
There are numerous other cases which would not warrant my listing here, if the school had not spent its money on these trivialities, it could perhaps have been used to repaint the Chapel, which certainly needs it. Consume sapienter. (The upkeep of the Chapel is not a school expense, but a Chapel Trust expense. The latter body has not yet accumulated sufficient funds for this purpose.—Ed.} Dear Sir, We admit that the display of Flora between the road and the classroom block is now becoming a delight and a feast for text-book weary eyes. However, I don't think that the same can be said of the west-facing wall of the new class room block. I suggest that instead of spending money on uglifying the Chapel with lights placed at queer angles, they should cover this wall with face-brick. Bacchus. Dear Sir, The other day I was informed that the bare space on the wall of No. 10 classroom was intended to accommodate an electric clock, which some say was to be automatic so that it would ring the bell at the right time. Do you not think that this clock has taken rather a long time in arriving! A Nonni Mouse. (To both the above writers: the matter Is In hand.—Ed.) Dear Sir, What is the necessity for changing into good clothes for Sunday afternoon tea, and thereby cutting one's only free afternoon in half? Yashmak. Famous Last Words There are no prefects upstairs. It won't rain on Saturday. He won't ask us for our corrections. It will rain on Friday. They won't smell my breath if I use a filter. He's not a very fast bowler. There won't be a Science test on Monday. This Week's Sicoanalysls Do you know your character? If not, you can analyse yourself simply by answering the following questions and adding up your score; Do you ever eat the sardines? Yes (1). No (2). Only with marmalade (4). Do you ever get the urge to kick Mr. R.'s dog? Yes (I). No (3). Why? Because you are scared of Mr. R.(I). Scared of fleas (4). Don't like the dog (2). Do you ever feel like biting the waiter's hand? Yes (3). Only when hungry (2). No (I). Does drought depress you? Yes (2). No (4). Only on Fridays (I). Do you like science? No (4). Yes, I'm insane (2). Can you count to ten? Yes(I). No, i take bookkeeping (2). Do you eat the meat? Yes(5). No,I'm a horse-lover (3). Now add your score up. Compare it with the scores below, and find out what you probably knew all along. 0 are an average schoolboy. 1 to are heading for nervous dyspepsia. 10 to 20...join the choir. 20 to 30... you are destined to be a teacher. 30 up ... I doubt if you would find a strait-jacket to fit you. 305