
The firing of the Imperial Challenge Shield Competition was rather long drawn out this year as wet afternoons caused so many postponements. It was completed only four days before the final date permitted according to the rules. This meant that most boys did their shooting without having had any practice in the fourth term, and the fact that the results were the best we have yet achieved,and the number firing wasthe largest we have ever entered, speaks much for the keenness and determination which all put into the contest. The final average, subject to official confirmation, of 1 10 firers to count, and Including the handicap allowance of two points per boy, was 89.395, nearly two points better than last year's result when the scores of 100 boys counted. The highest scorer was again I. A. Bjorkman with 100 points out of a possible 100. A handicap allowance of two points was not necessary for him: his score was straight from the shoulder, and we give him hearty congratulations on being the first boy in the School to achieve this splendid result. He is also the winner of the Ken Trotter Shield awarded to the highest scorer in the compe tition. He won the Shield last year also, and on that occasion his score was 97 without the handicap. His example of steadiness and determination has been invaluable, and happily., quite "catching", too. He has shown what can be done, and others have sought to emulate him. The runner-up was Hunger with 99,and others in the top flight were: 98, Lewin; 97, Hulett M.N.W., Lowe J. A. H., Dacam, Gild; 96, Jewitt, Osborn; 95, Brown P. L., Thompson D., Wiseman. All these scores exclude the handicap allowance. The number of marksmen(88 and over)was49(1956,37)and first-class shots(83-87) numbered 35(1956, 33). These are very pleasing results. The Bobbins Cup Inter-House Competition produced the following resuits: 1st, Finningley, 808; 2nd, Pembroke, 773; 3rd, Gillingham, 768. In the senior section, Gillingham were only one point behind Finningiey, but their junior team collapsed rather badly, mainly because of lack of coaching. The two highest scorers for each House were: Finningley, Immeiman 95, Bouman H. L. 94. Pembroke, Bjorkman 99, Brown P. L. 95. Gillingham, Hulett M. 95, Wiseman 93. Promotion: We offer hearty congratulations to Lieutenant J. H. Hopkins on being promoted to the rank of Captain. 326