
.*ri KEARSNEY E '■P- . CHRONICLE Dte?*: P£ -»#■. ??'■ J'i?' W^M-- K\ r • JULY, 1946. ■■ ':■/ J

HI o EOC^ m m m. 11 •f>i!m Potatoes sent by Mr. Leonard Flamming to Mr. A. H. Smith, of Edgehill, Botha's Hill. Drawing based thereon by Mr. Monty Wilson, who says "The little chaps are hereshown registering extreme joy at the prospect of alleviating the distressing "spud" shortage at Edgehill." Inserted by Mr. A. H. Smith, O.B.E. <7

Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 2 No. 3 JULY, 1946 EDITORIAL The Editor has resisted an almost overpowering tempta tion to say:"Wot! No Editorial?" This would be in keeping with current practice; but would not provide a particularly dignified introduction to our magazine. Not, however, that there is much to write about. This is no place for discussing world or party politics, or the Grand Mufti, or even Food Boards. These are the teething troubles of our new baby. Peace. On' the other hand it is pleasant to see, amid her squallings, the resumption of Test Cricket, Wimbledon Tennis, Currie Cup Rugger, Coif and Boxing Championships, as though the intervening years of horror were but a fantastic dream. It is, in fact, remarkable how quickly humankind can pick up the threads. For instance, we view the end of the holidays with doleful concern; yet we are scarce back at school than we resume the routine just where we abandoned it. The holidays themselves seem an unconscionable time a-coming, and when they come it seems but a week-end since we left home. Perhaps it is well we are able to do this. If we spent our time dreading the future and mourning the past, we should get littldeone. There have been years so dark that we thought the world would never be the same again, yet we have slipped back into the peace-time routine, as though the War had not sliced six valuable years off all our lives. There is, of course, plenty of darkness about still. The future has a habit of seeming bleak. But, as a writer has said,"I have had many and severe troubles in my life, but most of them never happened." We tend to "live in a world of imaginative disaster." Sufficient unto the day. Meanwhile, back to our team-picking. 77

COMMENTARY It has been a pleasant, rather uneventful half-year. Hordes of new faces have arrived, from our own doorstep at Botha's Hill, to our far-flung outposts of Empire in Northern Rhodesia and Dar-es-Salaam. The faces have been accom panied by bodies of varying degree of size and robustness, and, we suspect, by minds,though these latter have not always been completely in evidence. There has been the usual routine of work and play; some play, some swot, others rejoice in their inefficiency. The classrooms have been the usual hive of industry, clean and spotless, with never a trace of dust and never a sound but that caused by the mouthing of maths tables, history dates, and Latin verbs. Beside the classrooms the long green sward is as great a pleasure to the eyes as to the feet, and one's shoes are always shiny*as mirrors. Little do we know of dust-storms. School activities have gone their normal way. Cricket, Athletics, Rugger, Swimming; nothing outstanding, but all in good spirit; unless one except the cricket team, who decided, for reasons best known to themselves, that they could not bat on Saturdays, though making centuries in mid week. Perhaps they have been spoilt. The army of the future has foregathered every Friday afternoon, and the daily rattle of musketry augurs ill for any hopeful Chaka or Hitler who may arise to stir our wrath. And, pervading all, musical sounds. Bugles, wireless and more wireless, an accordion, sweet singing in the Choir, not-so-sweet singing from the rest of the school, melodies from the Barracks, the crash of cymbals from the kitchen. It all combines to create atmosphere. Talking of new faces, there have been new ones on the Staff, too. Mr. R. W. Brown left his native London to take over the commercial work. He was Warden in the Blitz, and has shocking experiences to think back on, and a legacy of deafness from bomb blast. Mr. Brown has musical interests and a fine voice, giving leadership to the Choir basses. He lends a useful hand with that destroyer of souls. Division IV Rugby, and he smokes a pipe. Next term, Mrs. Brown will join him, to teach the music in place of Miss Fraser, now Mrs. Reece, who has turned her hand to more domestic items, and makes a pretty cake. Mr. L. C. Tedder is with us, too, having given up a Headmastership in Johannesburg in order to be back in the Province he loves. It would seem that he is tired of doing 78

clerical work which a second grade clerk could do, and is glad to be teaching again, albeit his income is halved. He is of mathematical persuasion. But be not deceived by his iron-grey locks; no grandfather, he, nor likely to be for a score of years. He wields a lovely whistle on the Rugger field. He also smokes a pipe. Others have come in temporary capacity. Mr. Cronje took Afrikaans for the first term, a scholarly and well-liked little man. Mrs. Nel succeeded him for one term, and we shall miss her perky wit. With her departure we become at last an all-male cast. Very temporary help has also been given by Mr. Shelton, Mr. Randelhoffe, and Miss Ray, and all have brought interest and variety to our midst. Two old hands leave us this term—Sister Gamble and Miss Gilmour. Sister has been with us almost throughout our days at Botha's Hill; a good friend to everybody, sought after by parents and boys, well or ill. We have been for tunate in having one so good natured and so attentive among us, and she leaves us most unwillingly, called by personal duty which she feels she cannot shirk. Her new home will be in Durban, and as she has been seen stealthily poring over a book entitled "How to Drive a Car," we confidently anticipate seeing her again. Her going wi l l leave many sore hearts. Miss Gilmour, one of the "back-room girls," has gone about her Herculean task of making bricks without straw during some of the most difficult of war years, and we envy her not. If the school has not had chicken and green peas for every meal, at least there has been a steady increase in weight, and no-one has actually died of malnutrition. We would not be in her shoes. To have one's horizon circum scribed by kitchen walls, the clash of dishes, and the rattle of foreign tongues! She deserves a rest! May she enjoy it! These departures mean new arrivals next term. Then maybe we shall shake down again—until we lose Mr. Matterson, which hardly bears thinking of. But we are more than fortunate in his successor. More of this later. So the old order changeth, and few are now left who struggled with the School in its earlier days, and by their perseverance and optimism kept it upon its feet and ultimately lifted it to Botha's Hill. It is difficult to resist one further comment. The end of the war has brought our Old Boys back to see us at Botha's Hill in increasing numbers. It has been a joy to see them. Nothing has impressed us more than to see how unchanged they are. Most of them have been through the rigours and harsh contacts of the battle front; many of them have been prisoners of war. We had somehow imagined that they 79

