
Now I must pack my suitcase. Towel,toothbrush,shirts, ties and a hundredand-one other things. I cannot get all my clothes Into this case so I shall have to repack everything. Everyone in the changeroom Is so quiet. Surely they are not sorry that they are leaving? But I am,so why they should not be I do not know. My packing Is finished, so 1 think I shall go down to the Chapel and say goodbye to It, If that Is the correct word to use. It Is two o'clock. Prize-glving starts In half-an-hour. How many prlzeglvlngs have I been to like this one! A bouquet of flowers for the wife of the Speaker,and the speeches, and the clapping when they are finished. Prize-glving Is over, and now comes the worst part of the day. In one word. It Is...goodbye. Goodbye to friends, to masters, and to masters' wives. Goodbye to Dudley, Richard, John Denys, Pete, Mike, Dave and to so many others. The masters are not such horrors really: they are quite pleasant now that I have to say goodbye to all ofthem. Yes, I am sorry I am leaving school and all the friends It has brought me. Now that 1 am really out on my own. My school life Is over, and this last day has not been gay, as I thought it would be, but sorrowful, as If I was losing something very dear. Maybe I am. Oh dear! What a day this Is! I have thought of all the days I have been here, and they are all very special. On one day I remember so many things both amusing and not amusing. I shall not hear any more bells for a long time. I shall have to get an alarm-clock to wake me up In the mornings. Goodbye,School! You gave a great deal to me,and I know I shall always cherish my last day with you as one of the best of my life because of all the memories It has brought back to me. A. LEFSON. RUGBY FOOTBALL The Rugby season was a disappointing season. Had our tackling been better and had we possessed three good backs,the side would more than have held their own against the best teams. A long tale of crocksprevented our fielding our best three-quarter line, and we had to make shift v/ith the material available. Under the circumstances, the side played resolutely and fought each game to the end. As the season drew to a close it was easy to see how much the individual players had improved. Those who return will provide a useful core for next year's team. Of the forwards, Thompson, Pike, Homer, Whipp, Bouman and Newlands played well. In the back line Hulett was the nerve centre and played consistently well. Special mention must be made of Thompson's captaincy. Our thanks are due to the committee—Thompson, Hulett, Whipp, Newlands, Edwards; and to Hutchison for his care of the equipment. Our secretary, Don Wauchope was efficient and reliable and our pressman, Hagemann, performed a useful service. 308