
• jV-"" -^7^ i U^ KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE t <>' t.'. H P£ ■fi) 4 •i ■ JULY, 1948

Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 2 No. 7 JULY, 1948 EDITORIAL One is sometimes tempted to wonder whether the amount of labour put Into a task is justified by the result, no matter how gratifying that result may be. We study a subject daily for half a dozen years In order to satisfy an examiner In a three-hour paper. We rehearse for weeks at a play that Is going to be over in three hours. We practise at songs and carols for hours without number, for the sake of a concert or a service that lasts perhaps an hour and a half. We train diligently for months and possibly years to win a race which may be completed In ten seconds. Scores of people work ceaselessly for months on end for a Fete which lasts less than six hours. Is the energy worth it ? The answer Is, of course,"yes." There are two aspects to be considered. The value of the one concerned lies in the work put in and not In theresult. Years of study, months of training, weeks of rehearsals, are all fitting the Individual mentally, physically and socially to take a rightful place in the competition of life. He learns patience, perseverance, accuracy, self-control ; he learns co-operation, unselfishness ; he gains will-power, culture, fitness. He has become a better man by reason of all this, even though the examination and the concert and the play be cancelled. The value lies In the preparation. The other aspect to be considered is that the finished product, if It be well presented, brings satisfaction to the doer and pleasure to others. A play or a concert, well presented, gives other people a jolly time and may impress them deeply. A fete, well organised, becomes the talk of many lips. Examination results can bring renown to the boy and to the school. There is great satisfaction In this. If a thing is to be done at all, it may as well be done properly. There is little to be gained from a thing Ill-prepared and ill-produced. There Is much value in hard and patient preparation. 269

SCHOOL NOTES First Term : January 28th to March 24th Second Term : April 12th to June 25th It is once again our misfortune to have to say farewell to Mr. Milner, after nearly a year as Bursar. We should like to pay tribute to the excellence of the work he has put in during his term of office, cleaning up the secretarial work and presiding over the School non-academic activities. His fame is far-spread, of course, as one of the leading lights in the Cross-Country Quiz, and he and his partners won the final round (and the prize-money) for Durban in the latest competition. He now intends farming in the Natal Midlands, and we wish him and Mrs. Milner luck in their new surroundings. We feel sure that their interest in Kearsney will remain unabated. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Osier on the birth of their son, Anthony Douglas. We offer our sympathies to Mr. Nel, on the sudden death of his mother at Easter ; and to the brothers Newlands and Russell, who lost their fathers on the same day. Older Kearsney boys will be sorry to hear of the death of two old friends : Mr. A. E. Foss, of Stanger, who was the School's first secretary, and always maintained a keen interest in the School ; and Mrs. P. Haley, of Darnall and Umhiali, who so often accompanied her husband to our Sunday services and other func tions. To Mrs. Foss and family, and to Mr. Haley and son, we offer our deep sympathies. Just as we went to press we heard with profound sorrow of the death of Mr. J. B. Huiett, son of our founder, at the age of 80. Mr. Huiett was a close friend and daily visitor at our old School, present at all our games, and at our tennis afternoons ; he was a good personal friend to many of us, who so frequently went across to"Sprowston"for tea or dinner or bridge. Mr. Huiett retired about 10 years ago, and he and Mrs. Huiett came to live in Durban. Since we came to Botha's Hiil we have not seen these old friends so often, and now we feel that yet another link with the School's early days is broken. To sorrowing relatives we offer our sympathies. A still later news report tells of the very sudden death of Mr. G. J. Crookes, of Renishaw, at the age of 78. Mr. Crookes was in perfect health till the end. There is little need to remind readers of all that Mr. Crookes has done. As a prominent member of our Board of Governors he has always taken a most lively interest in Kearsney and Epworth, and the Epworth gymnasium was erected by him in memory of his wife. His financial help to Kearsney was instrumental in our being able to build the new school, and his interest in his own community and in Method270

ism has been a very long and sincere one. His death comes sa a severe and unexpected shock, and once again it is our sad duty to offer sympathies to those who are bereaved. Her Excellency, the Countess of Clarendon, who received a copy of our last Chronicle from a friend, writes : "I was much interested in the Kearsney Chronicle, especially in the 'Gallup Poll,' and am sending it to a big public school where one of my grandchildren is a boarder." We wish our sister school, Epworth, the best of luck in their efforts to raise £25,000 for their new building project. Our parent school, Kingswood, Bath, England, recently cele brated its bi-centenary. It was founded by John Wesley on June 24th, 1748, and for the rest of his life it was one of his chief interests (and anxieties). Originally founded in Bristol, the school was rebuilt at Bath in 1850. During the recent war, the buildings were taken over by the British Admiralty, and the boys were evacuated to Uppingham School for six years. The polio epidemic seriously affected our activities after Easter. It was necessary to avoid all external contact, to ensure against fatigue, and to safeguard ourselves against possible local infection. The result was that for severawleeks there was no rugger, apart from a little light kicking ; there was no visiting to or by parents or friends ; and for the whole term the School rested after lunch. With School matches cancelled, the week-end routine became very dull, and the Head paid frequent tributes to the exemplary manner in which the School had accepted these limitations. Among other things, with the Fete in view, the boys spent much willing time cleaning up the School grounds. We are pleased to hear that plans have gone through for the building of library and laboratorayt the south end of the class room block. An Old Boy, Melville Poole, is architect. Lord Elton, Secretary to the Rhodes Trust, has written offering u, £4,000 at a low rate of interest. The library and reference rooms especially, will remedy a great want. We understand, too, that the Chapel Committee has been instructed to go ahead with plans for our long-awaited Chapel. The visit of the S.A.B.C."B"programme artistes is mentioned elsewhere. They provided a most enjoyable evening. Mr. Oram is President of the Hill Crest Tennis Club. Mr. Brown has been giving keenly appreciated help with the Church music in Pinetown. Several members ofthe Staffare keen members of the S.O.E., our late Head, Mr. Matterson, continuing as Pro vincial President and Mr. Reece as Provincial Minute Secretary. We offer our congratulations to: Our marksmen for winning the Imperial Challenge Shield for shooting. Natal Section. The following boys, who did outstandingly well in the N.J.C. examinations, coming top in the country in the sub jects indicated : 271

