Hff >r§ KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE '7:L ■■■•*^1 '-^'■ [/ , I : .t. • •' .. J' \ P£ ■ JULY, 1947 i -'' r - V.*.-' • j*"-:
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 2 No. 5 JULY, 1947 EDITORIAL It is with satisfaction that we see so many extra-mural activities, springing up in the School curriculum. A school should try to be a small replica of the larger world, at least of those activities which are desirable, so that a boy may be fitted to hold his own from the moment he leaves. We take the work and the sport for granted. These are essentials, each being important in its own way. The habit of study and concentration is a good one, and the development of mind essential, even though much of the actual knowledge acquired may be forgotten within a year or two. The exercise and sportsmanship derived from games has its part, too, in the proper development of a man. Yet there is so much else that matters, too, and one's person ality is built up on a wider range of interests than are supplied by the classroom and the sports field, it is not customary for a school magazine to devote much space to learning, and one sometimes gets the impression that sport is the only thing that matters. We have tried in the Chronicle not to over-emphasise sport. Now the Editor's lot has suddenly become easier, for there has arisen a mushroom growth of societies which all bear recording. We hope they will become permanent. The additional sports field now permits the whole school to play rugger at once,thus leaving Mondays and Wednesdays entirely free. In this way the varied societies are able to meet. The clash with sport in the past has always been a restricting factor. In particular we welcome the new attention given to art. We are fortunate in having the services of an expert in Mr. Young, who devotes the whole of Monday to art work here. Although he has been with us for only one term so far, Mr. Young has already stirred up great interest, especially in lino-cuts and impressionist painting. We hope this attention to culture, missing in our life hitherto, will remain, and grow in vitality. So shall we turn out the better citizens. 177
OUR NEW HEAD Mr. Stanley G. Osier, M.A., LI.B., has stepped confidently and efficiently into the shoes of Mr. Matterson. Like his predecessor, he comes from Kingswood, Grahamstown, where In his youth he had been a scholar, and later returned to teach. He thus comes to us with full knowledge of the problems of education in South Africa, and of the needs and opportunities of Church boarding schools. After gaining his Springbok colours for rugger, at which his prowess is well known, Mr. Osier obtained a Rhodes Scholarship, taking further degrees at Oxford, and captaining the University Rugby XV. He returned to teach at Kingswood until war broke out. He then joined the City Regiment of Grahamstown, but was later posted to duty on the staff of the Sixth Division under General Poole, where he held the rank of Captain. Many fine tributes have been paid to his service up North, After the war he returned to Kingswood for a short while, and then resigned In order to take a few months' refresher course at Cape Town University. Mr. Osier joins us full of fresh Ideas and with plenty of drive. He has not spared himself (or Staff or School) in the first few months in his firm determination to get a grasp of every item of school actiblty. His thoroughness in having every decision clear cut, and in black and white, will reap dividends in future. Time and labour spent now will mean time and labour saved in future. The machinery of the School was already running too well to require any material alteration. But there have been little inno vations. Monday morning assembly has become the longest of the week, for the masters in charge are called upon to give the School their impressions of Saturday's matches. Any other official School activities are similarly reported. And the Head has certainly taught the Schoohlow to clap. Mr. Osier has, we know, tired himself by his conscientious attention to his duties. Now we hope that he will be able to relax a little. With his house at last ready, he can take his ease. We welcome Mrs. Osier also to our midst. In spite of housing difficulties she at once took a keen and active part in the life of the School and very quickly became one of us. Her friendly nature at once found her a niche and companions among the pther ladies here. And none the less heartily do we welcome Marguerite and Maeder, who have found happy companionship on the spot, and should thrive In such an atmosphere of learning. 178
A MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD It is a great pleasure to have this opportunity to thank all parents and friends of the College for their deep Interest In It. Kearsney is a school which gathers to itself deep loyalties, for It has had a hard struggle. But Its foundations were well and truly laid by Mr. Matterson, the original Staff, and the College Council. It often happens that the best can only be fashioned In the furnace of adversity, and had It not been for those difficult days up the North Coast the traditions of the School would not have been as fine as they are. We who enjoy the success of the venture at Botha's Hill are chastened by the thought of the faith, energy, and vision which alone made this possible. The quality of Kearsney education has always been admired and we shall strive to make It the best for each Individual boy who passes through out hands. We have set ourselves the task of educating for the whole personality and also for a wholesome personality. Enjoying enviable facilities and amenities. In an Ideal setting, we have great opportunities. Within the next year we plan to build a Library, Laboratory, and Hobbies Room. We have also obtained the part-time services of a first-rate artist, and are steadily working towards our goal of helping each boy to discover himself, his special abilities, and his latent talents. When a boy leaves us we hope he will be well adjusted to his work, to society, and to sex, and will know how to use his leisure profitably. Those are the basic attitudes In life and we are moving energetically towards achieving them. S.G.O. SCHOOL NOTES First Term: January 29th to April 2nd. Second Term: April 22nd to June 27th. We welcome on to the Staff Mr. J. Storm, who comes to take up a permanent appointment as Afrikaans master. Mr. Storm has settled easily Into the School routine and takes an active Interest In his work and in the rugger and swimming. Sister Gamble has returned to us after an absence of six months. We are glad to have her back In the role she has so efficiently carried out. 179
