
KEARSNEY COLLEGE ■^7 ' CHRONICLE f- jf 2^P£ o " VV, JULY 1Qit3 ~ , Y4^ ^ ^ c.:-,? wF af •-.

Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 1 No.8 JULY. 1943 EDITORIAL Three years is but a minute portion of a man's span, and nothing in the immensity ot time. But as we look back over the past three years we realise that they have been the most critical of history. In July, 1940, after the miracle of Dunkirk, the freedom-loving peoples of the world watched tensely while the citizens of little England, with jaws set and shoulders squared, waited for the invasion. They were prepared to resist the enemy with shot guns, spades, crowbars—anything—and were going to fight to the last village. It was a grim moment—the grimmest in the history of the British Empire. But the invasion never came. The Battle of Britain is now history. What is almost incredible now is that in a mere three years the Allies, starting from scratch and suffering grievous reverses in the interim, have built up such a powerful war machine that they can, instead, contemplate invading the Continent, every mile of whose coast is heavily fortified. The initiative has changed hands. The Axis Powers are now as anxious as the Allies were three years ago. We can breathe again, for the future seems safe at last. Those of us out of the danger zone will never know the awfulness of the oppression in Europe and the bestialities of the Huns. But for those who have survived this tragedy a new day is dawning. It is unwise to prophesy in war time, but we appear to have advanced beyond the end of the beginning and have reached the beginning of the end. Our enemies realise this. Three years ago, to be optimistic was merely to be futile. To-day we know that the worst is behind us. We in South Africa have had a grandstand view of the change that has come about; we live in one of the very few countries not physically touched by war, safe from bombs, free from personal danger, well clothed and well fed, free to say and do what we like, within reason. In four 255

years we have not even lost a night's sleep. And the ques tion arises: will the war have made any real difference to us? Have we noticed it so little that its end will mean little beyond cheaper food and clothes, and the discarding of khaki uniforms? If so, we have failed the men who are fighting for us, and the horrors of the past four years in Europe have been endured in vain for us. There must arise out of all this a new world, a new South Africa, free from racial and colour prejudice, a country with equal opportu nities for all, and with a more even distribution of the good things of life. And it is our duty, as the citizens of to morrow, to aim at achieving this end. It is the thankoffering we can make at having lived through years of the most terrible war in history without once having tasted of its horrors. SCHOOL NOTES First Term: February 3rd to April 16th, Second Term: April 27th to July 1st. Gillingham House: Housemaster, Mr. G. M. Oram; Assistant, Mr. W. J. Swanepoel; Matron, Sister Attlee; Head Prefect, I. G. McLeod; Assistant Prefects, j. A. Clarkson (School), C. J. Davey, C. D. Nathan, D. Rock (House). Finningley House: Housemaster, Mr. j. F. Reece; Assistant, Mr. E. M. Knubley; Matron, Sister Gamble; Head Prefect, L. W. E. Dyson; Assistant Prefects, I, I. Ives (School), B. j. Woods, j. B. Trentham (House). junior House: Housemaster, Mr. C. O. Medworth; Prefects, M. j. Crookes; E, L. Ayres (House). The decision of Conference to give Durban County * Circuit a second married minister, resident at Kloof, has given us the opportunity of welcoming Rev. B. Sewell, B.A., B.Sc., with his wife and family, to our midst. Mr. Sewell • was unfortunate in being stationed in Burma when the ^ Japanese invaded the country, and lost all his possessions there, besides having to make a long and precarious flight to India. Then, while sailing for England, he and his family were torpedoed, and have decided to remain in South Africa ^ until the war is over. By living at Kloof, Mr. Sewell has become virtually the School Chaplain, not only taking most of the Sunday ser vices, but also holding weekly classes with the boys, besides taking for special instruction those boys Seeking to become full members of the Church. 256

The Recognition Service, followed by the Holy Com munion, was held on Sunday, June 20th, being conducted by Rev. W. H. Irving. Rev. S. le Grove Smith, and Rev. B. Sewell. The following boys were received into full member ship: E. G. Gole, R. H. Dale, R. G. Foss, G. M. Gillies, T. D. and W. M. Jacobs, P. R. Jonsson, N. Johnston, N. Paverd, G. R. Slatter, J. L. Taylor. On Sunday, March 7th, the evening service was con ducted by Rev. G. Rheindorp, Naval Chaplain, who gave a stirring address on the theme "Be ye all of one mind in God." The following Sunday morning. Rev. G. Montgomery, padre of a hospital ship, and brother of General Mont gomery, conducted the service, and spoke effectively on two aspects of "Prayer." He visited us again for the service in the evening of Sunday, April 1 1 th, when the choir ren dered Beethoven's "Praise of God" and Jackson's "Te Deum." Rev. Montgomery, in fact, spent several days at the School, making close contact with the boys, refereeing the rugger, supping with the prefects, and beating our cham pions at ping-pong! Two very interesting albums of photos, taken while he was in action, accompanied him on his rounds. As for himself, he maintained that he was hitherto a nonentity, but was now gaining vicarious fame in the reflection of his brother's glory. On Saturday, March 20th, the Board had their Quar terly Meeting at the Headmaster's house, and then came over to the School to dine with the Staff. As this was the first time that Staff and Board had ever met officially as bodies since coming to our new site, an opportunity was given after lunch for a round-table talk on various aspects of School life. Fruitful discussions followed, at which members of the Staff revealed to the Board that they were at least men and women of vision, even if at present their visions cannot all be translated into bricks and mortar. The principailtems thus discussed were: (1) Sunday observance; (2) swimming bath; (3) hobbies rooms; (4) lay-out of grounds. Later inthe afternoon, the Board and Staff studied the grounds for the best sites for the chapel and the swim ming bath. The outcome of this meeting has been an immediate start on the swimming bath site. The contractor not yet being ready, the boys have lent a vigorous hand at the excavating, and there has been a steady plying of picks and wheeling of barrows. It has been possible to keep a check on the boy-hours, each worker being credited with having contributed 2/- to the cost of the bath per hour worked. From the inevitable few who have done no digging at all, 257