would, therefore, be different. But not so. We find them as fresh, as courteous, as agreeable as ever. No one would imagine that some of these fellows had spent years behind barbed wire, or tramping through Germany, or working down mines. It speaks much for the hardihood of the human frame and for the permanency of character and training, that this should be so. We suppose that the training at Kearsney at least had some part in the formation of their characters. If so, we are very proud of it, and proud of them. SCHOOL NOTES First Term; January 30th to April 5th, Second Term: April 23rd to June 28th. At the beginning of the year the school suffered a severe loss in the departure of Mr. Medworth. The position of Sports Editor on the "Natal Mercury"—a post for which he was eminently fitted in many ways—was offered him. and the Board of Governors, reluctant though they were, after so many years of honourable service, allowed him to go. Mr. Medworth came to us at the beginning of 1928, when the school was just beginning to find its feet on the lowest rungs of the sporting ladder, and he soon began to build the foundations of skill and sportsmanship on which we are now raising a goodly edifice. He brought to bear on his training of the XV a skill learnt inthe hard school of the Western Province, and his conscientious training has reaped its reward in the prowess of recent teams. In the Athletic field and with the Cadets Mr. Med worth set, and achieved, the same standard of performance Nor was his success confined to the sports field. His conversational methods of teaching Afrikaans gave his pupils the desired results, and his work as Housemaster of the junior House cannot be too highly praised. There are many parents who owe him a debt of gratitude for his interest in the training of the small fry who came under his wing. We watch Mr. Medworth's success in his new sphere with delight, and feel that, while we have lost a colleague, we have certainly not lost a friend. We regret the departure from our midst of Sister Gamble and Miss Gilmour, the former as Matron of Finningley for six years, the latter as Housekeeper for two years. Sister goes to a private post, leaving us with much regret, and Miss 80

Gilmour retires from housekeeping, taking a rest after her arduous and thankless duties here. We wish them both well, and expect to see them both from time to time. The school mourns the death of one of its oldest and firmest friends, Dr. G. B. King. Not only was Dr. King an old form-mate and l ifelong friend of Mr, Matterson, but he was also a close personal friend of many of the Staff, and greatly respected by them and many parents of boys. For years he was a member of our Board of Governors, unti l his numerous duties made it necessary for him to resign. He had suffered from ill health for some time, but his end was precipitated by tvyo strokes. We share in the grief of his wife and family. We welcome on to the Staff this year Mr. R. W.Brown, Mr. L .C. Tedder, and, in temporary capacity, Mr. F. J. Randelhoffe, Mr. Shelton, and Miss M. Ray. Rev. D. Timm, too, has now come officially to the cir cuit and is the School Chaplain. His work entails the Sunday services, and full school teaching programme on Tuesdays, and classes on Tuesday evenings. We welcome him to our midst and appreciate the interest he takes in all our activities. Congratulations to Miss Fraser and Mr. Reece, who were married in Bloemfontein at Easter. Congratulations also to Mr. Clegg on his engagment to Miss Margaret Watt on July 18th. Mr. Medworth paid us a visit on June 5th, an occasion made felicitous by presentations from Staff and boys. The Headmaster spoke appreciatively of the work put in by Mr. Medworth during his 18 years' associations with the school, and in reply Mr. Medworth entertained the boys to a number of reminiscences of the Staff in undignified mood. Another visitor to the school has been Mr. Chad, whose elegant features have adorned a number of classroom walls from time to time. Never having seen anything lower than the chin hitherto, we were on one occasion interested to find "Wot! No wall?" and to be allowed a first glimpse of his nether regions. We were somewhat disappointed. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Milner has now been con verted into a house for 14 senior boys, under the care of Mr. Nel, and is to be known as Milner House. Conditions are somewhat cramped, in spite of the use of double decker beds. Mr. Milner has built himself a smaller house adjoining, suit able for his needs while Mrs. Milner is away studying. 81

The visit of the President of the Conference, Rev. W. Meara, on Friday, June 14th, was a great occasion, and not merely because it meant abandoning four periods of school! A service for the recognition of new members was held at 1 1 a.m. and shared jointly by the President, Rev. S. le Grove Smith, Rev. D. Timm,and Rev. W. H. Irving. The President gave a stirring address on "Youth." The following boys were received into Church Membership: H. L. Albertyn, R. G. Brand, O. K. Clarkson, N. Colepeper, R. A. Coventry, j. L. Doveton, H. N. Groom, D. G. Gardner, I . H. D. Lund, A. L. Mundell, C. L. Oliver, D. G. Metcalfe, O. D. D. Putterill, H. Shuttleworth, 0. R. Southwood, A. C. Taylor, G. R. Thompson. Several parents attended the service. In the evening of the same day the Choir adjourned to Pinetown to lead the singing and render anthems at a com bined service in the Pinetown Hall, where the President was again the speaker. The following boys were confirmed by the Bishop of Natal at St. Agnes Church, Kloof, on June 24th: L. Baker, M. A. Blackburn, K. T. Brink, P. T. L. Chappe, j. M. Cowie, O. S. Egeland, H. Forbes-Watson, P. E. Lines, H. M. Pope, G. M. H. Shires, j. A. Smith, R. R. A. Ross. The new boys were given the usual South African Group Intelligence Test at the beginning of the year, the I.Q.'s ranging from 132 to 99, and the average being 1 15, one less than the median mark for the school. Boys who went to the old school may have read of the savage attack made upon Miss Balcomb and Mr. Fletcher at the Kearsney Post Office on March 10th. They were at tacked in the night by natives, and both partially strangled; both suffered severely from shock and bruises. Miss Balcombe has lived at Kearsney almost the whole of her life. Mr. Fletcher is over 80. Both will now be leaving. Kodascope : j. H. S. Ayres. Early in July the School lost a good friend in Mr. R. F. Robertson, of Hill Crest. He was one of the most interested and most generous of our parents, and to his wife and family we offer our deep sympathies. The following boys left at the end of last year: M. K. Anderson, j. H. Boyd, P. B. Chaplin, R. Christiansen, R. H. Dale, L. A. Dixon, C. C. Didcott, P. E. Ellis, j. A. Grant, G. D. H. Hill, E. Hall, W. Hodsdon, W. B. King, D. j. Kjonstad, O. McLaverty, B. j. Nieuwoudt, N. G. Pottow, L. N. Pope, j. Redgment, G. R. Slatter, E. j. and I. M. Sandeman, B, H. Spilsbury, D. R. Symington, N. E. Theunissen, A. V. Tren82