Rev. D. W. Timm has been appointed Superintendent of the Durban County Circuit in place of Rev. S. le Grove Smith, who has gone to Graaff Reinet. Rev. H. O. Prangley has come from Eshowe, to take the work in the lower half of the circuit, and we accord to him and Mrs. Prangley a hearty welcome into our midst. Rev. R. H. Yates has arrived from England to take the place of Canon Harris, and takes the Anglican service here once a month. We wish him happiness in his work. Other preachers this half-year have been : Rev. W. H. Irving, Rev. Howard Young, Rev. N. Pike and Rev. C.C. Harris, President of the Conference. Sister Fairlee left us during the second term, to return to England. Her position as Matron of Gillingham has been taken over temporarily by Mrs. Gram. Morning prayers have this year been conducted in English and Afrikaans on alternate weeks. We began the year with the maximum possible number of boarders, and, in fact, could have accepted almost twice the number if we had had the accommodation. With more day scholars than usual, our numbers have for the first time reached 200. We are greatly indebted to the Royal Family for the inter ruptions to humdrum routine during the earlier months of the year. We were able to listen in to their arrival at Cape Town, and, later, were granted a four days truce in which to pay personal homage in Durban. Congratulations to our Band in being chosen to provide the music on the road to King's House. Groom was an extremely smart drum major, and both marching and music met with very favourable comment. We take off our hats to : Ritz, for being given the honour of playing Reveille outside the King's bedroom in the morning ; von Keyserlingk (Old Boy) for being in charge of the Pilot Car ; Also to: van Gorkom, on winning the.South African surfing championship, while still at Kearsney ; le Roux, on coming third in the shot and discus at the South African Junior Athletic Cham pionships. The Prefects' dance was once more held on the first night of the holidays. Willing hands transformed the Dining Hall into a fairyland, and the ladies at the School attended to the catering. Music vyas provided by Truter's Band and the School Hall was filled with visions of beauty and diaphanous robes such as must have startled the eyes of our founder. No doubt in preparation for this occasion, dancing classes have been restarted, and dancing teachers have come up from Durban every Friday afternoon to help lumbering rugger forwards to trip the light fantastic. 180
A great step forward in the cultural life of the School was made when Mr. Young, who has recently come from England to Kloof, was engaged to spend Monday with us, entirely in the interests of Art. During the morning he has the junior classes for fairly routine work. In the first part of the afternoon he takes those seniors, who are interested but not particularly adept, and in the latter part of the afternoon he takes the more talented boys. Exhibitions of water colours and lino cuts already done show clearly how much talent has lain hidden in the School and has been awaiting this opportunity of self-expression. Visits were made by the Choir to Pinetown, on May 8th,to pro vide music at the Missionary Rally conducted by Rev. Dr. H. Ben nett, of Mount Coke, and by the Debating Society to Epworth on June 7th. These are referred to elsewhere in more detail. The new boys were put through the customary intelligence test, and revealed l.Q.'s from the very high figure of 154 down to 91. The median mark was 1 16, which is also the School median. School examinations were held from May 27th to June 3rd. Telephone extensions have now been laid from Finningley House to the Domestic Block, Milner House, and Junior House. We understand that one of the switchboard operators still has difficulty In discovering which knobs to push up and down, A hymn-board has been acquired for use at Sunday Services. This serves as a mark to distinguish when the Dining Hall is a Church and when a Dining Hall. Meanwhile, we still worship to the smell of fried tomatoes, and to the clatter of dishes in the kitchen. It will be a great day for Kearsney when our Chapel, for which we already have the money, materialises. A special service was held on the evening of Sunday, June 15th, when the Pinetown Lodge (Delville Wood) of the S.O.E. had Church Parade here. Mr. R. H. Matterson (who is Provincial President this year) conducted the service, Mr. B. Simmonds delivered the prayers, Mr. L. T. H. Trotter read the lesson, and Mr. J. F. Reece gave the address. Special music was provided by the Choir. The Head has watched his house being built with irksome slowness, and he and his family were greatly inconvenienced by the delay. They shared the house with the painters and carpenters for several weeks. Mr. Tedder, with tremendous patience and perseverance, not to mention courage and skill, continues to spend every afternoon on his house, which he designed, quantity-sur veyed, and is building entirely himself. We hope that he will soon enjoy the long rest in it which he so richly deserves. 181
Other items ofdevelopment Include the resurfacing ofthe tennis courts, the cementing of the stretch outside the class rooms (and so the partial removal of the dust menace)and the laying of drains along the road, to prevent the silt being carried down to the class rooms. As usual, we have never been entirely free from worry over the water supply. Pumps and engines break down by rotation, and the water of the swimming bath has proved a great boon for all but drinking purposes. It is therefore a great relief to know that Botha's Hill have now formed a Water Board and, with a capital of about £5,000, intend installing the necessary equipment to serve water to the whole district. We shall be coming in under this scheme, so that the adequate provision of water will soon be the headache of somebody else. We had six inches of rain on the night of June 2nd. Some of the more recently developed property suffered severely, and Mr. Osier's new house had an opportunity to reveal its leaks. Appointments: Prefects. School: R. G. Foss (Head of School, Finningley), H. N. Groom (Head of Gillingham), G. L. Ovenstone (Finningley), H. A. Cowen (Gillingham). House: D. G. Leather, R. F. Robertson (Finningley), j. H. Coombe,A.S. Brass, J. R. Butterworth (Gillingham). P. R. Young, R. I. Leisegang (Junior). Cricket: Captain, D. G. Leather. Vice-Captain, R. G. Foss. Rugger: Captain, G. L. Ovenstone. Vice-Captain, R. F. Robertson. Swimming: Captain, E. J. van Gorkom. Athletics: Captain, P. R. Young. Drum Major: H. N. Groom. Student Officers: R. G. Foss, D. G. Leather, J. R. Butterworth, G. L. Ovenstone, R. F. Robertson, I. N. Benson. Stamps: G. W. Shuker, J.J. S. Alexander. Librarians: L. M. Johnson, I. H. Mackenzie, N. A. McLuckie. Kodascope: H. C. Metcalf, I. H. D. Lund. Gestetner: G. R. Niven. 182