there is a steady rise to the giddy heights of Cadman and Ayres minor, who have so far put |n over 26 hours' work each. Other improvements to premises have been the glassing-in of the House verandahs, so making miniature hobbies rooms, and the gradual cementing of the paths—a great improvement, both from the point of view of dirt and of safety in walking. Also a large and adequate septic tank has now been completed. Needless to say, these operations are in the hands of Mr. Colley. Planting of trees, under the supervision of the Staff, has gone on apace; cypresses have been planted along the main approach to the School, and tristanias are going in here and there as windbreaks. Already the bareness of four years ago is fast disappearing. At the beginning of the second term, the whole School was put through an intelligence test, an interesting experi ment with, here and there, some surprising results. What is interesting to note is that whereas the median intelligence quotient for the country, on this test, is TOO, the Kearsney median is 116, only four boys in the School coming below 100. The highest mark was over 140. We regret to report the death of Mr. C. Campbell, who joined the Staff about ten years ago, leaving two years later. He passed away after very painful illness. Valete.—^The following boys left at the end of 1942, the year of arrival being placed in brackets: J. D. Allsopp (39), C. M. Albertyn (40), D. Beckett (34), D. L. Blake (36), N. I. Baker (40), O. R. Baumann (40), D. P. Beningfield (41), J. L. Couper (41), D. Crankshaw (42), P. R. Davidson (41 ), M. J. C. Graham (39), L. N. W.Hume (39), A. D. Harcourt (41), J. E. Harding (42), H. C. F. Ivory (39), L. P. Jackson (36), D. N. Johnson (40), W. H. John (41 ), O. E. Knaggs (41), T. J. Lees (40), L. D. Mathews (40), D. H. Percival (Michaelmas) (38), T. S. Peddie (40), R. le Grove Smith (36), B. L. and C. S. Vowles (39), T. Wyatt-Minter. Salvete.—We welcome the following new boys: J. R. Brown (Durban North), R. A. Coventry (Acton Homes), D. G. Cominos (Margate), H. A. Cowen (Johannesburg), J. L. Doveton (Margate), A. C. Davey (Umtwalumi), J. A. Franklin (Singapore and Port Shepstone), D. H. Frost (Vryheid) (left in july), D. B. Grant (Darnall), I. C. Hume (Empangeni), B. F. Isralls (Johannesburg), D. H. Jay 258

(Potchefstroom), T. J. Lloyd (Ladysmith), K, C. Lander (Durban), C. F. Maclean (Sezela), A. L. Mundell (Mt. Frere), D. N. Morrison (Escombe), D. M. W. Pugh (Johan nesburg), J. T. Preece (Pretoria), D. B. Peddie (Bethlehem), D. M. Pope (Durban), B. H. Spilsbury (Harrismith), B. L. Stewart (Durban), A. E. Squibb (England, Hong Kong and Durban), B. L. Stanistreet (Durban), B. B. Shagam (Dur ban), I. V. Bruton-Simmonds (Johannesburg), J. R. Suter (Richmond). R. D. Thorpe (Colenso), L. E. Trehearn (Hillary), D. E. Todd (Durban North), G. H. Wedderburn (Johannesburg), B. G. and I. D. Woodhead (Durban), A. H. Yuille (Durban), R. W. Zeller (Durban). The use of films for biology classes has become quite a feature of senior work, and from three to five reels are shown every Monday night. Mr. Milner supplies a running commentary. Punishments this term have been mainly in the form of weeding, and gangs of boys have helped to clear away a good deal of untidiness round the grounds. On the last day of the second term, June 30th, the Dining Hall was placed at the services of the political candi dates for our constituency, Mr. J. S. Marwick (Dominion Party) and Mr. W. G. Mclntosh (Labour Party), who addressed the senior boys and a number of visitors. Both candidates remarked that it was the first occasion on which they had spoken to a school, and although most of their audience had no vote at present, they hoped to guide them to what each considered the right course of action in the future! Whether they succeeded in this or not, time will tell, but at least we were given an opportunity of studying the technique of the political platform. Muff said! EXAMINATION RESULTS DECEMBER, 1942 Matriculation.—1st Class: D. P. Beningfield; 2nd Class; J. L. Gouper, I. W. D. Stones, R. le Grove Smith, J. S. Jensen. 3rd Class: T. Wyatt-Minter, D. L. Blake (in February). Leaving Certificates.—2nd Class, M. J. C. Graham. 3rd Class: I. E. Coutts. Senior Commercial Certificate.—N. Baker, D. Beckett, D. Crankshaw, L. Jackson, C. D. Nathan. 259

National Commercial Certificate.—J. D. Allsopp, D. Beckett. D. Crankshaw, L. Jackson, C. D. Nathan. Junior Certificate.—1st Class: G. C. Harrison, A. H. Henochsberg, I. F. Jackson, V. C. Cevers, G. H. Stein, B. Vowles, W. Wilker. 2nd Class; G. J. Barnes, E. G. Cole, L. A. Dixon, G- M. Garbutt^ T. D. Jacobs, P. R. Jonsson, G. R. Slatter, C. H. Smith. 3rd Class: O, R. Baumann, R. E. J, Fielding, P. N. Garbutt, A. D, Harcourt, G. R.T. Smyth, C. J. Davey. Bursary: G. H. Stein. j.C. (Comm.).—Distinction: R. C. McLeod, R. W. Whiteley. Pass: E. G. L. Ayres, 1. Balcomb, T. Calder, D. E. Damp, H. F. Ivory, E. N. A. Jackson, W. H. John, T. J. Lees, N. Theunissen, N. H. Walker, C. H. Walsh. P.S.C.—1st Division: H. L. Albertyn, D. W. Barker, J. H. Coombe, G. de Jager, R. J. Evans, R. G. Foss, R. W. Friday, D. D. L. Jardine, M. G. Lawson, T. M. McKenzie, D. G. Metcalfe, S. A. Morrison, K. C. Nelson, H. D. Pennefather, H. Ritz, H. R. Roffe, N. W. N. Stark, P, C. Taylor, C. T. Weston, D. L. Woodhead. 2nd Division: J. H. S. Ayres, N. A. Johnston, D. N. Johnston, M. J. R. Poole, P. R. Young. Bursaries: D. W. Barker, R. J. Evans. In all the above examinations there were six failures. ENTERTAINMENTS February: 6th— 20th— March: 6th— 20th— April: 3rd10thMay: 1st— 15th29thJune: 12th:- 26th- "The Housemaster." "Let George Do It." "The Ghost Train." "Tumbledown Ranch in Arizona." I Thank You." The Lady Vanishes." Bulldog Drummond's Peril." -"Sailors Three." -" In the Navy." -"49th Parallel." "Meet the Wildcat." 260 '=r.jf -

