rKEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE -J-SM: j. O#? o\t^ PE ■im July, 1955 '. "sy
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 4, No. I July, 1955 ON SCHOOL MAGAZINES I think It will be generally agreed that, except for those most intimately concerned, School Magazines would not be classified among the "best sellers". They contain none of the features which attract the common herd, not even a bathing beauty on the cover (though it's an idea). Their interest-value is very local; to the outsider, the lists of event-winners or prize-winners have the monotony ofa telephone directory,and does it really matter whether we won the match or lost it? Only to those most closely concerned does it matter. What, Magazine Reader, do you look for? Let's be honest. Yes, of course. You turn over hastily to those places where your own name is likely to appear: your own name, gold-embroidered, standing there for everyone to see, if it were not for the fact that they are too busy looking for their own names. That done, what else is there of interest? Well—you already knew the results of the matches, so that is not news; the activities of your Society are known to you and of no interest to anyone else;the Old Boys' News is just a catalogue of unknown names; articles are boring, exceptfor the writers. Yes, surely this is not a best-seller. And Old Boys? You, of course, turn to your own section, to see what news there is of your old friends, and whether the Editor has included that snappy bit of news about yourself (which you forgot to tell him). That done,a cursory glance through the school news,and the Magazine takes its honoured place on the shelfamong its predecessors. As for the wider public—well, it hasn't much sex-appeal, has it? T
So you see how difficult it all is, this business of running a Magazine. There's a lot of work involved,for this booklet must be a record of the school's activities, its Minute Book, and as exciting as most Minute Books. It must aim at accuracy, it must not omit anything, it must be a "true reflection of the year's activities", and, somehow or other, it must be readable. Of course, we are not alone in this predicament. We are the fortunate recipients of a large number of magazines from schools both in South Africa and overseas. We like them; we enjoy reading them, in an impersonal sort of way; we are not really interested in the name ofthe fast bowler who did the hat-trick, but we enjoy the style of the writer. We are ever on the look-out for fresh ideas, both in the magazine set-up, and in the life of our school, to be derived from a study of the ideas and activities of older and greater schools than ours. A poor one is he who never learns, nor tries to. Adding up all the Magazines, and taking the average, we are left with a very fair conception of the run of life in the Average School—and, after all, that is what a magazine is supposed to give, isn't it? To begin with, ali magazine editors are faced with the same problem—how to fill up the Editorial. Their solutions come under fairly consistent headings: (I) A complaint about the scarcity of contributed articles from so large a school. (2)"I suddenly realised this morning that I hadn't written the Editorial. What shall I write about?" He had been thinking that over for weeks, and by the time he has finished wondering what to write about, the Editorial space is filled. (3) Just occasionally a little moralising on some wellaccepted theme. One large school, producing its magazine every fortnight or so, begins with an essay, presumably by different students in turn. A good idea, this, if it can be worked. (4) Now and then some topical item—floods, snow. General Election, Test Match Victory, Billy Graham—is a godsend and eagerly seized upon. Once the Editorial is disposed of, we get down to brass tacks. School Notes, Examination Successes, Societies, Games, Feature Articles, Old Boys' News. The theme does not change greatly, though the amount of space allocated to each section differs. Some Magazines would be empty without the sport; others give space more generously to other things. Clubs and Societies are legion. If a school is supposed to be the world in miniature, then some of the larger schools certainly offer their pupils nearly everything that, as citizens, they are ever likely to be interested in. It is noteworthy, however, that, no matter how large the school, the attendance at any one Society is often very small; in other words, a Society is available for those who are really interested in that particular line. A Debating Society of 20 in a school of 700 boys
seems a meagre proportion, but those 20 are keen. Others are attending other Societies. A good thing this. At a school like ours, with smaller numbers, either the same boys would need to attend all the meetings, or else the numbers would be too few to warrant their existence. To illustrate the variety offered, we select almost at random the following Societies and Clubs: Debating, Literary, Science, Films, Geography, History, Gramophone, French, German, Civics, Philately, Radio, Photography, Printing, Sailing, Meteorology, Farming, Cactus, Drama, Engineering, Art, Heraldry, Astronomy, Chess, Maths, Railways, Sociology. Others, too, whose titles convey little meaning to the uninitiated. Strangely enough, as far as we can see, no other school anywhere runs a Parliament. May we recommend the idea! Games and Sports? We read of the following: rugby, cricket, soccer, hockey, athletics, swimming, tennis, fives, rackets, squash, shooting, fencing, golf, boxing. Not wrestling, it appears, though we have been told that this should be taught to every boy. These activities do not present great interest to the"outsider but to the participator they are vital. It is, however, always interesting to read accounts of the same match, as reported by rival schools. How difficult is objective truth! According to School A, their wing three-quarter made a scintillating dash, handing-off and side stepping in bewildering fashion, and finally hurling himself across the line at the corner flag. According to B, "This was followed by a try by the opposing side." Weather conditions, in general, suited the other side, particularly at cricket, and we read, of the same match,"We were perhaps unlucky not to force a draw," and"We were unlucky not to have won by a larger margin." In the older Public Schools of England (and we wonder why these most private of all schools should always have been known as "public")we find Clubs,Societies and Games which have developed traditionally, and whose titles and terminology convey little meaning to those not in the know. The Editor confesses complete ignorance as to the jargon of bowls and baseball—he still refers to the spherical articles used in bowls as"bowls", and talks about the"lawn"— but that is because he has not yet been perverted to that particular persuasion. Similarly we confess that the language of, say, the Eton Wall Game,though fully intelligible, we don't doubt,to the Etonian, bears little relationship to the English language as we know it. In that, of course, we admit our barbarism. Public School language tends to become a thing apart. Contributed items reveal a big range of literary skill. They run from unintelligible "poetry",to items presented by Jones Minor, intended to portray a cross-section of the school's literary life—but