tham A B. van Aardt, N. H. Walker, R. W. Woods, D, H. Williamson, R. F. K. Wilson, P. N. Carbutt, P. R. jonsson, P. J. Wil ls, A. R. Jones, D. D. L. jardine. The following left in June: K. M, Oliver, j. Friedman, I. j. Woodhead. We welcome the following new boys: ]. M. Anderson (Durban), C. A. M. Anderson (Pretoria), C. j. Brokensha (Chaka's kraal), R. Brown (Botha's Hill), P T L Chappe (Cingindhlovu), E. B. Christian (Hill Crest), V. D Collingwood ((Durban), R. W. Coote (Durban) R N Cordes (Canelands), j. M. Clak (Botha's Hill), D. C. Dykes (Kitwe, N Rhodesia), H. Forbes-Watson (Harding), B. A. FeHowsSmith (Durban), B. C. Hageman (Newark), B. H. Hulett (Eshowe) P. M. le'Roux (Amersfoort), P. E. Lines (Dur ban), R. Leslie (Kloof), C. E. Leisegang 'Se^ela) D j. Metcalf (P.M.B.), C. W. Mundell (Mt. Frere), R. H. Mitchell (Port Shepsto'ne), N. Mark (Pretoria), D. A. F. McLeod (Dar-es-Salaam), C. S. Meumann (Ebor, Tvl.), E. j. Needham (Johannesburg), D. E. Proctor (Mafeking), P C. Polkinghorne (Easter) (Johannesburg), M. J. Rodda (Dwaleni, Swaziland), R. D. Rich (Durban), D. J. Rishworth (Durban), W. N. Rock (Flagstaff), H. H. Rowe (Amatikulu), M. G Shelton (Hill Crest), G. M. H. Shires (Amanzimtoti), 0. R. and W H. Southwood (Malvern), P. J. Silburn (Easter) (Botha's Hill), A. J. Tedder (Easter) (Botha's Hill), P. d'A. Woodley (Duffs Road), D. S. Wauchope (Westville), C. R Witherspoon (Westville). Appointments: School Prefects : L. F. Forsyth (Finningley, Heat^ , R. W. Friday and J. H. S. Ayres (Gillingham), W. M. Oliver (Finningley). House Prefects : Finningley: G. R. Foss, R. W. Zeller. Gillingham : V. Davy, D. G.- Metcalfe. Junior : A. S. Brass, G. L. Ovenstone. Cricket : D. Leather (capt.), V. Davy (vice). Rugger : R. W. Zeller (capt.), E. O. Hughes (vice). Athletics : R. Friday (capt.), R. W.Zeller (vice). Student Officers: W. M. Oliver (Coy. Comm.) L. F. Forsyth, R. G. Foss, R. W. Zeller, D. Leather, R. W. Friday. Drum Major : R. W. Friday. Stamps : H. L. Albertyn, H. A. Cowen. Librarians : P. E. Metcalf, R. J. Kitchin, G. R. Niven. 83

EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1945 Matriculation : First Class : P. B. Chaplin, C. C. Didcott, L. F. Forsyth (Latin), E. Hall, B. ). Nieuwoudt, K. M. Oliver, E. ). Sandeman, R. Slatter, A. B. van Aardt. ' Second Class : P. N. Carbutt, ). Redgment, A V. Trentham, P. ). Wills. Third Class : P. R. jonsson. Senior Certificate: Matric Exemption : P. E. L. Ellis, |. Grant, W. Hodsdon. Pass : V. Davy, G. D. H. Hill. National Junior Certificate: With Distinction : I. Benson, A. S. Brass, J. R. E. Butterworth, O. K. Clarkson, H. A. Cowen, H. N. Groom, W. R. Johnson, R. j. Kitchin, H. C Metcalfe, P. E. Metcalf, R. I . Leisegang, R. F. Robertson, R. A. j. Taylor, E. J. von Gorkom, P. j. Witney, P. R. Young. Pass : G. M. Anderson, R. ). Baker, R. Brand, E. j. R. Caney, M. L. Coppin, L. Dyson, D. B. Peddie, N. G. Pottpw, D. M. W. Pugh, K. Shimwell, R. Zeller. Bursaries ; R. I. Leisegang, P. E. Metcalf. P. E. Metcalf came top in the country in Maths, and E. ). R. Caney top of the country In Biology. Lower Taalbond : Higher Grade : R. I. Leisegang. Lower Grade ; j. H. Boyd, A. S. Brass, P. B. Chaplin, D. G. Cominos, M. L. Coppin, L. N. du Toit, P. E, L. Ellis, R. E. Evans, P. N. Garbutt, j. A. Grant, C. D. H. Hill, D. j. Kjonstad, P. E. Metcalf, D. S. N. Morrison, K. Shimwell, R. A. j, Taylor, A. V. Trentham, P. j. Wills, P. ). Witney, R. W. Woods. Preliminary Taalbond : j. G. Kinloch, W. B. Letcher, G. R. Thompson. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY President : The Headmaster. Vice-President : Mr. J. F. Reece. Secretary : W. M. Oliver. Committee: L. F. Forsyth, D. Barker, R. I. Leisegang, H. V. Meinzer, D. C. Cominos. I Programme: Feb. 3rd.—Election of Officers. 17th.—Debate : "That the Eskimo's life is pre ferable to that of a South Sea Islander's." Lost. Mar. 3rd.—Sharp Practice. 17th.—Debate: "That the influence of the Cinema is harmful." Lost. May 5th.—Debate : "That South African Industry should be nationalised." Lost. 84

19th.—Debate: "That this House deplores the American outlook on life." Lost. June 1st.—Mock Trial. 23rd.—Literary Reading. Membership has declined this year, this not represent ing, we hope, the decline of the Society, but a weeding out of the chaff from the wheat. That, at least, is the theory, though the Vice-President had once to address the Society on the lack of care taken over speeches, and referred to the action of one member in reading a magazine while a debate was in progress. The debates have not exactly sparkled. The fault has lain among the floor members rather than those appointed to take the lead, in that too few are prepared to take a part in the discussions, so destroying the object of the meetings, which is to give fluency and confidence in public speaking. The Sharp Practice might more accurately have been called a Notch Potch, for members were called upon, with out notice, to debate, lecture, or recite.^ Perhaps we might mention Coppin's feeling rendering of "What it feels like to be in love," Johnson's talk on "The usefulness of cows." and Morrison's masterly rendering of Nursery Rhymes. Mr. Reece and the personnel involved spent a good deal of time rehearsing for the Mock Trial. D. Barker was ac cused of murdering his wife and children by morphine poi soning. Dramatis Personae were Forsyth (Judge), Oliver (Prosecutor), Friedman (Advocate for Defence), Evans (Owner of Flat). Ritz (Owner of Warehouse), Cowen (Inspector), Squibb (Mother-in-law), Comins (Doctor), Metcalf (Registrar), Albertyn (Usher). The jury, who must have had a grudge against the prisoner, found him guilty in spite of the very circumstantial nature of the evidence. Literary readings were selected and read by the VicePresident, whose items were chosen to illustrate: tragedy, humour, sarcasm, despair, English ballad, and courage. CHOIR The Choir has been joined by many new trebles, mostly very raw indeed. Starting a scale together, they would pro gress by uneven intervals and finally arrive at seven different conclusions. However, the material was there, and has worked up into a fairly harmonious whole, with more volume 85