On February 13th Mr. Harold Scott gave us a piano forte recital. His display of pyrotechnics was very impres sive, though at times we could not hear the music for the sound. He opened with selections from Grieg and MacDowell followed by the Moonlight Sonata and a selection from the works of Chopin. We enjoyed most his last three items—a prelude and polonaise of Chopin, and Liszt's Twelfth Rhap sody, the latter being a request itemfor which he was not prepared. Although there are few highbrow musicians in the School, Mr. Scott gradually welded a mildly amused audience into a most attentive one, sufficient proof of his ability. On Friday, February 5th, Capt. A. M. Foss, who was Head Prefect in 1933, paid us a flying visit while on leave, and gave the School an interesting address on his experi ences with the N.M.R. in Abyssinia and Egypt. He stressed particularly the difference in fighting spirit between the Italians and Germans, and showed how near we came to disaster at El Alamein. The talk was of particular interest as there were more Old Boys in the N.M.R. than in any other Regiment. Another Old Boy visited us on February 27th to speak on "Social Security"—Rev. C. E. Wilkinson, M.Sc. He pointed out that four Natives out of seven are under nourished, and one white in ten comes under the category of "poor white"; also about one-third of the children are underfed through economic stress. He gave dramatic figures relating to disease and infant mortality, and went on to show how all these troubles could be overcome by a proper system of social security. The idea was that 1/- in the £1 should be levied from all classes annually, the sum thus accumulating being allotted to the relief of unemploy ment, sickness, old age and the like. There would need to be careful organisation, but the theory of the scheme was admirable, and he hoped it would receive generous support from all classes. Rev. C. F. Montgomery gave us an interesting talk on March 13th on work in the hospital ship of which he is Chaplain. His accounts of work in Red Cross ships were an eye-opener to his listeners, and his stories of work under fire in the Mediterranean were most vivid. Rev. Mont gomery also gave us a few personal glimpses of his famous brother, telling in humorous vein how he himself, a natur ally bashful man, was being compelled to live up to the high standard of competency set by the General. 261

CONCERT PROGRAMME, JUNE 30th, 1943. 1. Piano Duet—Liszt's Second Rhapsody ... Miss Eraser and Mr, Reece 2. Part Song—"Let the Hills Resound" The Choir 3. Song—-"Out on the Deep" Barnes, Boorman, Slayen, Fielding 4. Song—"The Gift" Turner, Foss, Shimwell 5. Reading—From Leacock Woods 6. Piano Solo—"Woodland Songsters" Barnes 7. Song—"Chloe" •, The Choir 8. Song—"Four jolly Sailormen" ... Ives, Taylor, Lee, Dixon 9. Song—Cherry Ripe" Morrison, Forsyth 10. Recitation—"Albert Comes Back" Lawson 1 1. Piano Solo—" Dance of the Fairies" Poole 12. Song—"Anchored" The Choir 13. Duet—The Gendarmes" Clarkson, Harrison, Lewis, Woods 14. Song—"just because the Violets" Barker, Young 15. Recitation—"Ruthless Rhymes" Lewis 16. Piano Duet—"In a Chinese Temple" > Stein and Isralls 17. Part Song—"The Viking Song" The Choir 18. Song—"The Company Sergeant-Major" ... Wilker, Trentham, Hill 19. Song—"The Kerry Dance" Coombe, Maguire 20. Item—"The Village Concert" Mr. Sewell 21. Piano Solo—"In a Persian Market" Isralls 22. Song—"The Hills of Donegal" The Choir 23. Song—"Duke of Plaza Toro"...... Trentham, Nasmith, v. Aardt 24. Recitation-—" The Nightmare"(" lolanthe ") Mr. Reece 25. Song—"Good Night" The Choir LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY President'; The Headmaster. Vice-President': Mr. J. F. Reece. Secretary: B. j. Woods. Executive Committee: L. A. H. Lewis, J. A. Clarkson, 1. W.D. Stones, C. H. Stein, A. V. Trentham, J. Redgment. Programme: February 7th.—Meeting for reading of rules and constitu tion and election of officers. February 10th.—Special meeting. February 14th.—Debate: "That Science is not benefiting the World." Proposer: J. A. Clarkson. Opposer:A. J. Boorman. Lost 19—32. February 21st.—Lecture by Cpl. J. D. Raw: "My Escape from Tobruk." March 7th,—Debate: "That Co-education is a Sound Idea." Proposer: L. A. H. Lewis. Opposer: C. H. Smith. Won 40—5. March 21st.—Sharp Practice. 262

April 4th.—Debate: "That Farming is of more benefit to South African than Factories." Proposer: G. H. Stein. Opposer: j. B. Trentham. Tie 21—21. May 9th and 16th.—Lecture by Mr. Reece:"The Mechanism of the Memory." May 23rd.—Debate: "That single blessedness is preferable to married strife." Proposer: I. F. Jackson. Opposer: W. Wilker. Lost 11—31. June 6th.—Brains Trust. June 20th.—Debate: "That the Allies should maintain the honourable traditions of war." Proposer: G. M. Garbutt. Opposer: I . W. D. Stones. Won 23—7. At the special meeting it was decided that membership of the Society should be by application, and that those who applied should all be prepared to take an active part in discussions and attend regularly. About 60 names were received. This decision, coupled with some earnest exhorta tion on the part of the Vice-President that speakers should consider their speeches more carefully beforehand, and that leading speakers should become word perfect, has resulted in a great improvement in the fluency and confidence. The suggestion that speeches should be "delivered aloud to the trees" beforehand produced one apology for absence on the grounds that "the tree I have been speaking to all week has suddenly died"! While the younger members have too often come un prepared to speak, there has been some good debating on the part of Clarkson, Lewis, Mathias, Slayen, Smith, Stein, Trentham, van der Schyff, Wilker and Woods. The fact that these members are in the most senior forms indicates that continuous debating practice will produce a good speaker, so that the Society is serving its purpose well. The improvement in speaking was very noticeable in the Sharp Practice, when the speeches normally last ten unintelligible seconds, but on this occasion, with one exception, were moderately intelligent! Lectures and the Brains Trust meeting were well attended, and lively questions were asked, all contributing to a successful session. 263

