his capture are so noteworthy that we have pleasure in quoting them from "The Methodist Churchman." Arthur Kingon was a candidate for the ministry. "He was on operations over enemy lines when Messerschmitts shot his machine to ribbons and it caught fire. He told his crew to bale out and prepared to do so himself. He saw his observer go and was on the way himself, when one gunner spoke for the first time and said that he himself could not move because he was shot through both legs, and that the other gunner was uncon scious. So Arthur, though the risk was terrific, buckled up his safety belt again and took the blazing machine down into the desert. He jumped out and dragged the two gunmen to safety just before the machine exploded. Arthur and the observer were taken to Italy and the two gunners to Derna Hospital, from where they were rescued by our advancing forces. The story was told by one of the gunners." A. N. Nisbef (40-41) is with W. Hay Gr Son, and in his spare time is studying for the Matric. N. C. C. Poole (32-36), who is a prisoner of war in Italy, has sent this message:"Everything going well. Please send parcel soon. Regards to all and keep smiling." We have learnt that he is spending his time rolling macaroni I H. L. Robinson (31 -41) is with Roberts, Haley and Murray, the school secretaries. He frequently comes up to the School or watches matches in Durban. E.^ C. Smith (27-34) has been ordered to take a five months' officers' training course in artillery at Cairo, under Imperial instruction. He is the only man thus chosen from the whole of the Second Division. A cause for congratulation! We always knew that Earle's Mathematics would get him somewhere! R. C. Kinsman (36-38), Sapper in 31st Road Construction Coy. P. M. Lovell-Shippey (33), Sapper in 1st Field Coy., S.A.E.C. R. Poynton (27-28), S.A.E.C., accidentally wounded at Amba Alagi. L. M. Preston (39-41), R.N.V.R. 198
A. W. Paul (38*41) studying land surveying. Cape Town University. W. M. Oliver (35-37), air photographer, S.A.A.F., Egypt. R. C. Richards (26-33), in charge of Officers' Mess, 5th Field Coy., S.A.E.C. L. C. Weir (29-32), 2nd Lieut., S.A.A.F., Egypt. B. C. Mumby (33), Corporal, N.M.R. H. E. ("Paddy") Hopkins (24-27) is now Squadron Leader, R.A.F. ). R. C. Drummond (32-37) is with Hulett's, Rossburgh. B. P. Ninnis (39-41) is on a submarine chaser. J. W. Howarth (24-29) has joined the S.A.A.F. ]. C. Adendorff (32-33), who has taken his final medical examina tion, after six years' studying at Wits., is now on the staff of the McCord Hospital. H. Ashwelt (24-27) has been promoted to Sergeant, and is in the 29th Road Construction Corps, Egypt. A. R. Askew (34-36) has been the victim of very bad luck. With 165 hours' flying behind him, and all his exams passed, he had only to put in two nights of solo flying before obtaining his wings, when it was discovered that he was night blind. He had to be grounded, but obtained permission to do some day flying solo. At the end of February he was doing aerobatics high up when the engine stalled; he found a level field on a farm to land on, and almost at the moment of landing saw two natives in his path. He managed to jump them, but caught in some tree tops and crashed. The plane was wrecked, and Askew lost his front teeth and suffered damage to his jaws and' eyesight. He is now Instructor for the Link Trainer at"Potch." B. W. Batchelor (33-35) travelled overland from Abyssinia to Egypt. He is with the Signals and Dispatch Riding. We learn that he was at Sidi Rezegh last November and had a most providential escape on the last day. Some day we hope to hear his story. C. C. Ballard (39-41), who is with the Merchant Navy, has already travelled very widely. His route runs from Canada to England, South Africa, Australia, Panama, United States and back to Canada. He has experienced tropical heat and blinding snowstorms and has made a first acquaintance with the London Underground Railway. He says that the devastation in parts of England is pitiful. A. 0. Crook (28-31) worked himself up to the rank of Acting Company Commander and led his men through the second Libyan cam paign. Soon after the present campaign started he unfortunately broke down in health and is now a patient in the Robert's Heights Military Hospital. D. C. French (38-40) is with No. 3 Wing, S.A.A.F., in the Middle East, as a wireless operator, and has been promoted to the rank of Cor poral. His latest idea is to become an air gunner, and he has applied to take the course. boredom of desert warfare. He watched a dog fight at a great height between four Germans and one Australian; the latter was brought down (after shooting down one of the Germans) and landed by parachute at Hackland's back door! W. S. Michell (25-31) is Sergeant in the S.A.M.C., Egypt, doing mostly clerical work, but he has hospital duties when the convoys come in. He is very interested in Christian work among the men and has been sending a monthly letter to a number of men who have formed a Soldiers' Christian Felloyvship. Recently he had a short leave in Palestine and saw many places of interest. R. Mark (32-40), by the beginning of June, had reached the last lap on the big fast machines at Standerton. Ten of them were picked to go there from Wonderboom. What thrilled him more than anything was that he played Rugger for Defence, with five Springboks in the team! A. R. W. Metcalf (33-38) has been up North since last july. In November he was posted to his squadron and saw a good deal of action. He had a narrow escape during one raid, when both his gunners were 199
