
nie. Maar op die spore van sukses volg hebsug, 'n hebsug wat so oorheersend word dat mlljoene mense daardeur In ellende gedompel kan word." Klnnle sS niks nie. „Vlr my biy die hoogste ideaai nog om my medemens te help en te werk vir die welstand van die mensdom," gaan Jan voort. „Hoe lyk dit met daardie wit uniform, Kinnie?" Kalm praat sy nou; hoof geboe. „Nee, Jan, my ideaai bIy staan. Net, jy het my vanaand laat besef hoe belangrik dit is dat dit die regte man moet wees." Klein brandertjies breek saggies op die geel sand. Kinnie kyk op met 'n nuwe llg in haar oe; 'n llg wat selfs deur die sekerdonker van die aand vir Jan bereik en hul albei laat verstaan. Daar In die pikswart, onvriendelike hemel, wink die aandster vriendelik. D. B. HORNER. Via. THE KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONIC There have been three issues of the above classic during the past six months, under a Fifth Form Editorial Staff. With their permission we quote a number of extracts, for the brightening of the Chronicle. Letters to the Editor: Dear Sir, While meditating upon the beauty of nature some days ago, I observed our most illustrious Latin master effecting some drastic metamorphoses upon the once lovely (?) landscape adjoining classroom No. 10, the Bell Tower,and other strategic points of attachment. Was he merely givingvent to his ire, or was it a more subtle and irresistible motive which drove him to it? Our suspense knows no bounds. Enquiries Ltd. ("Enquiries Ltd." need feel no concern about the spate of work on the grounds above the classrooms. This denotes neither ire ncr ulterior motive. It is merely so that the floral display outside the classrooms may in some degree match the everbeaming countenance ofthe Staff inside the classrooms.—Togt Boy.) Dear Sir, It has come to my notice that this school finds pleasure In "catching cheaples". I realise that the school's funds are not great, so i cannot see the point in un necessarily spending money on the following: Dustbins. I think the new dustbins could have been made half the size they are, for 1 cannot see how any form can fill one of these in a day. Signs. Last year the school went to some expense to Instal some notices in the classrooms, stating "This room is to be used for work only". I do not think that these notices helped to ensure work in the classrooms. 304