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Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 4, No. 5 July, 1957 EDITORtAL We have nov/ had eighteeynears at Botha's Hill. We also had eighteen years at the "old school ". This is therefore a unique moment in the school's life. Although in that brief time our numbers have increased from 12 to 320(thanks to the progressiveness of Headmaster and Board) let there never be any disparagement of the years spent up the North Coast. They v^ere precious years, where a solid foundation was laid for the later edifice. We had so sound a start that we have been able to do a good deal of coasting since. As one who lived through those days, I can see in retrospect some of the characteristics which gave the school, small though it was, the right to be called Great. Let us consider them,for they are the essence of any good school. First of all, there was dignity. Although we lived in isolation and enjoyed a"happy family"life, the family never led to familiarity. Staff maintained a dignity which kept them just sufficiently above the boys—for no boy wants a master to come to his level. Prefects cherished the dignity of their position, and by their behaviour and approach to their responsibilities, automatically secured respect from the rest of the school. Seniors likewise demanded, and got, obedience and regard from juniors. There was harmony. Friction In so small a place would have been fatal. The family lived in unity and concord, and I cannot think back on any incident which caused pain or irritation. Life was relaxed. There was discipline. Rules were imposed for the well-being of the society. Staff and boys respected them. Rules which are kept by some and can be disregarded by others are no longer rules. To allow this, destroys unity in a school. So one and all, old and young, respected the rules which were made, and never thought to do otherwise. 210

Christian Fellowship, At a small school, the example set by Staff and senior boys will readily be followed, and we were always fortunate in having among the most influential boys some of highly developed Christian character. The examples thus set were handed down from age to age. The value of such leadership cannot be overestimated, for, when a boy looks up to another, he will Imitate him. There was Beauty. There was a beauty about the surroundings which today one can hardly imagine. We lived among flowers, flowering shrubs and ornamental trees. Bougainvllleas, azaleas, golden shower, roses, yesterday-today-and-tomorrow, poinsettlas, cassias, franglpani, hibiscus, hydrangeas, salvias, petreas, pride of India—they were endless—flooded the grounds with colour and scent. There was loveliness on every hand. In brief, my main Impressions of those days are: Dignity which created respect; friendship that never led to familiarity; harmony within and beauty without. On these qualities was Kearsney founded. On these qualities we must face the third phase of our existence, which extends Into the unforeseeable future. OUR FOUNDER One hundred years ago on May 29th, Liege Hulett arrived in South Africa in the"Lady Shelbourne ". He was the last of the Huletts of Gillingham, Kent, the only son of an only son. He settled on the North Coast of Natal, where he tried his hand at arrowroot, coffee, and then tea. Later on he started the sugar Industry in South Africa, and it is this industry for which he and his family are best famed. He married a Miss Balcomb, and, as his family grew, so they built for themselves Kearsney House, which afterwards was to become Kearsney College. In this home grew up the children whom we later knew as Mrs. Clayton, Mr.Albert Hulett, Mr. Willie Hulett, Mr. George Hulett, Mr. Horace Hulett, Mr. James Hulett, Mr. Edward Hulett, and Mrs. Strapp. As these sons and daughters married, so they moved away from the central home and built homes for themselves in the neighbourhood. Lady Hulett died during the First World War, and Kearsney House became vacant. It was in 1921 that Sir Leige conceived the Idea of turning it Into a school, and so. In 1921, began the small establishment (twelve boys, most of them Huletts) which has blossomed forth so abundantly. Sir Liege passed away in 1928 at the age of 90, but his family remained good friends of the school. Members of Staff, and some211

times boys, were Invited on Sundays to the neighbouring and very lovely homes, where they were treated with the old-world dignity and courtesy which has almost disappeared from the modern age. Lunch on Sundays, bridge parties, tennis—these memories persist. Sir Liege's family were also long-aged, but the inexorable hand of Time hascalled them away, and now only Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hulett remain of Sir Liege's own children. We remember them all with affection. The next generation provided much of the school's first personnel. They too are now middle-aged, and their sons have been to Kearsney or are with us still. Four full generations have passed. So the School has always had its strong link with our Founder, whose photograph graces the wall of our dining hall. He gave us our name and many friends. Now his family have celebrated the centenary of his arrival, and we understand that about 130 members assembled for the occasion at Compensation. It must have been a historic reunion. The spirits of the past must have pervaded the groups as they intermingled. We pay tribute to a great family. For the following information about the life of Sir James Liege Hulett we are indebted to Mrs. Willie Hulett, of Compen sation, who has produced a long-needed booklet telling of the life and career of our Founder. 1838 James Liege Hulett born, in Sheffield. 1857 Sailed to South Africa. Employed by a Durban chemist. 1858 Bought land near Veruiam. 1859 His father and mother came out to join him. 186! Married Mary Balcomb. 1862 Bought land north of the Umvoti River, which he named Kearsney, after Kearsney Abbey, near Sheffield. 1880 First tea planted. 1880 Made Justice of the Peace, and was Acting Magistrate of Stanger. 1883 Elected to Legislative Council. 1884 First tea crop, 200 acres. 1887 Was instrumental in having Zuiuland amalgamated with Natal. 1889 First tea factory built. 1891 Began to plant sugar cane. 1892 Firm of"J. L. Hulett and Co." formed, with capital of £50,000. 1899 Raised capital from England to have North Coast railway line extended to Stanger, and later to Somkeie. 1901 Narrow gauge line from Stanger to Kearsney opened. 1902 Was a member of the party to represent Natal at the Coronation of King Edward VII. Was knighted. 1904 Built Manor House, Durban. 1906 Darnail sugar mill built. 1908 Amatikulu sugar mill built. 1909 Feiixton sugar mill built. 1910 Represented South Africa at the Coronation of King George V. Golden Wedding. 212

