3 , . yi-- ■y }> ] KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE is. . - 55/?PE - .A " • ■ , - ■ ■ .Jg" 1. . . •> , s • , "■ • . .i« .- July, 1952
I I Kearsney College Chronicle r* 'H % X'i -■>. ---3 •f. July, 1952
A CARToO^'if muLP ^M/r-My— 7. "5^(^ V M Wt" \ sh VV>yt rT/r'M I irrrrTT X k / N>W 83-AiOroOT! /^ht^estiA//s/ies/^po^n .£^ tx>(j A^gr£\/o^ A TRIBUTE TO FRIEND MR. A. H. SMITH, O.B.E.
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 3, No.5 July, 1952 EDITOREAL A school's status in the public eye varies considerably according to which particular facet of the school's life the public eye is minded to focus itself upon. Exams, sport, tone, poise, manners—these and others are the criteria which the discriminating and not-sodiscriminating "outside world" use as their tape-measures. Sometimes it is one, sometimes another, seldom all at once. No, gentle reader, have no fears—we are not about to embark upon a concerto for the trumpet. We take the ups and downs, losing sometimes on the swings and gaining on the roundabouts, sometimes gaining on both, but rarely, praise be, losing on both. The pendulum swings and swings again. We like to think that it defies the rules of mathematics and gravity and swings further in the one direction than the other, and in this belief we feel we are right. Nevertheless it does swing. For those who see life only through the rose-coloured spectacles of the sports-field, the summer season saw a violent swing in a negative direction. It were merciful to pass over the pages relating to cricket. But really, does it matter? It is nice to win, but how very nice for the other side if we are beaten by an innings! We are ever ready to be co-operative. The coaches and teams peg away in the time available—perhaps not enough time—but the present purple patch is just one of those things and will pass. It would seem that the best potential gamesplayers tend to go to those schools who already have plenty (this is fact, not fiction) and we cannot for the moment hold our own. Perhaps the pendulum will swing again, the worm will turn, the Appolyons which straddle our path will tumble, our metaphors will unravel, and we shall begin producing Springboks. You can't stop us from hoping. 193
Others, Nelson-like, turn the blind eye on sport and look only at exam results. Here our terra is a good deal firma. But again, beware of odorous comparisons. If Highville High School enters five hundred candidates, their pass list will look formidable: so would their fail list, if they dared to publish it. If we enter a score, not even Pythagoras, with his private system of log tables and slide rules, could persuade the examiners to allow more than twenty to pass, unless the invigilator manages to slip in a few model answers of his own (nor could it be guaranteed that even he, wretched fellow, would pass). A law of averages also demands that among the intellectual giants there will be many "also rans," faltering either through a certain innate inability to tackle a Latin Unseen with quite the same gusto that they tackle a wing three-quarter, or through an understandable inclination to regard the classroom as a haven of rest and gladness rather than a seat of learning. Therefore those who judge by exams would do well to consider numbers and talents, and in this past year we have certainly surprised even ourselves. Tone, poise, manners—these qualities cannot be disguised, nor, if we have them not, can we possibly deceive"Fair Play,""Dis gusted" and "Paterfamilias" into thinking that we have them. They are virtues found in varying degrees in all communities. We do not claim a monopoly. We think we have a fair share. We think, in fact, that we show up pretty well: we may even have more than our fair share. The Editor looks back through a vista of years, and ever there rings upon his ears the familiar sound: "Nicely mannered ...","Courteous...","Much improved ...", and still we hear it, by word of mouth and by letter:"...speak so highly," ". . . pleased beyond words." Let us therefore be laudatores temporis acti et praesentis, for if we say that which is false, there are many who will tell us so. We do but state what we know. What we know is that we may not always be able to compete with our larger brothers on the field of sport, for the destroyer cannot normally defeat the cruiser, though now and again he slips in and sinks him; we cannot show five score Matric passes when we enter only one score; but we can do and do turn out a young fellow who is not over-wise in his own conceits, who carries a stamp of courtesy and good graces which marks him as one of us, and who has a background of moral and spiritual training, quietly absorbed, which fits him for the rough and tumble of later days. We do not speak without evidence: present and past boys provide the proof. J. F. R. 194
SCHOOL NOTES We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Best and Mr. and Mrs. Storm, all of whom have had sons born to them within the past term. We wish Liege, Hubert and Albert long and happy lives. The Kearsney Staff score now reads: 18 sons to 5 daughters, quite an unjust proportion, and promising a lamentable shortage of dancing partners in years to come. We offer our sympathy to Mrs. Best on the death of her father, and to M. Scott on the death of his mother. The School was well served with a continuous flow of corres pondence from Mr. and Mrs. Oram, who will be back with us when this Magazine appears. They exercised the school motto to its fullest extent,and in their travels through England and the Continent seized every conceivable opportunity to make the most of an un forgettable holiday. Mr. Oram has been persuaded to write an account of his impressions and these will be found in the next Magazine. Now we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Oram back into our midst and know that their work will be resumed with a vigour and freshness such as only an overseas holiday can give. We welcome Mr. I. D. Gregory into our midst, to help with the History and Geography. Mr. Gregory comes from Oldham, Lancashire, where he studied at the Hulme Grammar School. On coming to South Africa in 1947, he went to Rhodes, taking his degree in the above subjects. This is Mr. Gregory's first teaching appointment and his enthusiasm and ready co-operation show clearly that he has chosen the right calling. Mr. Gregory has taken charge of the tennis organisation. We also welcome Sister I. K. Anderson, who comes to us from Baragwanath Hospital. We hope that she will have many happy years with us. Mr. and Mrs. Tedder and family have taken over the reins of Finningley as to the manner born and we wish them as happy a term of office as their predecessors. Sister C. Ash returned to England at Easter, after a very happy year in Finningley. Her friendly personality and business-like efficiency stamped itself upon the life of the House and the School, and we all wish her success and joyous home-coming in her native land. An old knee injury (dating from school-days) has forced Mr. Hopkins to give up his active rugger coaching after many year ofs service, and all who have passed through his hands in recent years will join in a big "Thank You"for all he has done. Mr. Nel has taken over the rugger control, and we know that the enthusiasm of his successors will be well maintained. 195