CHOIR Fifty boys have attended regular choir practices, and their singing at services and concerts is now a regular feature. As usual, we have not aimed too high, for it is better to strive after humble perfection than seek the stars and miss one's footing. Half the time has been devoted to the unspectacular learning of hymns, good solid groundwork for all part-singing, and Cwm Rhondda especially has been responsible for widening some of the cracks in the walls. Jackson's "Te Deum," while somewhat of a strain on the tenors, was readily learnt and rendered at several services. Good old favourites, such as "The Viking Song" and "Let the Hills Resound," provided lively interludes to the more serious work, and the negro spirituals, "Chloe" and "Good Night," found enthusiastic audiences. The concert programme, given elsewhere in this issue, is a reflection of the amount of work put in on this lighter type of music. It is noteworthy that at last some of the songsters are showing a wilingness to sing, if not in solos, at least in duets! J.F.R. THRIFT CLUB Just before Easter we became officially a branch of the Thrift Glub, N.F.896, and so followed the example of many other schools. The idea is to bgy threepenny stamps with spare pocket money, and, when 15/9 worth is collected, to have them converted into Union Loan Certificates. Two objects are served by this: firstly, the money is lent to the Government, who need it and can use it; secondly, the idea of always putting a little aside gradually becomes a most beneficial habit. Business has been very brisk, with some keen rivalry between forms. So far 75 full certificates have been bought in the one trem, and incomplete booklets bring the full sales so far to over £90. J.F.R., Treasurer. 264

CRICKET The team is settling down quite well. The batting shows sign of greater steadiness, particularly in the middle, where nearly every player in turn has "come off" and scored his half century. There has been very little tail, a comforting thought when earlier players fail! The bowling appears to lack real determination, though at times various players have had sensational averages. The batsmen need to cultivate patience, waiting for the right ball to hit (and then hit it), and the bowlers must seek after length and yet more length. I. McLeod is captain for the second year. February 6th. v. MAR1T2BURG COLLEGE. Away. Lost by 7 wickets. This time we were caught on a sticky wicket, and had to battle very hard for runs. Our opponents scored the necessary runs quickly on an easier paced wicket against bowling which was never hostile. Kearsney: B. Theunissen, c Rutherford b Keith 1 1; Wareing, b Smythe 9; Nathan, c Hall b Rutherford 3; Gillies, Ibw b Rutherford 'l 6; I. McLeod c and b Keith 0; Jonsson, b Parton 3; Jacobs b Parton 0; Dyson, c Lamb b Keith 1 1; R. McLeod, Ibw b Lamb 2; Davey, c Smythe b Keith 7; N. Theunissen, not out 0; extras 0. Total 62. Maritzburg College: 81 for 3 wkts. Bowling: Nathan, 7 0 22 1; Gillies, 8—0—23—1; N. Theunissen, 2—0—10—0; McLeod, 1—0—20—0; Dyson, —0—0—1. February 13th. v. GLENWOOD. Home. Won by 86 runs. We did not make the best use of a good wicket, only Nathan batting with real confidence. Glenwood's collapse was quite unaccounttable, even though Nathan was bowling well. Kearsney: B. Theunissen, Ibw b Martin 3; Wareing, c Little b Nicolson 0; Gillies, c Nicolson b Foster 20; Nathan, b Nicolson 38; I. McLeod, Ibw b Foster 9; jonsson, run out 0; Dyson, b Nicolson 9; Jacobs, c Martin b Nicolson 2; R. McLeod, c Nicolson b Martin 3; Davey, not out 4; N. Theunissen, b Nicolson 5; extras 14. Total 107. Glenwood: 21 (Bowling: Nathan, 7—4—8—6; Theunissen, 3—I—4—1; Gillies, 4—0—6—3) and 125 for 9 wkts. February 20th. v. BASE DEPOT. Home Won by 108 runs. The batting was steadier for this match. It was at last realised that runs can be obtained quickly, not by hitting at everything, but by quick singles and Kitting loose stuff hard. Kearsney: Gillies, Ibw b Ogelsby 5; Jacobs, c and b Lawson 37; Jonsson, c Barrett b Finch 52; Nathan, c Finch b Dorrofield 28; I. McLeod, b Finch 1; Wareing, Ibw b Finch 1; Dyson, b Schuurman 20; Davey, b Dorrofield 1; Damp, b Dorrofield 1; R. McLeod, b Dorrofield 2; N. Theunissen, not out 14; extras 31. Total 193. Base Depot: 85. Bowling: Theunissen, 2—0—2—0; Nathan, 10—4—47—7; Gillies, 5—1—21—3; McLeod, 2—0—9—0. 265 A