N. Kitchin and I. H. Lund (Arithmetic, with 100 per cent, each), N. Kitchin (Geography), J. Bishop (Biology), and D. Metcalf (Mathematics). A most gratifying result ! Mr. van den Berg and his helpers for the dazzling display of posters at tha Fete. A new coat of paint to the School's exterior is making all the difference to its appearance. Competition on Sports Day was very close, with Gillingham winning by 3 points out of over 1,600. They have now twice won by 5 points or under. For those boys who do not play rugger, and for others who are keen to be coached, Mr. Reece has kept the cricket nets going throughthe winter season. Once again the School was invaded during the Easter holidays by Youth Campers,the majority from Durban. While the novelty of the previous year's camp had worn off a little, all had a most enjoyable and beneficial time here, and were very sorry to leave on the Monday night. On the evening of May 20th, Mr. B. Henwood, United Party can didatefor Parliament for Maritzburg District, came to address the Senior School, Staff, and neighbours. We enjoyed his clear exposition of the case for the United Party, and were glad to learn, later, that he had been returned by a very large majority. The following boys left at the end of 1947, date of coming being in brackets: G. M. Anderson (45), J. J. S. Alexander (45), R. G. Brand (39), A. S. Brass (42), I. N. Benson (43), R. J. Baker (44), J. R. E. Butterworth (42), J. H. Coombe (41), H. A. Cowen (43), M. L. Coppin (44), E. J. R. Caney (44), O. K. Clarkson (44), E.B.Christian (46), L. Dyson (44),L. N.du Tolt(45), R.G.Foss(39), H. N. Groom (44), W. R. Johnson (45), R. J. Kitchin (44), R. I. Leisegang (42), D. E. Lloyd (45), C. A. Lentin (45), P. M. le Roux (46), H. C. Metcalfe (40), P. E. Metcalf (44), G. R. Niven (45), J. Ogilvie (47), D. M. W.Pugh (43), D. B. Peddle (43), H. M. Pope (45), H. Ritz (40), A. M. M. Raw (44), K. Shimwell (42), R. G. Spradbrow (44), D. S. Speed (46), R. A. J. Taylor (41), A. C. Taylor (44), E. J. van Gorkom (44), P. J. Witney (41), R. R. Whitear (44), P. R. Young (42). We welcome the following new boys: L. M.Alder(Mtubatuba), M. G. Beckett (Izingolweni), D. L. Brokensha (Chaka's Kraal), D. C. Brown (Warner Beach), J. C. T. Black (Kokstad), J. P. S. Botte (Lourenco Marques), .Bowman (Durban), J. W.Coventry (Acton Homes),A. K. Carter (Maritzburg), H.J. Carte( ), G. S. Christian (Hill Crest), F. L. Chappe (Gingindhlovu), L. Callow (Durban), G. L. Coggin (Warmbaths), Carelse (Durban), B. N. Dykes (Kitwe), A. G. Frolich (Durban), B. N. Francois (Wentworth), A. G. Gorton (Durban), E. M. and T. E. Gjestland (Warner Beach), M. O. Hall (Pretoria), B. S. Harrison (Durban), D. A. Hopewell (Kloof), G. B. Hayes (Hillary), K. R. Kassier (Hill Crest), I. J. Kirkman (Amanzimtoti), W. H. Lowes 272

(Durban), C. H. Lee (Piet Retief), M. B. McCarthy (Johannesburg), M. H. MacMenigall (Hill Crest), I. P. and M. Mackenzie (Durban), T. E. Metcalf (Marltzburg), J. H. Newlands (Creighton), B. J. Nicolson (Beilair), B. H. and J. E. Penberthy (Durban), M. F. Poole (Marltzburg), S. J. R. Preece (Pretoria), F. C. R. Rowe (Amatlkulu), D. W. L. Sonderegger (Johannesburg), G. D. Senior (Durban), D. G. M. Scott (Durban), N. C. Steggall (Durban), G. E. Sherreli (Kloof), G. C.Todd (Merrlvale), B. J. van Sorgenfrel (Kloof), M. W. Walker (Durban), M. T. Woodley (Durban), P. D. Warmback (Durban). Appointments: School Prefects: D. G. Gardner (Head of School, Finnlngley), D. E. Todd (Head of Gllllngham), A. L. Mundell (Mllner), A. R. King (Mllner). House Prefects: C. E. Menzer, J. A. Smith, N. A. McLuckle (Gllllngham), L. M. Johnson, D. N. Morrison, G. W. Shuker, I. H. Mackenzie (Finnlngley). Cricket Captain: A. R. King. Rugger Captain: A. R. King. Swimming Captain: D. E. Todd. Athletics Captain: C. E. Meinzer. Drum Major: M. T. Eastwood. Student Officers: D. E. Todd, J. A. Smith, N. A. McLuckle, A. L. Mundell, O. R. Southwood, C. L. Oliver, D. G. Gardner. Stamps: D. J. Metcalf, I. H. D. Lund, M.T. Eastwood, Librarians: R. L. Wicks, R. A. L. Kennedy, E. C. K. Dowse, M. Shelton. Kodascope: 1. H. D. Lund, C. L. Oliver. Gestetner: O. R. Southwood. Founder's Day: It has been decided that Founder's Day shall be henceforth Instituted, and shall be held on the first Saturday ofthe Michaelmas Term each year. The main feature will be an Old Boys' Reunion at the School, with a rugger match or matches between School and Old Boys In the afternoon, a dinner, and then light entertain ment. Will Old Boys especially make note of this, and try to keep this date free. Normally It will be the first Saturday in August,though this year it will be the last Saturday in July. 273

