* y « . J-fAr. ' * V KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE -4; t'^ yj -if Ir-' 4 fS m % 'v ^ \ :•" .- i'-^'.'4' PE 7 "tsA fa i i «'3 ''#5^ i=.4js| ^ a July, 1950 y ^"',4 Jt; •- - .■;'4lf: ■"1 r.ltiaijfeM
OPENING OF THE PAVILION. 3Ist MAY, 1950 t '" - r; ^Si. i - li l:l ii m 18 The Cadet Detachment drawn up on the Oval in front of the Pavilion.
OPENING OF THE PAVILION, 31st MAY, 1950 J k #4^ M y m 4. f\> I ■ 5^ Mr. Jack Hulett, President of the Old Boys' Club, handing the wreath to the Rev. W. H. Irving.
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 3, No. I July, 1950 EDITORIAL A Tribute to our Old Boys The opening of the Old Boys' War Memorial Pavilion on May 31st will be regarded as a most Important event In the history of the School not because It gives us a building and accommodation which we have needed for years and are now very glad to have, nor even because it helps to show and to strengthen the ties of affection and loyalty that properly exist between the Old Boys and the School, but rather because It Is proof beyond dispute of the sound spirit of comradeship and unselfishness that exists among the Old Boys themselves. In this generous gift the Old Boys have honoured their former comrades and themselves, and by combining for this common purpose they have added greatly to their stature and their reputation. The real gain Is In the hearts and minds of those who by the gift of their time and thought and money have established this corporate tribute to their fellows who made the supreme gift of their lives. This year will be memorable also for the start of another piece of good work by the Old Boys. Their Endowment Assurance Scheme Is now firmly established and an excellent beginning has been made. It can result In nothing spectacular for many years and It Is therefore entirely without the stimulus of visual achievement. It Is a longrange plan whose success will depend upon the loyalty of those who enter Into It. Its sole Inspiration Is a heartfelt faith and loyalty, which,to reach Its best effect, must be maintained over a period of twenty years. Here Indeed Is a test ofa genuine regard and affection for the School and for the work which it Is trying to do. We offer our congratulations to those whose leadership and keen desire to serve have brought the Endowment Assurance Scheme Into being, and we firmly believe that their efforts will evoke a wide response from Old Boys In general. He who makes a sincere effort to serve others,even but In a small way, brings advantage to himself beyond that which he may dream of, and the efforts the Old Boys have made and are still making to
assist the School are going to mean a great deal to them both as individuals and as a corporate body In the years to come. Their close association with a School that is growing in power and dignity, growing in ability to serve the education of the "whole man,'' is bound to bring them a sense of privilege and excitement which they will cherish as a precious possession. We extend to them not only our grateful thanks but also our cordial wishes that all that they desire for the School shall come to pass, and that their association with it shall grow in harmony, in power, and in effectiveness. (Note.—The proposed Constitution of the Endowment Assurance Scheme and a report on its progress are published in the Old Boys' pages of this issue). THE CHAPEL About the time that the School re-assembled for the new Year a vast quantity of building materials began to be gathered at the Chapel site, and it was not long before building operations were under way. It was also not long before the inevitable hitch occurred and work was suspended while some essential supplies were awaited. When these arrived, the builders came in greater numbers than before,and since then work has gone on at a rapid pace. Its progress has been closely watched by the School,especially during the morning breaks at the class-rooms when a good many of the seniors turn themselves into amateur building inspectors. As soon as the foundations were down It was evident that the building is going to be a very large one in floor area, and now that the main arches of the nave stand erect and gaunt above the rest of the masonry we can realise that it is to be of considerable height as well. The Foundation Stone Laying The Foundation Stone was laid on Saturday afternoon, 13th May, by Mrs. R. T. Polkinghorne, whose family has been so generously associated with Kearsney for a long time. A large number of visitors came up for the occasion and Natal Methodism was well represented. It is not easy to hear the spoken word in an outside ceremony of this kind, so it was a pity that the speakers fought shy of the microphone that was provided, for the result was that their addresses were inaudible to many of those present. Some brief remarks from the College Chaplain, the Rev. D. W. Timm, began the Service, and these were followed by the hymn "Christ is the foundation of the House we raise." The Rev. W.H. Irving then uttered a moving prayer, and after this Mr. G. M. Oram read the Lesson from the third chapter of 1st Corinthians. At this point Mr. L. F. Forsyth, Chairman of the Board of Governors, addressed the congregation and made grateful acknowledgment to 2
those whose generosity had made it possible to begin the building of the Chapel. He then invited Mrs. Polkinghorne to lay the Stone, and the Architect, Mr. W.Payne, presented her with a silver trowel with which to do so. Mrs. Polkinghorne did her part with obvious love and sincerity, and it was with much emotion that she made the Declaration"In the name of the God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we lay this Stone for the foundation of a Chapel to be builded and consecrated to the service of Almighty God." After this had been done, the Chairman of the District, the Rev. J. Wesley Hunt gave the Dedicatory Address, and then the Head master expressed the thanks of the College to those who had taken part in the ceremony. He also referred to the absence of the former Headmaster, Mr. R. H. Matterson, who has been the Hon. Treasurer of the Building Fund since its inception, and he read the following cable which Mr. Matterson had sent from England : "Every good wish for successful ceremony. With you in spirit." A telegram was also received from the Rev. J. L. Taylor, an Old Boy now In Port Elizabeth, saying"May this day be one of thanksgiving and a milestone in the School's progress. God bless you all." The Service was closed by the singing of the Doxology and the pronouncing of the Blessing and Benediction. Furnishing and Organ Earlier in the year an appeal for the completion of the Building Fund was launched, and it has produced generous contributions. There is however still a long way to go if the Chapel Is to be opened free of debt. The Chapel Committee is now considering the furnish ing that will be required, and has been greatly encouragedby many offers of special gifts for this purpose. The Governors have also sanctioned the establishment of an Organ Fund, a matter which has been placed in the hands of Mr. Gram. The Fund was given a splendid start by the donation of one thousand guineas from Mr.A. H.Smith, who has always taken a great interest in encouraging the musical activities of the School. A number of Old Boys have also responded to the appeal In a very generous manner, several of them to the extent of promising a gift of £100 each. THE WAR MEMORIAL PAVILION The Pavilion was opened on Saturday afternoon. May 31st, and a crowd of over three hundred visitors came up for the occasion. The gathering included several of the next-of-kin of those whose memory was being honoured. His Worship the Mayor of Durban, members of the Board of Governors, senior naval and military
officers, a large number of Old Boys, and many other friends. It was a special pleasure to see amongst them Mrs. J. S. Attlee, one of our former matrons, who has come down from Johannesburg for the occasion. The bulk of the School paraded with the Cadet Detachment who were drawn up on the Oval In front ofthe Pavilion. The ceremony began with a brief address from the President of the Old Boys' Club, Mr. Jack Hulett, who said : "It Is my privilege and pleasure on behalf of the Old Boys to welcome you to the opening of our memorial to those Old Boys who fell In the last World War. "In erecting this Pavilion at the School we hope to perpetuate not only their memory, but also the Ideals for which they fought, and to keep their example ever before those who will pass through this College. "Of you boys all we ask Is that when you use this Pavilion you spare a thought for those men who willingly laid down their lives so that you might enjoy that freedom of thought and expression that they once knew. A testing time will come for all of you but with their Inspiration before you I know full well that you will not be found wanting. "To the next of kin of these lads may I say this, that although with all the discontent and bitterness In the world to-day, their sacrifice may seem to have been In vain, the Ideals for which these lads fought and died will assuredly prosper In the course of time." The Rev. W. H. Irving, the School's first Chaplain and the father of one of those of whom we were gratefully thinking, replied on behalf ofthe boys who will use the Pavilion,and the School Chaplain, the Rev. D. W. Timm, followed with a dedicatory prayer. Mr. Irving then unveiled the plaque on which Is Inscribed the names of the twenty-two boys from the School who had given their lives In the Second World War, while the whole assembly stood In reverent silence. The President read the Roll of Honour, and Im mediately the last name had been called the Cadets presented arms while the buglers sounded the Last Post and the flags were lowered. A brief but tense pause was followed by the sounding of the Reveille and the raising of the flags to full mast. After the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr. L. F. Forsyth, had declared his grateful acceptance of the key of the Pavilion, the ceremony was concluded by a march past of the cadets, the salute being taken by Mr. Irving accompanied by Mr. Hulett and the senior oflRcers present. Although the ceremony lasted only twenty minutes It was so impressively and efficiently performed that It will live long in the memory of all who sitnessed It. (Further reference to this occasion and the spirit that inspired it is made in the Editorial.) 4