February 28th. v. MARISTS. Away. Drawn. The batting kept well ahead of the clock. Each side had the same time to get the runs, but our opponents did not deem it possible to make the runs. They might have done so aided by bad fielding and badly handled bowling. Kearsney: Gillies, c Lyie b Fairbairn 1; Jacobs, b Fairbairn 7; jonsson, b Fairbairn 3; Nathan, not out 52; I. McLeod, c Magnet b Granger 44; Wareing, run out 10; Dyson, not out 41; extras 7 (Stein, Theunissen, Davey and ft. McLeod did not bat). Total (for 5 wkts. declared) 165. Marists: 87 for 7 wkts. Bowling: Nathan, 4—2—5—0; Gillies, 9—2—19—1; McLeod, 1 1—3—30—3; Stein, 5—0—28—2. March 10th. v. MR. HOKPINS' XI. Home. Won by 6 wkts. A most exciting finish, the result of a most sporting action by our opponents, who shared the remaining time. Their 95 was scored in exactly 60 minutes, leaving us 53 minutes to make 100 runs. We made 105 and won in the last over. Mr. Hopkins' XI—1st Innings: 1 10 (P. Hargreaves 24). Bowling; Nathan, 8—1—35—1; Theunissen, 5—0—19—4; Gillies, 6—0—19—2; McLeod 3—0—10—2. 2nd Innings: 95 for 8. Bowl ing: Nathan, 7—0—46—7; Dyson, 2—0—8—1. Kearsney—1st Innings: 105 (Stein 25). Bowling: Hargreaves, 5 for 33. 2nd Innings: 105 for 4 wkts. (Gillies 50). March 13th. v. ST. CHARLES. Home, Only McLeod dealt with the bowling as it merited. Wareing and Jones proved useful partners, and "Extras" a valuable assistant. At the start our bowling lacked sting, but after the first two wickets fell the remainder fared badly—not so much because of good bowling as through lack of enterprise. Kearsney: Gillies, Ibw b Stevenson 14; Stein, b Stevenson 1; Jonsson, c A'Bear b Stevenson 5; Nathan, b Stevenson 0; McLeod, b Stevenson 50; Dyson, b Boyes4; Wareing, b Boyes 16; Theunissen, b Stenkamp 0; Jones, c A'Bear b Stevenson 14; Davey, c A'Bear b Steven son 1; Jacobs, not out 3; extras 27. Total 135. St. Charles: 53. Bowling: Nathan 10—2—18—3; Gillies, 4—1—7—2; Dyson, 2—1—4—-1; McLeod, 4—0—9—4. OTHER GAMES. Under 15 v. Glenwood.—Kearsney: 178 (Davy 36, Henochsberg 32); Glenwood: 79 (Davy 3 for 1 1). Won by 99 runs. Under 15 v. Marists.—Kearsney: 155 (Jones 66); Marists: 32 (Slayen 6 for 10) and 93 (Davy 3 for 9). Won by an innings and 30 runs. Under 14 "A" v. Highbury 1st.—Highbury 86 (Davy 4 for 18; Friday 2 for 7); Kearsney: 158 for 7 wkts. (Davy 70). Won by 72 runs. Under 14 "B" v. Highbury 2nd.—Highbury: 33 (Fox 3 for 7, Slatter 2 for 3, Barker 2 for 8); Kearsney: 66, Highbury 2nd Innings: 21 (Fox 6 for 9, Slatter 3 for 6). Won by an innings and 12 runs. HOUSE GAMES. 1st XI: Finningley: 129 (Gillies 50, Jacobs 49); Gillingham: 71 (Dyson 5 for 31, Gillies 5 for 31). Finningley won by 58 runs. Gillingham 191 (R. McLeod 55, Jonsson'44); Finningley: 21. Gil lingham won by 170 runs. 266

2nd XI: Finningley; 32 (Clarkson 5 for 6) and 92; Cillingham: 52 (). Trentham 4 for 8) and 76 for 5. Cillingham won by 5 wkts. Cillingham; 88 (Rock 32, Hume 6 for 26) and 76 (Rock 45 not out; Fox 7 for 36); Finningley: 31 (Rock 6 for 16) and 73 (Foss 19 not out); Cillingham won by 60 runs. RUGBY The side must be congratulated on its good showing this term. The forwards have laid a solid foundation. They have worked hard and well, and the backs have given a good account of themselves, particularly in defence. With a shade more experience the attack will be very sound. We have had to concede weight, which we expected would be the case, but in the loose we have been far better this year than before. The side is much better balanced this season and has improved with each game. They have played Rugby in its best traditions, and it has always been a pleasure to see them in action. We welcomed Lieut.-Com mander Wallis, who kindly came up from Durban to referee our final game, and we are grateful to Mr. Daniel for his willing and able assistance in refereeing games for us. Walker was invited to the Natal Schools Trials. Congratulations to Walker (capt.) (forward), Zeller (centre) and McLaverty (scrum-half) on being selected to play for Durban in the Under 15 Inter-Town. Congratulations to the following on being awarded their Colours:—Honour Cap: T. Calder. 1st XV Colours: E. Ayres, G. Barnes, J. Clarkson, D. Damp, C. J Davey G Gillies, I. Ives, R.McLeod, A. Trentham, N. Walker. l^^y 8th. V. MARISTS. Home Won 17—3. A stiff wind spoilt many promising movements. The back line moved smoothly and showed real thrust. The forwards settled down in a workmanlike manner and did their job efficiently. A little more live liness in the loose would have increased the efficiency of the pack Davey scored the first try from a loose scrum. I. McLeod scored twice in succession after perfect threequarter movements, and Marists scored just before half-time. R. McLeod goaled a penalty and Gillies scored a good try, after cutting in sharply, which R. McLeod converted. May 22nd. v. VOORTREKKER. At Pietermaritzburg. Won 14—6. From the first threequarter movement Damp broke and sent Rock over. Voortrekker worked their way into our half, and as the result of a forward rush equalised. From.the kick-off Ayres dribbled through and Calder, backing up, went over when Ayres was held up on the line. 267

R McLeod converted. A. Trentham followed up a long kick and caught the opposition In two minds to score an opportunist try. R. McLeod converted a penalty. This proved the end of the half and of our scoring. The backs were cramped In the second half, the handling suffered, and the forwards did not maintain the same grip, Voortrekker were nearly through on several occasions, just lacking the finish. They scored from a penalty near the end. May 29th. v. D.H.S. Track, Durban. Lost 0—6. A side usually plays one match like this a term. It was generally admitted that we were a trifle unlucky not to have made a draw of the game. From the outset we attacked, but just lacked that extra bit of weight. D.H.S. scored first from a cross-kick, the inside forward win ning the race for the touch down. A. Trentham was held up by force of numbers v/hen on the line. The second half was a repetition of the first half. Against our much heavier opponents we were getting at least an equal share from the set scrums, and more than that from the loose, but just could net get the right bounce to favour us. At stage we indulged in a little too much kicking perhaps. It looked defensive. D.H.S. scored from a threequarter move, their wing being tackled heavily by Damp as he crossed the corner. It was adjudged a try, and certainly was a fighting effort. R. McLeod missed from a possible penalty. Gillies broke down, the centre and the forwards joined in, R. McLeod finally getting the ball in front of their goal, and he made a desperate attempt to get over, but was just held out. Shortly after, the final whistle went. The pack deserves special mention for a grand performance, and the whole side for splendid defence. May 31st. v. OLD CROCKS. Home. Won 30—6. A glorious day and the right type of football. Hard, clean, open rugger, with the Crocks lasting well to the end. Tries were scored by Croom for the Old Crocks. For us, Davey, Walker, Rock, R. McLeod and Ives scored, all of these tries being converted by R. McLeod, who kicked splendidly. Again the forwards laid the foundation for the victory, but this time the backs showed much more punch and drove home their attacks. Their handling was good throughout. Lieut.- Commander Wallis refereed the game admirably. June 5th. v. CLENWOOD. Home. Won 18—8. We attacked from the start. Cillies short punted, and only a wrong bounce near the line kept us from scoring. Damp broke, but the final pass on the line was not taken. Constant pressure told, and A. Trentham dribbled through to score, R. McLeod converting. Clenwood missed from an easy penalty. Rock ran well, but cut in too soon and was downed. I. McLeod Intercepted and flashed past the full back, scoring far out. R. McLeod converted with a splendid kick. In the second half Clenwood attacked early on, but made no headway until they attacked and punted ahead. Nathan was slow in getting to the ball and A. Kyle followed up fast, caught the right bounce,.and scored between the post Cillies punted ahead and Damp, following through, scored far out, R. McLeod converting with another lovely kick. Cillies dropped for goal and hit the upright with a good kick. Our forwards were beginning to feel the strain of the weight, but our backs kept on the attack. Another perfect movement ended with McLeod out stripping the defence to score far out, the kick at goal just missing. There was some unnecessarily rough play which almost spoilt a very fine game. Fortunately the referee handled the game very well. 268

