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Kearsney College Chronicle July, 1954
m •c-.PO^HlLr uiiiili « With good wishes from Mr. A. H. Smith. O.B.E., of Edgehill, Botha's Hill. Ciy—^HATiy-^d StmrCttrif! 1 \ 'i 'il 1 V i N^>; ms flililllillli
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol.3,No.9 July, 1954 EDITORIAL We feel that this Editorial should pay tribute to those who presented Macbeth. We do not pretend to be unique among schools in presenting this particular play—it is the goal of every dramatic society. But there are reasons for our wishing to pay tribute. First of all, this is the first full-length play we have staged since taking up our new quarters in 1939. The old tradition of the Annual School Play—the social and cultural event of the year— had long since died and there was no tradition to build upon. Not only that, but, we regret o think, there was a well-developed opposition to this sort of thing on the part of past senior forms, partly because of the claims of more robust activities, and partly because they could not become interested in such unmanly pursuits as play-rehearsing. We therefore attacked Macbeth with in experienced actors. This revival in interest must be attributed to the unbounded enthusiasm of Mr. Rutherford-Smith, aided and abetted by Mr. Metcalf, and to the most hearty co-operation of the senior boys who took part. Producers and cast were hard at it until all hours, the producers even until 4 a.m. The second reason for congratulation is that *' no plays" has meant "no props." We have had to build up from scratch. Curtains, costumes, admirable and ingenious lighting effects, general stage machinery, all had to be created from nothing, under the guidance of Mr. Metcalf. It will please all concerned to know that it was worth it. By the end ofthe fifth public performance the actors and actresses were well warmed to their task, and the improvement in confidence and stage presence gives assurance that in future years we shall no more have to start from scratch. 385
Another School feature we should like to comment on has been the sudden forward impetus of the Debating Society. This led to the formation of the Kearsney Parliament in its place, a function characterised by large attendances andspirited enthusiasm. This noteworthy forward movement In the cultural activities at Kearsney—which will be remembered by the partlcipaters long after class-learning Is forgotten—could not have been possible without leadershipfrom the senior boys,and we record our apprecia tion for all they have done. They have set a standard, and, above all, an attitude which will leave a mark on all at the School. PEMBROKE HOUSE The big development now to take place at the College is o great interest to all, and a tribute to the courage and farsightedness of the Headmaster and Board. The earlier part of the scheme visualises the provision of a new House and additional classrooms. As the figure involved in this development Is something of the nature of £70,000—obviously too large a sum to consider at the moment—It has been decided to tackle the plan in two stages. The first and immediate step (already begun) Is the erection of three new specialist classrooms, to be followed soon by the building of half the proposed new House, to accommodate some 40 boys. The new House is to be intimately linked with our honoured and greatly loved benefactor, Mr. A. H. Smith, O.B.E. At his request it is to be called Pembroke House. Mr.Smith was a schoolboy at Pembroke House School in England, and we are delighted to have the association of his life and work with us at Kearsney. We shall ever honour this link with Mr. Smith and the educational traditions of England. Pembroke House was planned after our architect, Mr.L. Peyton, had taken a special trip round the country to endeavour to give us the very best. In form the House is rectangular in shape with a large open courtyard in the centre, reminiscent of the older colleges of England. It has a distinctive air and, we hope,atmosphere, which will do much to beautify the School and at the same time embody the latest In educational architecture. To date we have received £7,000 In cash and £3,000 in promises. We are therefore still far removed from our target, but education is one of life's supremely worth-while things and we are confident that this development will play a creative part in the life of our Province and Country. 386
SCHOOL NOTES We welcome Mr. P. Metcalf, M.A.(Kearsney 44-47)to the Staff. With his past knowledge of local conditions he very soon settled down and has already played a most active part in the life of the School. Without his skill and energy as stage manager and elec trician we could not have presented Macbeth. The Band, too, has come under his direct care and he has devoted many hours of his time to its music. We hope Mr. Metcalf will stay on! We also welcome Rev. J. V. Cantrell to our midst as school padre. He,too, is no stranger to us, and we are now glad to have this closer link. His understanding of boys and his vigorous attack on the scripture syllabus are both greatly appreciated. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. G. Burger on their marriage at Easter. They now have their own home along Chapel Road and are beginning with energy the attempt to convert a wilderness into a garden I We congratulate the Headmaster on (o) being selected by the Administrator as one of the three-man commission to investigate the teaching of History in Natal schools, and on the status of the English-speaking teacher; and (b) on his recent appointment as a member of the Joint Matriculation Board. One of the events of the half-year was the visit of the Durban City Parliament to debate against the School—a debate which we lost by 17 points in a full total of 800. We congratulate V. H. Dawes on his First Class First Division J.C., and his Bursary for being among the top twenty in the country. An interesting lecture was given to the School on 1st May by Mr. G. Cramb on "The Stone Age Man in Natal." He told of personal excavations and the discovery of stone implements in very large quantities,showing that the population of Natal in prehistoric times must have been considerable. The dating of prehistoric finds is very difficult but clearly these implements date back many thousands of years. After his lecture Mr. Cramb exhibited many of his "finds" and promised us a selection for our Museum. The School has won the Junior Crusade Shield for the European section of Natal, South African National Tuberculosis Association. We are glad to see, after 15 years of mountaineering, some decent steps leading down from the Dining Hall and road. The Braaivleis on the evening of Monday, 31st May, after the Old Crocks rugger match, was certainly a Kearsney innovation! A lot of work on the part of ladies and staff went into its preparation, and the nett result was a very enjoyable eveningw,ith several hundreds of people entering into the fun, and the dogs of the neighbourhood having the time of their life. On Saturday,26th June, Rev. H.Cliff gave the School an interest ing talk on"Chinese customs and superstitions." Mr. Cliff served 387