not necessarily raising the literary standard ofthe magazine. Many Editors, like your own,find that squeezing blood out of a stone is a childish diversion compared with the problem of squeezing articles out of a school. Our own opinion has always been that an item, if It is to be printed, should be reasonably good, and not too JonesMinor-like. The Old Boys' Section features prominently in all magazines. In the older and larger schools, whose Old Boys run into thousands, it is obvious that the garnering and collating ofOld Boys'information is somebody's full-time job. In our case it lies a good deal in the hands of your Editor, who has another full-time job as well! On one thing all Editors agree. The compilation of a school magazine is no easy task. It cannot properly be started until the term is ended, and that makes it a holiday task. So please don't shoot the Editor—he is doing his best. Hurrah! We have filled up the Editorial. Hands up all those who have read it. MAGAZINES We acknowledge the regular receipt of Magazinesfrom the following schools, with apologies for any unintentional omissions: South Africa: Durban Boys' High, Durban Girls' High, Durban Girls' College, Glenwood, Epworth, Girls' High, Maritzburg, Hilton College, Michaelhouse, Maritzburg College, Kingswood College, Mansfield, Northlands, Port Natal, St. John's High, Maritzburg. England: Ampleforth Abbey,Aldenham, Blundells, Charterhouse,Culford, Downside, Dulwich, Eton, Felsted, Kingswood, Leys, Loretto(Scotland), Monkton Coombe, Marlborough, Oundle, Perse, Queen's College Taunton, Shrewsbury, Sedbergh, St. Bees, St. Paul's, Westminster, Taunton, Yorkshire Residential School for the Deaf, Doncaster, Cheltenham. SCHOOL NOTES In common with other schools, we had our sporting programme of the first term wrecked by the polio epidemic. A promising and keen cricket side had all matches cancelled except one; the athletic sports and the swimming gala had also to be written off. In fact the swimming bath was not in use during the whole summer, a tantalising state of affairs during the hot season. The absence of all competitive activity was accepted philosophically, but we hope that the new polio vaccine will prevent any recurrence of this state of affairs.
The new classrooms came Into use from the beginning of the year. Not only are they a great boon in themselves, but they have put an end to the use of common rooms or other odd places for teaching purposes, and have centralised the classroom work. Meanwhile Pembroke House rises before our eyes. An aerial diagram elsewhere in this magazine shows its proportions. Older readers of this magazine will appreciate the fact that Pembroke House will be larger than the whole school as we once knew it. In spite of the diligence involved in its erection, we imagine that it may be touch and go whether it will be ready for the beginning of 1956. Mr. Viljoen left us in February to continue studies at Stellenbosch—but we are glad to be spared the writing of his"obituary", for we are delighted to hear that he will be returning to us next year. The presentation of "The Tempest" was a great success. Shakespeare cannot be adequately staged without an infinite amount of pain, and no trouble was spared by all involved,to offer a produc tion reminiscent ofthe polish ofthosefar-offdays. We congratulate them. We congratulate J. R. Tedder on his University J.C. bursary, implying that he came within the first score in the country. An honour achieved two years in succession. What about a hat-trick, present J.C.? Looking back now from the security of the dry season, we have lost something of the violence of our summer feelings—but never have we known such weather. Thunderstorms, hailstorms, washaways, floods, followed one another day after day, until the daily Press had exhausted its store of epithets and interjections. We at school chafed at conditionwshich kept us within the buildings for so long that we had almost forgotten just where the playing fei lds were, if and when they were visible through the mists and under the lakes. Congratulations to A.C. Cantrell for winning first prize(Junior) In the Essay Competition organised by the S.P.C.A. Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Storm took their leave this year, Mr. Storm for the first term and Mr. Hopkins for the second. In their places we offered a cordial welcome to Mrs.Tedder and Mrs. Burger respectively. It may not appear of major importance, but the repainting of the classrooms, fitting of picture rails, and hanging of attractive pictures, have greatly improved the sightliness of these rooms.
We offer our most sincere sympathies to J. C. Young, whose father was killed in a car crash, and to R. G. Wilkins, whose mother passed away after long illness, and to J. Crookes, who lost his father during the holidays. Eighty-three exhibits, largely from the junior boys, were entered for the Natal Hobbies and Crafts Exhibition, in July. These com prised, mostly, paintings and woodwork. EXAMINATION RESULTS Matriculation: 1st Class: Deenik, L. Z., Ellison, C. R.,(Maths), Erasmus, K. W., Hewitt, P. H., Mealln, M. E., Mudle, J. D.(Maths, Science), Rindel, R. 2nd Class: Alberts, J. J., Beatty, D., Bradshaw, J. M,, Daniel, P. K., Francois, P.T., Goodricke, J. R. D., Gray, R,T. A., Kyle, D. L., Murdoch, D. S., Roberts, D.C., Rodda,P. G.,Schermbrucker,W.G.,Simkins,P.,Simpson,M.J. N.,Taylor, J. W. 3rd Class: Barker, J. S., Cullingworth,C.C., du Toit, P., Moffitt, R. School Leaving Certificate: 2nd Class: Bull, J. R., Odeii, T. M., 3rd Class: Hunt, J. A., Khaled, P. W., Mcilwralth, R. B., Theunissen, D. W. Junior Certificate: 1st Class: First Division: *J. R. Tedder (University Bursary): 1st Class: *Baynash,P. i., *Benporath,D.W.,Bentley,J.J.,*Black,D.P.,*Cohen, S., *Deenik, D.,Foxon,C.C., Hayward, N.W.T., Henderson,A., Hoad,A.J. W., *Moses,C.R.,*Murray,B.G.P., Nelems,J. M.,Otter,G.J.*Perry,D.H., Richards T. D., Russell, P. R., *Schruer, A. R.. *Silburn, M.D.W.,*Simpson, F. S.,*Timm, H. K., *Voysey, R. W. *ProYinclal Bursaries. 2nd Class: Besson, E. H., Chambers, B. S., Joubert, H. R., Kukle, E. H., Lefson, J. W., Manning, M. E., McDougall, B., Pearce, R. N., Richardson, R. C., Spiers, R. A., Swinton, M. B., Young, D. M. 3rd Class: Beckett, H., Chaplin, A. H., Dowdle, A. P., Fisher, L. H., Haworth, G. H., Hendry, R. R., Lamb, D. G., McKeown, A. J., Miller, M. F., Murgatroyd, L. H., Robb, W.S., Timm, R. G., Winder, J. D., Young, I. C., Parkes, R. A. Appointments School Prefects: E. A. Fearnhead, Head (F.), B. L. Cohen (G.), S. B. A. Longhurst (M.) House Prefects: E. A. Fearnhead, V. C. Milne, J. C. Pettit, P. J. Ryan (F.); B. L. Cohen, N. L. Cross, C. J. Dukes, U. G. Groom (G.); S. B. A. Longhurst, C.C. Groenewald (M.); T. A. Polkinghorne, D. G. Cox, D. F. Perry (J).