EXAMINATION RESULTS Matriculation: 1st Class.—H. A. Cowen, H. N. Groom, R. J. Kitchin, R. I. Leisegang, P. E. Metcalf. 2nd Class.—J. R. E. Butterworth, E. J. R. Caney, M. L. Coppin, H. Ritz, R. A. J. Taylor. 3rd Class.—A. S. Brass. There were two failures. Senior Certificate: I. N. Benson, O. K. Clarkson, L. Dyson, J. H. Coombe, R. G. Foss, H. C. Metcalf, D. M. W. Pugh, P. J. Witney, P. R. Young. The last six obtained Matriculation equiva lent. National Junior Certificate: G. A. M. Anderson, J. R. Bishop, P. T. L. Chappe, L. N. du Tolt, M. T. Eastwood, O. S. Egeland, B. G. Hagemann,J. W.Johnson, P. M. Jones, R. A. L. Kennedy, J. G. Kinloch, E. N. C. Kitchin, W. B. Letcher, P. E. Lines, D. J. Livingstone, I. H. D. Lund, C. E. Meinzer, D. J. Metcalf, J. D. Ogiivie, C. L. Oliver, D. E. Proctor, A. M. M. Raw, M. G. Shelton, H. Shuttleworth, O. R. Southwood, G. R. Thompson, A. L. Varrie. Those in black type obtained J.C. with Distinction. In the above examination we had the distinction of having the top candidate in South Africa in no fewer than four different subjects. N. Kitchin and I. H. Lund were top equal (with 100 per cent.) In Arithmetic, N. Kitchin top also in Geography, J. R. Bishop in Biology, and D. J. Metcalf in Mathematics. Primary School Certificate: J. Atkinson, C. J. Barber, R. Brown, P. J. Cominos, R. N. Cordes, J. R. B. Dersley, S. M. Evennett. G. M. H. Eraser (L), D. W.Gray, G. J. Gillit (L), B. N. HanburyKing (L), R. Hurst, R. J. Ireland, C. E. Leisegang, D. A. F. McLeod. N. Mark, C. S. Meumann, C. W. Mundell, E. J. Needham, G. Price-Hughes, G. C. Richardson, D. J. Rishworth, W. N. Rock, H. H. Rowe, P. J. Silburn, W. H. Southwood, D. G. M. Whitaker, H. M. Winder, C. R. Witherspoon. (L.—Leaving certificate.) Taalbond: Higher.—R. I. Leisegang, P. M. le Roux. Lower: Higher Grade.^—P. E. Burger. Lower Grade.—I. Benson, J. H. Coombe, H. N. Groom, L. M. Johnson, R. J. Kitchin, P. E. Lines, I. E. Morgan, D. E. Proctor, P. R. Young, J. R. E. Butterworth, M.T. Eastwood, B. G. Hagemann, J. G. R. Kinloch, W.B. Letcher, C. E. Meinzer, A. L. Mundell, G. R. Thompson. Preliminary.—J. R. Bishop, C. Dell, S. T. Fish, O. Leibbrandt, I. H. D. Lund, C. S. Meumann, M. Rodda, H. H. Rowe. 274

THE FETE The simple statement that a Fete was held on June 5th gives little idea of the amount of labour that went into it. As with so many things, the size of the event was not commensurate with the work previously involved. The day was a great success. Let that be said at once. We were disappointed in the number of people who came, but no doubt Saturday morning work and afternoon sport accounted for that. The result was that there were many articles left over at the end, and much had to be given away. But for this, the very satisfactory total of over £1,400 would have been considerably increased. The previous months had seen much rallying round of workers, all over the country. Old Boys got busy, some especially showing immense energy and great generosity ; mothers, wives and sisters set to, and not only showed self-sacrifice In their generous efforts but also a degree of skill that quite astonished the recipients at the School. While Old Boys, parents and friends laboured to produce the goods, the stall-holders at Kearsney put in hours and hours, classifying and pricing the articles, and sending forth hundreds of letters of appeal and acknowledgment. School boys set to with vim and enthusiasm to clear up the grounds and get everything looking smart. The utmost ingenuity was revealed by the boys in creating sideshows which would rob the public without hurting them. No one spared himself. And what of the stalls ? The fancy work stall dazzled the eye with its array of home-made articles, exquisitely wrought. The produce stall was laden with goods pleasing more to the gullet, perhaps, than to the eye. The cake stall, despite flour shortage, was a triumph of ingenuity over restrictions, but sold out all too soon. The anti-waste covered a vast area, with its thousands of books, and variety of articles old and new, besides a large plant department. Fish and chips were so popular that the shop had to close for an hour, to build up supplies ; ice cream and minerals were in constant demand ; teas and lunch were served appetisingly and without a hitch. In other words, the long weeks of previous organisation meant that the day of the Fete Itself passed smoothly and harmoniously. His Honour the Administrator, with Mrs. Shepstone, arrived here at 10.15 a.m., and before quite a good crowd, officially declared the Fete open. In his short address he referred to the vital part played in a boy's life by the school sport, where manliness was built up with ideals of co-operation and unselfishness, and hard knocks were taken and given without offence. As the Pavilion was to be a Memorial, too, we should have with us a 275

lasting tribute to the sacrifice of those who had taken the hardest knock of all, and who had made life possible and pleasant for those of us who remained. After that, It was only a case of letting thevisitors do their own work. They soon gravitated towards those stalls In which they were most Interested. A large thermometer recorded the progress of the takings, as bulletins were Issued from the office, where relays of boys regularly deposited the money from the different stalls. At 3.30 p.m. the prize winners in the various competitions were read out. These were:— Crossword Competitiorj: Mr. I. Ives, Durban ; Mrs. J. F. Reece, Kearsney ; Miss C. A. Nichols, Howick ; Miss B. Muller, Ladysmlth ; Miss W. B. Brookes, Durban. Galleon: Mr. Brown, Durban (Beans In bottle). Portable Wireless: Dr. K. Dyer, Durban (Beans in bottle). Table Wireless: Carelse, Kearsney (Length of string). Picture: Mr. J. H. White, Pinetown (Pages in book). Camera: Mr. G. Nel, Kearsney (Weight of piping). Bicycles: Mr. Francois, Durban ; D. Gray, Kearsney. 10/- Notes: M. Leask, Kearsney ; Miss Voysey, Durban. New Dress: Mrs. Ward, Botha's Hill (Number of entries for Crosswords). Prizes for Best Side-shows: J. A. Smith, D. Livingstone, D. Metcalf. We have now left the best news until the end. When the suggestion of a Fete was first made, L. Polkinghorne, an Old Boy, offered to double all takings on the day of the Fete. At the time. It was anticipated that the Fete might bring in, say, £500. However, it grew Into a far greater thing than had ever been visualised, and when the takings were known to be over £1,400 the Committee decided to relieve Mr. Polkinghorne of his obliga tion, and leave the size of his contribution to his own discretion. It came, therefore, as a very great and pleasant surprise to hear that he has kept strictly to the words of his offer and has handed to the Committee a cheque for over £1,400. We feel that such generosity deserves the very hearty thanks of the School and all its Old Boys, and we have no hesitation In putting Into print the genuine gratitude that we all feel. Thank you, Lawrence! This has made the building of the Memorial Pavilion an Immediate possibility, as soon as the permit can be obtained. 276