1911 Hulett's Refinery at Rossburgh opened. 1915 Death of Lady Hulett. 1918 Sir Liege retired from politics and business. 1921 Founded KEARSNEY COLLEGE, in his old home. 1928 Died, in June, at the age of 90. Was buried in the cemetery at Kearsney. Long may we honour his memory SCHOOL NOTES We welcome two new men to our Staff this year. Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp comes to us as school chaplain, in place of Rev. J. V. Cantrell, and spends two full mornings teaching Biblical Knowledge and one evening with Fellowship classes. He comes after a short ministry in Pietermaritzburg and is proving a most agreeable companion and thoughtful teacher. We trust that he and his family will have many happy years in this Circuit. Mr. K. Fish comes from Healdtown, where he has been engaged in African work for some years, and is teaching principally geo graphy. He soon settled down and has given useful help with sport, as well as coming on to the preaching plan. He and Mrs. Fish and two young daughters are living in the cottage adjacent to Milner House, which he has bought from Miss Johnson. We also welcome to the hill-top Rev. and Mrs. le Grove Smith and son Tony. Mr. le Grove Smith is a past President of Conference, is currently President of the Methodist Historical Association, and was for some years our school chaplain. We are glad to have him back in our midst, and to see him at our services. We congratulate our assistant Art Mistress, Miss Garland, on her marriage to Kearsney Old Boy, B. G. Hagemann. The latter is constructional engineer working on the Natal main road, and he and wife are now living at Botha's Hill. In the second term of the year Mr. and Mrs. Nel took a wellearned long leave, and Pembroke House was efficiently taken over for the period by Mr. Viljoen. We regrehtaving to say farewell to an old and well-tried friend, Mrs. Goldman. Mrs. Goldman has provided us with our daily bread, and other daintier items, for eleven years—the least envied job in the school. From crack o' dawn till well into the evening she has busied herself with the unenviable taskoffeeding hundreds of hungry, and often unappreciative, schoolboys. The strain has 213

finally told on her health—clearly too great a task for one woman only. Mrs. Goldman slipped away unostentatiously at the end of June, requesting that there be no"farewells but the good wishes of all went with her,and we shall be eager to learn of her later move ments. In the meantime she has been granted full pay for six months' leave and we hope she will enjoy the well-earned rest. Mr. P. Metcalf had a long enforced absence from school in mid year, owing to severe sinus trouble. He underwent a serious operation which was followed by severe complications and much pain. We sincerely trust that by the beginning of August he will be fully recovered, and all the fitter for being rid of trouble which has affected him for some years. Mr. R. H. Matterson is taking a six-months' holiday in England, and, although he has now sold his house, hopes to settle in the Botha's Hill area on his return. We wish to congratulate: Mr. and Mrs. P. Metcalf on the arrival of Susan in January. Mr. and Mrs. L C.Tedder on becoming our first grandparents: their son Alistair is proud father of a daughter. D. Pike and R. Simpson on obtaining University Bursaries for the J.C., both coming within the first 20 in the country. This is the first time that two of our boys in one year have attained this distinction. D. Homer on coming second in the Hofmeyr Memorial Speech Contest in Durban, speaking on "Freedom and Law ". We offer our sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkinswhose home was ransacked during the Easter holidays. Vandals broke in, stole all clothing, jewellery and money they could find, lit fires on the furniture and smashed cupboards and drawers with axes. This was a shocking piece of deliberate destructiveness, and one of several burglaries of similar nature in this area. The playing fields have now been officially named. Firstly there is the Smith Oval, for cricket and athletics only. The top field nearer the tennis courts is now the Matterson Field, and the far one the Observatory Field; the nearer one below, on which the First Team matches are now played, is the Stott Field, and the smaller one beyond it is known as the Junior Field. We have to thank two generous donors for two large trophies for Inter-House Competitions. Mr. and Mrs. Parkes have presented the"Parkes Trophy for Academic Achievement", and an Old Boy, V. Collingwood, has presented the "A. H. Smith Sports Trophy". These trophies now stand in prominent positions in the Dining Hall against the names ofthe winning Houses. We are very grateful. 214

The polio threat which now recurs annually and causes so much dislocation of sporting activities has, we hope, been minimised for the future by the injection of practically the whole school with antipolio vaccine. Older Old Boys will be grieved to learn of the death of an old friend, Mr. Charlie Jackson. His cheery voice used to be heard atall school functions, especially matches, in the days of old; he was almost a part of the school. We offer our sympathies to his widow, family, and brothers. We hear: That the year began with the rumour that an eligible bachelor on the Staff had slipped into double harness. To our disappointment this proved untrue. That a boy bumped into an iron pillar during late prep and woke up to find himself several miles away, at Winston Park, in pouring rain. That somebody threw a duster at an inattentive boy and hit his neighbour on the head. More fielding practice needed. That with so many snakes in captivity in the Wild Life room, frogs, rats, mice and lizards have wisely left the district. That although for some inexplicable reason the school is notice ably short of high class rugby players, in all age groups, the spirit is good and we are learning to believe that"after all, it's the game that matters ". That the Old Boys' Club has bought a plot ofground near J unior House and hope to build a squash court for the school and club-house for themselves. We wish them luck with their fund-raising, and thank them. That the need for a Hall, acoustically perfect, becomes more and more evident, with every play or concert or lecture. The Dining Hall is cold and un-intimate,and Chapel acoustics are bad. The main deterrent is a small matter of £ s. d. That a Music Block would also be a great asset. Pianos are scattered about the school at present. A central point for practising, singing and for intimate concerts is desirable. The Annual Prefects' Dance was held on June 22nd, with a approximately 80 couples participating. Much thought and care had gone, as usual, into converting the Dining Hall into a dance hall and the evening was a great success. But we must not omit to thank the"Back Room Girls"—wives of the Staff who spent many laborious hours cutting up sandwiches and preparing fruit salad. 215