Library: W.A. Whitward, D. W.Francis, V. H. Dawes. Bell: H. Beckett. Gestetner: D. Deenlk. Projector: J. C. Pettlt. Chapel Committee: T. A. Polklnghorne, J. C. Pettlt, A. J. Hoad, H. K. TImm. Circulars: D. Perry, C. Foxon. Cricket Captain: U. G. Groom. Rugby Captain: S. B. A. Longhurst. Shooting Captain: J. C. Pettlt. Tennis Captain: P. Court. Drum-Major: G. H Haworth. VALETE 1954 J. J. Alberts (52), H. B. Arney (54). J. S. Barker(49), F. E. S. Borgwardt(50), G. S. Brown (50), J. M. V. Bradshaw (49), D. Beatty (51), J. R. M. Bull (51), G. Bruce(53),C.C. Culllngworth (51),J. M.Copeland (53), B. Colley(54 to Feb.,55), P. K. Daniel (SI), L. Z. Deenlk (51), P. du Tolt (51), L. D. de Vaal (53), C. R. Ellison (51), K. W.Erasmus (52), E. J. Frick (50), H. C. Fraser (49), P. T. Francois (52), J. R. D.Goodrlcke (50), R.T. A.Gray (51), D.W.Harvey(50), P. H. Hewitt (51), J. A. Hunt (51). P. D. Houston (51), R.R. Hendry (54), S. Harwood (53), A. J. E. Howarth (53), P. W. Khaled (48), B. W. King (50), D. L. Kyle (51), B. Lightening (S3), M.E. Mealln (49), M. F. Miller(49 to Easter, 55), R. B. Mcllwralth (50), R. Moffitt (50), R. I. McLeod (51), D. S. Murdoch (51), J. D. Mudie (51), I. McLauchlan (51 to Easter, 55), T. M. Odell (51), S. M. Osier (53), M. PIgg (51), R. N.Pearce(52), F. C. R. Rowe(48), A.D.Rowe(50), P. G.Rodda(49), R. Rlndel (51), D. L. Roberts(51), M. J. N.Simpson (49), P. R. SImklns (51), D. H. Slabbert (54, to Easter, 54), W. G. Schermbrucker (54), D. W. Theunlssen (49), R. F. Tolken (50), J. W.Taylor (51), E.E. Todd (51), D. H. A. Vallntlne (51), T. W. Woodhouse(52), D. M.Young (51), J. H.Chaplin(62 to June, 55), J. A. K. Munro (54 to June, 55), A. R. Spiers(53 to June,55), A. G. Hornby (54), R. Service(54). SALVETE 1955 R. G. Brown (Day, Emberton), N. E. Bayman (Durban), H. Brand (WItzles Hoek),G.J. Colllngwood (Johannesburg), M.D.Cohen (Johannesburg), J. Dacam (Grahamstown),C.D.Gray(Vryheid), M.J. Holme(Johannesburg), R.G. Holmes (EmpangenI), A. D. Kapp (RIvervlew), F. W.Malnzer (Durban), H. E. Middleton (Marltzburg), J. B.Otten (Johannesburg), R.J. Panton (Johannesburg), D.van den Heever(Vryheid), P. H. Arnold (Lusaka), J. G. Brown (Durban), R. Bonella(Day, Botha's Hill), A. E. Bath (Carletonville), N. J. Blackburn (Day, Botha's Hill), P. R. Barnett (Germiston), A. Cantrell (Day, Kloof), D. W.Cross (Marltzburg), J. L. Crookes (Umlaas Road), M. G. Ellis (Kokstad), D. L. B. Evans (Tongaat), T. G. Goodrlcke (Westvllle), J. M. Halnes (Kitwe), J. L. I. Hargreaves(Johannesburg), P. M. Henderson (Kokstad), P. R. H. Jardlne (Durban), C. S. Keen (Bulawayo),G.J. Law(left at Easter,Durban),L. M.Lewin(Sea View),J.S.Lacy(Durban.) R. V. H. Lund (Wlnterton), O. R. Lund (Winterton), N. V. LIddell (Clarens), P. Lacon-Allin (Hill Crest), G.A. Langton (OribI Flats), C. J. Molyneux(Durban), N. MacDonald (Port Shepstone), T. H. Moffett (Marltzburg), M. J. S. MacKay, S. M. Nalson (Durban), L. B. H. Nightingale (GInglndhlovu), D. P. D. Smart (Day, HIM Crest), D. B. Smith (Durban North), J. D. Simpson (Durban North),
M. J. Stewart (Durban North), G. Stead (Durban), T. D. Syminton (Salisbury), J. Stockil (WInterton), P. M. Talmage-Rostron (Westvllle), T. W. Thompson (Verulam),L.H.Turvey(Gouda),A.van der Post(Durban),D.R.Woods(Johannes burg), P. E. A. Watson (Bergvllle), A. L. Walsh (Day, Bothas Hill), C. B. Witherspoon (Westvllle), A. M. Webber (Isipingo), I. G. Wiseman (Umfolosi). CHAPEL NOTES On the first Sunday ofthe second term a service for the Recog nition of New Members was held and we were honoured to have welcomed eighteen boys into full membershiopf the Methodist Church. The Sacrament of Communion was administered during the Service and over 120 members of the congregation knelt in front ofthe Lord's Table in the presence of the whole School. This was indeed an inspiring witness of Faith, and it contributed greatly to the impressiveness of this important Service. We were glad to welcome many parents and friends of the boys most intimately concerned in this occasion. Their presence gave an added warmth and significance that we much appreciated. It was a Service from which all derived encouragement and inspiration. The serving of morning tea afterwards on the lawns in front of the Hall provided our visitors with a welcome opportunity of exchanging greetings with the President and the Headmaster and Staff. We are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. R. Leslie and family of Kloof, who have presented a Baptismal Font to the Chapel in memory of "a beloved son and brother", Roy Leslie (1946-50), who was kilied in a motor-cycle accident in January last year. The Font was dedi cated in a short but impressive ceremony at the beginning of the Sunday morning Service on June 26th and the Leslie family were in the congregation. Mr. Oram, Roy's Housemaster while he was at Kearsney, recalled memories of this happy youngster and paid tribute to his character and his love for the School, and our Chaplain read a prayer of Dedication composed for the occasion. The Font is a beautiful piece of craftmanship and is completely in keeping with the dignity of the Chancel. A notable event of the first term was the visit of the Pinetown Civic Choral Society on the evening of Sunday, March 27th, to sing an abridged version of Handel's Messiah under their conductor Mr. J. van Zyl who also sang the bass solos. The other soloists were Mavis Jackson, soprano; Uriel de Villiers, contralto: Derek Grady, tenor. Mr. Leonard Pearce played the accompaniments on 8