Lest visitors to the School should mistake the contraption near the sv/imming bath for an anti-aircraft gun, we hasten to assure them that it is only the mounting for Mr. Quarmby's telescope. Mr. Quarmby, a keen astronomer, was fortunate to obtain this powerful telescope (nine feet long, six Inch lens, 500 magnification) at a comparatively small cost, for its full value, with mounting, is nearly £1,000. This is the most powerful privately-owned telescope in South Africa, and when the fittings are all completed we hope to study the vegetation on the craters of Jupiter's moons! The School has reverted to the former system of keeping the hour from 5 to 6 p.m. free for cultural and general activities. This gives boys and staff a much-needed period in which groups can meet without interfering with school work and sport. The First Form are now housed and taught entirely in their own block. The addition of the day room to the Junior House now means that the Junior School, with its new house for the House master, can be treated almost as a separate department, selfcontained, apart from feeding. School visits have been made to the Durban Docks and to Dr. Stott's Bantu Hospital and Welfare Centre in the Botha's Hill Reserve. The School was proud to find that it had three representatives in the Natal Rugby XV against Griqua's and Northern Transvaal, namely: O. K. Clarkson (full back), N. Walker and A. R. King (forwards). Congratulations to them and ourselves! Congratulations, too, to C. S. Meumann, whose Union Day feat must be unparalleled: in the morning he scored the only try for the 1st XV vs. Maritzburg College; in the afternoon he scored for the Old Crocks vs. our 2nd XV in the first half, and for the 2nd XV vs. Old Crocks in the second half! In an Epworth—Kearsney Quiz, on Saturday, 21st June, Kearsney were winners by 58-j points to 58, decided on the last question! The team consisted of P. C. Marshall, C. Rindel, D. O. Hall and M. J. Hindson. Quiz Master and compere: Mr. Reece. We thank our Epworth friends for the warmth of their hospitality, and con gratulate our team on its runaway victory! On 25th April we were honoured by the annual visit of the President of Conference. Rev. A. E. F. Garrett reminded us that he had been stationed in Maritzburg when the School was moving from its old quarters to its present site, and he, personally, had a hand in collecting the first hundred pounds of the many thousands required. The theme of his Address was the robustness of Christianity: it is not for pale-faced curates and elderly ladies only, but for scholars, sportsmen, all alike. Without belief in God, life is insecure and without direction. The President called upon boys to keep to the Church and hold fast to religion. 196
On Tuesday morning, lOth June, we were exceedingly entertained by a half hour"chat"from Mr.Trevor Williams,C.B.E.,CB.,D.S.O., newly appointed Warden of Rhodes House, Oxford. Still a young man, Mr,, Williams took a Modern History First at Merton, and till now has been a Fellow and Senior Tutor at Balliol. During the War, In his mid-twentles, he attained the rank of Brigadier and was Chief Intelligence Officer to Field-Marshall Montgomery. Mr. Williams is now touring Africa, Australia andNew Zealand, making contact with Rhodes Scholars and Selection Committees. His delightful Address to the School consisted of anecdotes in which "Monty"and Mr.Winston Churchill largely figured, not to mention the Chinese diplomat who was mistaken for a launderer! The miracle has happened! As the half year came to an end, we were astounded to see road machinery busy on the road leading to the School, and in the twinkling of an eye our biggest handicap— the approach to the School—was converted i nto a tarmac road I Is it necessary to add that this had been brought about by yet another large gift of money from Mr. A. H. Smith, O.B.E., to whom we are indebted for nearly every "refinement" the School possesses. So yet again we say "Thank you, Mr. Smith," and celebrate your birthday with a frontispiece. Mrs. Mllner, who gained her M.Sc. In Chemistry last year, has written a thesis for her Doctorate, on Oxygen Isotopes. Appointments: School Prefects: R. N. Dolton, I. D. MacGregor, N. Mark. House Prefects: Finningley—N. Mark, J. P. Newlands, J. S. Botte, J. A. Sproson. Cillingham—R. N. Dolton, I. D. MacGregor, O. Jackson, D. O. Hall. Miiner—P. C. Marshall, C. S. Meumann. Junior—C. Rindel, M. S. Mannlon. Captain of Cricket: C. Rindel. Captain of Rugger: R. N. Dolton. Captain of Athletics: J. P. Newlands. Captain af Swimming: I. D. MacGregor. Captain of Tennis: D. Lowe. Drum Major: J. A. Sproson. Library: A. C. M. Mackenzie. Chapel Committee: N. Mark,J. P. Newlands, I. D. MacGregor, M.S. Mannlon, F. E. Porrlll, G. A. Munnich. Bell: T. W. Downard. Cestetner: A. L. Doidge. Projector: R. Woolliams, K. M. Eddy, D. A. Hopewell. Stamps: J. C. L. Milne, D. M. Spink, T. W.Downard. 197