in China for over 20 years, where his three children were interned for six years by Japanese invaders and whom he did not see in ail this time. He spoke with a real knowledge of his subject, and with a vitality and humour which kept us entertained throughout. Our impression is that it is good to live in SouthAfrica ! The new classrooms were begun before the end of term, or at least the excavations and the accumulation of building material. This work proved far more entertaining to the School than the classroom routine. The boys of the School were instrumental in distributing large numbers offorms for a Competition that is being run for the purpose of amassing further funds towards the Development scheme. A fine collection of snakes caught in the School grounds have been preserved and mounted by Mr. Clegg for the biology Museum. D. Beatty and P. du Toit spent a useful morning with Mr. Desmond C. Fitzsimons of the Fitzsimons'Snake Park Laboratory who assisted them in classifying the snakes and detailing the life-histories and habits. A useful and permanent record is now available in the Lab. J. M. Mudie and T. M. Odell have interested themselves during the past term with experiments in Hydroponics. A fair size tank has been set up and valuable assistance has been given them by Mr. V. Dicks of Sunnybrae Farm (an Old Boy). With the approach of warmer weather, results of the experiments now being conducted will be more apparent. EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1953 Matriculation. 2nd Class: J. M. Bradshaw, A. L. Doidge, K. M. Eddy, M. O. Hall, D. A Hopewell, J. H. Leigh, R. P. L. Ramseyer. 3rd Class: T. W.Downard, D. H. Lowe, F. E. Porrill, B. J. von Sorgenfrei, G. A. Munnlch, N. M. F. Smit. School Leaving Certificate. 3rd Class: C. G. Careise, J. C. L. Miine. Junior Certificate. 1st Class, Div. I: V. H. Dawes.* DIv. II: D.G.Cox,* N. R.Cross,* J. I. Giles,* C.C.Groenewald,* V. G. Groom,* V. C. Milne,* W. A.Whitworth,* K. L. Brazier, B. Cohen, E. A. Fearnhead, G.V. Green,S. B. A. Longhurst,J. C.Pettit,T.A.Polkinghorne,A.E. HIndson. * Provincial Bursary. 2nd Class: C.J. Dukes, R. G.C. Ford, D. W.Francis, A. C. Gage, A. Rowe, P. J. Ryan, E. S. C. Schreuder, B. S. Allison, B. A. Henfrey, I. C. Steyn. 3rd Class: F. E. Borgwardt, P. Court, I. A. Cunningham, J. O. Hopkins, D. C. I. Jenkins, B. W.King, D. E. Perry, R. J. Johnstone, L. P. Hagemann, W. J. Harwood, B. Haygarth, A. S. Mooney, B. E. Porter, D. C. Whitfield. 388
Taalbond Examinations. Higher: A. L. Doidge, G. A. Munnich. Lower; 17 passes, the following being In Higher Grade: G. V. Green, C. C.Groenewald. Preparatory: 51 passes, the following being In Higher Grade: D. Deenik, B. S. A. Longhurst, J. R. Tedder. Royal School of Music—Written Examinations. Grade Y: A. Hoad 66 „ ill: D. Bate 80 „ II: H. Timm 71 „ II: R. Parkes 78 APPOINTMENTS School Prefects: J. S. Barker, Head (F.); R. F. Tolken (G.); E. J. Frick (M.). House Prefects: P. Hewitt, D. C. RobertsP,. SImklns (F.); J. Bull, L. Z. Deenik, R. B. Mcllwralth, J. J. Alberts (G.); P. du Tolt (M.); D. L. Kyle, D. S. Murdoch, F. C. Rowe (J.). Library: M. E. Mealln, J. D. Mudle. Bell: B. Cohen. Gestetner: T. A. Polklnghorne. Projector: A. C. Gage, J. C. Pettit, C.C. Hopkins. Circulars: V. H. Dawes. Chapel Committee: J. S. Barker, K.W.Erasmus, J. C. Pettit, T. A. Polklnghorne, D. C. Roberts, P. G. Rodda. Cricket Captain: D. S. Murdoch. Rugby Captain: R. F. Tolken. Athletics Captain: R. F. Tolken. Swimming Captain: H. C. Fraser. Tennis Captain: P. Court. Drum Major: R. F. Tolken. VALETE B. S. Allison (52), P. H. T. Bowman (48), C. E. Bamford (52), T. R. Bowdon (52), C.G.Carelse (48), A. L. Doldge (50), T. W.Downard (50), K. M.Eddy(49), J. J. Eaton (51), D. Gripton (52), E. S. C. Garner (52), W.P. Grey (53), P. W. Haley(47), M.O.Hall(48), D.A.Hopewell(48), B.W.Haley(49), L. P. Hagemann (50), W. J. Harwood (50), B. Haygarth (52), B. A. Henfrey(52), A. E. HIndson (52), J. D. Inge (52), R. J. Johnstone (51), J. H. Leigh (49), D. H. Lowe (50), R. Lindsay (53), A. N. D. Lamprecht (53), B. S. Meumann (49), N. R. More (49), A. S. Mooney (49), J. C. L. Milne (53), G. A. Munnich (49), J. H. Newlands (48), F. E. Porrlll (50), B. E. Porter (52), R. P. L. Ramseyer (50), S. D. Rowe (51), J. A. Sproson (49), N. M. F. Smit(50), L. R. Slater (50), I. C.Steyn (50), J. H.Saunders (52), A.J. Steyn (53), D. M.Spink (51), R. N.Tyler(50), B. J. von Sorgenfrei(48), D. C. Whitfleld (52). SALVETE H. B. Arney (Germlston), H. L. Bouman (Durban), C. Blackburn (day boy. Kloof), I. A. Bjorkman (Jol\annesburg), L. R. Bawcombe (Compensation), J. M. Barns (Durban), I. M. Chalmers (Westvllle), C. Coggin (Ventersdorp), M. J. R. Castleden (Durban), D. J. Cogen (Johannesburg), B. Colley (day boy, Botha's Hill), N. P. Dunscombe (day boy. Kloof), M. Don-Wauchope (Cramond), R. A. Dyer (Malvern), J. P. Frollch (Durban), R. Grafton (Kloof), M. Gillies (Durban), T. R.Green (Carolina),C.H.Garnett(Stanger), D.B.Homer(Pietermarltzburg), 389
R. N.Hagemann(Newark),A.C.Hutchison (Hill Crest), C.C. Hopkins(Giliitts), A. G. Hornby (day boy, Botha's Hili), G. C. Hayward (Krugersdorp), J. Huiiey (day boy, Kioof), R.A.Johnston(day boy. Kloof),J. A.W.Keiiy(Durban),J. A.H. Lowe (Pietermaritzburg), J. H. Lowe (Pietermaritzburg), C. S. Lumiey (Ndola), A. Munro (Johannesburg), J. Milie(rKrugersdorp), T. Milier (Krugersdorp), A. F. McFarlane (Vereeniging), M. A. Moon (Durban), N. Pike (Umkomaas), P. J. Pitts (Durban), D. L. Pike (Johannesburg), A. K. Preston (Johannesburg), J. Rens (Kokstad), W. S. Robb (Chingoia), W. G. Schermbrucker (Nairobi), D. G. Spargo (Johannesburg), J. Shave (Durban), M. Storm (Westviiie), S. W. Stott (Johannesburg), D. N. Siabbert (Vereeniging), D. H. Thresher (day boy. Kloof), T. K. G. Terbianche (Pietermaritzburg), D. A. Vogt (Johannesburg), L. G. van Heusden (Vryheid), R. F. Wiiiiams (Durban), B. G. Wiliiams (Benoni), R. G. Wiikins (Durban), 1. M. Wood (Pretoria). CHAPEL NOTES The Circuit changes that occurred at