the organ with great artistry and effect. The performance was thoroughly enjoyed and many visitors from the neighbourhood attended. We are very grateful indeed to the ladies and gentlemen who gave us this great pleasure, and we hope that they will be able to visit us again. The opportunity to hear choral singing on the scale of the classical Oratorios certainly ought to appear occasionally in the programme of general cultural education. An innovation this year has been the holding of Congregational practices on two Sunday eveningsaterm. The School has responded well, and several new hymns have been learned, have"caught on" and are now established favourites. Old Boys who read these notes might like to suggest that their own congregations try the following from the Methodist Hymn Book,for they have been very successful here: Nos. 29, 64 and 632. Mr.R.T.Polkinghorne wasone ofour visitors to the Recognition Service mentioned at the beginning of these notes, and his obser vant eye remarked that the vacant space behind the pews had been filled with chairs to accommodate the extra members ofthe congre gation. He thought the chairs looked most unseemly, and asked that twelve additional pews should be ordered at his cost, so that the dignity of the nave should no longer be spoiled on special occa sions. The pews have been ordered and Mr. Polkinghorne's cheque for well over £400 has been received. We are very grateful indeed to him for his generosity and for his care for the interior appearance ofthe Chapel, whose building he originally inspired. Such unaskedfor gifts are a great encouragement to those who are entrusted with the maintenance of the Chapel and the reverence of the worship offered there. ORGAN RECITALS Two Recitals were given each term and some fine music was heard. Attend ances from the School have been disappointing, and it certainly seems a pity that more boys do not avail themselves of the opportunities given them to hear some of the classical and lighter works written for the instrument, as well as the solo and choral singing that have been included in the programmes. February 20th: Mr. G. M.Oram. Prelude and Fugue in G (Bach); A song Of Sunshine (Hollins); Gavotte in D minor (Martini); Postlude on "Hanover" (Hinton); Melody in E and Prelude in C sharp minor (Rachmaninoff). March 13th: Mr Herbert Williams. Fantasia on "St. Anne" (Harris); Prelude on"Crimond"(Rowley); Toccata from Suite Gothique (Beollmann); and with Mrs. Williams at the Piano splendid renderings of Caesar Franck's Symphonic Variations and Handel's Concerto No.4 in F.
May 15th: Mr. J. C. Hodgson (Michaelhouse). Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor (Bach); Caprice in B flat (Guilmant); A Song of Sunshine (Hoiiins); Allegro Marziale (Greenhili). June 12th: Mr. G. M. Oram and the Cookson Armitage Ladies' Choir. Prelude and Fugue in D (Bach); Trumpet Minuet (Hollins); Grand Choeur in D (Guilmant). The Choir gave enjoyable renderings of"My Heart Ever Faithful" and "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"(Bach)and songs by Schubert, Mendelssohn and Handel. THE TEMPEST' The average layman—and your writer is a very average layman —must often wonder why Shakespeare is still a"winner," in face of the competition provided by so many other playwrights, both ancient and modern. His plots are thin and unsubtle, his humour is coarse, there is little "action," and, of course, his language is such that much of what he says is not literally understood. In fact, Shakespeare's plays need to be studied. Any examinee will tell you that after a year of research at a Shakespearian Play he Is perhaps beginning to understand what it all means. At a first reading little sense may be conveyed. There is an impression of grandeur; one admits the magnitude of the brain behind it all; but taken line by line, it is difficult stuff. Yet Shakespeare remains popular as ever, and not merely among the highbrows. It is an interesting theme, not to be pursued here. Of one thing, however, we are certain, and that is that Shakespeare must be be well presented if he is not to be a failure. There can be no half-measures—no improvisations, no insincerity, no tame and unfeeling recitals of words. The language, which so often reads ponderously and unintelligibly, must be brought alive by the fire and vigour of the actors. That is why the heaviest of plays, when put on at the Old Vic, becomes alive and vital. And that is why a school production can be so dismal a failure. Putting on a Shake speare play is always a chancy affair, unless one has perfect confidence in the quality of at least the leading actors. We have seen amateur performances that have been embarrassingly poor and which, we feel sure, the author would not have countenanced. We congratulate our Dramatic Society therefore on tackling Shakespeare again; the more so as the senior school lacks the acting quality so evident last year. The producer, Mr. Glass (and are we to believe that this is the first play he has produced?)spared neither himself nor his cast, and most commendably did all play their part. We are not among those critics who write up everything as"perfect", "unsurpassable" and "flawless", for to write thus is of no value to anyone. But we cannot look back on "The Tempest" and say 10
^^■lll l iiitil ■ lliil€t|p -•—•^• PKRH^S liiililsalll ilillH I i* I ■ ■ SCENE FROM "THE TEMPEST."