Financial Statement Before Fete: Jumble Sale Crossword Puzzles Zululand Branch (excluding £12/10/-) Johannesburg Branch At Fete: Fancy Goods Produce Sweets and Cakes Lunches Teas White Elephant Fish and Chips Ice Cream and Minerals ... Side Shows Shooting Range Mr. L. Polkinghorne TOTAL Crosswords, £96 17 2 137 14 9 85 13 9 256 4 10 380 4 247 I 76 2 39 19 30 8 440 10 57 7 18 3 130 7 6 13 £1,426 17 £3,430 5 8 Less Disbursements £80 6 11 It might be pointed out that prizes at the side shows consisted of vouchers of certain values, to be spent at the stalls. Most of these vouchers were spent at the ice cream and mineral stall, so that the total of £18 3s. 4d. does not really record the amount sold at this stall. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY President: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. Reece. Hon. Secretary: D. Morrison. Executive: A. L. Mundell, C. Meinzer, L. M. Johnson, N. Kitchin, G. M. Shires, Programme: February 15th ; Debate: country life." Pro: N. —Motion lost. February 29th ; Lecture ; "The Moon," by Canon W. H. T. Gahan. Read by the Vice-President. March 14th ; Debate: "That the Native has benefited by the coming of the White man." Pro: A. L. Mundell. Contra: L. M. Johnson.—Motion won. 'That town life is preferable to McLuckie. Contra: C. Meinzer. .277

April I8t/i: Debate: "That this House approves of co-educa tion." Pro: B. Speed. Contra: M. T. Eastwood.—Motion a tie. May 2nd: Short Speeches: "One day to live." May 16th ; Political Meeting: U.P. Candidate ; G. W. Shuker. Nationalist: P. T. Chappe.—U.P. victory. June 6th: Debate: "That South Africa's future development lies more in Industry than in Agriculture." Pro: R. Wicks. Contra: B. L. Stewart.—Motion won. June 20th ; Debate: "That the State should take control of medical services." Pro: J. R. Bishop. Contra: C. Oliver. —Motion lost. A fair session. Numerically, one of the best. The fourth form has been there in good strong silent numbers, hiding their lights severely under bushels, dumb, but admiring. Perhaps they are thawing, and their modest shyness will disappear. Seniors have given a good lead, and the standard of speaking by the main speakers has been above average. They have relied less upon last minute notes, and evidently spent more time out side addressing the trees. There was a tendency for debates to oscillate about between one or two speakers—good for the speakers, but this has a deadening effect upon the rest, who come to feel that it would be an impertinence for them to dare to interrupt the duologue. The political evening was disappointing. It immediately pre ceded the General Election, but election fever had not caught the local constituents. With the too-long-opened-oyster look about their eyes, they absorbed, possibly, what the candidates had to say, buttherefollowed veryfew questions and little applause. Which must have been disappointing for the candidates, Shuker (U.P.) and Chappe (Nat.). We can think of political evenings in the past which have been full of fire. "One day to live," an innovation, was also disappointing. It was expected that, given but 24 more hours of life, the speakers would have given fervent vent to their intentions for that day. However, beyond having a good meal, looking up some friends, and possibly repenting of their manifold sins and wickedness, they had few views on the subject. Perhaps they thought the possibility too remote. One doomed member did manage to make an amazing tour of the world, speeding from place to place with the quickness of thought. Another tried to evade the issue by dodging backwards and forwards over the date line. But the subject was not taken seriously. 278

ENTERTAINMENTS FILMS: January 31st: The Green Years. May Ist: Edison the Man. February 14th : Music for Millions. May ISth : Pride and Prejudice. February 28th : Random Harvest. May 29th : Geboortegrond. March 13th : Christmas Carol. June 12th ; Gone to the Opera. March 23rd : Patrick the Great. June 19th : Films by Mr. Frolich. April 17th : Son of Lassie. June 24th : The Egg and I. April 24th : Great Expectations. Sometimes, when an artiste performs, the critic tries to be polite and yet tell the truth. Not all performances really please, and we can count a number in this category in recent years. But when Mr. Sydney Rosenbloom, pianist and composer of wide repute, spent a day with us and gave us a glimpse of his ability on the night of May 10th, the critic has no cause for subterfuge. With Madame Hertslet to introduce and explain each item,Sydney Rosenbloom gave us a real musical treat. There is a frequent misconception that a great musician must be (a) cranky and (b) incapable of playing"programme" music. Both these miscon ceptions were removed. Mr. Rosenbloom is a charming and refined man, full of quips and humour ; and his repertoire ranged from Chopin to South American rumba, besides several of his own compositions. Who else would have thought of using "Three Blind Mice"to illustrate the styles of different composers ? A great artiste can make a difficult task look easy, whether he be a batsman, a billiard player, a musician, or a conjuror. Mr. Rosenbloom's playing was easy and fluent. One might have thought some of his items elementary—until one tried them oneself! We are very grateful to Mr. Frolich, of Durban, for a most interesting evening's entertainment on June 19th. He brought up his own films, of the Game Reserve and of the Indian Firewalkers. These, in colour, were quite outstanding, and better than similar films professionally turned out. Mr. Frolich has his own projector and sound recorder, and, with his own running commentary, combined to give us one of the finest film shows we have seen. The concert provided by the S.A.B.C."B"programme artistes, on the evening of May 23rd, was most enjoyable. There was a well-varied diet of orchestral music (very light), songs, burlesque, community singing, and some highly appreciated duets on two pianos by"Dusty"Cracknell and John Hatch. PROGRAMME: 1. Orchestra and Quartet Meisiesfontein 2. Orchestra Alibama 3. Orchestra and Community Singing Siembamba 4. Quartet Lied van die Boom Groen is die Veld 279