STAGE PROSCENIUM The new proscenium to the stage, adding greatly to the attraction of the hall, was financed through the efforts of the wives of the Staff, to whom our deep thanks are due. Income was derived from: Morning Market £47 8 10 Jumble Sale 77 19 6 £125 8 4 Cost of the framework was £103. The balance of income is to be added to the proceeds of a further jumble sale, and with this it is hoped to buy a really good pair of curtains. Mrs. Osier, convener of the committee, wishes to thank all parents and friends who sent donations or left jumble, much of it anonymously. Their interest and help is greatly appreciated. CHAPEL NOTES Our new Chaplain, the Rev. Victor Bredenkamp, B.A., came to us at the beginning of the year. His welcome in these Notes can be all the more hearty and sincere as we have had time to get to know him and he to know us also. It is not easy to take up a post such as this when we are still in fairly close touch with its two immediate predecessors,and they men whom we still regard with affection and esteem, but each man brings his own approach to the work, and there is no doubt that Mr. Bredenkamp will make a contribution of distinction and value to both the spiritual and the general life of the School. His very great earnestness, coupled with his genuine understanding of human nature of all ages, will ensure not only fruitfulness in his work with us but also affection for him in our hearts and we hope he will have a long and happy stay with us. At the end of the First Term we were honoured to have a visit from the President of the Conference, the Rev. William lllsley. He gave us a stimulating address in Chapel, and included in it some vivid sidelights on his work at Moroko Mission. Afterwards the Staff had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. lllsley at morning tea in the Common Room. 216

A distinguished visitor during the Second Term was the Rev. Dr. Lowell Atkinson of the First Methodist Church, Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.A. A man ofgreat charm of personality and humour, we were sorry that his visit was such a brief one, for he and his gracious wife had to hurry on to Maritzburg for other visits there. The acoustics of the Chapel have been worrying the Chapel Committee for some time, as there havebeen complaints that those sitting in the back pews do not find it easy to hear. Various remedies have been suggested, but at present we are trying a new position for the pulpit. This has been moved forward so that it now stands on the side between the choir and the nave pews. The hearing is reported to be better, but the position is not really satisfactory in other ways. It may be possible to try a canopy over the pulpit in its original position, and if that is not effective, the installation of a loudspeaker system will be considered. Organ Recital. March lOt/?; Toccata and Fugue in D minor (Bach); Canzone (Guilmant); Andantino in D Flat(Lemare). Mr. G. M. Oram. May 26th: Fugue in C Minor (Bach); Solemn Melody( Walford Davies): Two Marches (Grieg). Mr. G. M. Oram. June 23rd: Mr. J. Riley (of Michaelhouse); Sonata No. 4 (Rheinberger); Trumpet Minuet (Jeremiah Clark); March in A (Chouveaux). During July, two stops will be added to the organ, a Fifteenth that will give brilliance to the Great Organ and a Tuba Minor, a solo stop useful for giving a lead. For both these stops we have to thank the generosity of the late Mr. A. H. Smith. EXAMINATION RESULTS Matriculation. First Class: D. P. Black, S. Cohen, D. Deenik, C. R. Moses (Mathematics), A. R. Schruer, M. D. W. Silburn, J. R. Tedder (Physical Science, Latin). Second Class: P. I. Baynash, D. W. Benporath, J. J. Bentley, A.C.Gage,J. M.Haines,A.Henderson,A.J. W.Hoad,M,E. Manning, B. McDougall, B. G. P. Murray, J. M. Nelems, G. J. Otter, D. H. Perry, R. C. Richardson, P. R. Russell, J. B. Sheasby, F. S. Simpson (Physical Science), H. K. Timm. 217

Third Class: B. S. Chambers, C. C. Foxon, D. G. Lamb, W.S. Robb, M. B. Swinton. School Leaving Certificate. Second Class: E. H. Besson, H. R. Joubert, R. W. Voysey. Third Class: E. H. Kukle, R. A. Parkes, R. G. Timm, J. D. Winder. Junior Certificate. First Class: L. A. Allen, R. G. Brown, P. C. Coleman, J. V. Crewe, W. M. Giles, C. D. Gray, C. P. Jewitt, R. A. Johnston, N.M. McDonald,P.W.Mudie,D.L. Pike,P. J. Reece, R.W.Si mpson, J. G.Syminton, P. M. Talmage-Rostron, R. G. Williams. Second Class: J. M. Barns, C. D. Bate, M. J. T. Bryan, D. J. Cogen, J. J. Dowdle, I. J. S. Evans, B. W. T. Forbes, A. C. Kapp, L. M.Lewin,C.J. Molyneux, M.A. Moon,W.L. Pfuhl, B. S. Roberts, M. J. Storm. Third Class: I. A. Bjorkman, C. M. Blackburn, E. L. Coetzee, G. J. Collingwood, J. B. Dacam,T. N. Dewis, M. J. Don-Wauchope, M. G. Ellis, M. I. Gillies, A. J. Home, J. A. W. Kelly, F. C. Massam, T. H. Moffett, S. M. Nalson, G. R. Newlands, J. R. Panton, H. W. Thomas, D. A. Vogt, D. A. Wade, R. L. Whipp, C. B. Witherspoon. University Bursaries (within first 20 in the country): D. L. Pike, R. W. Simpson. Provincial Bursaries: J. V. Crewe, W. M. Giles, C. P. Jewitt, D. L. Pike, P. J. Reece, R. W.Simpson, R. G. Williams. APPOINTMENTS Head Prefect: D. V. Thompson (G). School Prefects: D. V. Thompson (G), R. N. Hagemann (F), J. V. Rodseth (P), M. N. W. Hulett (J). House Prefects: (G) N. G. Poikinghorne, R. J. L. Edwards, N. Pike. (F) C. M. Downle, D. G. Spargo, J. Shave. (P) A. P. Dowdle, D. B. Homer, D. W.Cross, I. M. Chalmers (Library). (J) P. H. Immelman, M. J. Wepener. Cricket Captain: M. N. W. Hulett. Rugby Captain: D. V. Thompson. Tennis Captain: M. N. W. Hulett. Drum-Maior: R. J. L. Edwards. Swimming Captain: D. G. Spargo. 218