wm m m ■ 11 m 1 f m SCENE FROM "THE TEMPEST."
of anything that it had failed; we can only say—and the blame is partly Shakespeare's—that there were one or two difficult and rather static scenes where the language of the speeches was above our heads, and where only actors of the highest professional class could have thoroughly engaged our attention. For the rest—it was delightful. The producer, who strode about on tenterhooks offering private prayer, need not have worried. Itwas a very good show. Congratulations! As in many Shakespearian plays, the success must in some degree depend upon the quality of a central character, and we were most fortunate in having Prospero portrayed by one whose acting is now of professional standard—Mr. Rutherford-Smith. His presence dominated the stage. He projected himself into his part so thoroughly that every unconscious movement was that ofa digni fied elderly man. He never faltered throughout and every emotion came from within himself; nothing was artificial. It was a fine performance. The long scene with Miranda, which reads heavily In the book, was made alive for us and passed almost too quickly— a test of convincing acting. Miranda, so graciously played by Miss Cross, played second fiddle admirably to Prospero, and sighed sweetly in her love for Ferdinand. There were parts In the play which were dUTicult to make *' alive". While the king and his followers were on the stage, one's attention was not held to quite the same degree. At a guess, one would say that Antonio had a part second only in length to that of Prospero—and what an admirable voice he has; but his part was difficult and without action. Alonzo, Sebastian, and Gonzalo were in like category: there was much talking, and good talking, and never a hesitation. But when one looks back, it Is not these characwhom one best remembers. After Prospero we think of Stephano and Trinculo; they provided action and light relief, and some very clever acting. Stephano's reactions to the bottle were almost too real to be completely without experience. We hope he will pursue his acting, if not the bottle. We think of Ariel,—here, there and everywhere. Now too big for his sprightly part, but an obvious choice, for his singing voice. He gave a well-varied and pleasant performance. We think of unhappy and mis-shapen Caliban, ever grovelling and tormented, a piteous creature. We think, too, of Ferdinand—and could there ever have been a more doleful lover? His most passionate speeches would have done credit to the most experienced undertaker. Nor, too, can we forget the light and tripping femininity provided In the Masque by Iris, Ceres, and Juno, so kindly"lent" to us by St. Mary's School. Their speeches we could barely understand, but the Impression was pleasing, and a contrast to friends Caliban and Stephano. 11
There were others, too, but they cannot all be mentioned. Perhaps it Is well to be reminded that stage "props", clothing, lighting and make-up, do not all just"happen There are con structive and guiding hands behind all these things. To Mr. Metcalf, who was O.C.stage, and to Mr. Quarmby, who not only trained the singers but composed all the music himself, we offer our especial congratulations, and to the ladies and others who helped with the clothing and make-up we extend our sincere thanks. We hope that one and all will be on hand again this time next year! J.F.R. Dramatis Personae Alonzo, King of Naples Ferdinand, son to Alonzo Sebastian brother to Alonzo Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan Miranda, daughter to Prospero Antonio, brother to Prospero Gonzalo, honest old Counsellor Adrian \ . . Francisco f Trinculo, a jester Stephano, a drunken butler Moster of the ship Boatswain Mariners Caliban, a savage and deformed slave Ariel, an airy spirit Iris Ceres Juno Spirits attendant on Prospero Stage hands and lighting crew Sets built and painted by Sound Effects Properties PrompterjCall boy Stage Manager Music composed by Producer { Moses Head Cox , Mr. Rutherford-Smith Margaret Cross Milne Longhurst Chalmers McKeown Simpson Parkes Benporath VVinder C Hayward J Black j Foxon TImm Pettit Swinton Bridget Hopkins Barbara Hooker Christabel Harris Homer, Lowe Hayward Mudie, Simpson, Blackburn, Hargreaves, Brown and Gray Voysey, Murray, Robb, Neiems, Chambers, Cunningham Chalmers, Hermanson, Coggin, and the Stage Hands Hayward, Black. Benporath Foxon and Timm Mr. Metcalf Mr. R. Quarmby Mr. Glass Costumes loaned by the Natal Schools Theatre Organisation Spotlights loaned by the University of Natal Dramatic Society The Producers wish to acknowledge with gratitude the valuable help given them by many friends, particularly by the ladles of the Natal Schools Theatre Organisation, without whose efforts the production would not have been possible in its present form. r
DRAMATIC CLUB Interest In the drama during the last half-year has not been confined to our own production of "The Tempest". Fortunate parties of boys were able to see three other Shakespearian plays staged by amateur societies in Natal. At the end of March we saw"Romeo and Juliet" produced by the University of Natal Dramatic Society in Pietermaritzburg. This group has a long history of first-rate achievemenbtehind it, and we were treated to a polished and understanding rendering of Shakespeare's lines, coupled with a fluent movement of the action, both qualities primary to the success of any play. We were pleased to see old boys Denis Roberts and Peter Rodda,who were prominent in last year's"Macbeth"here, with their feet on the bottom rung of the University Society's ladder. May they have further happy associations with the stage there. Another production of quality which we saw was Michaelhouse's"Twelfth Night", a few days after our own"Tempest". Our hardworked cast were able to sitback and watch other school boys in action, and no doubt their criteria were considerably refined by their own recent experience. We all thoroughly enjoyed the production, and, happily, discussion afterwards was brisk and intelligently critical, with free comment on the merits and alleged demeritosf the play. Towards the end of term another party visited Northlands High School in Durban to see their production of "Macbeth". Armchair critics were we all on this occasion, but perhaps better qualified than most after our own toil and travail last year. "Mac beth"is no easy task for an inexperienced society: this was North land's first production, and unhappily they made rather heavy weather of it. As another sign ofthe increasing interest in dramatic work in Natal schools it is, however, to be welcomed with enthus iasm. Those eccentrics among us who consider dramatic productions to be at least as important as any other extra-curricular activity cannot be but delighted at this revival of interest in the stage. For too long has Shakespeare ("by Verity"!) been the schoolboy's anathema; the schoolboy's delight is fast becoming Shakespeare (by schoolboys). All power to this new Renaissance! 13
