
applauded! Then a piano solo by an Epworth girl and a song by two Epworth girls. Jolly good!! Then choir. Solo by G. Stein (Kearsney) and a sketch (little play) by two Epworth girls, jolly funny! Duet by Stein and Woods,song by Ep worth Choir teacher, solo by Van Aardt, Kearsney choir (carols)"Gabriel's Message"and"Shepherds,shake off your drowsy sleep ",and a carol by Kearsney and Epworth," God rest you merry". The end. Then refreshments, drinks, cakes, sausage rolls, jam tarts, sandwiches and scones. Then the dancing. Only the big Epworth girls were present. Our basses and tenors started dancing. Then I tried, and other trebles followed. After that I really had a good time shuffling around with different girls, twice the size of me. They were really nice. I danced with 1 1 different girls and by the time it was over I knew about 3 different dances. I really enjoyed the evening, even better than seeing the bio at Kearsney," Souls at Sea". We arrived back at 12 o'clock. Choir members of 194! may well remember the occasion. "Miss Fraser"Is now Mrs. Reece. WISDOM FROM THE UNWISE What was supposed to have happened in 4004 B.C.; Caesar was killed. Christ was born. The Marathon was first run. There was no such date. The Romans left Britain. Nothing happened. A Concerto is: A small concertina; the ablative singular of concertus. What is the difference between cacao and cocoa: They are spelt differently. What is the difference between a jackass and a laughing jackass: One laughs and the other does not. Buffalo Bill's real name was Buffalo William. Name four biblical Books beginning with "E": Euclid, Ethel, Eclusians, Ecclesiastics, Eliza, Exsides, Ebenezer, Generes. Who "wept like anything to see such quantities of sand": Robinson Crusoe; Lawrence of Arabia. Who asked for whose head on what from whom! Somebody asked for John the Baptist's head from King Nebuchadnezzar. Mrs. Raleigh asked for her husband's head on a plate from the executioner. The Queen of Egypt asked for Daniel's head on a teatray. A lady asked for the head of Samuel to be brought on a plate from King John. Why is the Dead Sea dead: Because it is not alive. Don Quixote's horse was named Clopoty Clop. WITCH KLOOF AND CASTLE ROCKS I wonder if a mountaineering trip has ever before been described in one of the school magazines. I feel this particular trip will interest all. The Witch Kloof is twelve miles long, but asthe crow flies it is onlyfour miles. Our party ofthree left Cape Town with bulging ruck-sacks and went by car to the base hut at the foot of Waaihoek Peak from which the Witch Kloof descends with its long horseshoe curve down towards the Sentinel and the Buffelshoek Twins 234