Valete: The following boys left at the end of 1946 (the year of arrival being placed in brackets);— H. L Albertyn (41). J. H. S. Ayres (42). K. Adann (45). D W. Barker (40). J. R. C. Brown (43). E. R. Browning (45). L. Baker 46). D. M. Comlns (42). D. G. Cominos (43). V. Davy (38). J. L. Doveton (43). A. C. Davey (43). R. J. Friday (39). L. F. Forsyth (42). H. Forbes-Watson (46). E. O. Hughes (441 E Hey (44). Q. T. H. Hathorn (46). G. de Jager (42). h V LaunLf (45). K. C. Lander (43). D. G Metcalfe (40). T M McKenzle (42), T. Nieuwoudt (44). O.D. D. Putterill (45). C. E.'Pope (45). H. R. Roffe (42). R. R. A. Ross (45). A. E. Squlbb (431 B B. Shagam (43). P. C.Taylor (41). N. S. Wauchope (41). C T. Weston (42). G. H. Wedderburn (43). R. W.Wilson (45). R. W.Zeller (43). R. H. Christoffersen (46). The following have left this year R. A. Coventry (43). R. H. Mitchell (46). D. P. Carripbell (45). D. G. T. Leather (44), T. Y. Worthington (45), A. H. Yuille (43), R. C. J. Giles (47), G. L. Ovenstone (39) Salvete: We welcome the following new boys:— J. Atkinson (Durban). E. R. Ashby (Empangeni). M. Bensaul (Escombe). B. J. Beck (Durban). G.W.Barbour (day. Hill Crest), O. W. Crankshaw (Newcastle), J. E. Cleator (Durban), M. J. Collins (Salisbury), T. E. Dyson (Kokstad), C. J. G. Dell (Standerton), R. M. Dolton (Durban). B. P. Dingley (Durban). T. G. M. Prankish (Pietermarltzburg), S. T. Fish (Durban), G. M. H. Fraser (Durban, ex England), G. J. Gillitt (day, Alverstone), G A and R. C. J. Giles (day. Botha's Hill). H. Hart (day. Hill Crest). E. T. E. Hansen (Piet Retief). R. Hirst (Pietermaritzburg ex England). D. O. Hall (Pretoria). D. B. Hewitt (Melmoth), P W. Haley (Durban). P. M. Jones (Umtentwini), G. C. Jones (Langkrans). D. Kirk (day. Kloof), O. V. Leibbrandt (Nqutu). M. j; M. and S. R. M. Leask (Isipingo), D. J. Livingstone (Port Shepstone. ex Malaya). 1. R. Mcllwraith (Durban). C. R. Mitchell (Port Shepstone), 1. D. MacGregor (Durban). M. S. Mannion (Kroonstad). J. Ogilvie (Botha s Hill). L. J. Peel (Durban). G. Price-Hughes (Durban). G. C. Richardson (Durban). P. R. Roberts ^urban). C. R. Russell (Langkrans). D. W. Spencer (Durban), L. C. Tarr (Umzimkulu). J. A. Voysey (Durban). D. Weetman (Durban). D. G. M. Whitaker (day. Hill Crest), B. Zeeman (Wentworth). 183
Mr. Oram (as Mathias) and Mr. Hopkins (as Jacob, and fater as Barnabas) had important parts In Drinkwater's play A Mon's House, staged in Kloof and in Durban, and produced by Mrs. Stevenson. In the matter of rehearsals, tremendous calls were made upon their time, but the results justified the labour, and they and the rest of the cast are to be congratulated. The Epworth Past Girts held an executive at Kearsney on March 13th. Their object was to discuss ways and means of collecting £20,000 for additional buildings at Epworth. We admire their optimism and commend their enthusiasm. We hope that, if they are successful, they will let us know the secret. On the last Sunday ofthe half-year,June 22nd,we were privileged to have a visit by the President of Conference, Rev. C. Harris. He was accompanied by our Chairman, Mr. W. J. Williams, by our first padre. Rev. W. H. Irving, and also by Mrs. Harris. Rev. D. W. Timm conducted the morning Covenant Service for the reception of new members into the Methodist Church, and Rev. Harris gave a straight and memorable address on the words, "Be strong in the Lord," a call for honesty and uprightness in all things, with a belief in Cod as the only sure foundation. Many parents were present to share their son's first communion. After the service the President and his party met the School Staff over the tea-table at the Headmaster's house. The following boys were received into membership:— C. M. Anderson, C. J. Brokensha, E. C. K. Dowse, L. N. du Toit, W.B. Letcher, R.A.O.Johnson, K. B. Moon,C. F. Maclean, D. J. Metcalf, B. N. Tokelove, A. H. Yuille and B. H. Hulett. EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1946 The following boys gained Matric Exemption:— D. W. Barker, D. C. Cominos, D. M. Comins, R. J. Evans, B.B. Shagam, A. E. Squibb, C. H. Wedderburn. The following passed Senior Certificate:— J. R. C. Brown, J. H. Coombe,T. R. McKenzie,T. Nieuwoudt, P. C. Taylor. The following boys obtained Junior Certificate (U.E.D.) ; P. E. F. Burger, D. P. Campbell, N. F. Colepeper, R. A. Coven try, A. C. Davey, M. S. Hobson, L. M. Johnson, K. C. Lander, M. V. Launder, C. A. Lentin, I. H. Mackenzie, C. F. Maclean, I. E. Morgan, D. N. Morrison, A. L. Mundell, O. D. D. Putterill, R. R. A. Ross, C. W. Shuker, A. H. Yuille. 184
YOUTH CAMP On the day following the Easter break-up, the School was invaded by Youth Campers—90 young ladies and 60 young rnen, including Young. Colepeper and Dowse of our own number, and R. Lee, L. Taylor and H. Albertyn of our Old Boys. For four days Finningley echoewdith silvery laughter and the pitter-patter of high heels, while Gillingham maintained its more austere niasculine traditions. The Camp,run by the Durban Central Metho^st Circuit, and very efficiently organised and controlled by Mr. Bert Haley, provided the opportunity for Biblical Study, Group Discussion, formal Services, social activities, and sport. The serious was very well interspersed with comic relief, and ade quately proved the fact that it is possible to be happy though a Christian. Major Bert Pfuhl was principal guest speaker, though the Durban ministers and others came along and contributed their share, all adding their quota to the Camp theme ; "New Life. An enthusiastic choir rallied under Mr. Reece to provide anthems and incidental music. There were 150 visitors very loath to leave on the Monday