But...just as every schoolboy has developed keenly critical views on rugby and cricket, and just as every school is dissatisfied atfielding anything butthe very best it can muster on the playgro und, so should no boy and no school be easily put off by anything but the highest standards on the stage. Nothing which is not of the fittest can expect long to survive. It is up to us to try to present plays which will arouse interest and pleasure by their sheer merit. To expect a person to appreciate something because it is"culture" without making manifest its qualities is an attitude we can no longer endure. R. R.-S. KEARSNEY PARLIAMENT OFFICE NAME Hon. Member for speaker J. F. keece Esq. Krugersdorp Deputy Speaker T. A.Poikinghorne Natal(North Coast) Secretary E. S. C.Schreuder Maritzburg (District) Prime.Minister J. T. Giles Beaufort West Leader of Opposition V. H. Dawes Cato Manor Publicity Officer A.J. W.Hoad Humansdorp Deputy Prime Minister and Minister External Affairs S. B. A. Longhurst Windhoek Minister Finance, Commerce and Mines S. Cohen Vereeniging Minister Transport, Posts and Telegraphs N.W.T. Hayward Berlin (E. Prov.) Minister Education, Arts and Science D. Deenik Kroonstad Minister Defence and Labour D.Benporath Rustenburg Minister Health and Social Service J. A. Cunningham Schmidt's Drift Minister Justice C. R. Moses Bioemfontein (Sentraai) Minister Lands, Agriculture and Food J. C.Pettit Wakkerstroom Deputy Leader of Opposition A. R.Schruer Zululand Progrannme llt/i February: Election of Officers 25th February; Government motion, proposed by the Minister of Justice;"That it shall not be a mitigating factor but an aggravating one to be under the influence of alcohol when committing an offence." Motion carried. llth March: Government motion, proposed by the Prime Minister: "That South Africa should be a police-run state." Motion lost. 14
2Sth March: Cross-bench motion, proposed by the Member for Marltzburg Wembley (J. A. H. Lowe): "That the curricula of secondary schools be adapted to prepare pupils purely for their adult occupation." Motion lost. 6th May: Government motion, proposed by the Minister for Education: "That the best interests of African education will be served if the Government takes control of Native Schools." Motion carried. 17th June: Opposition motion, proposed by the Member for Constantia (F. Simpson): "That International Communism is preferable to a third world war." Motion lost. The Parliament has been as well patronised as last year, but the Sixth Form leadership and the quality of speaking has not been comparable with that of a year ago. Nor, as a whole, has there been the maturity of opinion or dignity of procedure. Neverthe less a good following of Fifth and Fourth Formers promises well for the continued success of this Society. Government defeats should have led to their resignation—a course which they refused to follow, on the grounds that the oppo sition were not capable of stepping into their shoes. As usual the Cabinet Ministers were subjected to a barrage of questions, ranging from matters of world-wide momenttothe origin of fingerprints in the evening's butter. These questions were dealt with adequately and firmly. Debating never rose to Ciceronian heights. Most fluent perhaps was the Prime Minister who, however, had a habit of going on, like the brook, and produced a soporific effect. Perhaps the best subject matter, though not the best delivery, came from the Minister of Education in his presentation of the Bantu Education Act. Speakers must realise that they win votes not only by the material in their speeches, but by the fiery and impassioned manner in which they are delivered. There is not much electricity in a lightning-flash, but it can hit uncommonly hard! Nevertheless, the speaker and the listeners are all benefited if the speaker has gone to some pains to find something really worthwhile to say. Unfortunately, the Society's meetings were sadly interfered with by a number of other functions—the S.A.B.C. Concert,"The Tempest",the Free Week End, and then the Examination pressure. This reduced the second term's meetings to two, plus a most inter esting talk by Mr. K. Sutler-Gore, on"Public Speaking". 15
AFRIKAANSE VEREENIGING Al hoewel die jaar met 'n klelner ledetal as gewoonllk begin bet, is ons dankbaar om te kan berig dat hierdie klein bende meer as vergoed bet biervoor deur bulle getroue bywoning van die vergaderings en bul bereid-willigbeid om te v^erk. Ons baal die boed af vir bierdie klein klompie getroues en wil die vurige boop ultspreek dat bulle moeite beloon sal word. Bestuur vir 1955:— President: S. G. Osier, M.A. Vise-Presidente: Mnre. J. W.Storm en G. E. Burger. Voorsitter: B. Coben. V/se-Vbors/tter; G. Green. Sekretaris: D. Deenik. Bykomende Lede: C. Moses en E. Coetzee. Werksaamhede 24 Februarie: Kiesing van nuwe bestuur vir 1955. 4 Maart Debat: ,, Dat die getroude lewe nie te verkies is bo die ongstroude lewe nie." Stemming 14—12 ten gunste van die mosie. 18 Maart Toneellesing: „As die nefie kom kuier." Die deelnemers was: B. Cohen, S. Cohen, D. Benporath, D. Homer en I. Chalmers. 29 April: Debat: „Dat dagskool beter is as kosskool." Stemming 17—4 ten gunste van die mosie. 20 Mei: Onvoorbereide toesprake. 24 Junie: Debat: „Dat dit beter sou wees om blind te wees as doof." Uitslag van stemming gelykop. G. E. B. CHOIR Tbe four sections of tbe cboir are far from balanced, either in quality or in tbe ability to read and memorize parts, witb a result tbat mucb more repetition bas been necessary for tbe altos and basses tban for tbe trebles and tenors. Tbere are a few good voices among trebles and altos;tbe tenors are, by our own standards, tbe best we bave bad for some years; tbe basses bave a sufficient volume of tone, but completely lack confidence and bave no-one to lead tbem. 16
