
A distinguished visitor during the Second Term was the Rev. Dr. Lowell Atkinson of the First Methodist Church, Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.A. A man ofgreat charm of personality and humour, we were sorry that his visit was such a brief one, for he and his gracious wife had to hurry on to Maritzburg for other visits there. The acoustics of the Chapel have been worrying the Chapel Committee for some time, as there havebeen complaints that those sitting in the back pews do not find it easy to hear. Various remedies have been suggested, but at present we are trying a new position for the pulpit. This has been moved forward so that it now stands on the side between the choir and the nave pews. The hearing is reported to be better, but the position is not really satisfactory in other ways. It may be possible to try a canopy over the pulpit in its original position, and if that is not effective, the installation of a loudspeaker system will be considered. Organ Recital. March lOt/?; Toccata and Fugue in D minor (Bach); Canzone (Guilmant); Andantino in D Flat(Lemare). Mr. G. M. Oram. May 26th: Fugue in C Minor (Bach); Solemn Melody( Walford Davies): Two Marches (Grieg). Mr. G. M. Oram. June 23rd: Mr. J. Riley (of Michaelhouse); Sonata No. 4 (Rheinberger); Trumpet Minuet (Jeremiah Clark); March in A (Chouveaux). During July, two stops will be added to the organ, a Fifteenth that will give brilliance to the Great Organ and a Tuba Minor, a solo stop useful for giving a lead. For both these stops we have to thank the generosity of the late Mr. A. H. Smith. EXAMINATION RESULTS Matriculation. First Class: D. P. Black, S. Cohen, D. Deenik, C. R. Moses (Mathematics), A. R. Schruer, M. D. W. Silburn, J. R. Tedder (Physical Science, Latin). Second Class: P. I. Baynash, D. W. Benporath, J. J. Bentley, A.C.Gage,J. M.Haines,A.Henderson,A.J. W.Hoad,M,E. Manning, B. McDougall, B. G. P. Murray, J. M. Nelems, G. J. Otter, D. H. Perry, R. C. Richardson, P. R. Russell, J. B. Sheasby, F. S. Simpson (Physical Science), H. K. Timm. 217