12rb V. ST. CHARLES. Home Won 12—3. M by St. Charles was relieved by good touch kicks by Nalhan We attacked, but Damp and McLeod were wedged in' the .ormer broke repeatedly, but without effective result. From one of'these breaks I. McLeod was brought down near the line. It was left to R. .vIcLeod to open the scoring from a blind side movement. In the second half St. Charles attacked repeatedly, but Nathan was safeness personified. We began to see more of the ball and R McLeod kept us on the attack with long kicks. The ball moved along the line again. Damp half broke, short punted and gathered then turned in to score under the posts, R. McLeod converting St Charles swept down, and from a full three-quarter move their wing scored far out. After R. McLeod had just missed with a long range penalty the ball came out along the line and Damp dropped a beautiful goal in full stride. There was no further score. The forwards once again laid the foundation which the backs, particularly Damp and R. McLeod turned to advantage. ' 26th June. v. MARIT2BURG COLLEGE. Home. Lost 3—8. This game produced all the highlights of a really fine Rugby game We were outweighted in the scrum, but more than made up for this in the loose. Only a really fine defence kept our forwards out on several occasions. With just a trifle of luck we might have scored on at least three occasions. The one mistake we made, when there was a mis understanding between Ives and R. McLeod, cost us five points, much against the run of play. Rock might have dived over, but was bundled into touch in goal. The first half was a hard one, but the pace in creased instead of slacking. Maritzburg College attacked and were very nearly over. Damp saving just in time. We came through, and some fine hand to hand passing among the forwards looked as though we would go through, but Calder was held just short of the line. A high kick by Gillies and fast following up by I. McLeod was the nearest thing in the game, a split second being the difference. Gillies dummied and burst through, swung the ball inwards and alongthe for ward line to Barnes and Calder, who scored a most spectacular try. R. McLeod just missed from far out. I. McLeod hit the upright with a long range penalty. Back again came our opponents, and a fine threequarter move saw them dive over in the corner. Before the end we attacked strongly again, and the forwards were over in a bunch, but were called back. It was one continuous attack. Our opponents were unfortunate in losing their captain through an injury. It was inspiring rugby played by both sides. If any one player on either side is to be singled out it must be Calder, who was tireless and seemed to be everywhere. Certainly this was the best rugby ever seen at the School. It was anyone's game up to the final whistle. OTHER MATCHES. Under 15: V. Marists, won 18—3. v. Glenwood, won 8—3. V. Voortrekker, won I I—6. v. St. Charles, lost 5—13. V. D.H.S., lost 3—14. V. Maritzburg College, won 14—5. Under 14: V. Marists, lost 3—12. v. D.P.H.S., won 9—3. Juniors: V. Highbury 1st XV., lost 0—22 v. Highbury 3rd XV, won 9—6 and 3—9. and lost 0—3. V. Highbury 2nd XV, won 18—3 and 3—0. 269

CADET CORPS Student Officers this year are: I. McLeod, L. Dyson, C. Davey, D. Nathan and J. Clarkson. The results of the Student Officers' and N.C.O.s' Course at Maritzburg in January were: I. McLeod 30th, L. Dyson and C. Davey 51st out of 82 Students Officers; j. Clarkson 1st, B. Woods 26th, D. Nathan 33rd, C. Gillies 64th out of 94 in the Sergeant Section; G. H. Stein was 1 1th out of 18 in the Ambulance Section; R. McLeod and J. Nasmith were in the Band at the Camp. Appointments this year are:—Drum Major: R. McLeod C.S.M.: G. Gillies. Sergeants: B. Woods, G. Stein, A. Wareing, Sgt./Drum. I. Ives, Sgt./Bglr. J. Nasmith. Gorporal: N. Theunissen. L/Corporals: B. Simmonds, M. F. Crookes, G. Barnes, j. L. Taylor, D. Damp, E. Ayres, E. G. Cole. A Field Day proved very popular and highly successful. Night patrol work near the end of term was most enjoyable. In both cases the efficiency of the shows was largely due to the enthusiasm with which the Student Officers tackled their jobs. The defence won the day in the field, but the attack won the night patrol by 21i points to IS^ points. A good deal more section leading than previously has been done this half-year. Those boys who attended courses at Maritzburg in January have been able to pass on their experiences to others. I am grateful to them for their willing assistance and for the good work they are doing in the Corps. Congratulations to the following on passing their efficiency test as Buglers: L/Cpl. Bglr. E. Hall, 80%; L/Cpl. Bglr, L, F. Forsyth, 71%; L/Cpl. Bglr. D. G. Hill, 69%; L/Cpl. Bglr. A. J. Boorman, 69%; L/Cpl. Bglr. G. R. Slatter, 67%. C.O.M. A FIELD DAY. Days beforehand there were movements afoot, particularly the supply lines being kept busy, for that old saying, "An army marches on its stomach," was once more being put to the test. There were groups of earnest bodies, whispered conversation and fifth column activities all going on in and out of School grounds. It transpires that the fifth column was well organised, for a good deal of important information leaked out. The defenders of Polecat Valley set out at 10.15 hours and formed a perfect target against the side of the hill for any machine guns, but since it was mutually agreed that both sides were weak in artillery, this apparently was not "in the game." By noon, the defenders were well dug in and patrols were active. The flag had ben erected, the Generalis simo and Staff were working with frenzied speed, binoculars well to the fore. The O.C. Defence was once noted at the top of a tree, trying to fix the binoculars and peering in the direction of the supposed advance of the attack; then hasty commands to his subordinates and the wheels 270