SCHOOL NOTES Appointments: Head Prefect: M. J. Collins (G.). School Prefects: G. M. H. Shires (G.), T. Dyson (F.). E, T. E. Hansen (M.). House Prefects: Gillingham: M.J. Collins(Head),G. M. H.Shires, D. B.A.Sclanders, E. C.K. Dowse, D. A. Stranack. Finningley:T. Dyson (Head), M. J. Rodda, R. D. Rich, D. Weetman. Milner:E. T. E. Hansen (Head), D. S. Wauchope. Junior ; A. Bulman (Head), D. C. Dykes, J. A. Voysey. Captains: Cricket: T. Dyson. Rugger: E. T. E. Hansen. Swimming: M. J. Rodda. Athletics:E. T. E. Hansen. Tennis: A. Bulman. Shooting:(Vacant). School Librarian ; B. J. Beck. House Librarians: Gillingham: J. C. T. Black, G. S. Christian, G. Price-Hughes. Finningley:C. W. Mundell, D. C. Wade. School Printer: J. R. Dersley. Projector Operators:R. J. Ireland, G. S. Pike. Diary: Exceptfor the Athletic Sports Meeting which was held on Saturday, March 25th, all the events that provided relief from the daily round of class-work and games occurred in the second Term. The list of these occasions is as follows, and each is more fully described elsewhere in this issue : May 13th : Laying of the Foundation-Stoofne the new Chapel. May 3ist: Opening of the Old Boys' War Memorial Pavilion. June l lth ; Methodist Confirmation Service. June 12th : The Half-Year's Examination began. June 21st: Visit to the"Royal"Agricultural Show in Maritzburg, June 26th : Cadet Field-Day. June 30th: Prefects'Dance. In addition to the routine Sunday evening services conducted by the Staff,services have been taken by the Rev. N.Bennett ofPinetown and by Mr. P. Gammon of the C.S.S.M. who also showed a film on camp work. In addition, Mr. Reece has given well-appreciated illustrated lectures on Canterbury Cathedral, Misericordes, and Stonehenge.
■5Confirmation : At a most impressive Sunday morning service on June 12th the follov/ing boys were received into full membership of the Methodist Church : J. M. Anderson, J. F. A. Bland, J. E. Cleator, J. R. B. Dersley, P. W. Haley, R. Hirst, T. W. Johnson, N. Mark, D. A. F. McLeod, E. J. Needham, G. S. Pike, H. H. Rowe, L. R. Slater, J. A. Sproson, A. J. Tedder, D. G. Whitaker, R. S. Woolliams, J. A. Voysey. The Service was conducted by the President of Conference, Dr. J. B. Webb, assisted by the Chairman of the District, the Rev. J. Wesley Hunt, and by the School Chaplain, the Rev. D. W. Timm. During the second term the whole School was subjected to a set of aptitude and interest tests provided by the Vocational Guidance Officer of the Natal Education Department. The results are expected to give some useful information on which to base advice to boys when they have to choose between alternative subjects and when they come to consider a career on leaving School. The building of a Housemaster's House at Milner House has now begun. The architect is an Old Boy, Melville Poole, and the work is being done by Mr. Colley. An Inter-House Quizz run by Mr. Brown and Mr. Reece resulted in a comfortable win for Finningley by 64 points to 51. From this it would appear that the School's best-informed boys are Fish, Leask i. Beck and J. Anderson. Among Films shown during this Half were the following : " Scott of the Antarctic," "Oliver Twist," "Hamlet" and "Nicholas Nickelby." Once more we are indebted to our generous friend and neighbour Mr. A. H. Smith for another of those items which are not perhaps essential but which are nevertheless desirable and yet hardly likely to be provided out of ordinary school revenue. This time it is an elaborate new signboard which now stands at the turn-off from the main road to proclaim our near-by existence. Two more garages have been built on one side of the workshop area—a very humble addition to the extensive building programme that has been going on recently, but one that is much appreciated by members of the Staff whom it has benefited. " Kearsney Cuts " : It was a pleasant surprise when this periodical saved both its life and an " In Memoriam " notice in these pages by producing its first number of 1950 at literally and metaphorically the eleventh hour on the last morning of the Half. Things could not have been cut finer, for the Head's declaration that the term was ended closed the final Assembly at 1 1.30 a.m. So that which we were most un willingly prepared to mourn has come to life again and the Editor of the " Chronicle " gratefully acknowledges the assistance it has
been to him In making up some parts of this magazine. The remain ing paragraphs ofthese Notes are drawn from the columnsof" Cuts" as also are later articles marked by an asterisk. We trust that the Editors will manage at least one publication a term in future, and we join them In urging the School to back them up more willingly and consistently by sending In contributions of their own. Mr. Sydney Rosenbloom and Madame Hertslett again visited the School during the second Term to give a Pianoforte Recital played by the former, and explained by the latter. This time the programme was strictly limited to forty minutes in time, and consisted of a series of dances by various composers and some other pieces of a seml-calssical nature. The 35 senior boys who were given the opportunity of going to Durban on the evening of Tuesday, June 20th, to see the moral re-armament play "The Forgotten Factor" all thoroughly enjoyed it and were very much impressed. They express their thanks to the Head for organizing the visit. This year various members of Staff have taken over the supervision of parts ofthe grounds, and a very definite and pleasing Improvement in their appearance, both from the point of view of tidiness and attractiveness is noticeable. The old wattle tree plantation outside Finningley has been cleared and the ground levelled. Mr. Reece and the boys of Finningley are busy trenching for hedges and flowers, and they will eventually grass the rest of the ground. The ground opposite Junior House has also been bull-dozed clean and planted with grass. Mr. Brown has undertaken responsibility for the grounds on the swimming bath side of the road, and the Head has cleared the trees opposite the Tuck-shop and has generally improved the appearance of the grounds there. Mr. Clegg has been busy around Gillingham. When a Massey-Harris tractor was seen to be busy on the rugby field before Sports Day, it was viewed with a good deal of consternation. Horrifying thoughts fluttered through many minds. It was pretty obvious by the potatoes being served at lunch that there was an acute shortage. (There stiil is I) Could it be possible that the playing fields were to be ploughed up and turned Into potato patches ? Fears were soon allayed however when it turned out that the tractor was a new acquisition bought to mow the fields and pull the roller. Its beneficial effect was fully evident on Sports Day, for the top field has never looked in better condition. The Library is now fully catalogued so there is no further need to delve into piles of books in order to find the one required. For undertaking this painstaking and rather monotonous job we extend our grateful thanks to Mrs. Tedder and to Mrs. Jonsson. When the Head announced one morning that the whole School was to go to the Hall for a lecture during the fourth period, no one really gave a thought as to whom they were going to hear. A period was being missed, and that was good enough for everyone. It was not long, however, before the lecturer, Mr. Broodryck, from the Speech-Training Department of the University of Bloemfontein, had us all a hundred per cent, interested in what he was doing. He gave examples of how English and Afrikaans should be spoken, and his programme contained items that were both grave and gay. It was a very appreciative School that gave the lecturer a final round of applause. The Prefects' Dance was held on June 30th and was againa very successful occasion. Denis van Rooyen's Orchestra provided the music. We would like to record our grateful thanks to Mrs. Osier and to Mr. Clegg for doing much of the organizing, to Mrs. Goldman for the catering, and to Mr. Colley for decorating the Hall for us in such an artistic and efficient manner.
