
The Inter-House competition for the Payne Shield was won by Gllllngham House. Gllllngham Is keeping up the old tradition,for they have won the shield every year since 1951. The results were as follows: P. G. F. 6 10 8 8 8 8 14 IS 16 FInnlngley v. Pembroke Gllllngham v. FInnlngley The Polkinghorne Cup,awarded to the Senior Singles Champion, goes this year to M. Hulett. In the finals he beat F. van Eeden 6-4, 6-3. The Junior Singles Champion for 1957 is K. Wooller. In the finals he beat G. Coventry 6-3, 6-4. Team Awards for 1957 are as follows: Re-Awards: Hulett M, Lowe J. A. H., van Eeden F. New Awards: R. J. Robbins. In conclusion, a word of thanks to j. A. H.Lowe for his efficient captaincy during the past year. S.G. CADET NOTES The Annual Inspection of the Detachment on September 20th was taken by the Officer Commanding Natal Command, Colonel P. J. Jacobs, and he was well pleased at what he saw. He compli mented the cadets on their smart turn-out, and spoke of the value of such parades in fostering the esprit-de-corps of the School, since on no other occasion is the whole School involved in a common activity together. Student-Officer M. N. W. Hulett was in charge of the parade, and he acquitted himself admirably. The band has had rather a lean year, and although they put up a very creditable performance at the Inspection Parade they did not show up very well at the Durban and District Competition earlier in the same month. The general efficiency of the Band depends on individual efficiency, and the younger members have relied too much on the old stalwarts instead of becoming proficient themselves. The former are not to be blamed too much perhaps,for it has to be acknowledged that they never showed much natural aptitude for their instruments. It is to be hoped that there will be better material available in the coming year, for no one, not even Lieutenant P. Metcalf, our Bandmaster, can make bricks without straw! 325