CHAPEL NOTES The service held In memory of His Late Majesty, King George Vi, on Friday, 15th February, will remain an abiding memory with all boys and visitors who were privileged to be present. On this day we united with the people of the world in paying tribute to the life ofone who had served his people with courage and humanity' and who, faced with months of agony and an early death, kept his secret to himself, and was then called by God, peacefully, while he slept. The Presentation of Colours, draped, to the solemn music of the Death of Ace set the tone for the service which followed. Hymns were chosen to a set plan. "Holy, holy, holy"revealed the con tinued belief in the goodness of God under all circumstances;"For all the saints"was sung as a memorial to all saints on earth;"The Lord's My Shepherd" contained the late King's own professed belief; and "Light ofthe World"told ofthe triumph overthe powers of Death. These hymns were feelingly and stirringly rendered. The four lessons, read by the Headmaster, also pursued a purpose ful theme. Psalm XC was followed by selections from the Book of Wisdom, St. John XIV, and I Corinthians XV. Prayers were sympathetically delivered by Rev. D. W. Timm, whose Address, telling of the life and character of our late King, was given with feeling and sincerity. A piano interlude:"Oh rest in the Lord" touched the hearts of many. After the Benediction the Last Post was sounded,followed by the reading of the beautiful passage from Pilgrim's Progress: Then said Mr. Vaiiant-for-Truth:"I am going to my Father's: and though with great difficulty I am got thither, yet now I do not repent me of the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage,and my courage and skill to him that can get it. My marks and scars 1 carry with me, to be a witness for me that I have fought His battles who now will be my rewarder." When the day that he must go hence was come, many accompanied him to the river side, into which as he went he said;"Death, where is thy sting?" And as he went deeper, he said:"Grave, where is thy victory?" So he passed over, and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side. Hereupon the distant bugle notes of the Reveille were to be heard, welcoming, as it were, the pilgrim to the other side. This was a stirring moment indeed. After Die Stem, the singing of the National Anthem in its new form"God save the Queen," brought a lump into many a throat. Colours were returned in silence, and the ceremony closed with the Sounding of the Retreat. 198
On Sunday, 18th May, at 7.30 p.m. we were privileged to have with us Mr. Alfred Kumalo (of"Cry the Beloved Country") and his Bantu Choir, who had provided the vocal music for the above film. Our chapel was packed to the doors, and all greatly enjoyed an evening of grand singing. The congregational hymns (Nos. 10, 12 and 667) were sung with an enthusiasm which showed that all present were bent on uniting in the message of song. The School Choir was at its best in a spirited rendering of"The Heavens are Telling," and in a sympathetic presentation of Robert's "Seek ye the Lord" (soloists: Swinton, Lefson, Vaughton, N. Polkinghorne). Mr. Kumalo's eight-voice choir delighted us with nine sacred items, much of the music being composed by the con ductor himself. There are obvious technical differences between Bantu music and that which we should refer to as our own;to the uninitiated ears there appears a considerable resemblance between one item and the next; but the nett effect is one of fine harmony, excellent attack, and a high degree of musical sense. The morning services this half year have been conducted by Revs. D. W.Timm, J. V. Cantrell, M.A., G. C. Oakley, M.A.(Anglican), S. D.Sudbury, F. H.Orchard, and W.I. C. Shipley; evening services by the Headmaster, Rev. G.C. Oakley,and Messrs. R. H. Matterson, J. F. Reece, B. J. Woods and S. Duncan. In addition there have been two Religious Films, and two musical services, one devoted to Concerto recordings and one led by Mr. Kumalo. The Chapel Committee has consisted of N. Mark, I. D. MacGregor, M. S. Mannion, J. P. Newlands, F. E. Porrill and G. A. Munnich. They have been responsible for the preparation of the Chapel for services and prayers, and the welcoming and seating of visitors. Their ready help has been greatly appreciated. The Chapel grounds have been cleared of unwanted trees and other encumbrances, and the whole School devoted one afternoon to planting grass, which has established itself well and should next summer cover the whole area. It is intended to plant shade and ornamental trees in suitable places. A gift of plane trees from Mrs. F. R. C. Palmer of Kloof is gratefully acknowledged. The help ofthe ladies in the no mean task of decorating the Chapel adequately with flowers, and preparing the Altar for Holy Com munion, has contributed richly to the atmosphere and beauty of the services. 199
We are grateful to Mr. W. N. Cornelius for the bust of John Wesley, recently brought from England, and which has now been set up in the entrance porch of the Chapel. Morning prayers in the Chapel, now an Influential element in the life of the School, are worked to a set pattern, the lessons, prayers and hymns, as far as possible, pursuing a predetermined theme. EXAMINATION RESULTS Matriculation. Entered: 17. Failed: I, 1st Class Matric: L. Callow (Phys. Science), C. E. Leisegang, T. E. Metcalf, H. M, Winder. 2nd Class Matric: R.. Brown,P. J. Cominos, K. R. Kassier, G.S. Pike,G.Price-Hughes, W. N. Rock, H. H. Rowe, D. G. Whitaker. 2nd Class School Leaving: B. N. Francois, C. W. Mundell. 3rd Class School Leaving: B. N. Hanbury-King, E. J. Needham. Junior Certificate. Entered: 39. Failed: 7. 1st Class: A. L. Doidge, T. W. Downard, K. M. Eddy, D. H. Lowe, F. E. Porrill, R. P. L. Ramseyer. 2nd Class: K. R. Anger, P. T. H. Bowman, J. M. Bradshaw, C. G. Carelse, M. O. Hall, D. A. Hopewell, S. R. M. Leask, J. H. Leigh, J. C. L. Milne, N. R. More. 3rd Class: M. K. Cook, J. W. Coventry, R. J. Drennan, P. Haley, T. W. Johnson, A. E. Macaskili, G. A. Munnich, J. H. Newlands, L. R. Slater, N. M. F. Smit, D. M. Spink, J. A. Sproson, R. F. Tolken, R. N.Tyler, C. J. Valintine, B. J. W.von Sorgenfrei. Provincial Bursaries were obtained by: A. L. Doidge, T.W.Downard. Taalbond Examinations. Prelin)inary: P.T. Bowman,D.G.Cox,L.Z. Deenik, R.J. Drennan, K. M. Eddy, C. R. Ellison, A. Gorton, D.T. A. Gray, U. G. Groom, P. H. Hewitt, P. W. Khaled, J. H. Leigh, D. H. Lowe, A. C. Mooney, N. R. More, D. S. Murdoch, K. O'Shea, J. C. Pettit, R. Rindel, D. C. Roberts, N. M. F. Smit, B. J. von Sorgenfrei. Lower: R. M. Dolton, T. W. Downard, M. O. Hall, D. O. Hall, M. J. Hindson, O. W. K. Jackson, C. H. Lee, A. E. Macaskili, I. D. A. C. M. Mackenzie, A. Moon, F. E. Porrill, R. P. L. Ramseyer, P. R. Randall, C. Rindel, B. Stokoe, L. C. Tarr, J. F. Woods. Higher: H. M. Winder, H. H. Rowe. 200