VALETE (December, 1949) L. M. Alder (1948); G. M. A. Anderson (1946); G. W. Barbour (1947): J. R. Bishop(1946); G.J, Brokensha(1946); F. L. Chappe(1948); P. T, L. Chappe (1946); D. I. Cowie (1945); C. J. G. Dell (1947); H. R. Dukes (1947); M. T. Eastwood (1946); O. S. Egeland (1946); B. A. Fellows-Smith (1946); A. G. Frolich (1948); E. M. Gjestland (1948); D. W. Gray (1945): B. G. Hagemann (1946); G. B. Hayes (1948); B. H. Hulett (1946); D. Jamleson (1949); J. W. Johnson (1946); R. A. O.Johnson (1945); P. M.Jones (1947); R. A. L. Kennedy (1944): J. G. R, Kinloch (1944); E. N. C. KItchin (1944); W.B. Letcher(1944); P. E. Lines (1946); D. J. Livingstone (1947); I. H. D. Lund (1945); D. J. Metcalf (1946); D. R. Mitchell (1947); C. L. Oliver (1944); L. J. Peel (1947); B. H. Penberthy (1948); D. E. Proctor (1946); G. C. Richardson (i947); J. W. RussellBoulton (1944); M. G. Shelton (1946); H. Shuttleworth (1945); D. W. L. Sonderegger(1948); O. R. Southwood (1946); W.H. Southwood (1946); D. W. Spencer (1947); G. R. Thompson (1945); A. L. Varrie (1945); P. D. Warmback (1948); R. L. Wicks (1945); M. T. Woodley (1948); C. P. Wyche (1949). May, 1950:N. R. Duggan (1949); E. M. Meade (1949); I. D. Meade(1949); R. J. Thoms (1950). ^ ' SALVETE (January, 1950) Form IV:J. T.fShepstone (Durban); L. R. Slater (Johannesburg). Form ill:J. F. A. Bland (Harrismith); J. M. V. Bradshaw (Gillitts); G. S. Brown (Riet Vlei); F. R. Broom (Johannesburg); R. G. Clarke (Durban); A. L. Doidge (Ladysmith); T. W. Downard (Bethlehem); R. J. Drennan (Durban North):E.J. Frick(Bethal);D.H.Lowe(Maritzburg);J. C.L. Milne(Maritzburg); R. Tyler (Durban North); F. E. Porrill (Ladysmith); R. P. L. Ramseyer (Adam's Mission): K. B. Shea(Germiston); N. M. F. Smit(Durban); R. F. Tolken (Johan nesburg): C. J. Valintine (Umtali). Form 11: M. Bishenden (Kloof); J. R. D. Goodricke (Durban); W. J. Harwood (Durban); R. B. Mcllraith (Durban); R. Moffitt (Carolina). Form I: H. Beckett (Ndwedwe); C. H. Bennett (Ladysmith); F. E. S. Borgwardt (Standerton); C. J. Dukes (Eston); C.C. Foxon (Inyoni); P. J. W. Goldie (Durban North); G. V. Green (Carolina); G. R. Groom (Verulam); U. G. Groom (Verulam); L. P. Hagemann (Stanger); D. W. Harvey (Warner Beach):L. C. Hoo-Foster(Melmoth); B. W.King(Durban); B. M. Philips(Johan nesburg): A. D. Rowe (Amatikulu); M. J. Schruer (Doornkop); M. T. Scott (Durban); V. L. Shearer (Durban); D. R. van Amstel (Durban); I. C. Young (Durban). April, 1950, Form ill:J. Hepker (Durban); R. J. Thoms (Johannesburg). EXAMINATION RESULTS (December, 1949) Matriculation. 1st Class: E. N. C. KItchin (Dist. In P.Sc.), P. E. Lines. 2nd Class:J. R. Bishop, M. T. Eastwood, B. G. Hagemann, J. W. Johnson, J. G. R. Kinloch, W. B. Letcher, D. E. Proctor, M.G.Shelton, H.Shuttleworth,D.W.Sonderegger,G.R.Thompson (Dist. In Maths). 3rd Class: I. D. Lund. 8
School Certificate. 2nd Class: D. J. Livingstone, D. T. Metcaif, O. R. Southwood. 3rd Class: P. T. L. Chappe, E. M. Gjestland, R. L. Wicks. Junior Certificate. Ind Class: L. Callow, B. N. Francois, C. E. Leisegang, T. E. Metcaif, G. S. Pike, W. N. Rock, H. M. Winder. 3rd Class:R. Brown, F. L. Chappe, P. J. Cominos, J. R. B. Dersley, R. Hirst, R.J. Ireland, R. K. Kassier, D.A. F. McLeod,C.W.Mundell, B. J. Nicolson, G. Price-Hughes, G. C. Richardson, H. H. Rowe, D. C. Wade, D. G. Whitaker. Taalbond. Hoer Graad (Laer): D. W.Sonderegger, W.B. Letcher. Laer Graad (Hoer): H. Cromme, M. G. Shelton. (Laer): R. Brown, A.A.Hind,J. W.Johnson, R. K. Kassier,C.S. Meumann,W.N. Rock, M. J. Rodda, H. Rowe, D. B. A. Scianders, A. G. Steenberg, H. M. Winder. Voorbereidende (Laer):O. W.Jackson, C. H. Lee, G. A. Munnich, P. J. Silburn,W.H.Southwood,D.G.Whitaker,C. R. Witherspoon, M. T. Woodley. The following completed the National Junior Certificate Examina tion in June: E. C. K. Dowse, J. E. Cleator. STAFF During the first term Mr. I. R. van den Berg left us in order to take up an appointment at Michaelhouse as Physical Training Instructor. To him and to Mrs. van den Berg we offer our best wishes for every happiness in their new environment. We have not yet been able to find anybody to take over the Art, Physical Training and Boxing classes for which Mr. van den Berg was respon sible, so the programme of the Junior Forms has had to be slightly rearranged. When Mr. van den Berg left we welcomed to the Staff Mr. R. Rutherford Smith, M.A. Mr. Smith is a graduate of the Natal University and one of his main interests is psychology. Spare-time interests appear to be motor-car and wireless mechanics and photo graphy, a combination that offers a truly dangerous threat to any leisure moments that residence in the School permits. During the first Term Mrs. J. Beatty and Miss G.Johnson accepted part-time positions on the Staff, the former to teach Science in the Third Forms and the latter to assist with junior Latin and English work. Mrs. Beatty helped us during the War years and we are glad to have her assistance again. We trust that both ladies will enjoy their association with us. As we go to press we hear that early in August Mr.and Mrs. Oram wiil be leaving their rondaverlesidence on the edge of the Vailey above the railway line, and that they will move into the house