the beginning of the year brought the Rev. F. H. Orchard to Malvern as Superintendent, and the Rev. J. V. Cantrell to the Manse at Kioof and the position of School Chaplain. We offer them both a most cordial welcome as old friends, for Mr. Orchard was our Chaplain for a period when we were at our old home on the North Coast, and Mr. Cantrell has already been in the Circuit for some time, in his new and closer association with us Mr. Cantrell lost no time in showing hisdeep and sincere interest in the School and all its activities as well as in the Scripture teaching, and he quickly established personal relations of trust and confidence among Staff and boys alike. We feel that his counsel and inspiration are going to be invaluable. The Rev. G. C. Oakley, Vicar of Kloof for the past three and a half years, resigned his Living in April and returned with his family to England. He was very reluctant to take this step and we were just as sorry to say farewell to him,for as a preacher his addresses were pointed and helpful, and as a friend he was both cheerful and practical. We appreciate very much the work he has done for the School in general and for the Anglican boys in particular, and we wish him and his family a happy and successful futurein England. The Anglican boys presented him with an oil painting of a scene in the Drakensberg mountains as a parting gift, and Mr.Oakley declared he would hang it in his study and view it with a great deal of nostalgia when English skies were grey for an unduly long time. Mr. Oakley's successor is the Venerable Archdeacon F. R. L. Brooke whocomesto Kiooffrom Hilton Road. We cordially welcome him to the Botha's Hill end of his new parish and we trust he will have many years of happy association with Kearsney College. When he took his first service in the Chapel on the last Sunday of the Half, he told us that he was a Methodist until early manhood, and had been a schoolmaster for some years before he was ordained. It seems evident that he should find himself quite at home with us 390
and that we should be quite at ease with him. We hope that he will find us all his very good friends. On Sunday, 2nd May, we were honoured by a visit from the President of Conference,the Rev. H.W.Rist, M.A., who conducted the Morning Service and admitted a large number of boys to full membership. The Chapel Committee this year consists of the following boys: D. C. Roberts, J. S. Barker, P. C. Rodda, K. W. Erasmus, T. A. Polkinghorne, and J. C. Pettit. We are grateful to them for the conscientious way in which they are carrying out their duties. Six new pews have recently been purchased and placed in the transepts for the choir. They have been left unstained so as to match the organ screen. ORGAN RECITALS The Recitals, given at 4.30 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of the month, have continued to attract a small but faithful band of music-lovers not only from our own district but also from Durban and Maritzburg as well. 28th March: An Organ and Piano Recital by Mr. Gram and Mr. Quarmby. Organ Sonata No. 4 (Mendelssohn), Nuptial Postlude (Roberts): Piano Solos: Sonata in A major(Mozart), Ballade in A flat(Chopin). 25th April: Mr. G. M.Oram: Prelude and Fugue in C major(Bach), Allegretto Grazioso (Holiins), Grand Choeur in E flat (Guilmant). 23rd May: Mr. Brian Goodwin, A.R.C.O.: Fugue in E fiat ("St. Anne") (Bach), Largo, Allegro and two Variations (Festing), Canon in B minor (Schumann), Toccata in D minor(Reger). Dr. Thomas Bogyo played some cello solos. 27th June: Mr. Errol Slatter: Miniature Suite for Organ (Wiilan), Rhapsody No(Rowley), Choral Prelude"Der Tag der ist so freudenreich" (Bach), The Sanctuary Singers Male-voice Choir sang some negro spirituals very beautifully. THE ORGAN Sometime before the installation of the organ at the end of 1952, Mr. A. H. Smith added to his already generous donations a sum sufficient to provide twofurther stops that will carry the instru ment a stage nearer completion. Import control has greatly delayed their delivery, and even now only one stop has been put in. The other one is expected to arrive by the end of August. The stop that has recently been added is known as a"Stopped Piapason." It belongs to the flute family, but is not quite flute-like in quality, as indeed it should not be. It is difficult to express these distinctions in words, but I would say that flute tone is liquid, clear and fairly full, whereas a stopped diapason is not so liquid, is clear, and is mellow rather than full. It is differences such as these that determine the quality of an organ as a musical instrument, for diversity of tone-colour and of shades of tone-colour is essential to 391
full musical expression. The pianist and the violinist achieve their tone-colours by varying their muscular activity, but muscular activity avails the organist nothing once it has performed the service of depressing the keys of the keyboard. After that, he is dependent for his tone-colours on the pipes he has at his command. I will not enlarge on this now, or the Editor will probably use his blue pencil, but I hope that he will allow me to say that the moral of it all is ** Do not let us delay too long in completing the organ and its range of tone-colours." I must add that I am delighted with the new stopped diapason. It is proving a most useful stop of the quieter kind, and I am looking forward to the arrival of the Clarinet next term. This will provide quite a different tone-colour and it will be an invaluable one. I am, of course, more than grateful to Mr. A. H. Smith for his generosity in providing these additional resources to our beautiful instrument. The Organ Fund. The Fund is still in being and is growing slowly. Since the last acknowledgments were made the following amounts have been received: Mr. A. H.Smith (still giving!) £307/10/-; Mr. G.C. Hulett (second donation) £40; Mr. G. P. Hotchkiss £20; Mrs. G. Murray £4; Mr. H. N. French (Cheshire, England) £10/10/-. (Mr. French and Mr. A. H. Smith were at school together, and they evidently still have lively recollections of each other. Mr.Smith sends a Chronicle regularly to his old friend, and Mr. French says he reads every word about the Organ with the greatest interest.) G. M.O. CHOIR We have been favoured with a much better general quality of tone in the trebles this year and the lead has not been so noticeably left to the few. From these it has been possible to select a number of fair voices for the altos and there have been no real problems with the upper parts of the choral items practised. This, unfortunately, has not been true of the lower registers. Here, the general tone production has been poor and even for the memorization of fairly simple parts, constant repetition has been necessary. It seems that this section is too large and that the few better voices will have to be selected for special performances. Sacred work done during the half year has been: firstly, of course, the learning of hymn harmonies; secondly, the anthems "Send out Thy Light"(Gounod)and"Gloria in Excelsis"(Mozart). These have been sung with enthusiasm by all sections of the Choir. 392