of the defence machine were set m motion. Two of the umpires, creeping along in the shadows, were able, unobserved, to note the advance of a very talkative section. meantime the attacking party were, by numbers, camouflaging their faces a la Red Indian style. They were also observed some time later threading their way down the hillside maintaining the gentle man's agreement of "weak artillery." And so to battle. There were some remarkable individual stalks and the one ambulance unit, being out of the actual fight, decided that the amount of noise they made was in no way a hindrance to their side. Snipers would have had a wonderful time! One entire section might have been captured while they were enjoying their considerably aug mented lunch rations: but the would-be captor was quite taken aback at the splendour of the feast and would gladly have been taken prisoner instead, hoping he might be left some of the repast. Headquarters of the Defence were kept very busy. Prisoners kept rolling in, were disarmed and questioned: some vouchsafed information quite gladly, others were grimly determined that no matter what posi tion their questioner might occupy elsewhere, here they would speak their minds or maintain a silence, as they wished. A more than usually alert guide was able to give information which changed the complexion of the onslaught. The Defence were able to recall their patrols and so placed their forces that the main weight of the attack was kept at bay. When the cease fire was sounded the attack were not far from their objective, but as the defence was entrenched in depth, it is doubt ful whether they would have got through. The day was notwithout its humour. Two umpires were captured, but released when it was found they were not playing: anyway—"one looked just like one of the boys." Owing to a lack of certainty about when a soldier was captured, there was a good deal of argument when captured as to whether one really was or not. A few live rounds would have settled these arguments effectively. A good time was had by all. Only one "General" was cap'ured during operations, and that right at the end when he was bravely leading a section to"procure the flag or die." We are still awaiting the list of awards. . MAROONED The rolling waters are washing up against this tower of solitude. The setting sun is throwing a red glow upon the walls of my sanctuary, glistening from the sheen of the spray of the lashing waves. It is lonely here as I look out of my cubby-hole, and the circling gulls are the only factors that tend to give any evidence of the proximity of those gleaming chalk-cliffs. Now and then a fish circles just above the white-caps, and then disappears in a flash of silver. As I lean out of the window my mind lies on the vast amount of time at my disposal. I am a simple being and middle-aged, and the adventurous fancies of youth do nottempt me to brave the furies of the deep. I am a recluse in my beacon of light, and the only demand made upon my time is the punctuality of lighting the light of warning and of refuelling the big lamp. My boat was washed away last night by an exceptional swell in the waters, my communications with the land are broken—but I am not sorry. There is nobody that waits for me upon the mainland. The hand of fortune has left me destitute. Yet here must I a while break off my soliloquy—I have a meal to prepare the dusk is falling. I have to light the lamp. 21]

Once again I sit before the lighted hearth, a kettle sings in the flames, and the red embers illumine my retreat with a dull, blood-red glow. It is a cosy room, not the bare room it was wont to be—I am a comfortable man. A log falls and the red embers fly up the chimney in a shower of sparks. Wood—I have plenty of wood. I could make a dovecote or a home for the vagrants of the seas, the gulls. There have been many such isolations before—my evidence is the row of models that adorns my mantlepiece. "The Rover," a good stout ship— but those days are past, the bitter memories of fire and youth, the smoke of battle . . . . they are no more. Many a fishing rod stands in the corner of my store-room; shall I ply once more the sport of youth . . . yet what fish will venture into the proximity of the torrent that lashes at the foot of this giant, built upon the bleak sea-rocks—in a cloud of spray. I have my library of well-thumbed books; they are old and tattered, yet do they remind me of the pleasures of the past—not the modern life of sensation —the auiet routine of the days of courtesy and peace. A new shelf for my collection would be a useful innovation—I have plenty of wood and nails. The boat does not worry me; the steamer will bring me another in three or four months' time—yet do I grieve for my stout and faithful companion—another link with the past. A mist has enshrouded my palace of light—I can hear the battering seas, the swishing of the spray. In the distance the anxious hooting of a fog-horn. I leave the comfort of my room and wend my way up the winding staircase. I answer the summons and adjust the guiding mirrors—it is pleasing to think that a puny recluse has to be relied on by a vast floating merchant vessel. Yes! It gives me a sense of pride: I am not useless to this world yet. Once again I return to the seclusion and warmth of my little room— the mist swirls past the little windows and builds an impenetrable wall against the horizon. Yet, it is homely here—sheltered from the lashing furies. The rain begins to lash against this haven of refuge and bright flashes of zig-zagging lightning rend the sky, to be followed by the sullen, low, intermittent rumbles of thunder. . . . Secure! What care for the morrow? I may sketch the passing ships in my thick album, or the mysterious symmetry of the green waves; my life is full. I have always got something to revert to—thank Cod! All is well. The soft sheets of my bed are inviting my weary limbs. I extinguish the lamp and only the glow from the dying embers remains. The pleasant clamour of the waves sings me to sleep—"Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, for those in peril on the sea."—^W.W. LOOKING BACK 1929—THIRD TERM. School Notes: During this year there has been instituted a ten minutes' period of physical drill for the whole School prior to the in terval. This is taken by Mr. Medworth, and the improvement in the drill itself is striking. After nearly four years at the College, Mr. B. M. Cush has left us. At assembly, just before he left, he was presented with a gold wrist watch by the Staff and a gold mounted pen and pencil by the School. We wish him and his family every prosperity in their new sphere at Kingswood. 272