than last year Incidentally, the various departments of the Choir have each had over 40 hours' choir training, apart from class lessons and services, during the half year. Tenors have rather relied on one or two leaders. Basses as a whole have responded well to the call made upon them, and, led by Mr. Brown, have added a good background of volume. For the mid-year concert, songsters were as usual divided into groups. It was then realised, better than before, that there are a good many comparative "passengers" in the choir, whose enthusiasm has exceeded their vocal ability. But they probably improve by practice. Judging from notices and placards, the Kearsney Choir was one of the main attractions at the Pinetown Hall, when all the churches met to welcome the President of the Con ference. Besides leading the singing generally, they rendered the anthems "The Heavens are Telling" (from Haydn's "Creation"), "Give ear unto my Prayer" (Arcadelt), and "The RadiantMorn hath passed away" (Woodward), and their singing was generally appreciated. Other choral items prepared have been"Send out Thy Light" (Gounod), "The Praise of God" (Beethoven), "How Lovely are Thy Dwellings" (Liddell), "Pilgrim's Chorus" (Wagner), "Huntsman's Chorus" (Weber), "Fleur de Lys"(Sydenham),"Down in a Flow'ry Vale"(Festa, 1541 ) and "Early One Morning." The mid-year concert had to be prepared in a matter of days, owing to other commitments. It is hoped to put on a concert in Pinetown next term, when a more polished dis play is anticipated, but considerable enjoyment was derived, by participators.and listeners, from the following programme: Funiculi, Funicula Choir Marcheta Foss, Barker, Young. Hark,Hark, the Lark Mark, McLeod, Southwood, Williamson. Piano solo : Song Without Words (Mendelssohn) Niven Early One Morning ... Choir Company Sergeant-Major Niven, Albertyn, Butterworth Somewhere a Voice is Calling (trio) Dowse, Goodwin, Metcaif, Thompson, Lund, Oliver. Down in a Flow'ry Vale Choir Sussex by the Sea Peddle, Anderson, Wedderburn Lilac Tree Proctor, Goodwin, Dersley, Woodley Piano solo: A.D. 1620 (MacDewaii) Niven Pilgrim's Chorus Choir 86

Myself When Young Coombe, Poole, Groom I'll Walk Beside You (duet) ... Rishworth, Leslie, Bulman, Milllken, Niven, Albertyn Fleur de Lys Choir Stonecracker John ... ... Friday, Wedderburn, Oliver Philosophy Dowse, Shires, Rich, Jones Huntsman's Chorus Choir When Britain (lolanthe) ... Mr. Brown and Choir Water Boy Weston, McKenzle, le Roux My Rose Lund, Thompson, Wicks, Rowe Twin Duet Forsyth, Doveton Harrow Song Choir Readings et alia were interspersed by the Head and Mr. Reece. '-"j 5^® 87

CRICKET The term opened with a sensafional win, which was followed by an equally sound defeat. The team has too long a "tail," so that when the early batsmen have been dis missed, there is usually a sudden collapse. The bowling has been good on occasions, but is lacking in variety and accuracy. CRICKET COLOURS. Congratulations to the following on being awarded their Cricket Colours for 1945:— D. Leather, V. Davy, R. Foss, R. Friday. Feb. 16th. Foss, c Melle, b Pfaff V. Hilton. Won by 78 runs. Home Leather, not out Davy, c and b Whatley ... . Colepeper, c McLean, b Melle Friday, b Carter Barker, run out King, Ibw, b Levy Clarkson, c Johnstone, b Levy Ovenstone, c Melle, b Johnstone Extras 0 4 3 1 0 4 100 18 Hilton 22. 12 0 M R W 15 King 6 1 8 3 20 McLuckie .. 6 5 4 3 22 Friday ... .. ,. 2 0 4 0 3 Davy ,. 2 1 4 3 Feb. 23rd. V. Maritzburg College Lost by 5 wickets. Home McLuckie, c Gary-Smith, b Montgomery Davy, c Gary-Smith, b Montgomery Shagam, Ibw, b Montgomery ... Leather, c Ribbons, b Gary-Smith Foss, c Ribbons, b Montgomery Friday, c Armitage, b Gary-Smith Colepeper, b Gary-Smith Barker, c Armitage, b Gopland King, c and b Armitage Ovenstone, not out Extras 19 1 0 2 1 7 0 0 38 Maritzburg Gollege : 134 for 5 declared (McGlew 53 not out, Holman 35, Hey 24). OMR King 7 0 20 W 1 Golepeper McLuckie Friday Davy Shagam .. 0 2 1 10 0 25 0 29 0 13 1 1 1 0 1 88

March 2nd v. D.H.S. Away Lost by an innings and 25 runs. 1st Innings. D.H.S.: 167 for 7 declared. Davy, Ibw, b Silk 13 9 ^ ^ Foss, c Tayfield, b King 21 King 6 1 25 0 Shagam, c Marais, b King ... 3 ... ... 15 ^ 3o 3 Leather, Ibw, b King 1 Shagam 6 1 20 2 Friday, b King 0 Leather 6 0 19 2 Colepeper, c Bidgood, b King 4 King, b Tayfield 6 Clarkson, b Bidgood 2 Coombe, c and b King 0 Barker, c and b King 0 Ovenstone, not out ... ... ... 1 Extras 0 52 Second Innings 90 (Davy 38, Foss 20.) March 9th. v. Clenwood Away Lost by 48 runs. Davy, c A. Wright, b Clenwood : 140 (A. Wright Stephenson 1 35, D. Wright 25). McLuckie, c D." Wright, b jay 6 ? ^ Shagam, c Andrew, b Wilsort ... 21 King 8 0 28 0 Leather, c McLeod, b jay ... 0 McLuckie ... 3 0 7 0 Foss, c Matches, b jay 0 Davy 15 J. 50 4 FridW, b jay 0 Friday 14 5 34 5 Colepeper, c Andrew, b Wilson 11 Leather 2 O i l 0 Clarkson, c D. Wright, b Wilson 16 King, b jay 25 Hume, b Wilson ... ... 0 Ovenstone, not out i ... 5 Extras 7 92 Under 15 : OTHER MATCHES. V. Maritzburg College.—Kearsney 68 (Worthington 17). M. College 137 (Alexander 4 for 26). Lost by 69 runs. V. D.H.S.—Kearsney 69 and 55. D.H.S. 216 for 6 dec. Lost by innings artd 92 runs. V. Clenwood.—Kearsney 45 and 51 (j. A. Smith 26). Clenwood 195. Lost by innings and 99 runs. Under 14: V. Highbury 1st XI.—Kearsney 40 and 103 for 9 (Stewart 57). Highbury 1 18 and 39 for 3 dec. Lost by 78 runs. V. Highbury 2nd XI.—Kearsney 129 (Williamson 56; Raw 33). Highbury 76. Won by 53 runs. 89