night. ENTERTAINMENTS Films: Feb. 15:"Falcon takes over." May 3rd : "in Society." Mar 1st: Flight for Freedom." May 24th : "Secrets of Scotland . j Yard." Mar. 15th; "Star Spangled ,.t.. , j ■ Rhythm." Ju"® Ah : This Land is Mine. Mar. 29th ; "The Suspect." June 21st: "Mail Coach Robbery." April 26th : "Falcon out West." On Saturday, February 22nd, Major Merton Griffiths gave us a talk, with lantern slides, in finger prints and C.l.D. work. There were possibilities here of a really interesting lecture, but we felt that the speaker missed the boat. To the uninitiated, photographs of finger prints all look the same But we were interested to hear that South Africa had the largest collection of finger prints in the yyorld—not that our crime ratio is the largest, but because we take more finger prints! On the evening of Saturday, May lOth, Mrs. Brown brought us something new : colour and variety to our austere and unromantic existence. We are very grateful. A good crowd of visitors came and helped to swell the organ fund by £15. Mrs. Brown and her sister. Miss Dulcie Goodwin (like as two peas) played duets on two pianos, combining as efficiently as only sister musicians can. Mr. Brown made imaginery rafters ring with his songs, not omitting 185
the popular"Egg." Miss E/a Dudley also sang classical songs ; her voice was not powerful, but was of good tone. Itemslike these we have had before, in some form or other. What we have not had the pleasure of witnessing before on our stage were the gyrations of youthful ballerinas—quick-change artists, who came back and forth on to the stage in a variety of garb and pir ouetted in stately or quick-tempo measures, demonstrating the art of Russia, Spain, Egypt, Mexico and the sea. We thank Miss Nancy Graham for this brief moment of Covent Garden . Instead of the School concert on the last night of the June term, we had a visit from"The Eight of Us." Hill Crest is indeed fortunate to have such talent. Fifteen items they gave us—snappy sketches and songs, presented with the zest and stage composure of experienced artists. For an hour and a half they had us in fits, and there was never a hitch. The last item, showing a scene ofdomestic bliss as it is to-day, and the same scene in years to come when the slowing of the earth's rotation has caused an acceleration in man's movements (owing,the scientist told us, to the lessening of gravity) reduced us to hysterics. The entertainers to whom we are so indebted were : Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Alexander (Isobel Niven), Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hopkins, Mrs. Olive Menne, Mrs. Edna McMillan, Mr. Peter Crowder and Mr. Barry McMillan. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY President: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. Reece, Secretary: P. Metcalf. Committee: R. G. Foss, H. A. Cowen. A. Mundell, E. Christian, H. Ritz. Programnne: February 9th: Lecture: "A. A. Milne," by Mr. Reece. February 23rd ; Debate: "That colour is an accident of birth and should carry no disadvantages." Motion won, 27 votes to 12. March 9th: "Six Men in a Boat." Voting : Farmer (20), Engineer (7), Politician (4), Scientist (3), Doctor (2), Architect (0). April 27th: Debate : "That the practice of euthanasia should be legally permitted." Motion won, 37 votes to I. May I Ith ; Play Reading ; "A Night at an Inn," by G. R. Niven (The Toff), H. Ritz (Albert), E. R. Caney (Sniggers), D. G. Gardner (Bill). May 25th: "That Capital Punishment is a sign of barbarism and should be abolished." Motion lost, 13 votes to 20. June 8th : Patents Office. June 22nd: Debate ; "That this House deplores modern music." Motion lost, 1 1 votes to 24. 186
The meetings have been characterised by a greater liveliness than was the case last year. The junior members, however, have remained spellbound by the oratory of their elders ; we hope that when the spring comes, the ice will melt and they will take a more active part. Leaders of debates have usually taken pains to prepare their addresses thoroughly, and there has been less frantic diving for notes. The fluency attained in some cases shows the value of the experience. Single sentence speeches from the floor have almost disappeared and personalities are rare. When votes were taken for electing an"eight"to go to Epworth, the chief votes were gained by Ritz, Cowen, Groom, Foss, Metcalf, Coppin, John son, Morrison and Niven, and this fairly accurately indicates who were our most consistent speakers. The"Patents Office"was an innovation, and a hilarious affair. Behind the hilarity was the undeniable fact that members were learning to speak in public, under relaxed conditions, and this may be the beginning for them of a greater confidence in public speaking. The patentees were required to depict their ideas, with running commentary, on the blackboard. With such inven tions pending, the life of man is going to be made infinitely more tolerable in the near future ! The event of the half-year was the visit to Epworth. We are grateful to the Headmistress and Mrs. Heard for their hospitality. We sat down to an excellent supper, the fair and dark sexes sitting alternately, and then adjourned to the gym. for the Debate. The Epworth Debating Society had selected the debate : "That this House deplores the American outlook" and had chosen to oppose it. This may have been out of chivalry for their visitors, for it was obvious from the start that their arguments were inferior to ours. Ritz and Groom made our leading speeches, speaking confidently and logically. The Epworth leaders spoke with more fire, but less conviction, for theirs was a hard task. In general debate there were many lively speeches from the floor. Altogether a very good performance. If our Societies can produce such fluent, and thoughtful speaking, then they have well served their purpose, In the final voting, the Epworth girls deserted their own speakers, and the voting was well in our favour. KEARSNEY KOLLEGE AFRIKAANSE VERENIGING Met die stigting van 'n Afrikaanse Vereniging is daar in 'n ernstige behoefte in die Skool voorsien, nl., om die leerlinge 'n geleentheid te gee in die praktiese en alledaagse gebruik van die Afrikaansetaal. 187