VALETE 1951 K. Anger (49), R. Brown (46), M. Beckett (48), J. C. T. Black (48), R. A. M. Blebuyck (49), P. J. Cominos (46), L. Callow (48), E. Colley (49), M. K. and D. E. Cook (51), J. R. B. Dersley (46), R. S. Drennan (50), B. N. Francois (48), A. Gorton (48), B. N. Hanbury-King (46), D. B. Hewitt (47), B. S. Harrison (48), L. C. Hoo-Foster (50), R. J. Ireland (46), T.W.Johnson (46), C. E. Leisegang (46), S. R. M. Leask (47), W.H. Lowes (48)(left Feb.), C. W. Mundell (46), T. E. Metcalf (48), P. G. Maxwell (49), E. J. Needham (46), G. Price-Hughes (47), J. E. Penberthy(48), G.S. Pike (48), N.W.Palmer (49), W.N. Rock (46), H. H.Rowe(46), J. H. Ritz(49),G.E. Sherrell(48), R. M.Steven son (49) (left In June); D. B. Stevenson (49), T. J. Shepstone (50), G. C. Todd (48-51), D. R. van Amstel (50), C. J. Vallntlne (50), J. W. van Ryneveld (51) (left In June), D. G. M. Whitaker (47), H. M. Winder (47), M.W.Walker(48)(left In June), M.T. Woodley (48), K. R. Kassler (48), J. C. Lorge (51), A. K. Carter (48). SALVETE 1952 B. S. Allison (Durban), J.J. Alberts (Davel, Tvl.), F. C. Brorson (Johannesburg), C. E. Bamford (Pletermarltzburg), C. F. Bauer (Nottingham Road), M. Blight (day boy. Hill Crest), D. P. Black (Pletermarltzburg), B. Badsey (Johannesburg), A. H. Chaplin (Dur ban), J. A. Cunningham (Durban), N. R. Cross (Langkrans), J. E. Craven (Kaallaagte, O.F.S.), A. Cole(day boy, Botha's Hill), H.Clark (EmpangenI Rail), B. L. Cohen'(Ladysmlth), V. H. Dawes (Cowie's Hill), P. H. Davles (Pinetown), S. B. de Wet (Germlston), A. P. Dowdle (Margate), K. W. Erasmus (Johannesburg), P. T. Francois (Durban), C. C. Groenewald (Canelands), J. T. Giles (Beaufort West), D. Gripton (Durban), E. S. C. Garner (Johannesburg), B. Haygarth (Islpingo), G. H. Haworth (Umfolozl), B. A. Henfrey(Dur ban), A. E. Hindson (Kearsney), N. Hayward (Florida, Tvl.), D. C. J. Jenkins(Durban), E. Kukle(Durban),A. Kinsey(Durban), K.G.Lewis (Johannesburg), A. W.Lefson (Johannesburg), D.G. Lamb(Durban), V. C. Milne(Mount Frere), L. H. Murgatroyd (Durban), C. R. Moses (Bloemfontein), B. McDougall (Melmoth), G. R. Newlands (Crelghton), T. A.and N. G. Polkinghorne (Canelands), B. E. Porter(Johan nesburg), J. H. Saunders (Hill Crest), R. W.Smith (Johannesburg), D. V. Thompson (Verulam), D. C. Whitfleld (EntumenI), T. W. Woodhouse(Kloof), J. D.Winder(Pletermarltzburg), J. W.Williams (Kitwe, N.R.). FINNINGLEY HOUSE We started the year with a good deal of sickness. No.4 Dormi tory was utilised as a sick bay for over three weeks, whilst many boys, especially from Junior House, "enjoyed" a spell of virus influenza. Sister Ash was kept very busy during this time. We graciously surrendered the swimming honours to Gllllngham this year at the Annual Gala. Our juniors, however, did very well so that we may look forward to their return here In the not too distant future. 261
At the end of the term we said good-bye to Sister Ash. We hope she had a good voyage to England and found the suitcase, with which the House expressed its thanks, of use to her. We welcome Sister I. K. Anderson as Matron. Sister Anderson nursed at Baragwanath Hospital during the War. There she learned what old soldiers can do. Our old soldiers are rapidly finding that she knows all the answers! We are appreciating her lively Interest in our welfare and her readiness to help us in all manner of ways. The Annual Sports this year were held in perfect weather, and our comfortable win pleased us all. The most pleasing feature of our success was the part played by practically every member of the House. There was a very healthy team spirit, and this contri buted very largely to our success. Once again our juniors played a prominent part in our achievements. The Afrikaans Play was cast entirely from Finningley House. It was a great success, and our congratulations go to Mr. Burger on his successful production. All members of the cast did well and entertained us most pleasantly. The 1st XV this year has many of our members in its ranks— in fact it is hard to think what we should do without Finningley! GILLINGHAM HOUSE The House was very proud to havewon the Forsyth Swimming Trophy after a hard struggle with Finningley. Some of the new boys played quite a big part in making this victory possible. After this achievement it was only fair to allow Finningley to win the Sports Competition. Mr. Burger had a very busy time in the second term producing an Afrikaans Play (with an all-Finningley cast!), which is reviewed elsewhere. A still busier time was had by Mrs. Goldman, who was called upon to provide meals for even more visitors to the School than usual. The health of the House has been extraordinarily good, and the sick-bay has hardly been used except for the occasional cold or case of 'flu. Miller and Hall Minor contracted appendicitis, and were successfully operated upon. Hulett, who has been away since the fourth term last year with rheumatic fever, will be returning to the School next term. There have been no serious accidents, although Sister Brecken has had to do much bandaging of football casualties and has painted many knees with lead and opium. First Aid had also to be administered to Sister Brecken herself, who became a casualty, so the rumour goes, through having a race with Mr. Tucker to see who could get to breakfast first. 202
JUNIOR HOUSE This term saw a further rise in the numbers in Junior House to a total of forty. This was made possible by the opening of the new Common Room,a spacious and cheerful room within, notwithstand ing its somewhat severe exterior. Since Easter it has been necessary to house Form I also in this building, an arrangement satisfactory so far, but not, we hope, permanent. With the completion of that building and the clearing up of rubble from last year's building programme generally, it has been possible to begin the tidying up of the grounds, and by the end of the year Junior House should find its surroundings more attractive than they have been for the last year or two. We are delighted at recording the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Best. The baby was baptised by Mr. Timm on Sunday, 15th June, the first baptism in the Kearsney Chapel, and Staff and friends were entertained to tea afterwards in the Housemaster's residence. The very young guest of honour acquitted himself In a composed and cheerful manner throughout the day. We should like to record with gratitude the gift from Mr.and Mrs. Benporath of 25 chairs for the Common Room, and from Capt. and Mrs. Lamb, and Mr. and Mrs. Baynash of indoor games. CHOIR The singing of the trebles this year has shown an improvement on recent years. Yet we still have only half the number of trebles and altos needed to match the strong bass choir, with a result that real harmonic quality is never obtainede,xcept by halving the number of basses. One would hesitate to do this, because the tenors (who are not so strong) and basses have an abundance of enthusiasm, and derive much enjoyment and benefit from the choral work. The best balance comes probably from the three-part treble and alto work, or from the two- and four-part tenor and bass songs. With one or two good treble voices to give a lead (something we have lacked for some years) it has been possible to think ahead to a Choir Concert for next term, after a lapse of several years, and secular work has had that object in view. The system of having the sacred work trained by Mr. Reece and the secular by Mr.Quarmby seems to be working quite satisfactorily, and there have been no clashes of opinions. Although most of the trebles were raw, and the tenors and basses inexperienced, we plunged straight into "The Heavens are Telling" with success. By way of quiet contrast,"Seek ye the Lord," by Varley Roberts was sympathetically rendered, with good solo lead. Mozart's "Gloria in Excelsis" was sight-read at one sitting, and sung with gusto. Realising that half the time is devoted to secular work, and much of the sacred time to hymn-learning, this represents a very satisfactory programme for the half-year. 203