PARKES(ACADEMICS)TROPHY Mid-year Exams 1. Gillingham 49- 1% 2. Pembroke 46-9% 3. Finningley 46-8% LEADING SCORERS Via Finningley Robbins, R. J 63 Form Average 51-4 VIb Spargo, D. G 41 Form Average 35-2 Va Reece, P. J 6! Form Average 53-3 Vb Colllngwood, C. J 37 Form Average 32-6 IVa Stokoe,T.C 61 Form Average 57 IVb V. Rooyen, P. G. 48 Form Average 43 IVc Harvey, M. G 42 Form Average 35 Ilia Cantreii, A. C 80 Form Average 65 nib Blackburn, N. J 54 Form Average 43 lllc Osborne, R 53 Form Average 40-2 llld Holmes, R. G 49 Form Average 30-7 lla Griffiths, O.L 70 Form Average 63-5 lib Gray, K. W 57 Form Average 51 I Wood,M 72 Form Average 56-4 Gillingham Polklnghorne, N. G 51 Form Average 46-5 Lefson, A. W 43 Form Average 35-5 Simpson, R. W 73 Pike, D 70 Form Average 56 Witherspoon, C. B 42 Form Average 38-4 Mulraney, J. C. 64 Form Average 59-1 Webb,T. M 49 Form Average 46-3 Bishop, P. A.T 39 Form Average 37 Lund, R. V. H 67 Form Average 55-7 Walter, J. D 58 Form Average 42 Bonella, R. 44 Form Average 36-7 Mathlson, A. R. 42 Form Average 32-6 Zurcher, A. F 73 Form Average 58-7 Price, J. A.L 56 Form Average 45-1 Watson,D 84 Form Average 59-7 Pembroke Chalmers, I. M. 67 Form Average54-6 Dowdle, A. P. 41 Form Average 35-3 Coieman, P. C 59 Form Average 51-2 Dickinson, J. P 47 Form Average 35-4 Chalmers, A. N 73 Form Average 58-2 Home,C.A 52 Form Average 42-6 Dowdle,S. P 50 Form Average 33 Williams, G.P .81 Form Average 58-7 Kamstra, R. S 62 Form Average 45-7 Lacon-Allin, P 51 Form Average 45-2 Stacey, J. M. 37 Form Average 34-7 Meyer, A.P. 76 Form Average 60-6 Gebbie,J 61 Form Average 50 Von Maltitz, E 80 Form Average 59-4 219

FINNINGLEY PHANTASY There is litttleo record this half-year. Because of the poliomyelitis restriction the Annual Sports are postponed to the end of the third term. Swimming was re stricted. In fact, many found time to hang heavily. Few know the delights of an enthralling book and took little advantage of the extra hours they might have spent with Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Biggies, the Three Musketeers, David Copperfield and many others. The Rugby season is in full swing. We have had more than our share of injuries this term. Is this due to the restrictions put upon games in the Summer terms? It is to be hoped that next Summer a more normal games programme may be followed. Nearly all boys in the school will have had the anti-polio injections, so that the restriction would appear to be unnecessary in future. Our prefects this year are R. N. Hagemann, Head of Finningley, C. M. Downie, J. Shave and D. G. Spargo. They have controlled the House well. The happy atmosphere here is in no way dimin ished. We have, however,a small core of boys who get into trouble, some of them in ways that reflect credit neither upon themselves nor upon Finningley. There is a false set of values some of them subscribe to. Absolute honesty, courtesy to, and consideration for others are the marks ofa gentleman. Eisewhere in this magazine will be seen the achievements of our fellows last year in the Junior Certificate and Matriculation Examinations. We rejoice with those who did themselves justice. Weare always pleased to have visits from Old Boys ofFinningley. Amongst those who have called in this year are Fearnhead, Ryan, Parkes and Winder (both also of Pembroke), Fraser Simpson, Hunt, Mark, Mellows(on his way to join his first ship),the Newlands brothers (Joe I and Joe II), Roberts, Rodda and H. Timm. All will be pleased to hear that Fraser Simpson, though still in calipers, is making good progress. He, with many others, was injured in an accident when returning from his first weekend leave from the Naval Gymnasium, Saldhana Bay. He has had a bad time, but he faced up to it with the courage and all the cheerfulness we should expect of him. As usual Mrs. Sambrook takes great care of us all. We thank her for her patience and understanding. We are sad to have to say goodbye to Mr. Oram who has been so much happier as a Finningley flea than he ever was as a Gillingham gentle. Mr. Glass now has his study, and does history to music. Mr. Quarmby fills the House, when the spirit moves him, with melody. 220

Mr. and Mrs. Tedder are now grandparents. Old Boys will be relieved to know that the grandchild cannot be another"Jake she will not grow up to plague your children and grandchildren. It is whispered that our Housemaster and Mrs. Tedder subscribe heartily to the Chinaman's dictum,"To become a grandparent is the happiest state of man." KEARSNEY PARLIAMENT Office SPEAKER DEPUTY SPEAKER .. , CLERK PRiME MINISTER .. . LEADER OF OPPOSITION PUBLICITY OFFICER .. . GOVERNMENT: Dep. Prime Minister, External Affairs Finance, Commerce and Mines Transport, Posts and Telegraphs Education, Arts and Science Defence and Labour Health and Social Services Justice Lands, Agriculture and Food Native Affairs OPPOSITION: Deputy Leader Programme. February 8tb: February 15th; February 22nd: March 22nd: OFFICERS Name Constituency J. F. Reecc Roodepoort A. E. Hooper Harrismith F. Massam Mooi River P. W.Mudie Muden D. B. Homer Hermanus B. S. Roberts Robertson D. L. Pike Pietersburg L. M. Lewin Leopoidsville B. G. Williams . Willowvale W.Giles . Grahamstown D.J. Cogen Colesburg C. S. Meyer Margate J. V. Crewe . Creighton J. Dacam Durban North Colenso L. H. Fisher Freetown J.J. Dowdle Donnybrook C. M. Downie Doonside M.S. Mayne Mahamba J. G.Syminton Sophiatown P. M.Taimage Rostron Tongaat D. H.Thresher Thorneville J. M. Barnes Bergville Election of Officers. Motion: "That this House has no Confidence in the Government". Proposed by the Leader of the Opposition. Opposed by the Prime Minister. Continuation of No Confidence Motion. Motion Carried. Motion: "That the Native of South Africa Should Have Full Democratic Rights ". Proposed by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. Opposed by the Deputy Prime Minister. Motion Carried. 221