immediately opposite their present front gate that at one time was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins. At Easter, Mrs. Gamble, after nearly ten years as Matron of Finningley, took a well-earned leave and sailed for England for a four month's holiday. Her letters reveal the thrill she gained from re-uniting with old friends and places in East Anglia. She will be back on duty by the time the second Half opens and we shall be pleased to have her with us again. Sister Mack,formerly AssistantMatron at Addington Hospital, Durban, deputised as Matron. We are grateful to her for an excellent and energetic term's work. We regret to hear that we shall soon be saying good-bye to the Rev. R. A. Yates, Vicar of Kloof, as he and his family are returning to England in August. His final duty on our behalf will be to see through the Confirmation of a dozen or more boys on August 17th, and admit them to their first Communion on the following Sunday. We extend to him and his family our best wishes for a good voyage and future happiness. Just as we finish preparing copy for the printer we learn of the death of Mr. E. M. Knubley who helped us on the Staff for two or three years during the War. He had retired from Maritzburg College on pension some time before he came to us, but he took his full share of activities both in and out of School and rapidly endeared himself to masters and boys alike by his whole-hearted devotion to their needs and interests. All who knew him will remember him with sincere affection. We offer our sincere sympathy to his wife and family. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY President: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. J. F. Reece. Secretary: G. M. Shires. Executive Committee: M. Rodda, M. J. Collins, T. Dyson, D. Dykes, J. R. Dersley, P. R. Randall. PROGRAMME January 29th. Election of Officers. February 26th. Lecturettes, March \2th. Debate; "That Boarding Schools should be situated In the country." Won. March 26th. Literary Readings. April SOth. Debate :"That Rugby is a more interesting game than Cricket." Lost. May 14th. Xix Men in a Boat. (The cabin-boy, D. Weetman, was saved). May 28th. Debate:"That scientific development is doing more harm than good." Lost. June l lth. Lecture on A. A. Milne, by Mr. Reece. June 25th. "That co-education is to be recommended." Lost. One has, I fear, to make the annual criticism that the Society lacks vigour,too much of the debating lying in the hands of a select few. If members would realise the value of this practice in public speaking, they would surely come more prepared to say something. 10
It was a pleasure to accept Epworth's Invitation to debate against them, and we sent up Shires, Rodda and Dowse, accompanied by three strong silent henchmen in Dyson, Stranack and Hansen, to support the motion that"The education of the Native should be agricultural and mechanical rather than academic." Afterwe had had our say, our sisters rather took the ground from under our feet by admitting the truth of our argument, but added that there should be academic education as well, where possible — a fact we should have conceded in any case I Our trio maintained that the practical education is preferable to the academic, though not to its exclusion. In an admirable summing-up, Mr. Donaldson indicated a few lines of argument that had been omitted, and awarded the prize to Epworth by a narrow margin. Congratulations! J.F.R. AFRSKAANSE VERENIGING Bestuur 1549:— President: S. G. Osier, M.A. (Prinsipaal). Vise-Presidente: Mnre. J. Storm en G. Burger. Vccrsitter: O. Leibbrandt. Sekretaris: E. Ashby. Addisionele Lede: D. F. Anger, D. O. Hall, E. Frick. Voor die eerste vergadering van die jaar is besluit dat slegs seuns uit Stds. 8, 9 en 10 lede kan word van die Afrikaanse Vereniging. Daar is ook besluit dat lidmaatskap heeltemal vrywillig sal wees aangesien die bestuur eenparig gevoel het dat dit verkieslik sou wees om 'n handjievol vrywillige en ywerige lede te he as 'n groot aantal lede wat tot aansluiting gedwing is en gevolglik nie gretig sou wees om deel te neem aan die programme nie. Ten spyte hiervan het ons die jaar begin met 'n ledetal van 31. Ons vergaderings word dikwels bygewoon deur 'n hele aantal nielede want ons is biy om te kan se dat daar darem vele is wat genoeg belang stel in die verrigtinge mits daar andere is wat gewillig is om die kastaiings uit die vuur te haal. Na die verkiesing van die nuwe bestuur het Mnr. G. E. Burger 'n kort lesing gehou oor C. J. Langenhoven. In hierdie lesing is veral verwys na Langenhoven se vaderlike raadgewings aan sy medereisigers deur die lewe in die vorm van veelvuldige en pittige moet's en moenie's. 11
Die program is opgeluister met die sing van Afrikaanse liedjies waaraan almal hartlik deelgeneem het. Ons is aan die klavier begelei deur Mevr. P. Brown, aan wie ons se:„Baie dankie!" G.B. CHOIR It has been heavy going this Half. The tenors and basses are few in number, but experienced, and, for their number, have produced well-controlled volume. But the trebles, most of whom are new, are very young and have caused the Choirmaster many headaches! They will not open their mouths and they lack a leader. To keep pace with the tenors and basses they need three times as many practices. There has been no question of putting on a concert and there will need to be much patient practice before a carol service can be considered. This is a pity, as the older boys' voices are good. Items learned have included :"All in an April Evening,""Now let every tongue adore Thee,""Give ear unto my prayer," Viking Song,"Oh peaceful England,""Green Pastures,""Now Is the month of Maying,""Christopher Robin," and a persevering effort to prepare Beethoven's Hallelujah Chorus. J.F.R. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY With the completion of the dark room the Society can now function properly and advantage is being taken of this new facility. Mr. Rutherford Smith has been good enough to agree to help with the Society and his enthusiasm and technical knowledge are proving of great assistance. Our thanks to him. We would point out to our members that it is very necessary to exercise great care in the use of-the dark room. Stock is expensive to replace as is the limited amount of equipment we possess. Further, materials sensitive to light must necessarily be carefully handled in the dark or they are soon rendered useless. We have arranged for a photographic competition for the holidays and hope to arrange others during the term. You must, of course, 12