npmivniTii ATHLETICS This year saw the revival of the annual athletic meeting against D.A.C. on March 16th, the first for six years, and we were very pleased to welcome back the members of the D.A.C. after such a long period. We hope that the fixture will continue to be an annual one as it was before the war. We are also grateful to Highbury for sending two relay teams, thus adding interest to the meeting for our Juniors. Friday ran an excellent open 100 yards in 10 2/5 sees, despite an injured ankle, which unfortunately was to hamper his performance in the school sports. RESULTS. Shot, Open : 3, Davy. 100 yards. Under 16i: 1, Ritz; 2, le Roux. Time: 1 ] sees. 100 yards. Open ; 1, Friday; 3, Hughes. Time: 10 2/5 sees. High jump: 3, Davy. Mile, Under 16-2- : 1, Meinzer; 2, van Corkom. Time: 5 mins. 14 sees. Mile, Open : 1, Davy; 2, Nieuwoudt, Time: 4 mins. 54 sees. 440, Open ; 2, Zeller. Long Jump, Open : 3, Forsyth. 220 yards. Under 16^-: 1, Ritz; 3, McLuekie. Time: 25 3/10 sees. 220 yards. Open : 2, Hughes. Discus : 3, Davy. 880 yards. Under 16^-: 1, Meinzer. Time:2 mins. 14 sees. Relay, Under 13: 1, Highbury; 2, Kearsney; 3, Kearsney. Time: 57 4/5 sees. Relay, Under 14: 1, Kearsney; 2, Highbury. Time: 55 2/5 sees. Relay Under 16i- : 1, Kearsney; 2, D.A.C. Time: 50 4/5 sees. Relay, Open: 1, D.A.C.; 2, D.A.C.; 3, Kearsney. Time : 45 2/5 sees. 90

SPORTS DAY This year the Annual Sports were held in the first term,. I.e., March 30th, instead of in September as has been the case hitherto. Once again the sports attracted a large crowd, who came from far and near, taking full advantage of the raising of restrictions on petrol. There were two sittings at lunch and many more visitors for afternoon tea. We wish to ex press our appreciation to Miss Cilmour and her staff for catering so efficiently for so large a crowd. Two new records were established, both in the U. 15 group, namely, by Morrison in the long jump and Lentin in the discus. The meeting generally was notable for the num ber of close finishes and interest was maintained throughout. The day started with the points even for both Houses, i.e., 373 each, but Finningley gradually drew ahead to win by 707 points to 636. The weather, which had been fine and warm throughout the previous week, was threatening on Sports Day, but the rain obligingly held off unti l after the tug-o'-war. It was gratifying to see such a good turnout for the Old Boys' ICQ yards, in which the McLeod brothers took the first two places, despite the severe handicapping of Mr. Milner! Friday, Hughes and Davy travelled to Bethlehem during Easter to participate in the S.A. Junior Championships and, although none was able to secure a place in the finals, all have probably gained considerably in experience. Mrs. L. Forsyth kindly honoured us by presenting the trophies and certificates on the conclusion of the sports Congratulations to the following on the award of their Athle tic Colours : R. Friday (capt.), R. Zeller, V. Davy, E. Hughes and T. Nieuwoudt. 75 yards. Under 13: 1, Ireland; 2, Bulman; 3, Hagemann. Time ; 10sees. 75 yards. Under 14: 1, Bishop; 2, johnson; 3, Eastwood. Time: 9.3 sees. 100 yards. Under 15 : 1, Morrison; 2, Lentin; 3, MeKenzle. Time; 1 1 .35 sees. 100 yards. Under 16i : 1, Ritz; 2, Young; 3, MeLuckie. Time : 1 1.5 sees. 100 yards. Open : 1, Friday; 2, Hughes; 3, Zeller. Time: 11.1 sees. High jump. Under 13: 1, Rich; 2, Brass; 3, Hanbury-King. Height: 4 ft. H' ins. High jump. Under 14: 1, Kitehin and Gowie (tie); 3, Johnson. Height: 4 ft. 5 ins. 880 yards. Under 16i: 1, Meinzer (G.); 2, Young; 3, Mundell. Time: 2 mins. 15.5 sees. 220 yards. Open : 1, Zeller; 2, Hughes; 3, Brown. Time: 25 sees. Long jump. Under 13: 1, Hanbury-King; 2, Ireland; 3, Leteher. Distance: 14 ft. li ins. Long jump. Under 14: 1, Bishop; 2, Oliver; 3, Hulett. Distance: 15 ft. 4i ins. 91