PERCUSSION BAND This year we have started once again with a group of juniors new to the reading and making of music, and with the help of a few older members they are beginning to express themselves in the most musical of all languages. The object of the Percussion Band is to teach those two most essential ingredients of music—time and rhythm—and for boys who have previously played no active part in music-making there is no finer medium. It has always been the contention of the writer that the passive listening to gramophone records or even live performances as an aid to musical appreciation is negligible compared with the under standing and appreciation gained by taking part in some form of music-making oneself. Some boys, of course, have an almost natural aural and rhythmic sense; others have to acquire it; but until it Is acquired no real appreciation of the Art of Music is possible. The present Band is now playing more as a team and hopes to perform at next term's concert. R.Q. MACBETH (Produced at Kearsney on 3rd,4th and 7th June,and at St. Mary's School, Kloof, on I It/i and 12th June) It is not known whether Shakespeare ever read Greek Tragedy, but this play is good Aeschylus. Retribution is catching up on the central character throughout, and once started on the downward path no amount of remorse can prevent him from plunging deeper and deeper into the crimes which lead ultimately to his death. It is the story of an ambitious but weak character, a man who dis integrates rapidly, covering his own vacillation and growing fears by progressive ruthlessness. In this he is not merely aided and abetted by Lady Macbeth—she is the prime mover, the temptress who leads to his fall. The extent to which the play is dominated by these two charac ters presents two difficulties. One—the obvious one—is that the success of the production must lie greatly in the competence oftwo players. The other—not so obvious—is that there is no acting which is quite so difficult for inexperienced players as that of being on the stage and yet having little to do. To create a background 393-—'- .v.:... ,':/;
and yet be denied the words and action which would so greatly help is a difficult task. Macbeth,it must be realised, is a tragedy with little stage action. There is much standing or sitting about; there are innumerable asides, when we are to presume that Macbeth's soliloquies, audible to the audience, are yet inaudible to his fellow actors who have to "hang about" in the background: even the most poignant scenes are dependent purely upon the emotion which Macbeth and his Lady can portray by voice and gesture. Criticism must therefore be given with full understanding of these problems. The two central characters were supremely successful: had they failed, the play would have failed. Others, with smaller parts, could not so easily absorb the characters into themselves. The Scottish lords, for instance, were less of fiery Scotsman than dignified patriarchs, and the banquet scene was an admirable tableau for the Last Supper. One can appreciate the skill of great actors who make the most minor parts realistic, and who, too, can give an air of spontaneity with every performance. One felt sometimes, especially with Malcolm, that the reaction to a startling piece of news was:"That's not news, you have been telling me thatfor months." Freshness on the stage is not easy after months of grinding rehearsal. Schermbrucker,as Macbeth,faced with the prospectof memoriz ing and interpreting 700 lines, never faltered and gave a performance such as few boys could have possibly attempted. He became Macbeth in spirit and was himself conscious of the growing strain and the disintegration of his character—an unhappy split personality. He excited our pity, and that is a sign of realistic acting. We offer him our congratulations on his performance. Jillian Ramsden, as Lady Macbeth, was equally at home with her part. Here we met an ambitious woman—ambitious for her husband, but more ruthless than he; once her mind was set, she relentlessly urged him on to a deed he did not relish. She too became unbalanced as a result and came to an unhappy end. We cannot too highly praise the poignancy and horror of her sleepingwalking scene, so sharply in contrast with her earlier character. Of the others, Roberts, as Banquo, was self-assured and gave good promise ofacting ability; he was always at ease and in command of his part. Hewitt, as Macduff, was perhaps a little strained and over-noisy, but he gave us a glimpse of the very human side of his character when he learned of the death of"his chickens and their dam." Dawes, as Malcolm, was unable to put the emotion into his acting that his character demanded; his speaking was clear and word perfect—and impassive. Fearnhead, as Duncan,spoke clearly and with dignity—but was he not over-restrained ? Rodda, as Ross, had important lines to speak. In an unobtrusive fashion and one 395
wondered whether we all appreciated them, for he was inclined to be lifeless. To go through the personnel is Impossible. An Impressive little performance was put across by the doctor, Taylor; Ryan had to portray the drunk porter: to be unrestrained and vulgar is not easy—and the scene seems strangely out of keeping with the rest of the tragedy; the witches were efficient but not terribly horrible! A noteworthy feature of the production was the fact that, as far as could be told, no prompting was required on any of the five nights—a tribute to the thoroughness of producer and cast. Nor can we fail to refer to the effectiveness of lighting and sound effects. Most of this lay in the hands of Mr. Metcalf and helpers, who worked often far into the night preparing stage props and lighting, and doing ail the carpentry and installing themselves. Their efforts will have abiding reward, for we now have the basic materials for all future plays. Thanks are also warmly extended to the ladies and other friends who helped with costumes and curtains. J. F. R. DRAMATIS PERSONAE Duncan, King of Scotland Malcolm 1 .l . Donalbain }■ the King s sons Macbeth Lady Macbeth Banquo Macduff Lady Macduff Lennox Ross Menteith Angus Caithness Did Man : Another Lord Ladies First Witch Second Witch Third Witch Fleance, son to Banquo Did Siward, Earl of Northumberland Young Siward Seyton, Servant to Macbeth Young Macduff, son to Macduff Scotch Doctor Nurse Wounded Sergeant Porter First Murderer Second Murderer Third Murderer Lex Fearnhead {Vernon Dawes Antony Gage William Schermbrucker Jillian Ramsden Dennis Roberts Peter Hewitt Barbara Sampson John Mudie Peter Rodda Denis Cox Donald Francis Trevenen Polkinghorne Victor Milne John Giles {Joan Beningfleld June Malins Jill Hickman Fay von Sorgenfrei Priscilla Moodie William Whitward Ken Brazier John Pettit Graham Green Richard Wllkins John Taylor Amanda Hudson John Pettit Patrick Ryan Pierre du Toit Derek Kyle Alan Cunningham 396