realise that good photography Is not the outcome of listening to explanations from someone else but the result of trying out things for yourselves, finding your mistakes and correcting them. There fore keep careful data of each picture you take. Enthusiasm and patience are very necessary, and we hope that in the coming term we shall be able to provide opportunities for practice in various types of picture making, which will feed your enthusiasm and increase your ability to take good pictures. R.W.B. MUSIC CLUB (*) The Music Club held a meeting on the first Sunday of the second term. It was well attended by the Junior School but the seniors did not come in their usual numbers. The artiste was Miss Joyce Barker from Maritzburg who came down with Miss Dulcie Goodwin to sing to us. This she did in her usual charming manner. She was heard to good effect in the famous aria from Madame Butterfly "One Fine Day,""Softly Awakes My Heart" from Samson and Delilah, "Fairings," "Hemwich," "Love's a Merchant." The remainder of the musical programme was provided by Mrs. Brown's pupils: Rindel, Ritz, and Palmer who all played well. A musical quizz provided an opportunity for those present to show their musical knowledge. JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY The Junior Debating Society made a late beginning this year, but met fortnightiy during the second term. At its first meeting Doidge was elected Chairman and Downard Hon.Sec. The meetings have been varied both in subject matter and success. The highiight was the last meeting at which Doidge read a paper on Bee-Keeping, Lowe a paper on Motor-Racing,followed by a joint effort by Brown and Rowe ii on Birds' Eggs. These papers were very well prepared and illustrated, and delivered to an appreciative house. R.R.S. 13
CRICKET The New Wicket Kearsney has once again been helped by the unfailing generosity of Mr. A. H.Smith, who, hearing of our difficulties with the existing turf wicket, stepped into the breach and offered to finance the building of a new one. For this very generous help, we give him our very sincere thanks. Without his assistance a new wicket would have been but a dream, and it would have taken some years before that dream could have become a reality. The building of the new wicket was put out to contract, and an area of 100 ft. by 50 ft. was excavated to a depth of three feet. The foundation, consisting of nine Inches of stone, covered with three inches of cinders, was laid and consolidated. A herring-bone drain was also laid to assist drainage, and sifted black soil was filled in and consolidated. The top six inches has been filled in with selected turf wicket loam and turf will be planted as soon as the planting season arrives. The new wicket will not be used this Half, but we hope that next year will see the Kearsney teams playing on a very good, true and fair wicket. The building of this wicket could not have been a success without the willing and invaluable assistance given us by the Kingsmead Ground Staff and the Staff of the Durban Botanical Gardens, who advised us on such matters as foundations, drainage, depths and types of soils, best type of grass, and so on. The boys ofthe College have taken a keen interest in the building of the wicket, and they are very appreciative of the generosity of so many men who have looked to the cricketing interests of Kearsney. R.B. Colours Cricket Colours for the 1949 Season were awarded to the following:— Re-award : E. T. E. Hansen. New Awards: T. Dyson, A. Bulman, J. Atkinson. First Term, 1950 The First XI is developing into a very well balanced side, and is improving well. Dyson was elected captain for the year, and the committee consists of Williamson, Hansen and Bulman. The eleven is playing as a team,and Dyson's task is being made easier by keen ness, co-operation and willing assistance from the other members of the team. Hansen has been the most successful batsman with Bulman a close second. Dykes and Dyson have also batted well, and their 14
efforts have been,on occasions, well supported by the other members of the team. Atkinson has proved to be the outstanding bowler of the year, and he has bowled exceptionally well. Hansen, Ireland and Rock have also bowled consistently well. The fielding has been excellent. 28th January Matches vs. KEARSNEY OLD BOYS Won by 82 runs Home The Old Boys won the toss and decided to bat on a damp wicket. They did not have very much success, and apart from McLeod (24) and Friday (2!) no batsman reached double figures, and the Old Boys were all out In 70 minutes for 72. Kearsney's fielding and bowling were excellent, five good catches being held, and Atkinson and Hansen caused a major upset for the Old Boys because of accurate bowling. Kearsney followed up their good field work with good batting, and scored 155 all out. Hansen played a fine Innings for 53 and then retired. In their second innings the Old Boys showed that they could play cricket after all, and at close of play had scored 106 for 7 wickets. Walker hitting three huge sixes In the process. This was a very enjoyable game, and Is one we hope to turn Into an annual fixture. KEARSNEY Bulman, b. Walker OLD BOYS 1st Innings, 73 Leisegang, l.b.w., b. Walker 2 Williamson, run out 7 Dykes, c. and b. Friday 19 Hansen, retired Dyson, b. Friday NIcolson, c. Johnson, b. Sandles Hanbury-KIng, b. Hughes Ireland, not out Atkinson, b. Hughes Rock, c. Walker, b. Nasmlth 6 Extras 53 I I McLeod 24, Friday 21 Bowling O. M. R. W. Av. 8 Atkinson 7.1 3 1 1 3 3.7 17 Rock 4 — 12 1 12 2 Hansen 6 — 24 3 8 12 Dykes 2 — 9 2 4.5 18 L. Hanbury-KIng 2 — 7 1 7 TOTAL ..... 