
F Style (Open) records, histimes being 25.7 sees, for the 50 yards and 57.5 sees,for the 100 yards. Two relay records were also broken, the Under 14 by Pembroke and the Open by Finnlngley, and Cole broke the Plunge (Open) record with a plunge of 53 ft. I in. Finningley were worthy winners of a fine afternoon's sport, with Pembroke runners-up. It was with great reluctance that we had to cancel the Old Boys' 50 yards race because of lack of support, but more Old Boys turned up later to hold the School to a 1-1 draw in the Polo match. ANNUAL GALA SWIMMING RESULTS 50 yards Free Style (Open); I, Spargo (F); 2, Shave (F); 3, Rodseth (P). Time: 25.7. (Record). 50 yards Free Style (Under 16): I, A. Flome (P); 2, Pfuhl (G); 3, Jewitt. Time: 27,4. 50 yards Free Style (Under 15): I, C. Home (P); 2, D. Symlnton (F); 3, Preston (F). Time: 29.0. One Length Free Style (Under 14): I, Lacey (F); 2, Truscott (P); 3, A. Chalmers (P). Time: 19.7. One Length Free Style (Under 13): I, Griffiths (F); 2, Bryan (G); 3, Haley (F): Time: 20.0. Diving (Under iS): I, Stranack (G): 2, Symlnton (F); 3, Turvey (F). 100 yards Free Style (Open): I, Spargo (F); 2, Shave (F); 3, BJorkman (P). Time: 57.5. (Record). One Length Breast Stroke (Under 14): I, RIckaby (P): 2, Arnold (G); 3, Kamstra (P). Time 24.9. iOO yards Free Style(Under 16): I, Home(P); 2, Jewitt(P); 3, B. Williams (G). Time 65.5. SO yards Breast Stroke (Under 15): I, V. Lund (P); 2, Bennett (F); 3, O. Lund (G). Time 36.2. 50 yards Free Style (Under 14): I, Lacey (F); 2, Truscott (P): 3, Chalmers (P); Time 32.1. 50 yards Free Style (Under 13): I, Griffiths (F); 2, Haley (F); 3, Bryan (G). Time: 33.5. 100 yards Breast Stroke (Open): I, H. Bouman (F); 2, Edwards (G); 3, J. Syminton (F). Time 83.5. 100 yards Breast Stroke (Under 16): I, Bryan (G); 2, Pfuhl (G); 3, Lumley (P). Time: 85.6. 100 yards Free Style(Under 15): i. Home(P); 2, R. Lund (G); 3, Syminton (F). Time: 70.0. Diving (Under 14): I, Arnold (G); 2, Chalmers(P); 3, V. Heusden (F). Diving (Under 13): I, Holden (F); 2, Jewitt (P); 3, Hathrill (G). 50 yards Back Stroke (Open): I, Spargo (F); 2, Shave (F): 3, Rodseth (P). Time: 31.0. 50 yards Back Stroke(Under 16): I, Home (P); 2, Williams(G); 3, Bryan (G). Time: 35.8. 50 yards Butterfly(Open): I, Spargo(F); 2, Shave (F); 3, Forbes(P). Time: 35.2. Diving (Under 16): I, Lumley (P); 2, Osborne (F); 3, Lewin and Travis (G. P)- 316