Servant to Lady Macbeth Jeanette D'Aubrey Attendant to Macbeth Frederick Borgwardt Messenger Neville Cross {Bernard Cohen Ronald Ford Alfred Rowe frompter/Lall Boy / Bruce Longhurst \ Coenrad Groenewald Switchboard Assistants / Colin Schreuder \ Christopher Hopkins {Anthony Hoad Gavin Bruce P. J. Pitts Lurtain Jeremy Low Produced by Mr. R. RUTHERFORD-SMITH Stoge Manager: Mr. P. E. METCALF LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY The record attendance at the first meeting of the term meant an Immediate removal from our traditional quarters to the more spacious accommodation ofthe Dining Hall. Consistent attendances of 50 and over, accompanied by enthusiastic and well-prepared speeches, Indicated that the lean years are behind, and this has been proved by later experience. We had hardly got Into our stride when, mid-way through the first term, we were challenged to a debate, by the Durban City Parliament,the Province's premier debating society. We accepted, with misgivinagn,d decided to support the motion: "That the Cinema, Radio, Television, and Comic Strip are combining to retard mental development and educational progress." The Parliament sent up no mean team,including their Prime Minister, Mr. KerdachI, and their late Speaker, the Maclean of Lochbule, past M.P. for Aberdeen and a close friend of Sir Winston Churchill. Our team was led by W. Schermbrucker, who had admirable support from P. Hewitt, P. Rodda, and M. Mealln. Judges comprised Mr. Peter Quain (Chairman), Mr. Sutler-Gore, Publicity Officer for the City Parliament, and the Headmaster. Battle royal was waged, before school and visitors,and in an elaborate system of marking,the verdict went to the City Parliament by 17 marks out of a full 800, though two of the judges favoured Kearsney. Stage experience was the deciding factor. It was great fun and a repeatable occasion,we hope. Shortly after this was over, we put our heads together and reconstituted the Debating Society, after 220 meetings. Into the Kearsney Parliament. 397
KEARSNEY PARLIAMENT Based on the Parliamentary system, this arrangement gives the same facilities for debate as before, with the added attractiveness of Parliamentary procedure. Constituencies have taken the place of names,the seating arrangement is as for Parliament,the Chairman becomes the Speaker, and a Cabinet has been formed. Question time has taxed Cabinet ingenuity to the utmost, but they have managed to satisfy questioners—even the one who asked of the Minister ofTransport:"If Roger Bannister can run the mile in 3 mins. 59 sees., why does the South Coast train take six minutes to cover the same distance ?" M. Mealin spoke in Durban at the Hofmeyer Inter-School Speech Contest, on the theme:"That a politician should lead the people and not follow." Although unplaced, he spoke adequately and with, at times, wit. KEARSNEY COLLEGE PARLIAMENT Office: Speaker Dep. Speaker and Chairman of Committee Secretary Prime Minister Leader of Opposition Publicity Officer Dep. Prime Minister and Min. of External Affairs Minister of Finance, Com merce and Mines Minister of Transport, Posts and Telegraphs Minister of Education, Arts and Science Minister of Defence and Labour Minister of Health and Social Services Minister of Justice Minister of Lands, Agricul ture and Food Dep. Leader of Opposition Name: J. F. Reece, Esq. J. D. Mudle D. C. Roberts M. E. Meaiin W.G.Schermbrucker P. G. Rodda P. Hewitt P. W. Khaied G. S. Brown D. L. Kyle M. J. Simpson J. A. Hunt P. Simkins P. du Toit J. S. Barker Hon. Member for: Krugersdorp. Zwartruggen. Outjo. Stellenbosch. Nairobi. East London (North). Vereeniging. van der Byi Park. Greytown. Oewetsdorp. Uitenhage. Machadodorp. Walvis Bay. Wakkerstroom. Umkomaas. 12th February: 26th February: 12th March: 19th March: 30th April: Programme Election of Officers for K.C.L.D.S. Debate:"That euthanasia should receive official sanction."— Lost. Debate: "That the Cinema, Radio, Television and Comic Strip are combining to retard mental development and educational progress."—Won. Debate against Durban City Parliament on the above subject.— Lost. Formation of Kearsney Parliament and Election of Ministers, etc. 398
15th May: Opposition motion: "That conscription be abolished. — Government win. 28th May: Government motion: "That initiation be introduced at Kearsney."—Government win. 2Sth June: Opposition motion:"That there should be equal pay for equal work."—Government defeat. AFRIKAANSE VERENIGING Ampsdraers vir 1954: President: Die Hoof, S. G. Osier, M.A. Vise-Presidente: J. W.Storm en G. E. Burger. Komitee: R. MofTitt, P. du Jolt, J. Alberts, L. Deenlk. Sekretaris: B. Cohen. Danksy die ywer van komitee sowel as lede het die Afrlkaanse Vereniging 'n bale geslaagde halfjaar agter die rug. Nie alleen het vergaderings gereeld plaasgevind nie, maar daar was 'n bemoedlgende geesdrif onder die lede om deel te neem aan die besprekings. Wat nie so bemoedigend is nie, is die feit dat sommige van die senior lede van die vereniging nie altyd die leidende aandeel in die verrigtinge geneem het nie beide wat deelname aan besprekings en bywoning van vergaderings betref, as wat miskien die geval kon gewees het nie. Ons wil die ernstige hoop uitspreek dat hulle in die toekoms, in hul eie belang, sal poog om groter gebruik te maak van hierdie geleentheid wat vir hulle aangebied word. G.E. B. PROGRAMME 12 Februarie: Verkiesing van nuwe ampsdraers vir 1954. 19 Februarie; Debat:"Lugvervoer sai in die toekoms heeitemai die piek inneem van pad- en spoorvervoer." Uitslag van stemming: Vir die mosie, 41 en daarteen 7. 5 Maart: (i) Ligte Afrlkaanse musieknommers gespeel deur Mnre. Hoad, Parkes en Haworth. (ii) Samespraak:,, Naten Sap." Deelnemers:Mnre.Poikinghorne en Pearce. (ill) Gesamentiike Sang. 19 Maart: Debat: ,, Wait speel die grootste roi in die wereid vandag ? Geld, Liefde of Brein." As sprekers het opgetree: Mnr. Ellison—geid; Mnr. Rindel— iiefde; Mnr. Rodda—brein. Uitslag van stemming: Geid, 15; Liefde, 19; Brein, 16. 7 Mei: Onvoorbereide Toesprake. 3 Junie: Debat;„ Moet die doodstraf afgeskaf word I" Uitslag van stemming: Gelykop met 25 stemme elk. 23 Junie; Debat; „Die moderne kind kry nie genoeg streepsuiker nie." Uitslag van stemming: Gelykop met 19 stemme elk. 399
SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Entomological talk by Rev. J. H. Hunt on 14th May, 1954, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Hunt opened his lecture by telling the Society that Entomology was not a harmless, useless occupation of old men, but one which vitally concerned South Africa. The Government was taking an Interest In this young Science especially with respect to Agriculture, Timber and Forestry Research and Pest Control. He said that Entomology Is divided Into three branches: I, Taxonomy (classification of Insects); 2, Ecology (concerning the llfe-hlstory of the Insect and the study of Its environment); and 3, Economic Entomology. His lecture was mainly about the first group, v.z. Taxonomy. Rev. Hunt explained that the"jaw-breaking"scientific names of the Insects gave the shape and colour of the Insect. He Is especially Interested In the Beetles of which there are one hundred and three families of extremely varied builds and habits. The entomological field in South Africa Is relatively unexplored and, because of the large number of new species being discovered each year, books on the subject quickly became out of date. Members of the Society were shown the best methods of catching, killing, preserving and setting up the Insects. An Interesting demonstra tion Included the utilisation and operation of apparatus concerned with Insect collection. Some magnificent mountings of beetles were also displayed for the audience. At the conclusion ofthe talk, Rev. Hunt was thanked very sincerely for a most Interesting and Instructive lecture. D. R. FINNINGLEY PHANTASY The prefects this year are Barker, Hewitt, Roberts and Simklns. Barker Is Head of the House, and Head Prefect of the School. The Prefects have done their work well. The general air of the House Is a cheerful one. Some few members of It, however, are apt to confuse freedom with licence, and would,apparently, like the House run without the necessary restrictions regarding time and tidiness. The more thoughtful, however, realise that the few rules Imposed are the minimum for the comfort and happiness of all. The first term saw our triumph In the Swimming Gala. This was possible only because every member of the House played his part. Eraser, as Captain of Swimming, Is to be congratulated. The success of many of our juniors was a very pleasing aspect of our win. Our eclipse by Glllingham, whom we congratulate, in the Annual Sports was not undeserved. In spite of the keenness of du Tolt and his committee the House did not pull its weight In the standards, and this was the deciding factor of the day. It Is good 400
that the Sports should go to that House which displays general keenness. We welcome Mr. Metcalf as one of our Housemasters. He knows the ropes! "Come January," he will be able to say before long,"1 have been at Finningley, man and boy, these fifty years." Sister Anderson,and for part ofthe time Mrs.Tedder,was kept very busy during the epidemic of'flu we had. Happily most of the victims were ill for only a short time. We are pleased to hear Michael Gillies is recovering from the virulent attack by streptococci, and hope his convalescence will be short and his recovery complete. Otherwise our health record this half-year has been a good one. Finningley is justly proud ofthe large part played by its members in the production of"Macbeth." All will join in congratulating Schermbrucker on his able portrayal of Macbeth. The supporting cast was good and Lady Macbeth (Jillian Ramsden), gave a very polished performance. Ghostly repercussions of the innovation of the part played by St. Mary's girls in the female parts are still heard! We offer our congratulations to Mr. Rutherford-Smith on his pro duction, and to Mr. Metcalf on his very professional stagemanagement and lighting. This production we hope will be the first of many cultural feasts given by the School. MACBETH MISAPPLIED Stands not within the prospect of belief: a satisfied schoolmaster. That Is a step on which I must fall down: at the bell tower. Come,let me clutch thee: I have thee not: the opposing fly half. There's no such thing: a wet Friday. This Is a sorry sight: cottage pie and beans. Sleep no more: end of prep. O horror,horror, horror: ten more weeks. Confusion now hath made his masterpiece: Mc—h's Latin prose. Only It spoils the pleasure of the time: exam prospect. What,will these hands ne'er be clean? Any First Former. This place Is too cold for hell: Milner House. The greatest Is behind: Ch—1—n. Forhe is given to sport, to wlldness and much company: d—^T—. Thou art the best of the cut-throats: K—d. Bring me no more reports: the H—dm—r. The fault lies not with the stars: Mr. Q—y. TWO HEADS. LATIN FOR TODAY Mensa: ablative of comparison, because mens a better than womens. Dominos: direct object of"ludo"(I play). We play dominos in class. Rex: nominative of description. We are rex after Latin lessons. Mone: Imperative, the root of all evil. Audio do: the Latin for"How goes It ?" Puerorum, pueris: sympathy for the Staff. C.R.E. 401