May 3rd; Motion: "That South Africa Should Become a Republic". Proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister. Opposed by the Hon. Member for Sophiatown. Motion lost. Moy 17th: Motion: "That the Senate Should be Abolished ". Proposed by Minister for Transport, Posts and Telegraphs. Motion carried. June 14th: Motion: "Thatthe Indians Should be Repatriated ". Proposed by Minister for Education, Arts and Science. Opposed by Hon. Member for Sophiatown. Motion Lost. Finding ourselves almost completely deserted by the Sixth Form, who should have given the lead, we were very dubious about the success of this year's Parliament. These fears have proved illfounded, for the Fifth Form, in spite of lack of experience, have shown a keen interest in debate and in politics. Sixth Form stalwart, D. Homer, leader of the opposition, represented us at the Hofmeyr Memorial Speech Contest in Durban and came second, being the only speaker to bring any light relief into an otherwise rather grim evening! Prime Minister Mudie has a keen political sense, but will not become a great speaker until we can hear what he says. Others, such as Crewe, Talmage-Rostron, Williams, Fisher and Pike are showing considerable promise, Syminton is a real deskthumping demagogue and Massam is a competent Clerk. Silent cross-benches will gradually thaw, we hope, as the weather warms up Question Time is always of great interest, liveliness and benefit. Opposition members, ever ready to disconcert their Cabinet opposites, are primed with questions of wide political moment (or, sometimes,of very local importance): to answer these properly involves a close study of their Cabinet responsibilities, and there is no doubt that interest in politics is genuinely being sponsored. Are we begetting future Parliamentarians? We welcomed a party of girls from St. Mary's on June 14th, who came to listen, not to participate, it was a routine meeting, but our visitors expressed delight over the experience. We hope soon to send a team to St. Mary's for a proper debate. We are very grateful to Mr. K.Sutler-Gore of the Durban City Parliament,for his offer of a Floating Trophy, to be awarded to the boy who,in the opinion ofthe Speaker, made the best Parliamentary speech of the year. A point of interest. A close study of the numerous school magazines received from South Africa and England reveals that we are apparently the only school to run its Debating Society on Parliamen tary lines. May we recommend it! 222

AFRIKAANSE VERENIGING Op die eerste vergadering,gehou op 14 Februarle, Is die volgende bestuur vir 1957 gekies:— Voorsitters: Mnre. G. E. Burger en J. W.Storm. Vise-Voorsitter: L. H. Fisher. Sekretaris: D. B. Homer. Bykomende Lede: A. Hooper, J. Bobbins, A. Kapp en E. Gieseler. Die volgende program is gedurende die eerste halfjaar afgehandel:— I Maart: Debat: „Dat spoke en bygelowe waar is." 29 Maart: Debat: ,,Dat die wetenskaplike ontwikkelings van die afgelopveyftig jaar tot groter nadeel as voordeel van die mens was." IS Maart: Lesings: Die volgende sprekers het lesings gelewer:— B. G. Williams: „Die ruimte en hoe ons dit probeer oorwin." J. Xyminton: „Vliegtuie." J. Dacam : „Skaapboerdery." R. Whipp: „Die ontdekking van Amerika deur die Vikings." 10 Mei: Boeklesing deur die Voorsitter: G. E. Burger. 24 Mei: Debat: „Dat professionele sport In Suid-Afrika verbied moet word." G.E.B. CHOIR The primary function of a choir is, of course, to lead the singing in Chapel. Were this its sole function, the result would be more satisfying—but the programme would be stiflingly dull. As usual, little more is accomplished in the first six months than drilling the new choir into shape, but always with the school concert or carols in view. These function are essential for enthusiasm and purposiveness. After the performance and enthusiasm of last year, the singers this year have been listless and relatively voiceless. They have lacked drive and interest, and only in preparing the "Gloria" 223

was any liveliness shown. Singing in Chapel has been poor, some trebles not really making any effort. Strictly speaking, there is not enough practice time available for the quintuple task of teaching the reading of music, drilling the choir into a unit, preparing hymns, learning secular songs, and preparing the occasional anthem. A full lesson daily is really required,instead of virtually only one session a week. J.F.R. The singing in the lower school can seldom have been as poor as It has been during the first half of this year. It is disturbing to find that out of such a large number of new boys there are so few with singing voices at an age when one expects an abundance, and more disturbing still to find that the majority have had little or no instruction in this almost natural medium of expression. This, apart from making it difficult to fill the many vacant places in the treble section of the choir, has had its effect on the school singing in general, especially in Assemblies and Chapel Services where little sound, except for much coughing and nose-blowing, has been forthcoming from the front benches. However, the choir has been held together by older members and, considering the number of passengers it carries in the treble section—those who haven't good voices and those who have but are too lazy to use them—has done quite well. It was occupied during the first term with parts of the "Peasant Cantata"of Bach, and in the second with "Gloria in Excelsis" (performed at Westville Methodist Church),"Holy City","Soldiers Chorus"from "Faust"and a harmonized version of"Swazi Warrior". R.Q. MUSIC SOCIETY The Music Society this year has been limited to about twelve members, all of whom manage to squeeze into Mr. Quarmby's study on Sunday nignts after chapel. We have had a most interesting and varied time during the past two terms,soaking in the impressive music of great composers. Pride of place has been taken by the concerto form, and four of the five piano concertos of Beethoven were heard during the second term. A few of us were fortunate enough to go to Durban to hear Paul Badura-Skoda playing a concerto with the orchestra in the City Hall. We were all dazzled by his magnificent performance. A couple of weeks later, Mr. Penney kindly demonstrated the hi-fi apparatus which he himself constructed at his home. Never have 224