The sacred work has been almost entirely devoted to the very laborious learning of simple hymn-parts. How different It would be if more of the singers could read music. In addition new tunes were learned, with some success, and by the half-year the choir was rendering"Come let us join our cheerful songs"In spirited. If not In fervent, fashion. On the secular side the choir has been chiefly occupied In practising two four-part songs—"Country Gardens" and "The Pilgrim's Chorus". In truth not much to show for two terms' work, but we dare to hope that even the most unmusical are learning something for which, In later years, they will be grateful. PERCUSSION BAND For most part of this term the band has been struggling with one of the Hungarian Dances of Brahms. After the easy-going Minuets and Andantes of the first term,the wild, syncopated gipsy rhythms of Brahms have taken so much rehearsal time that had the performers been members of the Musicians' Union, one feels they would have been on strike long ago! However, If they are not yet playing with quite the rhythm of gipsies, they are playing with abandon, and the bangs, crashes, claps and tinkles, even If they are not always suggestive of Brahms' Hungarian Dances,at least help to give the impression of a Budapest Fair on Market Day. In spite of the above remarks, the writer Is pleased with the performers; they have the honour of being the only school band that has progressed as far as the Hungarian Dances! S.A.B.C. CONCERT On Friday, the 13th of May, we had the great delight ofanother visit from the S.A.B.C. Choir, with Its conductor, Mr. Leonard Pearce. This time their programme was a secular one, given In the School Hall. 17
Something unfortunate had to happen on the 13th, which was also a Friday, and sure enough it did—the iights failed, and when the choir arrived we were parading the grounds with lamps and candles wondering how on earth we were going to provide them with sufficient light to read their words and music. However, by eight o'clock the Hall was looking like an eighteenth century concertroom, and with the aid of two powerful pressure lamps—which almost asphyxiated the basses at the back, but nevertheiess gave good light—the concert was able to take place. We heard fine singing of sea songs, drinking songs, foik songs and ballads but, owing to the heavy stage curtaining, the singing lost the resonance which was so pronounced in the Chapel. Attractive solo songs were given by Miss Joan Hoimes, soprano, and Mr. Louis Kearney, tenor, most beautifully accompanied by Mr. Pearce. The tenor solo, "The Dear Little Girl", was specially enjoyed by the boys and,from their point of view perhaps we shall mention the choir's singing of"The Zulu Warrior" as an encore. The piano solos— Rondo Capriccioso of Mendelssohn and Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu —by Miss Pamela Loudon, also added to the evening's enjoyment. We are grateful to Mr. Pearce and this happy group of musicians; we always look forward to their visits to Kearsney. VIENNA BOYS' CHOIR CONCERT Fifty boys and eleven adults from the school joined 2,000 school children in the City Haii, Durban on the 10th of June,for a matinee performance by the Vienna Boys' Choir. Knowing,from past experience, of the excellence of this choir we left for Durban with high expectations of a full and enjoyable programme. We are sorry to relate that we came back disappointed —some of us, who had not heard this choir before, with an inferior impression of its quality—because, instead of the iong repertoire of delightfui singing, we were given twenty minutes of song and twenty-five minutes of operetta, presented in a spirit which was far from inspiring. How could this have been arranged except by an organisation which was more concerned with the profits than in giving schoolchildren a feast of music to remember? The moral for the future seems to be that if we wish to hear visiting artists and companies giving the best of their art, then we must attend full evening performances—anything is good enough for schools! 18
FINNINGLEY FANTASY We welcomed Mr. Glass back to the fold this year. He spent 1954 at the University of Natal, In Pletermarltzburg, and we con gratulate him on a successful year ofstudy In B.A. Honours In History. In this utilitarian age, It Is good that there are those who still pursue knowledge for Its own sake. (Some few budding mathematics scholars will appreciate the unalloyed joy of the successful solution of a rider. This Is the type of satisfaction the scholar enjoys so richly. A cricketer knows It, too, but In a lesser degree, when he scores a chanceless century or two!) The House prefects this year are Fearnhead, Milne, Pettit and Ryan. In their hands there has been a happy atmosphere pervading Finningley. Some amongst us are still so young, however, that our enjoyment of life must needs be expressed vociferously. Civilised man, a rarity In our times. Is one the tenor of whose way Is marked by a quiet enjoyment and appreciation of life, and a constant appre ciation of the rights, peace and well-being of his fellows. We congratulate"Spud"Ryan on his inclusion In the Natal Schools' XV. He has brought honour to the School and to Finning ley. We are not unappreclative of his modest ways, and rejoice that he has been so rewarded. The House has been well represented In the School first teams. In the academic field we hold our own. It was pleasing that one of our members was awarded five distinctions In the Junior Certificate examination In December last.* We congratulate J. Mudie, of Gllllngham, Dux in 1954. We hope to see this honour return to Finningley In the near future. There has been considerable activity in hobbies amongst the boys. Some very good boats, model yachts and planes and full-scale ski boats and Hawaiian boards(" wine"boards to the boys). We all look forward to the Annual Athletic Sports, this year to be held in September. We trust, too, that the swimming bath will be in commission once more when the weather warms up. We wish Sister Anderson"bon voyage"on her trip to England for a well-earned holiday. We thank her for her constant care of our bodily needs. We have had a fairly good bill of health, and, mercifully, escaped all epidemics. Many boys—probable appren tices to wItch-doctorIng—land themselves in trouble through their attempts to doctor their own cuts and abrasions. When will *R.Tedder,the son of the Finningley Housemaster!—Ed. 19