155 4 OLD BOYS 2nd Innings, 106 for 7 Best 52, Walker 29, Ireland for 13. ISth February vs. ST. HENRY'S Away Won by 4 wickets. Played at St. Henry's In Durban, and the Kearsney batsmen after having won the toss went to the wicket determined to make runs quickly. Owing to an early closure Kearsneywanted to declare early to force a decision, and after two hours declared with the score standing at 141 for 7 wickets. Dyson, Hansen and Dykes all batted well. With 2^ hours In hand St. Henry's made a gallant attempt to make the runs, but Atkinson bowled magnificently, and took the last wicket with only three balls to go. Dunnlngton was the only St. Henry's batsman who withstood the attack, and he scored a very good 61. 15
KEARSNEY Bulman,c. Dale, b. Poole 16 Sherreii, c. Elliott, b. Poole 2 Williamson, l.b.w., b. Johnston 0 Dykes,st. Elliott, b. Tyzack 39 Hansen, c. Elliott, b. Kemp 34 ■ " ■ 35 II 0 4 Dyson, b. Poole Hanbury-KIng, b. Kemp Ireland, not out Extras TOTAL (7 wkts. decl.) 141 ST. HENRY'S Total 116 (Dunnington 61) Bowling O. M. R. W. Av. Atkinson 14.5 7 23 5 4.6 Dyson 4 1 14 1 . 14 Hansen 12 3 28 I 28 Rock 7 2 20 I 20 Bulman 2 — 14 — — Ireland 3 — 10 2 5 18th February vs. HILLCREST CRICKET CLUB Home Lost by 38 runs. Hillcrest won the toss and elected to bat. Runs came quickly, and Hillcrest were all out at 4 o'clock for 145. Alexander, Best and Proctor, the ex-Eastern Province cricketer were the chief scorers. Bulman bowled well for Kearsney, and Hansen,although used seldom, also bowled well. Kearsney batting collapsed against the very accurate and varied attack, Hansen and Bulman being the only two batsmen to face the bowling confidently. KEARSNEY Bulman,c. Halsted, b. Winship 34 Dukes, b. Proctor 10 Hanbury-King, l.b.w., b. Proctor 0 Sherreii, c. Halsted, b. Best I Hansen, l.b.w., b. Hopkins 40 4 I I I 1 0 2 3 HILLCREST CRICKET CLUB Total 145 Alexander 58, Best 39, Proctor 30. Bowling Dyson, b. Halsted Williamson,c. Halsted, b.Winship Ireland, b. Hopkins Nicolson, not out Atkinson, b. Hopkins Rock, b. Cumming Extras O. M. R. W.Av. Atkinson 2 1 33 1 33 Dyson ^ Hansen 8 1 6 — — 4.4 — 16 2 8 Rock 4 — 18 1 18 Ireland 3 — 20 — Bulman 7 — 50 4 12 TOTAL 107 1st March vs. HILTON COLLEGE Away Lost by 61 runs. Hilton, after winning the toss, batted on a very easy-paced wicket. Miller, Lund and Ulyate batted very well and Hilton declared their innings closed with the score at 163for7wickets, made in two hours and ten minutes. The Kearsney bowling was steady, but never hostile, and the fielding was good, Hanbury-King holding two very good cataches. Kearsney's batting, on the whole, was dis appointing. 16
KEARSNEY Bulman, l.b.w., b. Hofman Dykes, run out Williamson, b. Eagle Sherrell, c. Millar, b. Eagle Hansen, b. Eagle Dyson, c. Thorp, b. Eagle Rindel, l.b.w., b. Millar Ireland, c. Souchon, b. Eagle Hanbury-King, c. Throssell, b. Eagle Atkinson, run out Rock, run out Extras TOTAL HILTON 22 Total 163 for 7 wkts. decl. 18 6 Millar 35, Lund 36, Uylate 34 9 9 Bowling 10 O. M. R. W. Av. 0 Atkinson 7 27 1 Dyson 5 2 12 10 Ireland .. 7 2 14 1 14 Hansen 12 3 44 1 44 9 Rock 7 .— 32 3 10.7 2 6 Bulman 3 — 29 — — 102 4thMarch vs. DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL Away Lost by 8 wickets. Kearsney lost the toos and were put in to bat on a very sticky wicket. Kearsney never looked like making many runs, and were all out in Just over an hour for 37 runs. D.H.S. fared little better, and were dismissed for 82. Kearsney started their second innings badly, two wickets falling for one run, but then Bulman and Williamson batted very well. Unfortunately, their efforts were not carried on by the following batsmen, and the innings closed at 60. D.H.S. eventually scored the necessary 16 runs to thoroughly deserve their win. KEARSNEY (1st Innings) Bulman,c. Siedle, b. leMar I Dykes, c. Taylor, b. Tayfield 0 Williamson, c. Phillips, b. Dodds 5 Hansen, c. Williams, b. Tayfield 5 Dyson, b. Deavin 5 Sherrell, c. Dodds, b. Deavin 0 Ireland, b. Dodds I Needham,c. Riddell, b. Dodds 6 Nicolson, b. Deavin 0 Atkinson, not out 10 Rock. b. Dodds I Extras 3 KEARSNEY (2nd Innings) Hansen, b. Tayfield 0 Dykes, c. Riddell, b. Tayfield 0 Williamson, b. Williams 10 Bulman, l.b.w., b. Williams 20 8 3 4 5 5 0 1 4 Dyson, l.b.w., b. Tayfield Sherrell, l.b.w., b. Dodds ... Ireland, b. Williams Needham, b. Dodds Nicolson, l.b.w., b. Dodds... Atkinson, b. Williams Rock, not out Extras TOTAL 37 TOTAL 60 D.H.S. (1st Innings) Total 82 Bowling O. M. R. Atkinson 12 I 32 Dyson 2.1— 7 Hansen II 2 29 Rock 2—11 W. Av. 4 8 4 7.25 Total D.H.S. 17 for 2 wkts. Bowling O. M. R. W. Av. Atkinson 4 2 3 1 3 Dyson 3 — II I II Hansen 1.2— 3 — — 17
l lthMarch vs. MARITZBURG COLLEGE Away For the first time this season, Kearsney played as a team, and showed that, given a reasonably good start, they could do well. Kearsney were, perhaps, a little unfortunate, owing to the time limit, but they played very well indeed. Bulman and Dykes deserve special mention for putting on 82for the first wicket. The remaining batsmen went for the runs and scored quickly. Atkinson played a hectic and fast Innings for 21. Dixon bowled extremely well for College. At close of play. College had scored I I I for 8 wickets, Atkinson having taken 5 wickets during an inspired spell of bowling. KEARSNEY Bulman, c. Bense, b. Smith 46 Dykes, run out 33 Williamson, c. Castle, b. Dixon 8 Hansen,c. Jones, b. Dixon 0 Dyson,c. Jones, b. Dixon 10 Ireiand, l.b.w., b. Dixon 0 Nicolson, l.b.w., b. Smith 0 Needham,st. Prozesky, b. Dixon 5 Hanbury-King, b. Dixon 2 Atkinson, st. Prozesky, b. Dixon 21 Extras 7 TOTAL 136 MARITZBURG COLLEGE Total: 1 1 1 for 8 wkts. Castle 32, Thomson 22 Bowling O. M. R. W. Av. Atkinson 16 5 26 5 5.2 Dyson 10 2 24 I 24 Hansen I I I 33 — — Ireland 5 2 13 — — Rock 2 — 10 — — BATTING AVERAGES Innings Not Out Highest Score Total Average Hansen 7 1 53* 141 23.5 Bulman 7 — 46 139 19.9 Dykes 7 — 39 1 19 17 Atkinson 6 1 21 58 1 1.6 Dyson 7 — 35 80 1 1.4 Ireland 7 2 12* 29 5.8 Nicolson 6 2 17 23 5.75 Williamson 7 — 10 37 5.3 Needham 3 — 6 16 5.3 Rock .... . 