we heard such outstanding range and clarity in record reproduction. We tender our thanks to Mr. Penney for spending such a great deal of time on us, and also to Mrs. Penney who so hospitably entertained us. At the final meeting of the second term, several talented members provided us with piano solos, works for two pianos and songs. We are all extremely grateful to Mr. Quarmby for the use of his study for our meetings, andfor his enthusiasm which has so ably kept the society alive. C.COGGIN YACHT CLUB The enthusiasm of the members has been very pleasing and has led to some useful model boat building and even the construction of two international 14' 9" Finns. The members have all helped greatly with these projects from which they have derived much pleasure and experience. Early in the year we had a lecture by Mr. Crambe and Mr. Charlie Cole who brought up some model yachts and showed us how to set about building these. Following on this visit Mr. Osier managed to obtain a number of hulls in various stages of completion and this stimulated a great deal of interest. Mr.Stanley Raaff, hearing of this, gave us sets of sails and many accessories to enable us to complete these boats. Our other lecture was a talk on sailing by Mr. Pearson. He outlined the progress of navigation down the centuries and then went on to give us some valuable tips on sailing. After this the club was divided into sections and senior members taught these ropes and rigging, the parts of a yacht and the rules of sailing and racing. The practical work which interested all was the building of the Finns by J. Shave and R. Hagemann. Though time-consuming the moulded hull construction was most effective. These two boats were taken to the Hobbies Fair and groups ofboys actually worked on them each day during the Fair. This proved a great attraction. Special mention must be made of Nigel Stott's successes in the Point Yacht Club and Royal Natal Yacht Club Races this season with his Finn"Frean ". He tied for 3rd place for the season with four firsts to his credit. A splendid effort for his first season, especially when one remembers he wascompeting with men. H. BOUMAN, Commodore. 225

WILD LIFE SOCIETY Chairman: E. A. Hermanson. Secretary: P. J. Reece. Committee: A. Y. Lawrence, P. C. Coleman, A. E. Hooper. This Society, affiliated to the Natal W. L. S., was initiated at the beginning of the year, the idea being to encourage boys in their interest in wild life generally. It was soon found that we had many experts in our ranks, the secretary's knowledge of snakes being outstanding. During the first term we had two interesting excursions. The first was with Mr. W. Pople to the Wentworth rock pools. He came the night before to lecture to us on what we were likely to see. We spent an interesting morning, in spite of the rain, swimming around in the rock pools and collecting specimens. After this we returned to the Medical School Laboratories at Went worth, and had lunch before returning to school. Our second visit was to the Natal Museum,where Dr. Lawrence, the Director, his son, who is a member of the Society, and Dr. Stuckenberg showed us round and explained the exhibits. We went to the Botanical Gardens for lunch. This was followed by a visit to the Bird Sanctuary. The"Pets' Room" in Milner House contains a considerable number of creatures, ranging from (for a time) pythons,to hamsters and budgies. It is a popular rendezvous for owners and visitors. E. A. HERMANSON During the second term, two very interesting lectures were delivered by E. Hermanson and R. Grafton to the members of the society. Hermanson's lecture concerned Water Birds and Bird Watching in general in South Africa. He started by listing the apparatus necessary to make a start on this very Interesting hobby. A record book, in which to jot down migratory habits and dates and names of birds found In various localities, as well as a technical book on the subject Is necessary. There are about 875 species of birds in South Africa, he stated. Every aspect of the subject was discussed fully, from mode of progression to feeding and nesting. We learned of the peculiar plumage of the Dab-chick, the nests of the Weavers and Bishop Birds, and the queer habits of the Lily Trotter. He explained to us how the Kingfisher builds Its nest in the river bank, lining it with feathers, and why the sand-pipers lay their eggs, very well camouflaged. In a little hollow in the sand on the beach. 226

The meeting was well attended by 45 members of the society, and we gained much information from the forty-minute talk. R. Grafton's lecture was also on birds but this time Breeding Habits of South African Birds were discussed. He told us of the strange manner of courting of the males of some species of birds,dancing around flapping their wings,screeching at the tops of their voices or merely strutting in front of their lady friends displaying their plumage. A long time was spent describing nests of various birds. The Hammerhead's nest is the largest in the world, being about three feet across and two feet deep. The hornbill makes its nest in a hole in a tree, and seals the female in the tree, with only a small hole through which to pass food. The Cuckoo lays its eggs in other birdsn'estsand shows a certain amount >of intelligence in that it chooses the nests of birds whose eggs are of the same colour as its own. He also explained why birds that lay their eggs on the ground lay from 10-20 eggs so as to make sure that they are not all destroyed by their natural enemies. The smallest eggs, we were informed, are laid by Warblers and Waxbills, and may be as short as IS mm. The largest eggs are laid by the ostrich, although the kiwi lays the largest in the world for its size. This lecture was also quite well attended,about thirty members being present. Next term two more lectures by boys are to be given, and the society will be entertained by a couple of nature trips and visits by natural history authorities. P. J. REECE CHESS CLUB So far, this year, there has been a very good attendance at the Chess Club meetings held at 8 o'clock on Thursday evenings. We are pleased to be able to say that we now have enough chess sets to enable all members to play simultaneously. Mr. R. Ward, a resident of Botha's Hill and a very welcome visitor to the Chess Club meetings, has promisedus a shield. This shield will go to the winner of an annual chess competition. We hope to arrange a match against D.H.S. this term. Our sincere thanks go to Mr. H. Viljoen for his co-operation and the interest he has shown in running our Chess Club. Beside keeping an eye on the members,he spends mostof his time during the meetings teaching the members how to play chess. L. H. FISHER 227