5. Orchestra 0ns Land Dusty Cracknell and John Hatch Two Pianos 6. Orchestra and John Hatch Boereseun 7. Orchestra and Community Singing Jan Pierewiet and Sarie Marais 8. Lilian Uys 0, Boereplaas 9. Alva Come Back to Sorrento 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Orchestra and Community Singing Certjie Quartet 'k Heb Mijn Wagen Volgeladen Denissens Red Moon Over Hawaii Orchestra Meisie van My Drome Lilian Uys Die Donker Stroom Dusty Cracknell and John Hatch Two Pianos Orchestra with John Hatch Jy is My Liefling Denissens Dot is de Liefde Quartet Paddakoor and Hier sit ek onder die Hoogte 19. Orchestra Blonde Katrien 20. Orchestra and Community Singing Wot Maak Oom Kalie Door DIE AFRIKAANSE VERENIGING Die Kearsney Kollege Afrikaanse Debatsverenlging wat verlede jaar gestig Is het vanjaar voortgegaan In die ultvoering van die reeds opgelegde taak, nl. om die standaard van en houding teenoor, Afrikaans te verbeter. Dit Is dan ook met genoee dat ons alreeds vrug op ons arbeld slen en ons wil graag van die geleentheld gebrulk maak om die Hoof bale hartlik te bedank vir sy hulp en bemoedlging, waarsonder ons nie die gewentse resultate sou kon berelk nIe. Op die eerste vergaderlng van hierdle jaar Is die bestuur vir 1948 gekles:— Presldente: Mnre. J. Storm en G. Burger. Voors/tter ; P. Burger. Sekretarls: L. Trehearn. Lede ; Meinzer en Shelton. Op 22 Februarie het ons 'n vasvra-kompetlsle gehad vraarin stad vir platteland gewen het met 7j punte teenoor 4^. Stad is deur Morrison en Anderson verteenwoordig en platteland deur Speed en Shelton. Die program Is opgelulster deur voordrag deur Shires en 'n grappige voorlesing deur Mnr. P. Burger. Die Hoof, Mnr. S. G. Osier, het op 7 Maart, vir ons 'n praatjie gehou oor sy Interessante ondervindlngs gedurende die oorlog. Hy het ook prente op die doek vertoon. Grappe is deur Mnr. J. Storm vertel. Op 25 April het ons 'n debat gehad wat taamiik diskussle ultgelok het. Meinzer en Shelton het gese dat brein vandag die grootste rol In die wereld speel, terwyl Morrison en J. Anderson geld verdedig het. Brein het 1 1 :4 gewen. Op 9 Mel was musiek deur Weetman eerste op die program. Daarna het Mnre.G.Burger en J. Storm 'n samespraak van Langen280

hoven gelewer. P. Burger het voorgedra en die program is afgeslult met gesamentlike sang, begelel deur Penberthy aan die klavler. Ons sang het bale verbeter soos ons op die baie geslaagde konsert wat deur die S.A.U.K. gelewer is, getoon het. Almal het die bekende Afrikaanse liedjies harteiik saam gesing en dit was 'n groot sukses. CHOIR The Choir has had a quiet half year. It was realised last year that most of our leading songsters were leaving or were due to have their voices break. There was therefore no intention to aim high. Patient plodding, with such variety as was possible, was the schedule. Many new boys joined the ranks, untrained, but with possibilities. Tenors and basses were inexperienced, but they improved beyond ail expectation. In fact the really cheering thing has been the extent to which the Choir developed both in volume and in harmony, and by the end of the half year had built itself up into a very useful body. There are few, if any, soloists, and so we have not given thought to a concert, but we hope by the end of the year to put the Carols on again with the usual profit. The programme has consisted of the usual round of hymn tunes, quite a large number of light part songs,and two or three anthems. We are pleased and proud at the number of ex-choir boys who are now playing a leading part in choir work in the big towns. Friday, Groom and Doveton are in the Central Methodist Choir, Durban ; Coombe in the Presbyterian Choir, Durban ; Metcalf, McKenzie and, till recently, Wedderburn in the Central Methodist Choir, Pietermaritzburg. H. Albertyn is in the Greyville Choir, Durban. MUSICAL SOCIETY In view of the cancellation of all visiting to and from the School early this term,on account of the Polio epidemic, the Headmaster asked the Musical Society to do all it could to provide interest during the week-ends. As a result five meetings were held on successive Sunday afternoons. The ban on visiting made it impossible to ask outside artists so that the programmes had to be obtained from the material on the spot. An excellent response wasforthcoming from members of the staff and the boys and the meetings were well attended— 60 being the minimum and 135 the maximum attendance. 281

The following contributed to a very successful series:— Mr. and Mrs. Reece (Piano Duets). Mr. Reece (Piano Soli). Mr. van den Berg (Bagpipe Soli). Mrs. Brown (Violin and Piano Soli). Mr. Brown (Bass Songs). Hayes (Zulu Songs). Dersley (Flute Solo)—very short and sweet ; but it was all he knew I ! Penberthy, Bulman and Leask (Piano Soli). McMenigali (Mouth Organ). The School Choir. In addition there were various forms of musical competitions and some community singing. The Music Club Committee would like to express its most appreciative thanks to all who did so much to help towards the success of these meetings and to those who were interested enough to come and listen. We express the hope that what you heard gave you sufficient enjoyment to induce you to come again when the removal of restrictions will make it less easy to make up your minds I For the final meeting seventeen members of the Music Club travelled to Epworth High School to hold a combined meeting with the Music Club of our sister school. Right royally did they feast us, both musically and with a lovely tea for the inner man ! They arranged an interesting programme for us to which our boys in the persons of Penberthy ("Golliwog's Cake Walk," Debussy), Leask I and Leask II (Duet: "Nigger Dance "), pro vided the solo items. They provided us with an alarming array of papers and pencils with which to answer two musical com petitions. In these we managed to hold our own, Hagemann sharing the prize with one of the Epworth girls in one competition and Bulman and Leask I sharing with two Epworth girls in the other. The Epworth Senior Choir then sang one of the chorus items from the"Walrus and the Carpenter"and sang it very well indeed. Mr. Brown sang three songs and we then went to the library for tea. While members of the staff were chatting round the library fire the boys and girls disappeared, as the girls wanted to show them round the School 1 VVhen the time came to return to Botha's Hill it was with considerable reluctance that we said good-bye to our hosts, who had given us such an enjoyable afternoon. In thanking them for their kindness we express the hope that we shall be able to entertain them next term. SOCIAL STUDIES GROUP Chairman: D. Morrison. Secretary: G. W. Shuker. The year's activities were planned at the first meeting to cover civic affairs for the first half and careers for the second half. Mr. Howes, legal adviser to the Durban Corporatiogna,ve the first address to the Group. His subject was"Local Govern ment in South Africa." He commenced by showing that the 282