PERCUSSION BAND AND RECORDER GROUP The Percussion Band which was initiated towards the end of the first term is now in full swing and to anyone alarmed by strange sounds as he approaches the Oval on a Tuesday evening we will offer the consolation of Shakespeare's Caliban— "Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises; sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears..." One might have to qualify the"sweet airs"sometimes, but there is no doubt that the Percussion Band helps to fulfil an urgent need, particularly for the South African boy whose cultural life is relatively empty and who has so few opportunities of acquiring the attitude which makes this emptiness apparent. Until there is this approach there can be no real appreciation or benefits from music and the attitude to be desired comes only through practical participation. The boys concerned are playing their various instruments with great enthusiasm and their progress is very gratifying. The Recorder Group—started at the same time—is small, on account of the few instruments available, but it has done good work and will be a firm foundation when additions are made next term. ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS Four parties from the School visited Durban during the month of June for the purpose of attending afternoon concerts by the Durban Orchestra. As repairs were being carried out in the City Hall,these concerts— two for juniors and two for seniors—took place in the more intimate "Y" Club, where the orchestra, one felt, was heard to better advantage, in spite of the restricted accommodation. In the first concert of each group the various instruments of the orchestra were explained and introduced by an appropriate musical theme. This was followed by short, well-known pieces of orchestral music, covering a range from the prim propriety of eighteenth century dance-music to the powerful blaring brass of Berlioz's Hungarian March—and in case this was not sufficient variety, there was community singing of songs prepared for the occasion by the schools concerned and accompanied by the orchestral The theme of the second series was"Music from Vienna." Repre sentative works brought us into communion with the genius of a whole galaxy of famous composers who have left the breath of their culture not only on this lovely city but on the whole world. 204
LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY President: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. J. F. Reece. Secretory; A. C. M. Mackenzie. Committee: P. R. Randall, D. Scott, A. L. Doldge, T. W.Downard, J. S. Barker. Programme: Feb. 10th. Election of Officers. 24th. Sharp Practice. Mar. 9th. Debate: "That peace can be made possible only by disarmament."—Lost. 23rd. Debate: "That specialisation should be intro duced into the classroom."—Lost. April 27th. Lecture:"The Mechanism ofthe Memory," by the Vice-President. May llth. Debate:"That modern science is over-reaching itself."—Lost. June 8th. Lecturettes. 22nd. Debate: "That the Great Trek was a greater achievement than the opening up ofthe Middle West of America."—Lost. The only possible adverse criticism of the Society this half year is that it has almost ceased to be a Senior Debating Society, and has become instead a Middle Debating Society. This is of course a criticism not of those who are in the Society, but of those who have not joined. It seems a great pity that the most senior boys, and those with the most experience and ability In debate, should decide not to become members. By their absence, they not only deny themselves the useful practice of debate, but they also fail in their responsibility to the new members, who look to them for leadership and example. In addition, it has made it impossible for us any longer to participate in debates with other schools, especially Epworth,because the Society is denied its most experienced speakers. Let those who read this ponder over it. As for the Session, it has been conducted with good spirit and keenness. Most of those present are eager to participate. With rareexceptions it would be idle to presume that we possess any budding Cicero's, but fluency only comes with practice, and selfconfidence only with experience. It is to be hoped that present members do not leave just when they are beginning to derive proper benefit! The most regular speakers are Messrs. Mark, Marshall, Randall, Scott and Lee, but it is good to see some of the more junior ones showing willingness to have their say. 205
ART When approached by the Editor to make a contribution to the Magazine from the point of view of the Arts & Crafts Department, we were glad of the opportunity to express our appreciation of the loyal way in which most of the boys attending the Art Class have supported our various activities, and the interest they have shown in what we are trying to teach them. Forms I, lla and lib, who come to us on Monday mornings as part ofthe School curriculum, number many boys who have a definite bent for some form of artistic self expression. It is our aim to find for everyone something to make the lessons interesting, but the old adage"You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink," could not be truer than the fact that you may take a boy to an art class but you cannot get him (unless he chooses) to raise a single spark of interest! Actually we do not now hear so often the pathetic cry"I can't do art!" and the Youth Camp's large dining room is, on a Monday, a hive of activity. Boys are to be seen doing lino-cutting and printing, stencil and brush work patterns, drawings in pencil, crayon, pastel and charcoal, painting in water colour or powder colours, lettering for posters, etc., building modern houses in cardboard, modelling fearsome clay masks and painting them, and hand building bowls and ash trays in clay. We think the most popular work is the fettling or trimming of hand built pots on the"kick wheel"—built