PHILATELIC SOCIETY Hon. President:Mr. T. Metcalf. Chairman: M. J. R. Castledon. Secretary: B. G. Williams. Committee: A. Cantrell. Although our meetings have been few and far between, it Is satisfying that, at last, a start has been made. Our membership consists of about 30 boys, many of whom are juniors. Nevertheless, I hope that their interest will continue to grow and draw others into the society. On Tuesday evening, 25th June, we enjoyed the company of three members of the Philatelic Society of Natal—namely, Mr. C. Selwyn Smith, Mr. John Wicks and Mr. G. Palmer. The meeting was a great success. Between them they had a fine collection of Thematics (specialized collections on birds, flowers, etc.). The meeting closed with a competition arranged by Mr. Smith. Our three visitors were pleased with the results, some of which won prizes. The best result went to D. Cross—congratulations. M.J.R.C. VISIT TO TEMPLE AND MOSQUE On Wednesday, May 29th, a party of senior boys, conducted by Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp, and accompanied by Mr. Reece and Mr. P. Metcalf, made a visit to a Hindu Temple and a Moslem Mosque,In a briefstudy ofcomparative religions. The Hindu Temple, in Umgeni Road, was bare and plain, floor and wails being of stone, and not particularly clean. At the head of the temple were deep recesses, accessible only to the priest, in which stood various idols, symbolic of Hindu beliefs. In one stood a deity with body ofa man and head ofan elephant —the great Deity who rose from the ground and is lord of ail. An adjoining chamber contained his heart, and in the next one was a being with many heads and hands: He rose from the ground 66,000 years ago to rid the world of evil and unhappiness. In other chambers were other gods and idols. These images are washed daily by the priest and clad in coloured garments which are changed regularly. It Is difficult for the European mind to grasp the significance of this symbolism,although to the Hindu It is of deep meaning and without superficiality. We learned that the Hindus believe in the transmigration of souls. A man who has lived an evil life returns to earth as an animal or insect; after a long period of punishment he may return as a man. Great goodness can lead to a long state of contemplation, after which the soul goes to Nirvana,there to remain for ever. The Mosque in Gale Street was of a very different nature. While not overelaborate, it was beautifully kept and the whole floor of the main room—the largest in the southern hemisphere—was covered with thick carpet. We arrived during prayer time. Prayers are held five times daily and worshippers are supposed to attend all five. The men stand shoulder to shoulder the full width of the room,and to the intoning of the priest they stand, bow, kneel and squat, 228

reciting silently the prayers which each man must recite. No women are ad mitted. These men are worshipping the unseen Allah, whose son Mohamet came to earth to help mankind. They acknowledge Abraham, Moses, David and Christ and their religion seems not greatly removed from Christianity—apart from the one vital exception that Mahomet came as a sinner, not of virgin birth, seeking to perfect himself. Christ was perfect. Sitting on the carpet in various places were men and boys learning the Koran, or being instructed by teachers. Their five pillars of belief are; (I) Allah; (2) Prayer;(3) Fasting;(4) Almsgiving;(5) Pilgrimage to Mecca,and their religion "Islam" means"Peace". Both in the temple and in the mosque we had to remove our shoes, and at the mosque worshippers had to wash all exposed parts of their bodies at a great bath before going in to pray. We were Impressed by their sincerity. THE EARLY DAYS On March 23rd Mr. Gram and Mr. Reece gave us a talk on the Early Days at Kearsney, and the school's founder. We were very interested, because none of us knew much about the "Old" Kearsney, and a good many did not even know of its existence. Our Founder, Sir Liege Hulett, came to South Afric1a00 years ago, and eventually built the house which became our first school. We learnt that Sir Liege's father had been a schoolmaster, and this probably influenced him into turning the now empty house into a school. His later home in Durban was always "open house" for members of his own family,for Methodist ministers,and for Kearsney staff. Kearsney, founded in 1921, existed in its old quarters for 18 years. The grounds about the school were exceedingly beautiful, with trees of all varieties, shrubs, and flowers. The scent offlowers, tea and honey filled the atmosphere and the environment was a very pleasant one for boys to grow up in. Both speakers emphasised the "Happy Family" atmosphere. Head, staff and boys lived under the same roof, their life uninter rupted by visitors,for they were over 50 miles from Durban. In this way the school developed a character and tone that was very high. We learnt about the little train that plied backwards and for wards from Stanger, about the Chapel and its bees, the ghost of Lady Hulett, the annual Plays, the oranges, mangoes, tea and honey, the visit ofthe Earl of Clarendon,and the very high standard achieved at Sport. We were also told about some of the leading characters who passed through the school. We were left with the impression that Kearsney must have been a very pleasant place to live in, and it is little wonder that older Old Boys affectionately refer to it as "home". Botha's Hill must have seemed very bleak and unattractive by comparison, until our own grounds were developed. 229

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sA w nJit m @3P ii Parkes Trophy. A. H.Smith Trophy.