Die Idee het dadelik byval gevind en, aihoewei net ieerlinge van Standerds 8, 9 en 10 ofFisieel as lede van die Vereniging toegelaat word, het ons met 'n ledetal van 54 begin. Geesdrif was deurgaans hoog en ons wil die hoop uitspreek dat dit enduit hoog sal biy. Verder is dit die wens van die Vereniging dat lede nie alleen voordeel sal trek uit die werk Wat gedoen word nie maar dat ons verrigtinge hul ook 'n hoe mate van genot sal verskaf. As estuurslede vir 1947 is die volgende persone gekies:— Ere-President: Die Hoof, Mnr. S. G. Osier. Vise-Presidente: Mnre. G. E. Burger en J. Storm. Addisionele Lede ; Vorm 6.— A. Brass en P. Metcalf. Vorm 5.—L. du Toit en C. Meinzes. Vorm 4.—N. Kitchin. Program vir Januarie-Junie, 1947 16 Februarie, 1947: Debat: „Behoort boere hul veld te brand ?" Inleier: P. E. Burger (ja). Ondersteuner: R. G. Brand. Teestander: D. B. Peddie (nee). Ondersteuner : R. E. Butterworth. Andere wat aan die bespreking deelgeneem het was ; Coppin (vir), Taylor (vir), Metcalf (teen), Kitchin (vir). 2de Maart, 1947: Klaviersolo.—G. R. Niven. Voordrag „Muskietejag."—R. A. J. Taylor. Samespraak : ,,Baba se Tand."—D. Morrison en L. du Toit. Klaviersolo.—G. R. Niven. „Korsies en Krummels."— R. Kitchin. I6de Maart, 1947: Klaviersolo.—E. Caney. Debat: ,,VVie doen meer vir die ouers, die seuns of die dogters ?" Inleir: C. E. Meinzes (seuns). Ondersteuner: P. Metcalf. Teestander : Coppin (dogters). Onder steuner: L. M. Johnson. 30ste Maart, 1947: Voordrag : „Ouma se Verjaardag."—Dolton, Hall, Jones. Vrae Program : Vraesteller, Mnr. G. E. Burger. UitslaC: Gillingham (20), Finningley (15). 4de Mei, 1947: Grappige Vertellinge : G. R. Niven. Strafvrae gestel d^ur A. Brass en P. Metcalf. Korsies : Mnr. J. W. Storm. Duet op die klavier: G. R. Niven en E. Caney. I7de Mei, 1947 : Debat: ,,Moet die doodstraf afgeskaf word." Inelier: A. Yuille (ja). Ondersteuner: L. Trehearn. Teestander: D. Mor rison. Ondersteuner: M. Shelton. 15 Junie, 1947: Samespraak : „Die Tweetalige Vonnis"deur A. Brass en C. Meinzies. Samespraak : „Die beproewinge van 'n Prokureur" deur Mnre. J. Storm en G. Burger. 188
CHOIR By the end of the year, with Its Carol Service and Concerts, thd Choir has become well disciplined, has good tone, can read fluently at sight, and is a joy to conduct. Then the Christmas break and the New Year. Three-quarters of the tenors and basses have left, and new, unskilled blood has to be introduced. Half the trebles find their voices broken, and new boys join, untrained and undisciplined. So the long trail begins all over again. We envy the conductors of adult choirs, which go on and on. Yet,of course,in the training of raw material, no matter how arduous the task, there is the certain knowledge that a useful cultural piece of work is being done. Sows' ears are being metamorphosed into silk purses. At times the response has seemed poor ; too much has depended upon the old stagers (who, for the most part, are really good) ; but there has been progress and at times the trebles have excelled themselves. No concert was prepared for the half-year. This gave more time for training and routine work. We were honoured in being asked, as in previous years, to lead the music in Pinetown, this time at a Missionary Rally on Friday, May 9th, when Dr. H. M. Bennett spoke and showed films on African mission work. We sang: "Come let us join our cheerful songs," Tchaikowski's "Andante Cantabile,""Hark the giad sound,the Saviour comes," and there was a treble duet. At other times during the year, beside a wide range of hymn parts, we have sung : "Jesu, Joy of man's desiring," Beethoven's Larghetto from the 2nd Symphony,"Standin' in de need of prayer,""Viking Song,""Let the Hills resound with Song," "Passing By,""I love the Moon,""How lovely are Thy Dwel lings,""Solveig's Song." CAREERS STUDY GROUP A Careers' Study Group was started at the beginning of the Easter term to give boys in the matriculation forms an opportunity to discover the openings in the field of work, and how best to train for the occupations they intend following. The methods of vocational guidance are many and varied, but the system followed has been to have a special speaker up each Friday afternoon to give a short address on his profession or occupation. This has been followed by a twenty-minutes barrage 189
of questions from the boys as to general conditions of work in the occupation, how best to train for it, what personal qualities are needed in that occupation, size of salaries, etc. Our object has been to explore every field of work in its widest aspects, and we are very grateful to those who gave up their time to speak to us. S.G.O. The objects of the above Club, initiated by the Head, are:— 1. To enlighten members about the jobs they wish to take up. 2. To give them as a whole a wide knowledge of different professions and trades. 3. To help the undecided to decide. The following has been the programme ;— May 2nd: Mr. H. W. Haley, on "Careers in Accountancy." An interesting profession, but requiring a great deal of hard work and diligent study. May 7th: Mr. Medworth interrupted morning school to give us an interesting and informative talk on the"Newspaper Business" and the score of jobs attached to it. May 9th : The mysteries of printing were cleared up when Mr. A. Beatty (who prints the School Magazine) spoke on this subject. It appears that there is a great needof skilled men in this trade, and the openings In South Africa are tremendous. Aloy 16th : The house was quite alarmed at the amount of work attached to Architecture and Quantity Surveying, when Mr. M. Poole (a Kearsney Old Boy) spoke to the Club on these subjects. "But," he said,"if your heart is in your work, a job could not be more interesting." May 23rd ; Dr. D. G. Cherrington's talk on"Medicine, Den tistry, and Veterinary Science" was of great importance and interest, as many boys have in mind to take up a medical career. June 13th ; Mr. P. Hind (another Old Boy) spoke on "Com merce and Industry." He showed his listeners how a person, having no particular scholastic achievements, could nevertheless rise to the top of the ladder if he had initiative and drive. June 20th Mr. L. R. Caney, K.C., having been dragged from his afternoon's fishing, spoke to the Club on the Legal Profession. In this profession a man has not only to be hard-working, but one of integrity and uprightness. H.A.C. 190