by Mr. Colley— the motivepower being supplied by enthusiastic volunteers, while at least two, and often three people, crowd around the wheel, holding fettling tools at the correct angle,sometimes tothe detriment of the pottery! However, sufficient has been learned for each potter to deal, next term, with his own piece of pottery. About thirty "extra art" boys attend in the afternoon. These are the real enthusiasts, some of whom are with us in the mornings as well. Looking through the work that has been done since the beginning of the year, it is encouraging to see what good progress has been made, and what good material we have to work on. We hope to have a representative exhibition for Speech Day, and have work ready for the childrens' exhibition to be held in Kloof in August. We shall also be busy for the 1952 Natal Schools Art Competition in September. We extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Mills who has recently come to join us in place of Miss Elizabeth Lutley, who left at the end ofthe first term to be married. A. E. L. 206
AS DIE NEFIE KOM KUIER For the first time In our history a play has been produced in Afrikaans. The above play by G. J. Beukes was chosen, and It was produced by Mr. Burger on Saturday, 7th June, with the following cast: Slater, Munnlch, Downard, Hopewell and Leigh. The boys were very well rehearsed, and spoke their lines so clearly and distinctly that the audience followed the dialogue with keen appreciation. Slater was outstanding as an elderly widower, while Leigh's portrayal of a love-sick bobby-soxer brought the house down. Mr. Burger and the boys are to be congratulated on a very good performance, while special thanks are due to Mr. Colley for the work he put into building a most effective interior set. SPEECH COMPETITION An innovation this year was the Speech Competition, which was held on the 5th and 15th of March. Boys who took part recited poems, or gave a prepared reading of a prose passage, pieces being set in both English and Afrikaans. Points were awarded for audi bility, understanding and feeling, accent and general bearing, and house points were given for the first and second place in each competition. The prizewinners were as follows: Form I. English: C. E. Bamford. Afrikaans: C. R. Moses. Form II. English D. P. Black. Afrikaans: D. P. Black. Form III. English: B. Cohen. Afrikaans: B. Cohen. Form IV. English: J. W.Taylor, K. Erasmus. Afrikaans: M. E. Mealin. Form V. English: J. H. Leigh. Afrikaans: G. A. Munnich. Form VI. No award. The house points were: Finningiey 55, Gillingham 52. Finningley, and the boys who took part, are to be congratulated on a hard won victory. H. M.T. REVIEW OF OPINION, 1952 Figures ofthe last census(1948) given In brackets. 1. Which term do you prefer? 1st 31 (17); 2nd 15(10); 3rd 24(I I); 4th 30(62). 2. Do you prefer—summer 63 (70); winter 37(30)? 3. Do you like the climate at Botha's Hill? Yes 70 (64); No 30 (36). 4. Do you prefer—breakfast 33(17); lunch 24 (26); supper 43 (57)? 5. Do you consider the food satisfactory? Yes 80 (81); No 20 (19). 207
6. Which sport do you like best(mark ONE only)? Rugger 43 (28); Cricket 15 (34); Tennis 17 (10); Athletics 8(9); Swimming 17 (19). 7. Would you rather play—a home match 27 (13); an away match 73 (87)? 8. Have you—too much free time I (I); too little 35 (65); just right 64 (34)? 9. Would you rather have—athletic ability 31 (31); brains 69 (69)? 10. Do you prefer—the languages 47; the maths and sciences 53? 1 1. Have you decided on your future occupation? Yes 69 (72); No 31 (28). 12. Are you hoping to go to the University? Yes 61 (47), No 39 (53). 13. Do you prefer the discipline—strict 59; lenient 41? 14. If"caught out," do you prefer—corporal punishment 86 (93); lines I (I): a lecture 13 (6)? 15. Which building do you consider the most important?—the pavilion 6; the chapel 86; the library 8. 16. If Church was not compulsory, would you go? Yes 87(82); No 13 (18). 17. Which do you enjoy best in a Sunday service?—the hymns 70(78); lessons 7(4); prayers 6(2); address 17(16). 18. Which do you prefer?—morning service 69; evening service 31. 19. At the Bio, do you prefer—Betty Grable 23; Danny Kay 50; Clark Gable 13; Mickey Mouse 14? 20. Do you prefer to listen-In to—news 6 (2); sport 27 (22); music 30 (16); variety 37 (60)? 21. Which books do you prefer to read? Biography 3(9);Travel 10(8); Romance 14 (30); Detective fiction 27 (23); Adventure 46 (30). 22. Do you take much notice of the flowers,shrubs,trees etc. round the School grounds? Yes 63(84); No 37(16). 23. Are you interested in—(put a cross against the ones concerned)—cadets 6; music 38; ground development 48; debates and lectures 29; singing 29? 24. Would you prefer Kearsney to be—nearer a town 34; where It is 66? NOTES ON REVIEW OF OPINION Form VI is least satisfied with food (50%). Forms V and Ilia are most satisfied—all but two In each. Keenest on cricket: IVa (36%); on rugger: IVb (50%). Juniors are rather fonder of languages than Seniors. Seniors prefer strict discipline (74%) more than Juniors (50%). Seniors show a great preference for hymns (84%). 41% Seniors interested in general activities (music etc.); only 24% Juniors. In Form Ilia only one boy dislikes the climate; lllb half the form dislike it. Form V is the most musical; IVa fond of variety; Ilia least musical; IVa no Interest in grounds development; Ilia very interested. Biggest romance readers: lllb; detective readers: IVa. Ilia very fond of Mickey Mouse; lllb fond of Betty Grable. Evening services most favoured by Via, least by IVa. A bigger percentage of Juniors appear to have decided upon their future occu pations than seniors. ST. DUNSTAN'S On Thursday, 22nd May, Mr. Ellis, of St. Dunstan's, addressed the School in the Chapel. Mr. Ellis was himself blinded in the last War, as well as losing one hand and most of the fingers of the other. He moved us deeply by his poignant description of the despair which comes over a man when he suddenly realises that never again will he see the light of day or the faces of his closest friends. He is filled with a sense of helplessness, uselessness, and economic insecurity. He feels that he can never be other than an unwanted man. 208