GUESS WHO No marks for guessing who said the following. (Answers below). (a) Come again next week,(b) But I can't bear the rattle, (c) Quite the worst Matric form I have ever had. (d) You should have seen the garden last month, (e) I thought I'd done my prep,(f) My leg was miles off the wicket, (g)Of course the one that got away...(h) We can't all come top. (i) i let you have it cheap, master, (j)If you don'tshut up there'll be a row. (k)I was cruising slowly on my own side.(!) I tell you he's a woild champ. Answers:ANY(o)dentist,(6)mechanic,(c)teacher,(d)gardener,(e)school boy.(0 batsman, (g) fisherman, (h) prize-distributor, (i), sammy, (j) prefect, (k) road-hog,(/) boxing promotor. A. B.C. A DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE MOON AND THE EARTH "Hello!"said the moon who was almost full and shining brightly. "Hello I"replied the earth very mournfully with tears in his eyes. "Why are you so sad ?"asked the moon who was feeling in a jolly mood. "Well if you were being biown up every now and again, you would not be very happy!" "Why, who is blowing you up?" "It is these wretched people who live on me," was the reply. "They test out their Atomic and Hydrogen bombs." "Oh, you will soon get used to that!" "No, I will not! They keep on dropping stronger bombs. I hope they destroy themselves one day!" "Oh well, we all have our bad times," was the moon's only comment. "What bad times do you have ?" asked the earth sarcastically. "Well I am often hit by shooting stars," was the reply. "They do not seem to make much difference to you." "Yes, they do," said the moon. "Look at the huge craters ail over me." "Anyway,you do not have destructive volcanoes on you,"sneered the earth. "I am glad I have not got any," was all the moon could say. After this there was a short silence which was broken at last by the earth. "Do you ever see any of these flying saucers up there ?" "Yes often," replied the moon. "They really are a nuisance." "Do you know where they come from ?" "Yes, they come from Mars. By the way, do those rockets I see up here come from you ?" "Yes, they do," was the reply. "These silly earth-men are trying to go and live on you." "They will never do that! There is no food for them here." Just then the earth gave a long yawn. "Oh! I am so tired," he complained. "I am going to bed." "Good-night I "said the moon. "Good-night I"replied the earth as a large cloud covered his bright com panion and gave him the darkness he was longing for. R. N.G.(Form III). 402
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, One ofthe sure signs ofthe inferiority complex is the disposition to compare one's lowly self with the very great,ifthe comparison is not entirely unfavourable. I have been interested to read the results of Athletic Sports at Eton College (1,157 boys)this past year and compare them with our own(240 boys, including juniors). Here they are in tabulated form:— ETON KEARSNEY EVENT. This Year. This Year. Lost Year. 100 Yards 10.6 sees. 10.5 sees. 10.5 sees. 220 Yards 24sees. 23.7 sees. 23.5 sees. 440 Yards 53.1 sees. 55.6 sees. 51.9 sees. 880 Yards 2 m. 7.5 s. 2 m. 10.6 s. 2m. 1.4 s. Mile 4 m.51.4 s. 5 m. 9.4 s. 5 m. 21s. High Jump 5 ft. 2 Ins. 5 ft.i in. 5ft. 1^ ins. Long Jump 20ft.i in. 22ft. i in. 19 ft. 5 Ins. Shot Putt 41 ft. 1 in. 40 ft.9 ins. 40 ft. 4i ins. Discus 123 ft.5 ins.(rec.) 144 ft. 4ins. 128 ft.9 ins. Javelin 155 ft. 153 ft.7i ins. — It would seem from this that any Eton—Kearsney contest would be an even affair, apart from the mile. On the other hand, when we look at Eton's Imposing array of open scholar ships to Oxford and Cambridge, and their prizes for Latin Verse, Latin Essays, Greek Iambics, and the like, we quite definitely and firmly Pipe Down! Yours, INFERIOR. ON READING "Books maketh man"is my sole and soul belief. I am further completely convinced that knowledge is power—first-hand knowledge; vivid and thorough knowledge. Knowledge that is, as Archdeacon Smyth puts it,"freshly straight and candid about difficulties." One cannot profess to be thoroughly truthful In one's teaching unless one draws his information from a good variety of sources obtained from books, and good books. One is eventually liberated from the slavery of asserting nothing as certain which is not certain, nothing probable which is not probable, and nothing as more probable than it is. True it is that the Spirit of the Lord will always supply us with messages to deliver, but true still Is the fact that we must be ready with some material upon which the Spirit may establish His message. The material can only be collected from books written by inspired men, bloodprecious books. J. N. (Readers will be interested to know that this little piece of philosophy is one section of a long letter written to the Editor by a young Zulu who Is studying for the ministry, and to whom the Editor had sent a small book.) 403
CRICKET . Although cricket this term had to be fitted into February, all the teams have had a very full month. All the teams and divisions in the School are playing keen cricket, and what is lost, in places, in ability, is more than made up in constant enthusiasm. Thanks are due to all those members of the staff and the boys whose efforts and time have made the season so enjoyable and successful. First XI Team appointments for the year were: Captain: D. S. Murdoch. Vice-Captain: M. F. Miller. Committee: D. S. Murdoch, M. F. Miller, J. Bradshaw, U. G. Groom. This term the 1st XI played five school matches and two matches against men's teams. All were most enjoyable and developed into closely contested games. Special mention must be made of the consistently good batting by M. Hulett, and the return to top form of Murdoch is very welcome. We suffered a spate of injuries; Groom with a dislocated hip, Bradshaw, Longhurst and Brazier all with damaged muscles. In spite ofthese injuries,the team acquitted itself well. 6th February vs. NATAL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL At Durban Won by 6 wickets. Technical High School batted first on a rain affected wicket which did not improve throughout the day. They found the excellent bowling of Longhurst and Daniel very difficult to play, and only Clague, who played a fine Innings, offered any real resistance. Kearsney started badly, with 3 wickets down for 5 runs, but Murdoch, Longhurst, Barker and Hulett batted well to give Kearsney a good win. NATAL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL. 76 (Daniel 5 for 23, Longhurst 5 for 36). KEARSNEY. 180(Murdoch 58, Longhurst 36, Barker 25 not out, Hulett 17, Daniel 16). 13th February vs. DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL At Kearsney Lost by 16 runs. The wicket was very soft because of rain, and D.H.S. did well to reach 58. The Kearsney seam bowlers did not take full advantage of the help offered by the wicket, and tended to pitch short. The Kearsney batsmen found themselves in the same plight as did D.H.S., and RIdgeway, using the wicket to advantage, took 8 wickets for 17 runs to give High School a narrow victory. The Kearsney batsmen gave their wickets away through not playing positive strokes. They found It difficult to judge the pace off the wicket, and they played uncertain, hesitant strokes. DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL. 58(Bradshaw 4for 16, Daniel 2for 3,Longhurst 2for 17). KEARSNEY. 40(Longhurst 10, RIdgeway 8for 17). 404