Long Jump, Under 15: I, Morrison; 2, Launder; 3, Mackenzie. Distance: 19 ft, 1^- ins. (record). Long jump. Under 1 : 1, Le Roux and Butterworth (tie); 3, Ritz. Dis tance: 17 ft. 1 H- ins. ' Long jump. Open : I, Zeller; 2, Davy; 3, Forsyth. Distance : 19 ft. 9 ins. Discus, Under 15: 1, Lentin; 2, Coote; 3, Smith. Distance : 106 ft 6 ins. (Record.) 100 yards. Under 13 : 1, Ireland; 2, Bulman; 3, Brass. Time : 13.2 sees. 100 yards. Under 14: 1, Bishop; 2, Oliver; 3, Eastwood. Time: 12.5 sees. 220 yards. Under 15: 1, Morrison; 2, Mackenzie; 3, Launder. Time: 27.7 sees. High jump. Open: 1, Davy; 2, Ovenstone; 3, Metcalfe and Leather. Height : 5 ft. 5^ ins. 220 yards. Under 13 : 1, Ireland; 2, Bulman; 3, Brass. Time : 30.1 sees. 220 yards. Under 14: 1, Bishop; 2, Oliver; 3, Johnson. Time : 27.6 sees. 440 yards. Under 16i: 1, Meinzer; 2, Young; 3, McLuckie. Time: 56 sees. 440 yards. Open : I, Zeller; 2, Brown; 3, Hughes. Time : 54.9 sees. High jump. Under 15 : 1, Morrison; 2, Lentin; 3, Smith. Height : 4 ft. B-J- ins. Discus, Under 164- : 1, Colepeper; 2, Robertson; 3, le Roux. Distance: 1 14 ft. 9 ins. Discus, Open : 1, Davy; 2, Friday; 3, Zeller. Distance: 145 ft. 84- ins. Shot, Under 164: 1, Brass; 2, Colepeper; 3, le Roux. Distance: 35 ft. 10-4 ins. Shot, Open : 1, Davy; 2, Friday; 3, Metcalfe. Distance : 40 ft. 74 ins. 880 yards. Open : 1, Ayres; 2, Nieuwoudt; 3, Davy. Time:2 mins. 11.6 sees. High jump. Under 164 : 1, Blackburn; 2, Brass; 3, Colepeper and Wheel wright (tie). Height: 5 ft. 14 ins. 880 yards. Under 13 : 1, Rishworth; 2, Hanbury-King; 3, Ireland. Time: 2 mins. 39.9 sees. 880 yards. Under 14: 1, Bishop; 2, Johnson; 3, Eastwood. Time: 2 mins. 34.8 sees. 880 yards. Under 15: 1, Johnson, L. M.; 2, Smith; 3, Lentin. Time : 2 mins. 27 sees. 220 yards. Under 164-: 1, Ritz; 2, le Roux; 3, Young. Time: 25.6 sees. Parents' Walk : 1, Mr. Coote; 2, Mrs. Friday. 100 yards. Old Boys: 1, I. McLeod; 2, R. McLeod; 3, Dixon. Time: 11 1 /5 sees. Mile, Under 15: 1, Johnson, L.; 2, Yuille and Coppin (tie). Time: 5 mins. 52 sees. Mile, Under 164*: 1, van Ojrkom; 2, Meinzer; 3, Taylor, A. Time: 5 mins. 16.7 sees. Mile, Open': 1, Nieuwoudt; 2, Davy; 3, Ayres. Time : 5 mins. 1/10 sec. 880 yards, non-finalists; 1, Tytherleigh; 2, Coombe; 3, Clarkson. Time: 2 mins. 27.7 sees. Relay, Under 13 : 1, Finningley. Time: 59.2 sees. Relay, Under 14: 1, Finningley. Time: 54.8 sees. Relay, Under 15 : 1, Finningley. Time : 53.6 sees. Relay, Under 164-: 1, Finningley. Time: 49.6 sees. Relay, Open : 1, Cillingham. Time : 47.7 sees. Tug o' War: 1, Finningley. TROPHIES: Inter-House.—Oliver Pearce: Finningley, by 707 points to 636. Best Individual Event; Open.— Hulett: Zeller, for the 440 yards. Under 164".—Les. France: van Corkom, for the mile. Under 15.—Grant Weston : Morrison, for the long jump. Under 14.—Pennefather: Bishop, for the 220 yards. Under 13.—E. A. Hopkins : Rishworth, for the 880 yards. 92

SWIMMING NOTES Captain : Ayres, J. H. S. Commfttee Members ; Forsyth, L. P., Cowen, H. A. Life Saving : For the first time in the history of the School, life sav ing has made its appearance as an integral part of our swim ming programme. It is pleasing to note the interest shown by a large number of boys, particularly of the middle school, and their keenness to qualify for the awards of the Royal LifeSaving Society. A life-saving team under the direction of Col. MacMillan, of Highbury, initiated the enthusiasm with a display at the baths. A Kearsney team also provided an item. Our life saving team, consisting of J. H. S. Ayres, C. E. Pope, D. B. Peddie and D. E, Todd, would have won the Payne Inter-School Life Saving Shield competition held in Durban on April 8th if one of our best participants had not been eliminated at the last moment owing to ill-health. A sub stitute was eventually found, but the team lost 8 marks on the backstroke time (one point per second over 90) and even then we lost by only 12 points and came second. Congratulations to the following on qualifying for the following awards;— 1st Class Instructor's Certificate: Ayres, J. H. S. Bronze Medallion: Morgan, I. E., Peddie, D.B., Rodda, M. J., Taylor, R. A. J., Todd, D. Intermediate Certificate: Wilson, R. W., McLuckie, N. Our thanks are due to Mr. Gilbert Reynolds, Hon. Sec retary of the Royal Life-Saving Society (Durban Branch) for his assistance and encouragement. Swimming Galas: Kearsney was represented at the Seals Entertainment Gala held in Pietermaritzburg on February 15th. Both en trants did well, the result of the 50 yards scratch under 14 free style being:— 3rd : R. A. O. Johnson. 4th : E. Needham. Keen competition was the keynote of both the Senior and junior Galas held at the Beach baths under the auspices of the Durban and District Schools' Swimming Association, on Wednesday, 3rd, and Thursday, 4th April, respectively, in the Senior Section, the Kearsney team came 3rd in the 93

Boys Team Race (Open) Association Cup event, members of the team being Young, Cowen, Ayres, von Corkom. Outstanding, however, were the results ok the lunior Gala ; 50 yards over 12 and under 13 : 1st, Needham. Time : 32 2/5 sees, (record 32 1/5 sees);.2nd, Ireland. 50 yards over 13 and under 14 : 2nd, R. A. O Johnson; 3rd, Kinloch. Competing against a large number of schools, Kearsney came first in the Under 14 Team Race in the splendid time of 2 mins. 12 1/5 sees. (1/5 sec. outside the record). Mem bers of the team were Needham, Ireland, Kinloch, Johnson Swimming Lessons: Swimming lessons have been in full swing since the commencement of the season. The classes are large and the instructors, Ayres, Cowen, Pope, von Corkom and Young, have done yeoman service towards the improvement of the standard of swimming in the School. It is hoped that the enthusiasm displayed in these lessons, by the younger boys, will continue. The School was the recipient of a gift, a very fine polo ball. With the development of this side of the sport, we look forward to the day when we too shall be able to com pete in the inter-schools' polo competitions. 94

RUGBY, 1946 Thjs term has produced some entertaining rugby, de spite the fact that we have only won two matches. The pack on the whole has combined well and played gamely throughout in the face of heavy opposition. It is difficult to single out individuals, but Pope, Doveton, King and Robert son have been'among the hardest workers. The loose for wards have tended to hang outside the loose scrum instead of getting in for a good, honest shove. The three-quarters have not seen a great deal of the ball from the set scrums, and on occasions have failed to make the most of their op portunities. Zeller has proved an able and energetic captain, but has had few opportunities nor has he been allowed much latitude by our opponents. Ovenstone has played excellently at scrum-half and has got the line moving whenever possible. The tackling of the team has been very sound and has won praise from many quarters. Zeller, Ovenstone, Pope, Nieuwoudt and Friday were invited to the Coastal Schools trials; Zeller and Ovenstone were selected to play against Midlands on June 28th. Con gratulations. Zeller, Ovenstone, King and Nieuwoudt have been in vited for a further trial for the Coastal Schools game on June the 29th. UNDER 15. The team began the season badly, but it has now de veloped into a well-balanced and thrustful side. The for wards have played wel l as a pack, though one could wish for more combination in the loose. Metcalfe's hooking has given our backs more than their share of the ball. Taylor has captained the team well, and as scrum-half has made the team much more effective. Clarkson has done well at fly. Squibb, who has played some brilliant games, has made many an opening for McLuckie to score on the wing. The team is keen, and plays attractive football. The earlier games were ruined by the wasted effort of the three-quarters in running across the field; this fault has been largely cor rected. Result's of Matches. V. Michaelhouse (A). Lost 0—28. V. Hilton (A). Lost 0—34. V. Mansfield Road (A). Won 35—0. V. St. Charles' (H). Won 18—0. V. Clenwood (A). Lost 6—13. V. Estcourt (H). Won 58—0. V. Voortrekker (H). Won 13—3. 95