6 3 6 16 5.3 Hanbury-King 5 — II 25 5 Sherrell 5 1 9 15 3.75 * Denotes Not Out. BOWLING ANALYSIS Atkinson Ireland Hanbury-King Hansen Rock Bulman Dyson Dykes Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Average 75.7 19 155 19 8.2 21 4 70 7 10 4 — 31 2 15.5 60.6 9 21 1 13 16.2 26 2 103 6 17.2 15 — 103 4 25.75 29.1 6 90 3 30 3 — 28 — — J8
Second XI Bad weather spoiled the Second Xl's cricket, and only two games were played. The first one was at Michaelhouse, and the second was against Glenwood at Kearsney. Hirst scored a very sound 50 against Michaelhouse, and although Kearsney lost both games, they were very much enjoyed. i Ith February vs. MICHAELHOUSE Away Lost. KEARSNEY HI. Hirst 50 not out, Collins 27, Needham 14. Butcher 6 for 31. MICHAELHOUSE 161. Soffe 31, Foord 30. Wauchope 3 for 24, Hirst 2for 17. iSth February vs. GLENWOOD Lost. Home KEARSNEY (ist Innings) Total 59. Rindel 14, Thompson 6 for 25. GLENWOOD (Ist innings) Total 85 for 9. Windy 29, Dowse 4 for 12, Hirst 3 for 28. KEARSNEY (2nd Innings) Total 52. Lowe IS. Hirst 13, Thompson S for 33. GLENWOOD (2nd innings) Total 30 for 5. Dowse 4for 7. Third Xi The Third XI had only one game this term, against Durban Technical High School, which ended in a very narrow win for Kearsney on the first innings. The high-light of the game was a very fine century by Wilcock for Durban Tech. KEARSNEY KEARSNEY (Ist innings) (2nd innings) Total 76. T ^ I nv g A MacGregor 19, Coggin 10. DURBAN TECH. H.S. DURBAN TECH. H.S. (Ist Innings) Total 69. Raw 42, Hind 7for 27. (2nd innings) Total 146 for 3. Wilcock 102. Under 15 The side showed more promise than fulfilment. I think the material is there, but it is inexperienced and rather raw. A little more positive aggression would work wonders, and put the other side on the defensive for a change. The fact that we usually re covered well in the second innings, after the match had been lost, showed that the main requirement now is more courage and experience. Lowe was the best bat, coming to light regularly in 19
the second innings, and MacGregor the best all-rounder. The fast bowling of Winder, and the innocuous-looking slows of Gumming, reaped quite a number of wickets. RESULTS HILTON 170 for 8 wickets declared (Cumming 7 for 46). KEARSNEY 22 and 101 for 7 wickets(Lowe 47 not out, Meumann 31). D.H.S. 85(Cumming 4 for 25, MacGregor 4 for 33) and 69 for 6 wickets. KEARSNEY 49 and 40(Lowe 20). MARITZBURG COLLEGE 144 (Cumming 4 for 27, MacGregor 3 for 34) and 41 for 7 wickets(Winder 4for 23). KEARSNEY 64 and 130 (Lowe 67 not out, MacGregor 40). Under 14 The outbreak of mumps unfortunately caused the cancellation of the fixtures for the better part of the term. This was the more unfortunate as we were slowly developing a very useful side which should have given a good account of itself. Simpson, Ulric Groom,Bradshaw, Dykes and Miller were showing promise as batsmen but must all learn to control effectively a nervous ness which tends to produce false strokes and so present the opposition with an easy wicket. Above all hit the ball. With the departure of Captain Moon to the ranks of the Under 15 we lost a good batsman and a good wicket keeper. He had made an excellent captain. The wicket-keeper position will have to be filled so practise hard those of you who have any pretentlons to the position. Most ofthe bowling was In the hands of Drennan,Clarke, Bradshaw and Stokoe. The first three all showed a tendency to try to bowl too fast but were all useful. Stokoe, a right arm leg break bowler with a carefully disguised googly, played well and enthusiastically but must concentrate on bowling a good length with every ball. On occasion he was expensive. The whole side showed a commendable keenness In maintaining its interest even when the fixture list was cancelled, and we hope that the coming season will provide an uninterrupted opportunity for participation in matches with other schools. R.W.B. ATHLETICS After almost three weeks of perfect sunshine, the weather broke two days before our Sports and once again rain fell on the preceding night. Sports Day Itself, Saturday, 25th March, was overcast but fine until the late afternoon when a heavy mist dampened things somewhat. 20
I The track was heavy as a result ofthe rain and both long and high jumpers were severely handicapped so their performances suffered In consequence. Actually an alternative long-jump take off had to be constructed on the morning of the Sports. Despite the slowness of the track five records were broken and two equalled: Atkinson (Under 165—100 yds. and 220 yds.), Olufsen (Under 14—100 yds. and 220 yds.), Moffitt (Under 14—Long Jump) and Under 14 and Under 16^—L440yds. relays. Other performances which merit mention, although they did not break records, were Open Cricket Ball (Dyson), Open Shot Putt(Hansen)and Under I6j Long Jump (Atkinson). After a day of keen competition Gillingham won the Oliver Pearce Trophy by 913 points to 810. In the morning it seemed that the number of visitors would be fewer than usual but by the afternoon we had our usual large crowd of appreciative spectators. A large number of Old Boys added to the pleasure of the day. A word of appreciation is due to Mrs. Goldman and her catering staff and to Mr. Colley and the grounds' staff for their part in the success of the occasion. At the conclusion ofthe Sports Mrs. L. F. Forsyth did us the honour of presenting the trophies and certificates. Colours:Congratulations to the following on the award of their Athletic Colours: J. Atkinson, M. Collins, T. Dyson, T. Gjestland, E. Hansen. PROGRAMME (Previous Records in parentheses) 75 yds. Under i3; 1st, Moffit (G.). 