Athletic Sports: 440 yards open: P. Slabbert (60 sees.). 220 yards open: J. Barratt (28 sees.). ICQ yards open: ). Barratt (10 2-5 sees.). One mile open: K. Baleomb (5 mins. 27 sees.). Rugger: V. D.H.S. 3rd XV, won 21—0. v. EmpangenI Rail (Stewart Shield V. Old Boys, won 9—3. Final), won 9—6. V. Tech., won 19—1 1. Won 9, drawn 1 lost 1. For 208, against 58. V. EMPANGENI RAILWAY, at Empangeni. Stewart Shield Final. This game was played in atrocious conditions and on the most slippery field imaginable. Having had no rest after their long ride, the team took some time to settle down, and Empangeni scored first (0—3). We equalised through Mr. Medworth, who a little later succeeded in knocking the goal-posts down (3—3). The play was confined to the forwards, for the backs were unable to stand, much less run or turn corners, and before long the vanguard resembled the native inhabitants of Zululand. Not by any means could the game be called spectacular, though Mr. Medworth slid almost the length of the field before dis appearing from view over the line to score his third try and give us the victory (9—6). FOURTH TERM. School Notes: Lectures this term have been given by Mr. Cummings on "Wireless" (rather above our heads), by Dr. Cawston, and by Mr. Tunmer on "Snakes." Prizes were presented at Prize-Giving by Mr. Hugh Brian, Superin tendent of Education. His speech was a model of its kind and will be long remembered by those who heard it. The eveningwas devoted to a farewell supper, and games this year took the form of deck games, under the able control of Mr. Oram. At the close the prizes were presented by the smallest boy in the School, Allan Raw. The Fete.—A Fete was held on November 9th to garner in money for a swimming bath (coming to fruition in 1943!—Ed.), and although the weather was unfavourable, we raised nearly £150 to that end. A week of rain was followed on Saturday by a deluge, which put an end to all competitions outside and drove visitors and stall-holders flocking into the buildings. Cricket: Gledhow 130 (Mr. Medworth 7 for 24), Kearsney 77 for 5 wkts. (Mr. Medworth 42 not out). Kearsney 145 (Mr. Matterson 43), Umhiali 82 (Baleomb 5 for 38). Tech. "A" 105 (Hargreaves 7 for 19), Kearsney 109. Umhiali 131 (Hargreaves 5 for 32), Kearsney 126 for 4 (Hargreaves 47 not out, Mr. Reece 31). 273

OLD BOYS' CLUB OBITUARY. The war in the air has once more taken its toll of the ablest of our lads, and in this issue we have to announce the deaths of two more exceptionally fine Old Boys. Lancelot Cyril Weir. Lancelot Cyril Weir came to Kearsney at the beginning of 1929 and left at the end of 1931. Before he left he had become a member of the first XV and was a terror in the line-out, where he made ample use of his exceptional height (6ft. 4in.). He was also a prefect and won the senior "Comradeship Medal." After matriculating Lance took up banking and was progressing steadilwyhen he enlisted. He was just 29 when he was killed in action in Tunisia. The characteristic we remember best was his gift for friendship. There was no boy in the School at that time more loved, so that even masters found it difficult to call him to the paths of diligence when he strayed (as all boys will) from the paths of the earnest pursuit of knowledge. We can still see him in the mind's eye, sitting in chapel, almost a normal height, and then rising for a hymn and towering above the rest. We gather from reports that have reached us that the characteristics we loved in him as a boy made him as popular and successful in the Air Force, and his loss was deeply felt in the 21st Squadron of the S.A.A.F. At everygathering of Old Boys Lance will be remem bered. Derek Robbins. Derek William Tyson Robbins was also in a bomber squadron of the S.A.A.F. He came to us in 1934, and after passing the J.C. went on to the wider opportunities at that time, especially in sport, of Hilton College. He was probably the youngest Kearsney boy ever to get into the 1st XV. His courtesy and charming ways will long be remem bered, and they were combined, with a modesty that might have denied him some of the honours that he earned, had not his natural ability been so high. In the Air Force itself he was outstanding as a pilot, and was easily the best of his "school" when training. We can thinkof few Old Boys who could so ill be spared as Derek. He was only 21 years of age. To the parents and relatives of these Old Boys we offer our deep sympathy and share with them the sense of loss. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. 274

OLD BOYS' NEWS AWARDS. Lieuf. A. M. Kingon (35), M.B.E. The following Is quoted from the "Cape Times";— HOW CAPE TOWN PILOT WON M.B.E. Sapa's War Correspondent. CAIRO, Sunday.—^Behind the award of the M.B.E. to Lieut. A. M. Kingon, aged 22, of the South African Air Force, is a story of a brave act. Lieut. Kingon, who is a prisoner of war, captured in the Western Desert 14 months ago, is the son of the Rev. Dr. J. R. L. Kingon, of the Gardens, Cape Town. On December 7th, 1941, Kingon was the pilot of an aircraft which, with an observer and two gunners, was operating over the El Adem and Acroma districts. Kingon's aircraft was pounced on by enemy fighters, one of which sent a burst of machine-gun fire into theport engine, setting it alight. Kingon ordered the crew to bale out, but the only one able to get away was the observer, both gunners being wounded. The pilot then decided to try to save the rest of the crew, so he kept to his seat and brought the burning aircraft to a successful landing. He then rescued both gunners, dragging them 100 yards from the burning machine. Although ammunition was exploding all round him, he returned again and saved the emergency water supply and first-aid kit. He then nursed his two wounded gunners until enemy troops arrived and took them prisoners. The two gunners. Sergeant Hendriks and Sergeant Lucas, were later recaptured in a hospital by our advancingtroops. The citation accompanying the award reads: "For courage, deter mination and devotion to duty." The squadron in which Lieut. Kingon was serving when he was shot down is still in the field and is bombing the enemy in Tunisia. MARRIAGES. D. K. Piper (32-37), D. H. Cilliat (31-35), W. T. Balcomb (25-32), B. C. Mumby (33), J. B. King (29-36), A. D. Wood (31-32), R. S. W. Ounster (33-36). ENGAGEMENT. E. C. Smith (27-34). BIRTHS. B. de F. Walter (32-33), a son; K. Balcomb (24-31), a daughter. Pte. W. R. D. Putterill (27-28) has gone North with the 6th Armoured Division. He was previously in the Bechuanaland Police. M. F. D, Putterill (27-29) is with the Army Pay Corps in Pretoria. He has been married for nearly three years and has a small son destined for Kearsney. Sgt. W. K. D. Putterill (33-34) is about to go North with an Im perial Armoured Division, if he has not already done so. He spent a pleasant day at Kearsney, looking very fit after his years in the desert. R. Putterill 37-39) is at present doing clerical work at Addington Hospital, where he is able to have a troublesome ear attended to. We are told that he was playing brilliant hockey in Maritzburg last year and has done well in cricket circles, too. 275