they learn that these should be attended to at once by Sister's expert hand, not their own grubby one? Mrs. Sambrook will hold the fort during Sister Anderson's absence. To her we extend a hearty welcome. We trust she will find the South African boy a helpful and considerate fellow. Our thoughts and good wishes will be with Mr. Quarmby whilst he Is undergoing treatment In Grey's Hospital early In July. We hope that he will be permanently benefited by It. The"new look" In the dormitories In their pastel shades came as a surprise to the old hands on their return In February. They (the dormitories!) look fresh and restful. Pembroke House Is to be a very near neighbour. The walls are slowly rising. Some not-so-old Old Boys are already remarking on the changing face of Kearsney. We look forward to the time when our House contests will be triangular. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Lecture by Dr. H. Campbell Dr. Campbell was kind enough to come up tothe College on 26th May to give us a lecture on his travels in the interests of research In wild bird-life. He took us with him to the wild, uninhabited St. Kiida Island off the North West coast of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. While showing us some magni ficent coloured slides, he talked about the Island and the birds that are found there,e.g.the Fulmar Petrel,the comical Puffins,the Cormorants and many others. Other facts which he passed on were both amusing and informative. Dr.Camp bell showed us some photographs of the amazing scenery of the Island, one of which was a cliff which rose sheer out of the sea for 1,500 feet, with huge Atlantic rollers, 100 feet or more high, beating against its foot. The second part of the talk took us on an expedition to Inhambane estuary in Portugese East Africa. Dr.Campbell gave us a full description of the country side through which the party travelled. Again the slides of this region were excellent, showing great detail. There were some very picturesque scenes of dhows on the river at Inhambane. These dhows are, in reality, the "taxis" of the area. Dr. Campbell concluded his lecture with some beautiful scenic slides of the East Coast and its peoples. A.F. 20
HIGH-FIDELITY REPRODUCTION People who listeon gramophone records are no longer satisfied with the sound reproduction of the conventional radiogram, and this has brought on to the market new high-fidelity apparatus designed to eliminate much of the dis tortion of the old-style equipment and provide the listener with considerably more realism. On 7th May, by the kind offices ofone of Kearsney's neighbours.Col. KnightsTrench, the school was given a demonstration of the latest high-fidelity record player and also of a first-rate tape recorder. Earlier in the day recordings were made in the Chapel of organ music played by Mr. Gram and a piano solo by A. Hoad. These were played tothe School in the evening and were notable for their clarity and realism. Mr. Peter Barnett gave a most interesting short talk tracing the history of gramophone development from the earliest cylindrical records, through the conventional wax discs played on the horn-style gramophone and the domestic radiogram, up tothe present day long-playing records reproduced on the highfidelity equipment. All this was excitingly illustrated by a wide variety of recordings oforchestral music, ballet music,and swing. The enthusiastic response with which this last was greeted served also to illustrate the depth to which musical appreciation has sunk under the influence of commercial radio pro grammes. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY For the most part of the second term conditions were good and some mem bers of the society made frequent visits to the observatory. A fair number of star clusters were observed including Omega Centauri which is one of the most magnificent sights to be seen in the southern sky— in fact in the whole sky. The moon has had more than its fair share of attention, but nothing further has been seen of the bridge on the edge of Mare Crisium. Some attention has been paid to Jupiter,and during recent weeks Saturn has been in a veryfavourable position, reaching the meridian about nine o'clock. The ring system is now more open and the planet presents a very beautiful picture when conditions are good, which is, however, not as often as one would imagine from the appar ently clear winter sky. Towards the end of the term the observatory has resounded to the bang of hammers and the splash of cement as extensive repairs have begun. A new floor is half laid and new furniture has been planned by a few enthusiasts. A. H.and L. F. 21
CRICKET Polio precautions again restricted all cricket matches throughout the Natal Schools, and only at the end of the term was it possible to arrange any fixtures. However,the teams practised with marked enthusiasm, and great deeds of skill were witnessed in the cake matches, which were won easily by Gillingham, who annexed the cakes and the Inter-house Cricket Trophy. We again had the enthusiastic assistance of Mr. Roy McLean, and we are indebted to him for all the time he gives to the boys' cricket. We should like to congratulate him on his brilliant Test century at Lords. With the ban on inter-school games,the 1st XI concentrated on preparing for the Michaelmas tour of the Grahamstown district. M. F. Miller was appointed Captain of the Cricket, and after he left, early in the first term, U.G. Groom,the vice-captain, was appointed to fill the vacancy. He has done his duties quietly, and very well, and is building the eleven into a sound team. D. E. Perry is vicecaptain, and the committee includes C. J. Dukes and M. N. W. Hulett. The polio ban was lifted on the 24th March, and on the 26th, the 1st XI journeyed to Eston for a game against the local side. Groom won the toss and elected to bat. The Kearsney batsmen certainly made up for their earlier inactivity and, after two hours. Groom declared the innings closed at lunch at 218 for 7 wickets. Groom, Hulett and Brazier were deceived by the pace ofthe wicket, but Perry, Murray, Groenewald, Dukes and Longhurst all batted very well. The Eston C. C. innings started badly, and never recovered. Longhurst, bowling with considerable speed, and ably supported by Brazier at the other end, and very keen fielding, soon dismissed the Eston team for 59. Eston followed on, and only Dukes, with a whirlwind innings, had any success. Ryan bowled very well in the second innings. After Eston's second dismissal, their captain suggested that the Kearsney team bat for the remaining hour. The batting order was changed to allow the middle batsmen to have the practice, and they well and truly seized the opportunity. 216 runs were scored in the hour, and the soundest batting came fromJM. Hulett and G. Groom. Ryan had a very hectic 25 minutes. The Junior teams of the school had what practice the weather permitted, and the polio restrictions prevented the holding of matches. 22