It Is then that St. Dunstan's takes over. He fi nds here the happy company of men who have passed through his own dejection and emerged triumphant. The spirit Is contagious. Before long he Is mentally healed. Then follows a period of rehabilitation: entertainment In the form of music, concerts, dances, whlst-drlves; then work, perhaps In physiotherapy, or engineering, or secretary ship; he learns to read braille; before long he Is normal again, apart from his blindness, and ready to make a living. Mr. Ellis enlisted the interest and sympathy of all his listeners, and we feel that the cause of the blind must receive encouraging support as a result of the lecture tour In which the speaker was engaged. LIGHTNING On the evening of Saturday, lOth May, 1952, we held our first official meeting of the Scientific Society. Prof. D. Hodges from Natal University lectured on the subject of"Lightning." The Headmaster Introduced the speaker and toid us that Prof. Hodges worked for one of the world's leading authorities on lightning. Dr. Basii Schoniand. The Professor began his talk by telling us that the V.F.P. which supplied the Rand, had a contract whereby, if the electric supply was cut off due to some accident, the V.F.P. had to pay the loss Incurred by the Mines. The Society of Electrical Engineers had some excess money,so It was decided to Investigate the causes of lightning, so that these accidents could be avoided. They asked Dr. Schoniand to head a party of scientists and start research In lightning. Dr. Schoniand chose his team amongst whom was Prof. Hodges. This work was done chiefly on the Rand. They first had to collect all theories compiled by previous scientists such as Franklin and Bougman. By this method they decided that lightning Is of an electrical nature. Then they had to discover (a) Ifthe cloud did have electricity, where did it come from?(b) How does the cloud lose its charge? (c) What happens when the charge appears In a particular spot and elsewhere? (e.g. the flash, atmospherics). This Is how they tackled the problems. Firstly a photo had to be taken of the flash and as the flash lasted for a few seconds in different parts of the sky. It was difficult to obtain one. So a special camera had to be made. This was done with the aid of an earlier camera made by Prof. Boyes. They noticed that a person standing near a lightning flash could hear a high note. So they tuned the camera into this note and by means of resonance made the lightning take Its own photo. Photographs were obtained and they were able to see what the flash was like. These showed what happened every millionth of a second. The following conclusions were observed:(a)The flash starts from the earth and ends In the clouds; (b) The flash does not consist of only one flash but many flashes, sometimes between 30 and 40. The Professor then explained how the flash occurred. The cloud first has to have an electrical charge. This storm cloud comes up Into the wind which enters the cloud at Its base and blows up along the cloud. In the cloud there are columns of negatively charged particles. The blowing of the wind concentrates these charges and when the charge reaches the E.M.F. of 10,000 volts per second, a little charge Issent out Ionizing the air. A series of charges follow, each charge following the path taken by the first, as the resistance offered along this path Is less than that of the surrounding air. The sparks continue advancing nearer and nearer to the earth until it strikes It. The ground Is a prepared path for the current, and the rest of the electricity rushes down and flows to the earth. It must be remembered that the actual spark is Invisible, but the spectacle we see consists of white-hot air. The ex pansion of this air causes a vacuum and the force of the Inrushing air results in the thunder. Other charges might be sent along the same path while the air Is still hot. This explains the fact that often more than one flash can be seen in a photograph. The electricity does not heat the air, but It Is done by the speed of the current. 209
The speaker then explained why the lightning is seen to rise from the ground to the clouds. He likened lightning to water which has been poured on a table. This water trickles to the edge and runs off the top of the table. The rest of the water now moves faster,the particles directly behind those first failing moving the fastest. In the same way, the earth giving the least resistance to lightning, the charge first starts at the bottom. The photographs only showed the visible occurrences of lightning, so they investigated atmospherics, as it was commonly accepted that thunderstorms affected the ether waves. Two transmitting stations were set up, one in Johan nesburg and the other in Durban. They were thus able to trace the storms by seeing whence the atmospherics came. After a period of over a year, they compared their results with those taken by geographers and found that the storms and places where atmospherics were found, coincided. Thus lightning storms were found to be the cause of atmospherics. Next they tried to see what the crackle in atmospherics was. They managed to take photos of the electrical disturbances by means of television tubes. The story was exactly as that found in the actual photos, only more informative. All this knowledge has been put to many uses. For example they were able to help the V.F.P. by telling them that although their voitametres were built to withstand a charge of a million volts—the repetition of the flash increased the current so that it burnt up their voitametres. By increasing the power of the voitametres, the Company was saved many thousands of pounds. Storms could now be located more easily and so ships could be warned earlier of oncoming storms. Also the position of signals could now be located. This is where the Professor's speech ended. Various questions were then asked and the boys had an opportunity to see actual photographs of lightning. One of the older types of cameras which the Professor had brought with him created great interest. MacGregor then passed a vote of thanks and the meeting came to an end. I. D. M. LETTER FROM ENGLAND W.Whitworth (13, Form III) writes:— We are now In London, having just come down from Cambridge. Here we saw Clare College, St. John's, Trinity and Pembroke, and visited the beautiful King's College Chapel. We crossed the Bridge of Sighs and we also visited the laboratories where the atom was first split. Our first Cathedral was at Winchester which has the longest knave (Sp.—Ed.) in England, and has wonderful stained glass windows. We stayed two nights in an old manor house, converted into a hotel, near Exeter, and enjoyed a visit to the Cathedral with its lovely windows and font. From one extreme to the other,on the same day we went into the moors of Devonshire,to the Dartmoor Prison at Princetown. I have never seen such bleak buildings in my life. From Exeter we went to Cornwall and Land's End where I saw the"first and last house in England." From there up through North Devon and Somerset to Giastonbury where are the ruins of one of England's biggest and most famous abbeys. At Caernarvon in North Wales we went over the biggest of all the castles we saw. Then to Liverpool. The Mersey tunnel must rank with the Forth Bridge and the London"tubes"as one of the most wonderful pieces of engineering I have seen. In Scotland I went to the castles at Edinburgh, Stirling and Balmoral. On the way south we saw Durham Cathedral and York Minster, and walked round the Roman wails at York. 210