ART CLUB The formation of the long-awaited Art Club has been welcomed with great warmth by the art-loving portion of the School, and, guided by Mr. Young It should progress very rapidly. It Is to say the least of It a source of great gratification to us all to behold the amount of talent which has been uncovered by the formation of the Club. Besides satisfying our cravings to paint, the Club was formed for the express purpose of teaching us how to appreciate those intricate tints, and colour effects which are so much the essence of the beauty of Nature. Mr. Young began by dividing the members of the Club Into two groups. The first consisting of boys who, though very enthu siastic, were as yet still Inexperienced In the art of wielding a brush ; the second group consisting of those boys who took pride in calling themselves talented. The meetings are held every Monday afternoon ; the first group in the hall, and the second group in the laboratory. In the first group Mr.Young has been teaching the boys the value of bold, swift, strokes in water colours. He has also started them on lino-cuts which everyone finds most fascinating. There have been some really good pictures both in water colours and lino-cuts. In the second group Mr. Young contented himself first with giving us Imaginative scenes to paint In water colours so that he could determine the abilities of each boy, before going on to more involved colour studies. We have also done a number of lino cuts. For those boys who are sufficiently interested, Mr. Young has formed a sketching club. Our intentions are to go out on Saturdays to paint scenes in oils. Here, as everywhere else, Mr. Young's fine judgment and welcome encouragement Is most helpful. He is very kindly supplying us with boards and paints at a very low cost. Mr. Young has helped us all Inestimably by his kindly criticisms, and thoughtful suggestions. It Is a great source of wonder to us how out of seemingly aimless splashes of discordant colour—as sometimes they are meant to be—he can point out the artistic effects, and In turn make us to appreciate those same splashes. With the guidance of one who shows so much genuine interest In our efforts, and who is himself so gifted, the Art Club should be a credit to the School. H.N.G. 191
DISCUSSION GROUP It Is agreed that In our School we have ample opportunities for work and sport. Now, too, other clubs have been promoted. But It seemed to some of us that adequate provision had not yet been made for those who wanted to get together to chat over their own personal problems. A discussion group was therefore formed to give boys a chance to get together sometimes to discuss spiritual or other problems. The first meeting was called on May 7th, and was attended by 14 boys, with Mr. Reece. At the opening meeting It was decided to select a number of subjects which might be presented to our ministers as themes for their sermons. If we could discuss these topics ourselves beforehand, the ministers' presentations would be all the more Interesting. The first three subjects selected were: "The problem of evil,""The joy of Christian living," and"Humility." We have already had some useful discussions, notably on the value of Christianity, and on Science and Religious belief. The meetings, held once a week, are quite Informal, those boys turning up who feeIlnclined. The committee have been lending a hand In the conducting of the Prayer Meeting, which has been h eld every Friday night for many years and has been well attended. In addition, the heads of the two Houses, Foss and Groom, shared one Sunday evening service, an example which others are keen to follow. P.R.Y. CHESS CLUB The Chess Club held Its first meeting on March 12th In one of the class rooms. The following officers were elected :— President: The Head. Vice-President: Mr. G. M. Oram. Chairman : D. Speed. Secretary: J. Coombe. Treasurer: R. Mitchell. Other Committee Members: H. Cowen and J. M. Anderson from Gllllngham, and A. C. Taylor and B. Hagemann from Finnlngley. Twenty-eight other members were enrolled. The meeting decided upon an entrance fee of 2/- and a subscription of 6d. a term. The Club got off to a good start at the beginning of the second term when nine chess sets were brought back to school, and a fine spirit of enthusiasm has been maintained since. Our best player Is R. Mitchell, and he has not lost a game yet. We greatly regret that he Is leaving school at the end of this term. 192
Mr. Oram arranged for two members of the Durban Chess Club, Messrs. McBride and Hill, to visit us on Sunday afternoon. May 18th, and give us a talk on chess. Mr. McBride is the Durban Chess Champion, and Mr. Hill is the sort of player who will take on a number of players at once with his back turned to them. Despite their great learning, these gentlemen gave us a very clear and helpful explanation of the principles of the opening and closing stages of play. Mr. Hill kept his word when he arranged a chess match between the Durban Technical School and ourselves. This was probably the first of its kind in South Africa. The match took place on Wednesday afternoon, 18th June, at the Technical Club Building, and there were fourteen players on each side. Our team, in order of play, was Mitchell, Thompson, Foss, Livingstone, Coombe, D. Speed, J. W.Johnson, Needham, J. B. Speed, Ireland. Hagemann, Leslie, A. C. Taylor and J. Anderson. The afternoon (complete with tea and cake) was a great success, and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Kearsney won the match by nineteen games to nine. We hope to have a return match with Tech. next term. A newspaper reporter from the Natal Mercury was present, and he took a flashlight photograph of Leslie and his opponent which duly appeared, together with a report on the match, in the paper the following morning. As the Head has said, chess is a very useful and educative hobby, and we sincerely hope that the members of the Club will carry on being as enthusiastic as they have been so far. J.H.C. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The Photographic Society is still in its infancy, and is sadly handicapped by lack ofa proper darkroom and equipment. Meetings have been held every fortnight and Mr. Brown has given many interesting lectures and demonstrations on these occasions. It has been decided to limit the size of the Society at present owing to the difficult conditions under which it is run, but we hope to expand as soon as we get enough equipment. R.F.R. 193