.The following is the team: Stewart; McLuckie, Squibb, Morgan, Spradbrow; Clarkson, Taylor, R.; Johnson, Metcalfe, Lentin, Smith, j. H., Mundell, Lander, Mackenzie, Launder. Morrison, Fellows-Smith and Christian have also played. DIVISION III. The Under 14 side shows a lot of promise, and with a little more experience they will develop into a very good side. In all the matches the forwards, with a few exceptions, played an outstanding game, although they were outweighted in the first two matches. 31st May V. Durban Prep., at Kearsney. Lost 0—17. 15th June V. St. Charles', at St. Charles'. Lost 0—18. 25th June v. Highbury 1st, at Highbury. Drew 6—6. DIVISION IV. Of idle chattering the Arabs have a saying :"I hear the sound of millstones, but I don't see any flour." This is rather typical ot the rugby inthis division. There is plenty of noise, but precious little rugby worthy of the name. With few •exceptions, there is a distressing lack of keenness, and the extra individual practices so obvious in other divisions are lacking in our own. It is to be hoped that the subsequent months of the season will be marked by a keener desire to excel in this most manly of all sports. Remember that an "ounce" of performance outweighs a"ton"of good inten tions. We are grateful to the members of the first division for the willing assistance they have given us on occasion— an example of keenness that might well be taken as an example, DIVISION V The first half of the season, 1946, has been most suc cessful for this division. Considering that most of its mem bers are beginners and new to the game, a high standard of rugby has been produced. They have had little opportunity to show what they can do, but in their first match v. Highbury U. 12, they came up to expectations by beating their opponents 26—0; the result of playing fine rugby. In the second match, this time v. Highbury 2nd, they stood the test equally well and won 6—3. A very pleasing factor throughout has been the keen spirit displayed by all players. They fiave made a good start, but there remains much to learn. Players who have shown themselves very promising are: Rock (F.), Needham (F.), Rowe (F.), Whitear (F.), Mark (C.), Rishworth (C.), Ireland (F.H.), and Dykes (C.). 96

May 4th, v Michaelhouse. ■ Maritzburg. Won 14—8. Michaelhouse scored from a three-quarter movement in the first three minutes of the game. The try was not converted (3—0). About midway through the first half Kearsney goaled a penalty (3—3), but there was no further score by either side before half-time. At 'he beginning of the second half Michaelhouse were attacking and scored from the loose near Kearsney line. The kick was successful (8—3). Kearsney then scored an opportunist try. Zeller punted forward for Nieuwoudt to dash up, gather the ball and go over the line for an unconverted try (8—6). Kearsney took the lead when Browningscored from a three-quarter movement (8—9). Zeller broke brilliantly, scored on his own, and then added major points (8—14). Throughout ■ the game the Kearsney forwards, though outweighted, tackled magnificently. .May 1 1th. v. Hilton. Away Lost 9—12. Hilton had the better of exchanges for the first ten minutes, in which they scored two quick tries from spectacular three-quarter movements. The kicks failed (6—0). Kearsney now began to have more of the play and to look dangerous. After a good run on the left wing Brown reverse passed to Zeller, who scored near the corner. A good kick by Zeller failed (6—3). Kearsney continued to attack, but there was no change in the score at half-time. Soon after half-time Hilton scored under the posts from a good blind side movement from a scrum in Kearsney 25. The kick failed (9—3). Kearsney fought back, but Hilton were not to be outdone, and after a line-out near Kearsney line scored again when Leather fumbled behind the line. The kick again failed (12—3). Kearsney now began to see more of the ball and attacked strongly. Hilton were penalised in their 25 and Zeller goaled with a good kick (12—6). From the line-out on Hilton line, following a good touch by Friday, Colepeper dived over to score an unconverted try (12—9). The final whistle blew three minutes later. May 18th. v. D.H.S. Home Lost 3—17. D.H.S. scored in the first minute of the game. Kearsriey kicked off, from which D.H.S. initiated a movement which sent their right wing over in the corner. The kick failed (3—0). Kearsney began to have more of the game, and excellent tackling gave D.H.S. three-quarters little room to move in. A good run by Friday saw him go over in the corner. The kick failed (3—3). Shortly afterwards D.H.S. were penalised mid-field in their half, but the kick failed. Half-time, 3—3. D.H.S. began the second half as they had the first, their left wing scoring in the corner in the first three minutes. The kick failed (6—3). D.H.S. were soon away again and scored from orthodox three-quarter play. The kick aain failed (9—3). Kearsney were still defending well, but could not gain possession of the ball. The line lacked thrust when the forwards were able to get the ball back. The D.H.S. line got moving and scored again, their try being goaled (14—3). The superiority of weight was now telling in the scrums and D.H.S. scored again (17—3). Kearsney fought back towards the end, but there was no further addition tc the score. May 25th. v. St. Charles'. Home Lost 3—14. St. Charles' were early on the attack and alrnost scored frorti the kick off. Kearsney rallied and play moved to mid-field for some time, with both sides looking for an opening. After a good three-quarter movement 97

