
I am now going to stick my neck out a long way, and choose my"A"team for the years 1927 to 1946, In approximate batting order on current form. Jack Hulett(bat) Godfrey Jacobs (bat, wicket-keeper) Paul Foss(bat) Peter Davidson (bat,stock bowler) Ken Dyer(bat) Peter Jonsson (bat) Vivian Davy (bat, stock bowler) George Bazley (captain)(bat,spin bowler) Eric Groom (bat) Tommy Jacobs(bat,fast bowler) Graham Boyd (bat, left-arm bowler) Every player in the side scored a century. A team with Groom,Jacobs, and Boyd at 9, 10, II Is"some"team. I fully realise the claims of a score of others who will feel that they should have been included. Well, here Is a"B"team, nearly as good. Jack Bertram (bat) Billy Jacobs (bat, wicket-keeper) Gordon Glllles(bat) John Larrlngton (captain)(bat) Jack Crawford (bat,stock bowler) Railton Foss (bat) Lin Robinson (bat) BillHyenry (bat,stock bowler) Neville Reeves(bat,fast bowler) Oliver Knaggs(left-arm bowler) Ken Balcomb (left arm spinner) This still omits two Provincial players in G. H. Stein (Transvaal)and J. S. M. Foss(Western Province and O.F.S.). It also omitsa great many othergood players. Further out my neck I will not stick. Somebody else can choose a side from 1947 to 1956. A good start can be made with Provincial players: John Atkinson (Natal), Allan King (Natal), Joe Hansen (O.F.S.), and Des Leather (Rhodesia, 12th man). One final question. If I were to select an all-time Kearsney team, who would be first choice? My answer—^without any doubt, Graham Boyd. A hundred years hence, in the green fields of Elysium, perhaps a game can be arranged between past and present. I should dearly like to be umpire. Until then, much of this cricket will have to remain as a memory,for I shall not see the players operating In the flesh again. J. F. REECE (Old Boys are invited to comment, or submit reminiscences.—Ed.) VISIT TO EPWORTH The following letter, rescued from oblivion, was written In 194! by a junior (nameless) and speaks for Itself: Well, I went to Epworth last night with the choir and really had a wonderful time. We trebles went In the school bus. It was misty and wet and wasn't it half cold, especially coming back. When we got to Epworth all the senior girls came to meet us. The concert started with a piano duet by Miss Eraser and Mr. Reece. Then our choir sang"The hills resound with song"and"Viking song 233