CRICKET MEMORIES I have often been asked how the Kearsney cricket of to-day compares with that of earlier years. This is a very difficuit question to answer. The olden days are always the best, in everything! To-day we meet the first teams of the major schools,and we play against men's clubs with players of provincial or even national standard. Long ago we met only the second teams of the bigger schools, but we played (with a little help from the Staff) against men's North Coast teams at a time when there was an abundance of high class cricketers there. To-day we play on turf; in those days on matting only. When we compare our present numbers with the 75 of 1930—and many of them very small boys—there certainly should be no question about the relative strength of the teams. We had only one pitch, and two nets. And yet, some times I wonder! My principal impression of those days is that for variety of stroke play, and certainly for speed of scoring, the players were in advance of our present ones. Scores of over 200 were routine, and sometimes we exceeded 300. Centuries were common. Against this, the tight bowling of to-day, and the vagaries of turf wickets, prevent our boys from indulging too freely. When I first came,the cricket, uncoached, was weak,and the school had few boys to choose from. I well remember that the team hinged very considerably upon Crofton Hopkins. Score books revealed a succession of large scores from his bat, and the majority of wickets came from his guileful fingers. But he had left when I arrived. Naturally one tends to remember more graphically one's earlier days at a school, and perhaps one's own part in the sport. I can't forget, for instance, with what trepidation I made my first appearance with a cricket bat in 1927, and with what relief I was able to indulge in a partnership of 120 with Von Keyserlingk, whose son is at Kearsney to-day. That broke the ice for me, and gave some justification to my efforts to coach for I coached the whole school then, with invaluable help from Mr. Medworth. I think that one reason why the quality of the cricket became pretty good was that Mr. Medworth and I were young and fit enough to be coaching at the nets fivoer six days a week, and in a small school that meant that every boy received a lot of attention. That is why the"prep"schools of to-day can turn out so many excellent young batsmen. At the larger schools, the juniors must play second fiddle, and as Kearsney has no"feeder" prep school, we do not get the chance to create cricketers to the same extent as we used. Thinking back on my first year, when I was finding my feet, one or two memories emerge. 'We had a fine opening pair in Jack Hulett and Dono Coventry, both of whose sons are now at Kearsney. Jack was a stylist who never failed, match after match(and who,two years later, put on 130 unfinished for the opening partnership with Hargreaves, still, I think, an opening record) and Dono was rugged and nearly as reliable. In addition the former was an excellent wicketkeeper, and the latter the opening fast bowler with a sharp off turn. We had one dramatic match against Stanger. Hulett and I had managed to have an un broken partnership of ISO and left Stanger 175 to get in two hours. With such determination did they bat that with 20 minutes left, only three wickets had falien. Then Hargreaves, with tantalising leg-spinners, took five wickets for no runs, and we won a nail-biting match with one minute to spare. One of the real characters of those days was Dick Addison of Darnall. He was a reai Falstaff of a man. His trousers always ended below the bulge of his stomach and no-one knew how he kept them up. Addison was a tremendous hitter, a very cunning spin bowler, and a great personality. One of his large innings was terminated by Mr. Medworth, who took a one-handed catch on the boundary and fell backwards down a thirty foot bank, being severely shocked, but still clutching the ball! Dick was given"out". He died many years ago, I believe. ' " 230

Although matches were generally noteworthy for their heavy and rapid scoring, in Ken Balcomb we had probably the second best left hand spinner the school has possessed. I wonder whether, as Inspector of schools in Northern Rhodesia, he can still show the youngster how to flight the ball. In the last of his four years in the First he took far more wickets than the rest of the boys combined. He,"Grubby" Pearce, and Hargreaves made a spinning trio that we have never improved upon. One of the best all-round cricketers of the early I930's was Jack Crawford, now a headmaster in Northern Rhodesia. He was a good attacking bat, with a long string of scores to his name, and with Ronnie Weightman (who collapsed and died while playing cricket in the Transvaal about a year ago) and Lex Kirk, he usually managed to dismiss the opposition for small scores. Jack Bertram, now a prominent citizen of Zululand, made a good captain and opening bat, though slow, with several half-centuries to his credit. If I may be permitted another personal reminiscence, it is of a match in which he and I put up SO for the first wicket, of which he scored 0! Probably the strongest side of the mid-30's was the one captained by John Larrington. They mowed the opposition down to such an extent that they asked for a game against Glenwood Firsts and beat them quite comfortably. This, although we still had a mere 75 boys. Regular practice, constant coaching, and unremitting enthusiasm was the secret. About this time Godfrey Jacobs came into the side and proved to be the school's soundest bat ever. He had the broadest bat that I ever bowled to. He ended his four years in the Firsts with six half centuries and a century, and an average, I believe, of 60. He has scored so many centuries since, in Johannesburg (seven in one season), for Zululand, Country Districts, and novy, 20 years later, in Maritzburg, that, had he lived in Durban rather than Amatikulu he might well have been the Province's wicket-keeperbatsman for years. The greatest hitter of them all was Eric Groom. Shades of Jessop! It would do some modern cricketers good to see how a fast half volley should be hit. Eric believed that every straight ball not actually short of a length should be hit back over the bowler's head, and the faster the bowler, the safer the shot. If the ball was short, it went over square leg. I have seen modern batsmen pat full tosses back tothe bowler. Against St. Henry's he scored 100 in 25 minutes. I still have the paper cutting. He hit eleven sixes from the end where I was umpiring, and my arms had no rest. As half the playing time was used up by the other batsman, Foss (53), and many minutes were lost finding the ball in neigh bouring fields, I imagine the actual scoring time may have been about ten minutes. Perhaps four overs! More recently I read that at Kokstad he ran from 90 to 120 with five consecutive sixes. This completely demoralises any bowler, es pecially a fast one. St. Henry's was our happy hunting ground. I think I am right in saying that in five consecutive visits one of the batsmen scored a century. Four of them I remember—Henry,Ken(now Dr.)Dyer,Groom and Bazley. The latter, one of Kearsney's greatest personalities and sportsmen ever, and our first Head Prefect at Botha's Hill, was killed in an air crash during the war. A tragic loss. A newspaper cutting reminds me that his 148 against St. Henry's was scored in 75 minutes, and that Kearsney scored 302. He also took four wickets and made two brilliant catches. A little later, against Durban Tech. Bazley scored 156 before lunch, by which time we had reached 300 for four wickets. He had a partnership of 260 for the third wicket with P. Foss(108, run out) in 90 minutes. This was entertaining cricket. Tech. were so demoralised that they were out for 20, Boyd taking 5for 6. In the same season Glenwood 2nd XI were dismissed for 12, Boyd taking 4for 2. In this same year, 1939, Kearsney scored, in consecutive innings, 257 for 6 (Foss 83,Balcomb 69),251 for4(Groom 100, Foss 53),300for 3(Bazley 86, Boyd 88, both not out, Foss 50)and the above 300for4(Bazley 156, Foss 108). This was the heyday of cricket. Amid such a welter of high scores, Boyd took 75 wickets for an average of 5 runs apiece. 231