Friday scored far out for Kearsney, the kick falling short (3—0). St. Charles' were now seeing the ball from most of the.scrums, but Kearsney defence was very sound and St. Charles' were kept in check. Kearsney were awarded a penalty, but missed the kick at goal. St. Charles' at tacked strongly and scored a converted try from a line-out near Kearsney line. Half-time (3—5). St. Charles again attacked from the kick-off, but were just held out. They kept up the pressure and eventually scored again from a line-out in Kearsne2y5. The try was converted (3—10). Kearsney were awarded another penalty in a good position, but the kick was wide. From a scrum in front of Kearsney posts St. Charles' dropped a goal (3—14). Kearsney now attacked with good three-quarter, movements, but the final whistle blew without change to the score. May 31 st. 2nd v. Old Crocks. Home Lost 8—28. (From a report in "Natal Mercury.") At Kearsney yesterday the Old Crocks won the annual fixture against the College Second XV by 28 points to 8. The game was played in the usual open and free spirit, which is a feature of this fixture. Remembering how they used to wheel the scrums in their heydey, Alf Walker and Bert Woodville, when they gained pos session, lived through past years again. In spite of advancing years, there was not a better forward on the field than Alf Walker. With youth on his side, Gerald Lee was always present when danger threatened the ranks of the Crocks, and the dangers were frequent. Billy Wade and Bob Williams were in great form, and one particu larly fine reverse pass will long be remembered by the boys. Then there was Billy Wade's dash down the wing (after he had become tired of play ing scrum-half) and his sudden stop as he crossed the line. A Kearsney boy came along to tackle him, and Billy stopped in his tracks, waited for the boy to rush past and then went on his way to score between the posts. johnny Barnes had muscle trouble early on, but he continued to the end. That no injuries were suffered says much for the spirit of the game and the ability of the older men to play sternly but gently. Completely outweighted, the Kearsney boys stuck to their task man fully and, indeed, outhooked the Old Crocks repeatedly, but the Kearsney backs made little use of their opportunities. it was a grand game, thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd present. An interesting spectator was Wally Ciarkson, the Natal and Springbok centre. His words of encouragement from the touch line were a source of inspiration to the Old Crocks when they appeared to be flagging some what. June 1st. V. Gienwood. Track Ground, Durban. Won 1 1—0. Gienwood began by attacking strongly from one end to the other, but Kearsney defence was sound and Gienwood were successfully held out. Kearsney now took the initiative and opened the score when Zeller broke and Friday scored far out. The try was not converted (3—0). Kearsney had most of the play for the rest of the half, but were unable to pene trate Gienwood defence. Soon after half-time Brown, cutting in-field, took a pass from Foss and, after a long run, in which he beat several defenders, scored between the posts. The major points were added (8—0). Ovenstone, who had been playing an excellent game at scrum-half, broke round the blind side but was held up after a long run. From the resultant loose scrum Brown was sent over in the corner for an unconverted try (11—0). Gienwood attacked strongly towards the end and were unlucky not to score from a 98

• \ 4..^ penalty and when one of their centres failed to gather the ball over the Kearsney line. June 15th. V Voortrekker. Home Lost 3—5. Play opened In favour of Voortrekker, who were hooking the ball from most of the scrums. Kearsney forwards were doing well in the lineouts, with Doveton, King and Robertson in the van. The game moved from end to end with both sides doing their utmost to score, without success. Both sides missed many opportunities and the handling on occa sions was poor. There was no score at half-time (0—0). On the resumption Kearsney attacked strongly, but were held out by good defence. Zeller missed a penalty with a good kick from far out. Eventually King gathered the ball from the loose near Voortrekker 25, lobbed out a long pass to Friday, who scored in the corner. The kick fell short (3—0). Voortrekker, who did not flag once, again pressed strongly, but good forward play in the loose took Kearsney back to mid-field. In the last few seconds Voortrekker scored between the posts when their fly-half broke cleanly from a scrum in Kearsney twenty-five. The final whistle blew immediately after the conversion (3—5). June 22nd. v. Berea Rovers Home Lost.8—31. Rovers fielded their invincible Under 20 side, and strengthened by Luyt, Owen (both Provincial players). Dyer and Reeves, and including, amongst others, four Old Boys, Dyer, Reeves, McLaverty and McLeod. Kearsney pressed in the early stages. Receiving the ball from a loose scrum, Zeller_ broke, and threw a long pass to Friday, who scored far out, the conversion failing (3—0). Rovers, stung by this reverse, pressed strongly and scored near the corner. Dyer's kick was just short (3—3). Rovers attacked again, but Metcalfe saved well. Luyt dummied his way across for another uncon verted try (3—6). Friday put in a good run on the wing, but Rovers saved with a good touch, but for some time play remained in the Rovers half. After good three-quarter play Rovers moved into Kearsney 25 and scored, for Dyer to convert (3—I I ). Rovers scored again In the corner (3—14), but Kearsney were again pressing when the whistle blew for half-time. On the resumption Zeller broke cleanly, punted ahead, but just failed to gather the ball on Rovers' line. Again Zeller punted ahead for Foss to gather, but the latter was forced out just short of the line. Rovers moved into Kearsney half and Owen dropped a penalty goal (3—17). Friday scored between the posts after a long run on the wing; Zeller con verted (8—17). Kearsney attacked again and Nieuwoudt was unlucky when he knocked on with an open line ahead of him. In the closing stages the weight of Rovers pack was telling against Kearsney, and Rovers ran up another 14 points in quick succession (8—31). Other Games: Kearsney Second XV 8, Mansfield Road 3. ' Kearsney Second XV 0, Berea-Rovers"B"28. 99

CADET CORPS With the resignation of Captain C. 0. Medworth from the School Staff at the beginning of tne year the Detachment lost a Commanding Officer whose keen and faithful service over a period of fifteen years won distinction for himself and for the Corps in al l departments of Cadet work, whether ad ministrative or on the parade ground or in the field. Though he was always insistent on smartness and efficiency, he was also equally insistent on maintaining the interest of the Cadets and he would go to endless trouble to achieve this end. It is probable that few other Cadet corps in the Union the size of ours maintained such a varied training programme. The success of his efforts has been seen in the field days that have been held from time to time, and on the occasions of the Annual Inspections when the Inspecting Officers have never failed to find cause fo congratulate the Corps on its smart bearing, its steadiness throughout all ranks, and its evident sense of esprit de corps. These traditions, so soundly estab l ished by Captain Medworth have made it easy for his suc cessor to carry on, and they ensure the future continuance of past success. Appointments: The following appointments were made at the begin ning of the year:— Officer Commanding:Lt. G. M. Gram. Coy. Comman der:2/Lt. (S.O.) K. M. Oliver, Adjutant:2/Lt. (S.O.) R. W.Zeller. Platoon Commanders:2/Lts (S.O.'s) L. F. Forsyth, R. G. Foss, D. G. T. Leather. Band:2/Lt. R. W.Friday. Sergeants: V. Davy, C. E. Pope, J. R. Butterworth, J. H. S. Ayres, J. L. Doveton, A. E. Brass, M. L. Coppin, 1. N. Benson. Corporals: D. M. Cominos, E. O. Hughes, C. L. Ovenstone, R. F. Robertson, G. de Jager, J. H. Coombe, P. C. Taylor, J. R. Brown, D. W. Barker, B. Shagam, M. J. Poole, H. Shuttleworth, H, Ritz, G. H. Wedderburn. L/Cpl.: H. Groom. C.S.M.: D. G. Metcalf. We welcome to the Detachment 2/Lt. R. W. Brown, who has kindly undertaken to look after the Ambulance Section. Course: Kearsney Gadets did excellently at a Training Course held in Maritzburg during January. About 150 Cadets from Natal attended the course, and our results were as fol lows: 2/Lt. (S.O.) Oliver, 2nd: 2/Lt. (S.O.) Forsyth, 8th; 100