complex modern state had Its surest foundation in democratic local government. Then he moved on to the framework and functions of a modern city such as Durban. These he discussed at length with particular reference to Housing, Native Adminis tration and Representative Government. He concluded by stres sing that local government was the key to efficient national administration. Our next speaker was Mr. P. Fowie, M.P.C., who took as his subject "The Provincial Council." He soon gave a practical illustration to his remarks by drawing up the furniture as for a Provincial Council meeting, and making the Sixth Formers take official seats. He gave a clever picture of the scope and problems of the work of Provincial Councils and stressed the necessity for retention. After he had finished he answered many questions put to him on Hospitals, Roads, Preservation of Game, Revenue, etc. The following meeting was addressed by Morgan, Shelton and Southwood, who read an interesting combined paper on "The Malays." Each of the three lecturers chose a different aspect of this subject. "The Urban Native" was the subject of the next meeting and Shuker, Bishop and McLean delivered papers on the Housing, Education and Health of the Urban Native. Some startling facts emerged from this lecture, such as the disparity in the infantile mortality rate ofthe non-European which was 359 per 1,000 births, whereas that of the European community was only 25 per 1,000. The last meeting was devoted to"Careers in the Public Service." It was an informal discussion on prospects, salaries, pensions, conditions of work, etc. We are glad to know that L. M. Johnson has been selected to attend the Dundee Social Studies Group Camp this vacation. Next term's activities will begin with a visit to the Chesterfield Location. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Although handicapped by lack of a suitable darkroom and the necessary apparatus the Society has held regular meetings at which matters of photographic interest have been demonstrated or discussed. The Time and Temperature method of development —contact printing—composition-—various types of films—the camera and how it works—are some of the matters dealt with. In the near future we hope to have a darkroom and if any parents or friends, who read this, have any photographic equip ment to spare—from an enlarger to a stirring rod—the Society can make use of it. In addition to the two articles mentioned, 283

we require developing dishes, printing frames (both In varying sizes) and adjustable developing tanks. We shall be most grateful for any help as these items are difficult to provide from our own unaided resources. ART CLUB Despite our poor facilities some very good work Is being pro duced and the attendances have been very regular generally. We are very much hampered In our efforts by the lack of suitable premises,"a place of our own"where we can keep our unfinished work without having to cart It all over the place, where our materials are close at hand, and we can really sit down to the learning of drawing objects from life. Many have attempted copies, and though there Is some value In that, and some excellent copies have been made, it does not give the satslfaction of knowing that it Is your own expression of something you appreciate. But we cannot"forge Iron with bare hands"; If we are expected to develop our talents (and there Is plenty of that !) we need our own studio, boards, sittlng-easels, etc. Thanks to the arrangements of the kind spirits who make our life pleasant at School, we had the great privilege of meeting and hearing Mr. Frank Beresford, R.A., Knight of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, and seeing many examples of his work. I am fully In agreement with his theory that you must learn to draw before you try to paint. It is a longer way to your goal, but doubtless the better. Once you have established that con nection between the shape of what you see, and the crayon or pencil in your hand, you will never forget you must not only learn to "see" form, you must be able to "feel"It In order to learn self-expression, which means one word only and that is"happiness." And all who met Mr. Beresford will agree that his life of selfexpression has made him Into a well-balanced, happy and pleasing personality. This all In strong contrast with that modern Idea that an artist must be something of a mixture of a loony and a minor-god. Just compare the truly great art, which was a religious art, of the Middle Ages, with the attempts of the surrealists of to-day, which look like something produced by one suffering from the last stages of hydrophobia. Another fillip to our work was the preparations for the fete. Although only a small body did most of the work, and again the lack of a place to work In was most strongly felt(my room looked a shambles at times for weeks), we had a lot of fun out of it. Lots of moaning from the"cardboard-cutters," lots of moans from somebody with Scot's blood, over paint-wasters. 284

Let me here express my thanks to Miss Hazel Mllbank,"Doc," "Mike,""Betty-Boop,""Bobby,""Gammy,""Shook"and "Curly" for their hard work. I think our efforts were appre ciated and we certainly made the fete look colourful. And now for a strong finish for our"end of the year"exhibition, and with hopes for our "own quarters." I.R.v.d.B. LECTURES CHARACTER AND EDUCATION ; We were Indeed honoured to welcome Lord and Lady Elton to Kearsney on Friday, February 27th. Lord Elton, historian, economist, university don, poet, Christian leader, writer of many works. Including St. George or the Dragon, was visiting South Africa as Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, and had been trying to make contact with as many past Rhodes Scholars as possible. After tea with the Headmaster, and representatives of the Board and Staff, Lord Elton addressed the School In words as fluent, well-chosen and persuasive as one would have expected from a University lecturer. His theme was two-fold : the aim of education and the development of character. Although he spoke briefly, there was more substance In his talk than In most addresses three times the length, and It was mellowed by humour that was subtle and genteel. Educationh,e believed, had two main values. It helped the student to differentiate between one thing and another, between good and bad, to sift the wheat from the chaff—to get quickly to the core of a matter and see the essentials. Whatever may be said about the old school tie. It was essential to have as national leaders men who had had the culture and education, and, with It, the discernment, which Is provided by good class schools and universities. The other reason for education, a more obvious one, was that it equipped the student mentally so that he would be able to discover his own niche, and have the ability to make a success of his life when he found It. Every well-educated man could be good at something, once he had discovered what It was. The secret of character building, he said, and one seldom properly appre ciated, lay In meditation and prayer, especially prayer. Prayer was little under stood by most people, and few knew the real approach. There was too much asking and too little listening. Our attitude should be,"Speak, Lord, Thy servant heareth," and not,"Hear, Lord, Thy servant speaketh." Only by a correct appreciation of spiritual values could the character be most worthily developed. LEADERSHIP: On Friday, March Sth, we enjoyed a visit from a good friend, Mr.T. Leyden, Head of the Durban Tech., who came to address the School on Leadership. Leadership, he said. Involved certain definite qualities : Intelligence, social awareness, energy, action. Intelligence was not necessarily to be gauged by academic success. Many great leaders had not had distinguished scholastic careers ; even Mr. Winston Churchill languished dispiritedly In the Fourth Form.But he, like many others, had natural ability and keenness of perception, and once his future career began to take shape, there was no stopping him. Social awareness Implied that the Individual realised that there were social and economic ills that required to be rectified, and which needed the attention of a strong man with his wits open to the conditions around him. Given these qualities, the would-be leader now required, most of all, drive, courage and Initiative. Florence Nightingale had an awareness of the conditions In hospitals, and she had the courage and energy to offer her services for the Crimea, where she carried through with her task of attending to three miles of hospital beds. 285