2nd. Ritz (G.). 3rd, Groom (G.). Time: 9.8s. 75 yds. Under 14; ist, Olufsen (F.). 2nd, Leask (P.). 3rd, Howlett (F.). Time: 9.2s. 100 yds. Under 15 ; Ist, Meumann (P.). 2nd, Tolken (G.). 3rd, Marshall (G.). Time: 1 1.6s. (I. McLeod. 1941. I l'2s. M.Eastwood. 1947. I 1.2s.) 100 yds. Under 16^; Ist, Atkinson (G.). 2nd, Bulman (G.). 3rd, Stranack (G.). Time ; 10.8s. Equals Record. (J. Atkinson. 1949. 10.8s.) 100 yds. Open: Ist, Dyson (P.). 2nd, Hansen (G.). 3rd, Weetman (P.). Time: I Is. (J. Barratt. 1932. 10.2s.) High Jump Under 13 ; Ist, Dukes (G.). 2nd, Moffit (G.). 3rd, Amstel (G.). Height: 4ft. OJins. (B. Vowles & P. Jonsson. 1940. 4ft. 5in. S. Leask. 1949. 4ft. Sin.) High Jump Under 14: Ist, Leask (P.). 2nd, Olufsen (P.). 3rd, Ramseyer (G.). Height :4ft. Sins. (D. Rishworth. 4ft. Bins.) 21
880 yds. Under 16^; 1st, Dersley (G.). 2nd, Newlands (G.). 3rd, Rock (G.). Time: 2mln. 14.4s. (L. Johnson. 1948. 2mln.8s.) 220 yds. Open: 1st, Dyson (F.). 2nd, Hansen (G.). 3rd, Weetman (P.). Time: 24.1s. (N. McLuckie. 1948. 23s.) Long Jump Under 13 ; 1st, Moffitt (G.). 2nd, Simpson (P.). 3rd, Ritz (G.). Dist: 15ft. School Record. (B. Isralls. 1943. 14ft. 6in.) Long Jump Under 14; 1st, Olufsen (P.). 2nd, Leask (P.). 3rd, Howlett (P.). Dist: ISft. I l|in. (I. McLeod. 1940. 16ft. 7in.) Long Jump Under 15; 1st, Tolken (G.). 2nd, Mannion (G.). 3rd, Neumann (P.). Dist: 16ft. Sin. (D. Morrison. 1946. 19ft. I^in.) Long Jump Under 16^; 1st, Atkinson (G.). 2nd, Hanbury-King (G.). 3rd, Stranack (G.). Dist: 19ft. lOins. (R. McLeod. 1943. 20ft. 2ins.) Long Jump Open: 1st, Dyson (P.). 2nd, Ireland (P.). 3rd, Nicolson (G.). Dist: 19ft. 3^ins. (D. Morrison. 1948. 20ft. lOiins.) Discus Under 15 ; 1st, Walker (G.). 2nd, Coventry (P.). 3rd, Drennan (G.). Dist: 94ft. lOiins. (T. Duson. 1940. 1 14ft.) 100 yds. Under 13 ; 1st, Moffitt (G.). 2nd, Ritz (G.). 3rd, Groom (G.). Time: 11.8s. (D. Olufsen. 1949. 12.4s.) 100 yds. Under 14: 1st, Olufsen (P.). 2nd, Leask (P.). 3rd, Carelse (P.). Time: 1 1.7s. School Record. (1. McLeod. 1940. 12s. W.Rock. 1948. 12s.) 220 yds. Under 15; 1st, Neumann (P.). 2nd, Tolken (G.). 3rd, Marshall (G.). Time: 26.2s. (I. McLeod. 1941. 25s.) High Jump Open: 1st, Shires (G.). 2nd, Ireland (P.). 3rd, Hirst (G.). Height: 5ft. 3 ins. (P. Davidson. 1942. 5ft. ll^ins.) 220 yds. Under 13; 1st, Moffitt (G.). 2nd, Simpson (P.). 3rd, Ritz (G.). Time: 29.7s. (D. Olufsen. 1949. 27.8s.) 220 yds. Under 14: 1st, Olufsen (P.). 2nd, Leask (P.). 3rd, Howlett (P.). Time: 26.7s. School Record. (i. McLeod. 1940. 26.9s.) 440 yds. L/nder 16^: 1st, Atkinson (G.). 2nd, More (P.). 3rd, Bulman (G.). Time: 55.2s. (C. Meinzer. 1947. 55s.) 880 yds. Open: 1st, Gjestland (G.). 2nd, Collins (G.). 3rd, Tedder (P.). Time:2min. 11.4s (O. Knaggs. 1942. 2min. 4.8s.) High Jump Under 15; 1st, Mark (P.). 2nd, Lee (G.) and Lowes (P.). Height: 4ft. 9ins. (D. Nathan. 1940. 5ft. lin.) Discus L/nder 16i: 1st, Winder (P.). 2nd,Hanbury-King(G.). 3rd, Bulman (G.). Dist: 125ft. S^ins. 22
(R. Kitchin. 1947. 128ft. Sins.) Discuss Open: 1st, Hansen (G.). 2nd, Ireland (F.). 3rd, Sclanders (G.). DIst: 142ft. 2ilns. (N. Walker. 1945. I6t)ft. lOins.) Shot Under 16^ ; 1st, Rich (F.). 2nd, Winder (F.). 3rd, Stranack (G.). DIst ; 31ft. lOins. (E. Hansen. 1949. 39ft. 4ins.) Shot Open: 1st, Hansen (G.). 2nd, Nicolson (G.). 3rd, Dyson (F.). Dist: 41ft. Sins. (N.Walker. 1945. 42ft. lOins. P. le Roux. 1947. 42ft. lOins.) 440 yds. Open: 1st, Dyson (F.). 2nd, Ireland (F.). 3rd, Weetman (F.). Time: 55.2s. (R. McLeod. 1944. 52s.) High Jump Under I(ri: 1st, Atkinson (G.). 2nd, Newlands (F.). 3rd, Rich (F.). Height: 5ft. (P. Warmback. 1945. 5ft. 6in.) 880 yds. Under 13; 1st, Simpson (F.). 2nd, Hirst (G.). 3rd, Harper (F.). Time: 2min. 36.6s. (D. Olufsen. 1949. 2min. 30.6s.) 880 yds. Under 14; 1st, Carelse (F.). 2nd, Miiler (G.). 3rd, Barker (F.). Time: 2min. 34.2s. (1. McLeod. 1940. 2min. 25.9s.) 880 yds. Under 15; 1st, Randall(G.). 2nd,Stokoe (F.). 3rd, Stevenson (F.). Time: 2 min. 31s. (I. McLeod. 1941. 2min. 10.2s.) 220 yds. Under 16^: 1st, Atkinson (G.). 2nd, Stranack (G.). 3rd, More (F.). Time : 24.3s. Equals School Record. (M. Eastwood. 1948. 24.3s.) Parents Walk: 1st, Mrs. Goodricke, Mr. Hughes. Mile Under 15; 1st, Stokoe (F.). 2nd, Scott (G.). 3rd, Stevenson (F.). Time: Smin. 33.1s. (van Aardt. 1943. Smin. 16.4s.) Mile Under 16; 1st, Leibbrandt (F.). 2nd, Dersley (G.). 3rd, Newlands (F.). Time: Smin. 25.9s. (M.Crookes. 1942. Smin. 4.6s.) Mile Open: 1st, Collins (G.). 2nd, Gjestland (G.). 3rd, Hirst (G.). Time: Smin.9s. (I. Ives. 1944. 4min. 48.4s.) 880 yds. Non-Finalists: 1st, Francois (G.). 2nd, Foxon (G.). 3rd, Mooney (G.). Time: 2min. 24s. Old Boys' 100 yds; 1st, Leather (F.). 2nd, Taylor (G.). 3rd, Maclean (F.). Time: 10.4s. Relay Under 13: 1st, Gillingham. 2nd, Finningley. Time ; 58.5s. (Giilingham. 1942. 57.8s.) Relay Under 14; 1st, Finningiey 2nd, Giliingham. Time 54.4s. School Record. (Finningley. 1946. 54.8s.) Relay Under 15 ; 1st, Finningley. 2nd, Gillingham. Time: 52.5s. (Finningley. 1944. 52.4s. Gillingham. 1947. 52.4s.) Relay Under 16^:1st, Giilingham. 2nd, Finningley. Time: 47.6s. School Record. (Gillingham. 1944. 47.8s.) Relay Open: 1st, Finningley. 2nd, Gillingham. Time: 48.4s. (Gillingham. 1944. 47.4s.) Tug o'War:1st, Gillingham. 2nd, Finningley. 23