
May 3rd; Motion: "That South Africa Should Become a Republic". Proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister. Opposed by the Hon. Member for Sophiatown. Motion lost. Moy 17th: Motion: "That the Senate Should be Abolished ". Proposed by Minister for Transport, Posts and Telegraphs. Motion carried. June 14th: Motion: "Thatthe Indians Should be Repatriated ". Proposed by Minister for Education, Arts and Science. Opposed by Hon. Member for Sophiatown. Motion Lost. Finding ourselves almost completely deserted by the Sixth Form, who should have given the lead, we were very dubious about the success of this year's Parliament. These fears have proved illfounded, for the Fifth Form, in spite of lack of experience, have shown a keen interest in debate and in politics. Sixth Form stalwart, D. Homer, leader of the opposition, represented us at the Hofmeyr Memorial Speech Contest in Durban and came second, being the only speaker to bring any light relief into an otherwise rather grim evening! Prime Minister Mudie has a keen political sense, but will not become a great speaker until we can hear what he says. Others, such as Crewe, Talmage-Rostron, Williams, Fisher and Pike are showing considerable promise, Syminton is a real deskthumping demagogue and Massam is a competent Clerk. Silent cross-benches will gradually thaw, we hope, as the weather warms up Question Time is always of great interest, liveliness and benefit. Opposition members, ever ready to disconcert their Cabinet opposites, are primed with questions of wide political moment (or, sometimes,of very local importance): to answer these properly involves a close study of their Cabinet responsibilities, and there is no doubt that interest in politics is genuinely being sponsored. Are we begetting future Parliamentarians? We welcomed a party of girls from St. Mary's on June 14th, who came to listen, not to participate, it was a routine meeting, but our visitors expressed delight over the experience. We hope soon to send a team to St. Mary's for a proper debate. We are very grateful to Mr. K.Sutler-Gore of the Durban City Parliament,for his offer of a Floating Trophy, to be awarded to the boy who,in the opinion ofthe Speaker, made the best Parliamentary speech of the year. A point of interest. A close study of the numerous school magazines received from South Africa and England reveals that we are apparently the only school to run its Debating Society on Parliamen tary lines. May we recommend it! 222