Allied to all this there was the need for a strong spiritual sense, a moral appreciation of right and wrong, and unwavering faith. Oniy those possessed of these varied quaiities couid ever hope to deveiop such personality as would fit them to become leaders of men and nations. NORTHERN CONVOY On the morning of Wednesday, March lOth, Mr. Soiomon, iate of the Kingswood Staff, and an old friend of the Headmaster, gave the School a most interesting talk on his experiences In the British Navy on the northern convoy route to Russia. He was the only Springbok serving there, a very long way from home, and within 1,400 miles of the Pole. Convoys were large and movement slow, being restricted to the speed of the slowest ship. When sailing in almost continuous darkness and in bitter cold, it would have been easy for the slow ships to be left behind. One German battleship could sink a whole convoy, and on one occasion 29 ships out of 34 were lost. Loss of life was very heavy, too, for the water was so cold that no man could survive more than two or three minutes in it. Mr. Soiomon found the Russian climate cold, naturally, but in the summer, when there was almost perpetual daylight, it couid be hot. He was impressed by the immensity of Russia and its population. But there was alack offree expres sion and the spontaneous happiness which a free spirit produces. The people lived under the iron arm of the O.G.P.U., which suppressed ail opposition and independence. Another thing he could not fail to notice was the lack of any apparent difference between the men and the women. The women shouldered the heaviest of tasks, such as dockyard off-loading, and this was taken quite for granted. Russia's oniy real aim was the spread of Communism. They had no love for the Allies, in fact, there was very severe criticism and friction over the apparent delay with the Second Front. The Russian people themselves were kept in complete ignorance of the Allied viewpoint. In reply to a question, Mr. Soiomon gave a very graphic description of the sinking of the Bismark. He paid a very sincere tribute to the heroism of the German officers and men, who went on fighting after their ship was completely crippled and a blazing inferno, and who went to the bottom without surrender. The speaker concluded with some interesting impressions he had formed of Kearsney and wished the School all success in its work and sport, and in its plans for development. ART On the last morning of the half-year, Thursday, June 24th, we were greatly honoured by a visit from Mr. Frank Beresford, R.A. He is an artist of world repute. He had the privilege of painting the first portraits of Their Majesties after their Coronation, and his painting of the Lying in State of the late King George Vth was acknowledged as the painting ofthe year. This is Mr. Beresford's first visit to South Africa, though he has been to most parts of the world. He is at present engaged in following the Royal Route of last year, painting ail the while. His work done in South Africa was laid round the hail, for the delight of ail. Mr. Beresford spoke simply and humorously of his experiences as an artist, and gave plenty of sound advice to would-be Royal Academicians. Two points he stressed : firstly, the need to be a craftsman and draughtsman, i.e., to know the mathematics of painting. He had no patience with impressionistic stuff. Secondly, he stressed the need for visual memory. Artists should be able to paint scenes and even people without having to sit in front of them. In a certain studio in Paris, the models sat at the top of a five-storied building, the artists at the bottom. After a few weary trips from bottom to top, the artists soon learned to trust to memory I Mr. Beresford's travelling studio cum kitchen cum bedroom was a source of much interest to the School. In this way he was able to be independent of hotels and could travel where and when he pleased. 286

CRICKET The departures at the end of 1947 left us with a depleted side this year. The vacancies have been filled by some keen young players, who will be useful members of the XI as they gain In experience, but too much cannot be expected of them yet. Our bowling this quarter has always been steady, with King, Hansen and McLuckie being the mainstay of the attack. King bowled well in the matches against D.H.S. and Durban Wanderers. Our batting, generally, has been disappointing, for on occasions it has been purely negative, with the result that the batsmen have simply got themselves out. If our batsmen are to be at all suc cessful, they must show considerably more aggression than has been evident so far this year. February 7th MATCHES vs. MICHAELHOUSE MIchaelhouse Lost by 7 wickets Batting first we fared badly until McLuckie and Stewart were associated in a sound partnership. King followed with a forceful innings which included one six. The later batsmen collapsed. Smithyman bowled very well for MIchaelhouse. Michealhouse's innings was interrupted by mist and a thunderstorm, Smithyman played a fine innings, and Greene, after an early chance, batted with vigour. KEARSNEY Lund, b. Greene 2 Warmback, b. Greene ... ... 6 McLuckie, c. Greene, b. Smithy man ... 28 Stewart, c. Greene, b. Smithy man IS King, not out 31 Morgan, b. Smithyman I Mundell, b. Smithyman 3 Hagemann, b. Smithyman ... 0 Smith, b. Smithyman 0 Hobson, b. Greene I Roberts, c. Black, b. Smithyman 0 Extras 12 TOTAL 99 MICHAELHOUSE Total 173 for 3 wickets. (Smithyman not out 79, Greene not out 49.) (Smithyman 7 wickets for 23) Bowling O. M. R.W. King 12 0 SS 2 McLuckie 6 2 18 I February Nth vs. HILTON Hilton Lost by 47 runs Hilton collected the useful total of 141, the batting honours being shared by Millar, Robinson, Fowler and Henderson. Our bowling was steady, but never really dangerous. Our batsmen fared very badly, Warmback and Smith being the only two to make runs. Theformer carried his batfor a very patient40. 287

KEARSNEY HILTON Lutw), b. Picclone 6 Warm back, not out 40 McLuckie, Ibw., b. PIccione ... 3 Stewart,c. Fowler, b. Henderson 0 King, b. PIccione 4 Morgan, b. Addlson 6 Mundell, Ibw., b. Millar I Hagemann, b. Robinson 6 Smith, b. Addison 17 Hansen, b. Addison 0 Fellows-Smith, Ibw., b. PIccione 0 Extras 10 Total 141. (Millar 28, Robinson 27, Fowler 22, Henderson 27.) (PIccione 4 wicket for IS, Addison 3 wickets for 13. TOTAL ... 94 Bowling O. M. R. W. King ... 13 3 31 i 1 . * McLuckie 13 i 37 3 ' - 1 Lund 3 0 22 2 Mundeii 3 0 li 1 February 18th vs. DURBAN WANDERERS Lost by 14 runs Home On a wicket that never was easy. Wanderers made 89,of which May scored 36. King bowled very well Indeed and was ably assisted by Hansen. We batted quite steadily against accurate bowling, but it was left to the tall-enders to provide an exciting finish. Sinclair was the most successful Wanderer's bowler. KEARSNEY Lund, b. Sinclair 0 Warmback, b. Freakes 8 McLuckie, run out .. 9 Morgan, b. Irvine .. II King, c. May, b. Deavin ... .. 0 Smith, b. Sinclair .. 19 Mundell, Ibw., b. Irvine ... .. 0 Dyson, b. J. May .. I I Fellows-Smith, b. Sinclair... 0 Hansen, not out 8 Hagemann, b. Sinclair 0 Extras 8 TOTAL ... 75 WANDERERS Total 89. (May 36, Sinclair not out II.) (Sinclair 4 wicket for II.) Bowling O. M. R. W. King ... 8 1 22 4 McLuckie ... 4 1 30 2 Hansen ... 7 2 20 3 Hagemann ... ... 3 0 II 1 February 2fst vs. D.H.S. Durban Lost by 119 runs Sledle and McKenzie put on 112 in the opening partnership for D.H.S. We did not make the most of our opportunities and missed several chances, in his third spell King bowled with considerable effect, taking 8 wickets for 49. Our batting failed lamentably In theface ofthe combined attack ofTayfleld,A., and Goddard. In our second innings King showed more aggression and had made 25 not out when stumps where drawn. 288