SCOUTS The First Kearsney Scout Troop Is unfortunate in not having a permanent Scout Master, but in spite of thatthere has been a good standard of enthusiasm. We have had a turn-out of 30 boys and hope to maintain this number. On the second Sunday of every month Mr. Downham, one of the best Scout masters in Durban, comes to assist in the examination of the boys. We have four patrols, the leaders being Whitear, Shires, Raw and Barber (junior patrol). Mr. Crookes has kindly allowed the Troop to use his land and part of the stream there. We visit the camp site on alternate Sundays, and boys are there trained in the uses of rope, the axe, and similar usefualrticles. During the week, too, we study the tests to be passed when Mr. Downham visits us. Many of the boys in the Troop are young and in some cases small, but as they grow up, so will the Troop, to the benefit, we hope, of the School. M.T.E. (The writer, M. T. Eastwood, has omitted to mention that he was personally congratulated by the King and Queen on having achieved the highest honour possible, that of becoming a King's Scout.—Editor.) CADET CORPS The Detachment has spent a fairly busy half-year, and the chief features of interest have been the Royal Visito Natal in March and the all-day Field Day in June. The first of these occasions made heavy demands on the time of the Band particularly, and I wish to express to Drum Major Groom and his buglers and drum mers my gratitude for the willing way in which they responded to the special training involved, and carried out their duties on the day itself. A letter from Lieut.-Col. E. J. Clemmans, quoted later on, will give our affiliated regiment's version of how splendidly our Band performed. The Field Day was keenly looked forward to and seems to have been thoroughly enjoyed by all ranks. Here, too, I must express my appreciation of the time and thought that the Student Officers and VVarrant Officers gave to the planning of their operations, and of the manner in which the whole Detachment entered whole heartedly and efficiently into the schemes undertaken. The 194
ease and confidence with which they were carried out are a tribute to the fine spirit of discipline and fair play that were shown by every individual in the Detachment. It was especially gratifying to note that there was not a single instance of anyone taking unfair advantage of the necessarily artificial conditions under which such operations are carried out, but everyone submitted himself willingly and cheerfully to the rule regarding the infliction of casualties even though this sometimes meant an early withdrawal from active participation. Now, next term, we have to get down to the less attractive business of preparing for the Annual Inspection. But if everyone shows the same willingness to work for the good of all, we shall minimise the drudgery, and shall have little difficulty in producing the tone and smartness of bearing that are traditional to the Detachment on such an occasion. Finally, I express my thanks to the Head and the members of the Staff, who acted as umpires during the manoeuvres, and to Messrs. R.W. Brown, V. Clegg and Lieut.-Commander W. D. Chandler for assistance with the shooting practices. G. M. Oram (Capt.), O.C. Detachment. Appointments. Company Commander ; 2/Lt. (S.O.) R. G. Foss. Adjutant: 2/Lt. (S.O.) R. F. Robertson. Platoon Commanders: 2/Lts. (S.O.'s) Leather, Butterworth, Ovenstone, Benson. C.S.M.; Colepeper. Drum Major: H. N. Groom. Sergeants: Coombe, Todd, Tytherleigh, Brass A., Cowen, Coppin, Ritz, van Gorkom. Corporals: Young, Leisegang R. I., Caney,Clarkson O.,Witney,Taylor R. A. Kitchin R., Brand, Shuttleworth, Metcalf, P., Stewart. LJCorporals: Cowie D., Thompson, Christian, Yuille. Musketry Officer: Lleut.-Commander W.D. Chandler (R.N.). Courses. S.A. Military College, January: Capt. G. M. Oram passed Lieutenant to Captain's Course. 2/Lt. R. VY. Brown passed Regimental Officer's Course. Pietermaritzburg (Hay Paddock), January. Ten cadets from the Detachment attended this course and enjoyed it very much. Only two, however, came in the first twenty places in the final results. Butterworth did very well to secure fourth place(out of about 180)and Ovenstone did well to come tenth. Congratulations to both. The following are the marks gained : Butterworth 83 (position 4th) ; Ovenstone 81 (position lOth) ; Peddie 74, Coppin 71, Tytherleigh 65, Colepeper 61, McLuckie 53, Benson 47, Todd 46, Christian (not marked) Royal Visit to Durban, March, 1947. Most of the cadets eligible for the duty volunteered to help line the streets in Durban during the Royal Visit, and from what one hears,they made an excellent impression by their smart bearing and sound discipline. Whether they felt the fleeting glimpse of Royalty vouchsafed them was sufficient reward is perhaps another matter 195
The Band was honoured by an invitation from our affiliated Regiment, the 2nd Anti-Tank S.A.A. to play their guard to its post at King's House, and to leave a bugler with them for their 24-hour period of duty. Sergeant Ritz was chosen for this job, and he carried it out magnificently. We understand that he was the only bugler in Durban who could play the real genuine Royal Salute—a dull and difficult call to master. As a matter of fact the whole Band could play the call as one man, but they were not allowed to show their"mass efficiency"in this direction. The Band and Guard assembled at Mitchell Park and marched in fine style to King's House where the Band formed up outside the gates about the time the Royal Party was due. A large crowd watched them with great interest. The Band are to be warmly congratulated on every aspect of their work on this occa sion—their turn-out, their bearing, their music, their discipline, and last, but not least, the patience with which they bore a long period of waiting. We much appreciate the following remarks from Lieut.