17th February vs. GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL At Glenwood Lost by 25 runs. Glenwood batted on a good wicket, which later crumbled in patches. This game developed into a very keen struggle,and interest was kept alive throughout the match. In the field, Kearsney remained on top until the first two overs after lunch. Inaccurate bowling and one dropped catch allowed Glenwood to add 36 runs for the last wicket. The Kearsney batsmen were never at home, except for Hulett who played a magnificent innings of 37 not out. GLENWOOD. 142(Bradshaw 4 for 36, Ryan 3 for 36). KEARSNEY. 1 17 (Hulett 37 not out). 20th February vs. HILTON COLLEGE At Hilton Draw. Hiltonbatted on a wicket that remained damp all day. Brazier played his first game for Kearsney and showed distinct promise. The bowling was accurate, and was supported by excellent fielding. Palmer(68),again played a good innings for Hilton. The Kearsney batting was sound, and Bradshaw and Miller made a welcome return to form. HILTON. 167 (Daniel 3 for 54, Perry 2 for 23, Bradshaw 2for 26). KEARSNEY. 136 for 5 wkts.(Bradshaw 36 not out, Hulett 29, Perry 27, Miller 20). 24th February vs. Mr. STANLEY MURPHY's XI At Kearsney Lost by 8 runs. A strong team under the captaincy of Mr. Lamb came up to Kearsney, and a mostenjoyable and exciting game was played in damp conditions. Mr. Murphy's XI batted first and nothing was given away by either side. Mr. V. Hall batted very well indeed for his 47. Kearsney fielded brilliantly: special mention must be made of Murdoch's close to the wicket fielding, and Miller's wicket keeping. Both were of a remarkably high standard. The bowling was keen and accurate, and Bradshaw earned all of his 7 wickets. Kearsney batted well, taking all runs offered, and went for a win. Perry, Murdoch and Dukes, in particular, batted very well. In the second Innings, both sides scored as quickly as possible,and the interest never flagged. This was indeed a most enjoyable match, and we look forward keenly to this annual fixture with a team of fine cricketers. 1st Innings: Mr. MURPHY's XI. 99(Mr. V. Hall 47, Mr. Booth 21);(Bradshaw 7for 43. Daniel 2for 34). KEARSNEY. 91 (Perry 18, Dukes 19, Murdoch 16); (Watkins 4 for 25, Atkinson 3for 16, Halse 2for 26). 2nd Innings: Mr. MURPHY's XI. 123for 5 dec.(Mr. B. Hall 45, Mr.Wilson 39 not out); (Bradshaw 3 for 41). KEARSNEY, 68for 6 wkts.(Perry 34 not out, Miller 14);(Dalton 4for 9), 405
27th February vs. MARITZBURG COLLEGE At Maritzburg Draw. Once again a very keen game developed,and the sides were evenly matched. In the morning the wicket gave the bowlers a very little help, and after lunch proved to be a batsmen's paradise. Kearsney were put in to bat first and we were treated to a delightful display of batsmanship by Murdoch and Hulett. Groom and Dukes also batted very well, and were both out when looking well set for good scores. Kearsney bowling was steady, but sadly missed Longhurst, who was not playing because of a bad back. A drawback to a delightful game was the poor standard of fielding. KEARSNEY. 190(Hulett 56, Murdoch 52, Dukes 14, Groom 12, Bradshaw 12). MARITZBURG COLLEGE. 143 for 5 wkts. 13th March vs. UMHLALI CRICKET CLUB At Kearsney Won by 37 runs. This game was made possible only because one Saturday, reserved for Athletics, was given over to Cricket. The team's thanks go to Mr. Hopkins for making this game possible, and to the Umhiall C.C. for making the long trip to play us. A most delightful game was played, and was thoroughly enjoyed by players and spectators alike. Kearsney batted fi rst on a poor wicket, and fortunes fluctuated. The innings started disastrously with three wickets down for no runs. Bradshaw then joined Groom, and these two between them put Kearsney Into a sound position. Bradshaw, Groom, Daniel and Kyle (playing his first 1st XI game) all batted very well indeed. Umhiall C.C. batted well, butthe Kearsney bowling,supported by very keen fielding, never lost their grip of the game. KEARSNEY. 143 for 9 wkts. dec. (Bradshaw 68, Groom 27, Daniel 19). UMHLALI C.C. 106(Ryan 5 for 25, Bradshaw 2for 22). BATTING AVERAGES Innings Not Out Highest Score Total Average M. Hulett 8 1 56 153 21.9 Bradshaw 8 1 68 130 18.7 Murdoch 8 _ 58 143 17.9 Longhurst 3 - 36 50 16.7 Perry 8 1 34* 105 15 Daniel 6 2 19* 45 11.3 Miller 8 - 20 83 10.4 Groom 4 - 27 39 9.8 Dukes 8 2 19 51 8.5 Barker 7 1 25* 49 8.2 Brazier 2 - 9 9 4.5 Ryan 6 3 8 13 4.3 BOWLING AVERAGES Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Average Longhurst 26.2 4 73 10 7.3 Bradshaw 79.6 19 224 23 9.7 Ryan 32 5 108 II 9.9 Perry 7 — 40 3 13.3 Daniel 54 6 220 14 15.7 Brazier 15 3 67 4 16.8 406
Second XI vs. GLENWOOD Under I7B. , „ KEARSNEY:134(Simpson 50 not out,Brazier 24, Rathbone 4for 38,Renwick 3 for 25). GLENWOOD:56(Brazier 3for 14, Ford 3 for 28)and 67for 7. Won by 78 runs. vs. HILTON 3rd. ,, „.„ HILTON; 137 (Chettle 35, Mdntosh 26, Bayly 29, Ford 3 for 27, A. Rowe 3 for 26). KEARSNEY:76(Valentine 23, Forbes 3for 10, Wade 3for 12). Lost by 61 runs. vs. MARITZBURG COLLEGE 3rd. KEARSNEY: 102(Ford 27, Hart 4 for 15, Wood 3 for 8). COLLEGE:63(Hart 21, Wood 25 not out, Pigg 7for 11). KEARSNEY: 35(Hart 4for 16, Mason 5 for 16). COLLEGE:79 for 8 wkts.(McKay 24, Woods 26, Pienaar 5 for 28, Francois 2 for 11). Lost by 2 wkts.on double innings. Under 15 This division did not have as much success as was anticipated during the first term, chiefly because the batsmen from whom we expected most failed repeatedly, against practically the same opposi tion, to come up to last season's form. Henderson, who used to get runs with his head well over the ball now prefers the distant view and gets nothing; Murray was often careless when set for a big score but is to be applauded for his competent captaincy and excellent fielding in all matches. We have no more bouquets for fielding and it must be recorded that the fielding of Lefson and Cole, in particular, leaves a lot to be desired and was responsible for many ofthe big scores against us. The bowling was shared well by Polkinghorne, Murray, Voysey, Fisher, Timm, and Cole, and there is no reason why this team should not have much better success during the latter part of the year. R. Q. 6th February vs. TECHNICAL COLLEGE Away Won by 70 runs. KEARSNEY: i20 (Lefson 21, Timm 24). TECHNICAL COLLEGE:(Fisher 3 for 6, Murray 3 for 13). 13th February vs. DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL Home Drawn (rain stopped play). D.H.S.: 225 (Tayfield 94, Cornelly 63, Polkinghorne 5 for 61). KEARSNEY: 5 for 2. |7th February vs. GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Away Lost by 4 wickets. KEARSNEY: 44 and 53. GLENWOOD:82(Murray 7 for 22) and 19 for 6 wkts.(Cole 5 for 10). 407