badly wounded, and he managed to land the plane at a strange 'drome so that his men could get immediate attention. N. Passmore 36-38) has been doing transport work with the S.A.A.F. for well over a year. His movements are very vague, but he has had at least one narrow squeak when the plane had to make a forced landing. L. N. Putterill (38-40) is in the Provincial Auditor's Office, Pietermaritzburg. Since the begining of the year he has been attending parades with the Maritzburg section of the 7th Brigade Signal Corps. L. Weir (29-32) went to Egypt at the end of January, and after six months was sent down to Kenya for operational training. He has had experience with well-known English and American types of planes, and although he is almost on the Equator, he says it is intensely cold when they get up to fly at 5 a.m. A. B. Theunissen (29-31) called at the school on June 1 I th, feeling in great fettle. He had just been re-graded A1 and had received march ing orders to present himself at Tobruk or somewherneear, to hold the rank of Captain on General Pienaar's Staff. He hoped to be there within the fortnight. Unfortunately Tobruk fell before A.B. arrived. C. L. MacNeillie (26-33) had an interesting experience when he and his instructor each left the control of his plane tothe other, through a misunderstanding. The plane made a perfect landing, but the instruc tor's congratulations fell rather flat when it was discovered that Mac had not taken over the controls at all! C. S. Rosenberg (39-41) was junior Victor Ludorum at the sports at his school in Johannesburg. M. J. Christie (29-35) was reported missing on June 7th. He has not yet seen his son, born last November. We learn from the Kingswood Magazine that N. C. Nilsen (27-29) is a photographer with the H.Q. of the 3rd S.A. Reserve Battalion up North. On one occasion he was sitting on an empty petrol tin when some Banda snipers shot holes through the tin. He got away untouched. B. L. Nilsen (27-28) is at home at Babanango, working overtime looking after his farms. ). H. Charter (33-37) would have been in Cazala at the time of Rommel's push but happened to be having leave in Cairo. He wrote at the end of June to say he was back in action again. P. R. Charter (38-41) has been helping his parents run their newly acquired hotel at Himeville, but in August proceeds to the Tech. to take a course in Maths, before embarking on Quantity Surveying. R. N. Rogers (28-30) left with the 1st N.M.R. in mid 1940, and has been through the Abyssinian and Libyan campaigns. He left the Union with the rank of Lieutenanf, but in December, 1941, was promoted Captain. R. S. W. Dunster (33-36) and C. C. Putterill (29-31) are L./Cpl. and Cpl. respectively in the President Steyn Regiment. C. /. H. Oxiand (32-33) who was recently married, is with an electrical firm in Durban. H. ). C. Ellwood (40) assuredly cannot complain that life in the Navy is boring. But for the censors he would have a vivid picture to portray. After training at Simonstown, he left a year last February for the Mediterranean, where he saw almost continuous action, as an A./B. on the destroyer Isis. He helped with the evacuation from Greece and then from Crete, where he did such outstanding work that he was recommended for a commission. Shortly afterwards he proceeded to Singapore, and was actually there when the naval base fell. He escaped by the skin of his teeth and immediately afterwards took part in the big battle of Java which he survived without a scratch. As far as can be judged, he is now in India, awaiting the opportunity to go to England to study for his commission at the Naval College. 200
EXTRACTS FROM.LETTERS All the following letters except the last two, were written before the latest developments in Libya and Egypt, —Ed. £. L. V. Ash (23-27) "I took up engineering. Instead of taking a University degree, I decided to get practical training and study as well. I served an apprenticeship in mechanical engineering and attended evening classes in Durban. After completing the Technical College course I came to the Rand in 1936 and have been on the City Deep Mine since. We cannot join up because all engineers are required here, and we have to carry on keeping the wheels turning and the pumps running. 1 was married in March, 1941, and have a comfortable home in a mine house." J. L. Barratt (25-32) "The Transvaal has its attractions, but after a holiday a Dargle, 1 have found that Natal shows it up in a bad light. If the end of the war still finds me working on the mines, I am going to look round for a small plot in Natal with lots of trees on it and a stream, on which 1 can retire before I grow too old!" The late C. C. Bazley (32-40) "The Air Force authorities have made me an instructor and now 1 have to instruct pupils for 6 months before getting on to operations. Can you imagine me trying to teach chaps to fly? We've been playing a good deal of cricket and at the moment are at the top of the Blcemfontein First League. I've made two scores over 50 and the rest under 10!" M. H. Beckett (25-28) "We are having a hectic time in the bank with three short on our staff. Am still going strong with the N.V.B. Last Friday we had a 15 mile route march. I had a letter from my brother Tom the other day. At present he is a liaison officer, and on Christmas Day he had a 300 mile trip through the desert, accompanied by a native, who was dead scared they would get lost. He also visited the Sidi Rezegh battlefield and remarked on the terrible mess he saw there—tanks, guns, lorries and aeroplanes lying wrecked all over the place. Tom writes that the Jerries shoot well, but dread the cold steel." W. Bromily (22-25) "I have been teaching in Sterkstroom since 1938, and though I could apply for other positions, I am quite happy in this dorp. English and Latin are my subjects, and I am in charge of the school tennis and the library." H. Chick (33-38) "I have had some action and did not find it enjoyable. Shelling and machine-gunning from the ground is bad enough, but it is infinitely worse from the air. So far I have managed to escape the Stukas' fire, but my feet cave in when I try to rise! The knowledge that death is not far off is an unpleasant thought. My troop went into Bardia, and since then we have travelled over miles of desert, passing through Sidi Rezegh, Msus, Mekili and Tmimi, and now we are miles from anywhere" |. W. Clayton (33-41) "I'm studying Mechanical Engineering at Wits, and it looks like being a tough course. I work all morning, most of the afternoon, and often on till 11 .30 p.m. And I used to think we worked hard at school! Quite a lot of people at school would have enjoyed seeing me when the seniors were busy. We freshers had to walk around with bibs round our necks and dummies in our mouths. Even now, though initiation is over, we still have to wear green buttons to distinguish us." 201