-Col. E. J. Clemmans, O.C.,2nd Anti-Tank Regiment : "I write to tender my heartiest congratulations and thanks to you and the lads for all you did that day. I have had several views expressed by those looking on and one and all were struck by the smartness of the Band and their playing. Willyou please pass my congratulations to the Band and especially the Drum Major for his handling of them,and the bugler who joined the Guard for his faultless playing of the Royal Salute. It was a fine show all round." Shooting: imperial Chalienge Shield, 1946. The Detachment achieved highly satisfactory results in this Competition last year, and even improved its previous good record by gaining an average of 78,601, an increase of 1,821 on the 1945 figure. We were once more one of the three Detachments in Natal to earn mass efficiency (i.e., an average of 75 per cent.), and we produced 10 marksmen and 14 first-class shots. We congratulate Mr. Milner, our Musketry Officer for 1946, on these fine results, and thank him heartily for the splendid way in which he organised the teams for the Competition. Our thanks are due also to Mr. Hopkins for acting as Range Officer on so many afternoons, and to Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. Nel for valuable clerical assistance. Marksmen: Ritz 96, Metcalfe D. G.96, Zeller 95, Niven 94, Taylor R.A. 93, Eastwood 92, le Roux 92, Mcluckie 91, Nieuwoudt T. 90, Alexander 90. First-class Shots: Forsyth 89, Davey A. C. 88, Lloyd 88, Evans 88, Butterworth 88, Wilson R. W.87, Shagam 87, Lander 87, Friday 87, Maclean 86,Comins D. M. 86, Brown J. R. 86, du Toit 85, Groom 85. Petiet Cup Competition, 1947. We sent two teams to Durban for this Competition, but unfortunately they did notshoot up to the standard of which they had shown themselves capable, and the results were disappointing. Out of eleven teams competing, our"B" Team scored 363 and came 6th, and our "A" Team scored 354 and came 7th. Some of our best shots could not participate as they were enEaved in ruEeer matches elsewhere. "A"Team : Niven 93, Hume 90, Caney 86, Benson 85. "B"Team : Witney 94, Alexander 93, du Toit 89, Maclean 87. Manoeuvres. Friday, June 6th, was set aside for manoeuvres through the courtesy of the Head, who let us off school for the day. The Detachment was divided into two equal forces, a Blue Force under S. O. Foss and a Khaki Force under S.O. Butterworth. The morning objective was Alverstone Hill where the western half of the motor cycle track had to be seized and held, while the afternoon one con sisted in forcing and defending the Umhiatazana stream at the bottom of the valley between the School and Alverstone Hill. The Ambulance Platoon provided an ambulance post on Alverstone Hill, but their services were not required. 196
Both forces moved off from the School at 07.50 hours, for their rende zvous Blue at Gevers' dam,and Khaki at Botha's Hill station. Zero hour was at 08.30 hours, and from then it became a race for Alverstone Hill. Blue arrived first, occupied the objective and successfully held it against attack. Both forces main tained good contact with their headquarters and messages flowed almost furiously in and out. Later on the umpires spoiled their lunch by marking them and Blue scored the higher total. In the afternoBolnue succeeded in crossing the stream at the north end, but were held and counter-attacked at the south end. Excellent discipline and control were maintained throughout, and cover was well used and section-leading well done. Towards the end of each scheme prisoners far out-numbered the remaining combatants. All ranks are to be commended on the keenness and enthusiasm which they maintained through a warm and arduous day. Uniforms. The new supplies of uniforms arrived at the beginning of the year, so the whole Detachment is properly dressed at last. The berets are a great improve ment on the caps, but as the issue was not sufficient to supply everybody with one,'two platoons still wear the old headgear. Ambulance. The Ambulance Platoon is carrying on its work keenly under 2/Lt. Brown and will probably submit itself to outside examination by the St. John Ambulance Association next term. Good luck to them in this most valuable training. Signals. Signals training is still non est and the platoon is practically non existent. This is not surprising as we have not had any instructors for the past eighteen months. Our Affiliated Regiment. The 2nd Anti-Tank Regiment continues to be very interested in the Detach ment, as they showed during the Royal Visit. At present they are not in a posi tion to do anything very practical to help us but they hope to send up one ct their 17-pounder guns next term for demonstration. Their Officer Commanding, Lieut.-Coi. E. J. Clemmans has kindly offered to present a trophy for any com petition that we may devise. Staff Officer Cadets. Captain J. A. Marshall replaced Lieut. D. L. Buchanan as Staff Officer Cadets, Natal Command, in April. We offer him a welcome and much appreciate the keen interest he is showing in the Detachment and his helpful attitude in all matters of adminstration. Strength: 180 all told. 197 ■t 1-.
CRICKET The weather was a major factor affecting the destinies of tha First Xi during the first quarter. Although rain stopped play in only one match, one game was completed in the rain and on two occasions heavy downpours on the previous night necessitated the use of matting over turf. The younger members ofthe team show promise and it is hoped that with more match experience this promise will be fulfilled. The bowling has been steady though seldom dangerous. Most of the batsmen seemed to lack confidence, but improved in the later games. Once again we should like to express our appreciation to Mr. H. Dalton for his valuable assistance in coaching the XI, and for his interest in their welfare. Juniors Under 14 ii' Owing to a dearth of players of the right age group, the under 15 was almost also the under 14. The one match played was therefore very uneven. At the same time, the practice obtained by the under 14 boys will stand them in good stead next year, and they are developing a very keen team spirit under the fatherly hand of Mr. Brown. There is plenty of promising material, especi ally Hansen as bowler, and Dykes and Williamson as bats. As the season progressed the early promise of this side was fulfilled. Fielding was keen and workmanlike and the batting and bowling was, on the whole, sound, without being brilliant. Letcher captained the side well, setting a good example, and hand ling his field well. While it would be unfair to single out any members of the team as outstanding In performance we feel that Williamson does deserve special mention for continuing, very pluckily, to keep wicket against Pinetown after two of his teeth had beenbroken off by the ball. We look forward with interest to next season when,owing to the influence of anno domini at least six members of the team will have to be moved to higher age groups. This will mean a new side, so practice hard, those of you who want to get in. 198