KEARSNEY Lund, b. Tayfield, C 0 Warm back, c. Siedle, b. Stamper 6 McLuckie, c. Knowles, b. Tay fieldA. 16 Stewart, b. Tayfield, A 0 Morgan, b. Tayfield, A 0 Smith, b. Tayfield, A 2 King, b. Tayfield, A. 10 Dyson, c. and b. Tayfield, A. ... 3 Mundell, b. Tayfield, A 0 Hansen, not out 3 Roberts, c. Avice, b. Stamper ... 12 Extras S TOTAL 57 D.H.S. Total 176. (Siedle S3, McKenzie 55, Tay field, C. 17.) (Tayfield, A. 6 wickets for 10.) King ... McLuckie Mundell Warm back Bowling O. 13 10 3 6 M. 1 2 0 3 R. W. 49 8 29 13 8 Kearsney Second Innings: 57 for 7(King not out 25). (McKenzie 5 for 14.) Under 14 The record of this side for the season was: Played 12, won 9, lost 3—a creditable performance. Dykes headed the batting averages with 20 (H.S. 50 n.o.), and Atkinson was the most dangerous bowler with 55 wickets for 220 runs, giving him an average of 4. Bulman with an average of 12 has distinct promise as an opening batsman. Williamson led the side well and though his "keeping" was not up to the standard he set himself In the previous season. It was always good. As a batsman he was erratic—mainly due to lack of concentration (average 14.7). The games were played In a sporting spirit and the team deevloped a very real team spirit. The behaviour on and off the field was up to Kearsney standard and It was particularly good to hear spectators comment on the neat appearance and good behaviour of our boys. There Is much good material In this side and It Is to be hoped that the match experience they have gained will stand them In good stead as they move up. We should like to thank Mr. Reece for his keen Interest and able coaching at the nets and Mr. Hopkins for his help In making It possible to arrange so many matches, as In large measure the success of the side has been due to their efforts, and Interest. In conclusion I should like to thank Williamson and all those who have played for the team for their loyal support and keen ness and to wish them every success In the under fifteen section to which they now move. R.W.B. vs. HIGHBURY Highbury 63. Kearsney 66 for 3 (Williamson 21 n.o., Richardson 22 n.o.) vs. PINETOWN Kearsney 77 (Bulman31, Dykes 23). Pinetown, 52 (Christian 5 for 12). 289

vs. HILTON Hilton 30 and 39. Kearsney 110 (Dykes 50 n.o.) (Atkinson 9 for 13.) vs. PINETOWN Kearsney 72 (Hanbury King, 23). Pinetown 78 for 3. vs. BOYS' MODEL SCHOOL B.M.S., 35 and 54. Kearsney 65 for 5 (Dykes 20, Williamson 19). (Atkinson, 6 for 21.) Other Matches Colts 68 (Dyson 27, Rodda 14). Hilton Colts, 79 (llling 39, Dyson 5 for 36, Roberts 4 for 25). Under 15, 64 (Hagemann 17) and 86 (Dukes, last man, 28). D.H.S. Under 15, 157 (Vaughan 66, Dukes 3 for 21). Under 14"B ",143for6wickets declared (Spencer 51,ten fours ; McGregor 27). Hilton Under 14"B ", 131 for 7 wickets (the 7th wicket falling at 59). • ATHLETICS Kearsney vs. D.A.C. The annual meeting with the D.A.C. was held this year on Saturday, March 13th, In perfect weather. We were treated to a very fine display of athletics, and our team should have gained considerably in experience. McLuckie, Morrison and Meinzer all gave creditable perforamnces. The high-light ofthe afternoon was undoubtedly the magnificent display given by Gandy of D.A.C. in the high jump, when he cleared 6 feet 4^ Inches. Had he cleared his last jump it would have bettered the Natal record. Once again our thanks are due to Mr. Sulin and the members of the D.A.C. for a most enjoyable afternoon's athletics. PROGRAMME 100 yds. Open ; ist, McLuckie (K.). 2nd, Orrell (D.),0.8. 3rd,Wortley(D.)0.6. Time: 10.8s. 880 yds. Open ; ist, Meinzer (K.). 2nd, Van Rensberg (D.). 3rd, Johnson (K.). Time: 2mln. 6.4s. Shot, Open; Ist, Walker (D.). 2nd King (K.). 3rd, Orrell (D.). DIst. 44ft. S^ins. High Jump Open: Ist, Gandy (D.). 2nd, Blackburn (K.). 3rd, Palm (D.). Height: 6ft. 45ins. 440 yds. Open: Ist, Meinzer (K.). 2nd, Gibson (D.). 3rd, Mundell (K.). Time: 48.8s. Long Jump Open: Ist, Morrison (K.). 2nd Orrell (D.). 3rd, Palm (D.). Dist.: 20ft. lOjins. Discus Open: Ist, Walker (D.). 2nd, Palm (D.). 3rd, Morrison (K.). Dist.: 153ft. 61ns. 220 yds. Open: Ist, Wortley (D.). 2nd, McLuckie (K.). 3rd, Bordmer (D.). Time: 23.3s. Mile Open: Ist, Johnson (D.). 2nd, Reed (D.). 3rd,Smith (K.). Time :4m. 50.8s. In addition there were nine relay races between teams of three. In the different age groups. 290