CRICKET "What was the result?"Is the usual question asked ofa returning team, but this term, much more than last, the question put to the 1st XI has been"How much did you lose by?" The Implication contains a fair reflexion on the comparative standard of our senior cricket. What Is required, of course, is a much stronger nucleus of cricket ing talent,as there seemsto have been in the past. Spirit,determina tion and other synonymous virtues—although they would help tremendously in our efforts against these far bigger and stronger cricketing schools, and are of great value In themselves—could never make up for the wide difference that at present exists in the standards of performance. The fielding alone Is worthy of comparison. Fortunately,there are signs ofa revival—at least In batting talent— In the lower school and we can have hopes for the future. 9th February vs. TECH. COLLEGE Away An opening stand of 2! by Moon and Bradshaw led us to expect a reasonable total, In spite of a very slow outfield and an untrustworthy wicket. But the middle batsmen left quickly and the tall-enders quicker still. From the pavilion Stokoe watched the legstump spinning dizzily from two successive balls and then went In to try to give it respite, but It gave Scott a hat-trick by completing another revolution. The Tech. batsmen were"not at home"on their own wicket and were quickly tumbled out by MacGregor and RIndel, none reaching double figures. KEARSNEY. 51 and 57 for 2 wkts. dec.(Moon 31). TECH. COLLEGE. 35 and 28 for 4 wkts. Bowling (1st Innings). MacGregor 4 for 14. RIndel 4 for 10. 20th February vs. GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Away Our bowling was treated disrespectfully by the brothers Morby-Smlth and MacDonald. A quick bowler should seldom bowl the half-volley, but MacGregor —In process of change from slow to quick—could not avoid It and It was hit repeatedly for four. When Kearsney batted, only Bradshaw gave signs of survival, but there was nobody who desired his company at the wicket. In half an hour we were down to No.8 and then a gallant stand by Dykes and Stokoe—which almost beat the clock—showed us what greater figures might have done. GLENWOOD. 195 for 8 dec.(L. Morby-Smlth 56). KEARSNEY. 63 (Bradshaw 26, Graham 5 for 15). 23rd February vs. MICHAELHOUSE Home It Is only on a wicket such as this was, constantly changing In pace and spin, that the craft of batsmanship comes Into Its own and one fully appreciates the game of cricket as an art and as a spectacle. Only the best survive and the best In this match was Burger, whose Innings was a model of correctness against a spinning ball. Kearsney batted first when the wicket was still wet and unpredictable. Dead bat play was required against balls coming through slowly at alarming angles, but batsmen could not adapt their play tothe conditions. When MIchaelhouse went In the wicket was firmer, although taking much more spin and, with the exception of Burger, batsmen had an unhappy time facing the accurate leg-splnners of Stokoe. KEARSNEY. 61 and 49 for 5. MICHAELHOUSE. 151 (Burger 57, Stokoe 6 for 47). 2]1
27th February vs. HILTON COLLEGE Away With the first ball of the match MacGregor bowled Cole, but what a trans formation afterwards! Throssel, after a few moments anxiety, treated our bowling with absolute contempt and went on to establish a School Record. This was one of the finest innings we have witnessed in School cricket. Seldom can the ball have flashed to the boundary with such powerful ease—and at the rate of 80 runs an hour!— from the bat of a schoolboy. And then there was Lund scoring freely at the other end. In spite of all this the Kearsney fielding was keen and little was given away. After the Lord Mayor's feast only the dregs were left for the Kearsney batsmen, but when eight of them failed to score it seemed that the Lord Mayor had drunk the dregs as well. That this was not so was proved by Dykes and Shea who almost collected our total between them. HILTON. 293 for 3 dec. (Throssel 181 not out, Lund 72). KEARSNEY. 36 and 103 for 6. 1st March vs. MARITZBURG COLLEGE Away It was soonevident that our bowling was in for further punishment and, although the opposition's batting was far from flawless, it was not until after lunch that wickets began to fall quickly. Stokoe, apparently revived by refresh ment, reaped the rewards of length and accuracy, but by this time the 200 mark was passed. . ,, . Once again the Kearsney batsmen showed the unmistakable signs of bad wicket practice. Several wickets were lost through heads being lifted and bodies moved away from the quick balls. Only Moon and Tarr left their mark in two columns of the score-book. MARITZBURG COLLEGE. 205 for 6 dec. (Payn 64, Stokoe 5 for 52). KEARSNEY. 65 and 46 for 8. 8th March vs. DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL Away Repeated fielding lapses gave the early Kearsney batsmen every chance to stay and make runs but only Dykes took advantage of them. At twelve o'clock we were 43 for I and at half past the field was deserted. So quickly did the bat change hands that it appeared Kearsney had already finished with cricket and was now concentrating on the relay for the Athletic Sports! D.H.S.lost two wickets quickly and then a fine stand by Solomon and Gilmour laid the foundation for another big total. KEARSNEY. 67(Dykes 24, Tutton 7 for 14) and 43 for 7(Clark 5 for 9). DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL. 203 for 4 dec. Second XI From the above record itwill be seen that the 2nd XI Is not very strong! Perhaps It would be fair to add that quite a number of the Under 16 and Under 15 sides would be in the 2nd XI if they were not already engaged with their own teams. Scores: 9th February. KEARSNEY:63(Neumann 25) and 37 for 4 wkts. D.H.S.: 102 (Launder 4 for 23) and 77 for 3 wkts. Lost by 39 runs. 27th February. KEARSNEY: 24 and 37. HILTON: 229 for 5 wkts. dec. Lost by an innings and 168 runs. 1st March. KEARSNEY: 65. MANSFIELD ROAD 1st XI: 126. Lost by 61 runs. 8th March. KEARSNEY: 73 (Lowe 30) and 52. GLENWOOD:90(Randall 7for 39) and 73for 5 wkts. dec. Lost by 38 runs. 212