
18th May vs. PIETERMARITZBURG COLLEGE Away Lost 0—12 With the kick-off the game took on its character of a gigantic tussle between two determined teams. Rushing downfield College pinned Kearsney in the 25 and attacked vigorously with their forwards. Kearsney were quickly up on defence and tackled determinedly. The pressure was stubborn tackling held our opponents at bay. College missed a golden oppov tunity ofscoring when afree kickfrom the25went astray, buta loose melee shortly afterwards saw their scrum half dive into thecorner for an unconverted try. Rallying from a defensive role Kearsney worked their way upfleld and pressed strongly. Hulett missed an opportunity of equalizing when he ® penalty in an easy position. Shortly after this he worked the blind side for what Tooked like being a certain try. only to find that Storm on the right wing had slipped and fallen. Kearsney played well and the pack often obtained the ball scrums and sent their line away in some promising niovements. handling and an injury to Lowe's shoulder prevented these becoming dangerous and halftime came with the score at 0 3. On resumption of play the game became very exciting. into the attack. In some loose play Jardine kicked badly and the full back for College had plenty of time to steady himself for a drop at goal. This was a fine effort and College increased their lead a short while later vvhen poor tackling at centre let College break through to score an unconverted try. Kearsney backline was now further disorganised as Poikinghorne went off the field after an injury sustained in a resolute tackle. Newlands wm shifted to the wing position. Lowe,now hors de combat, had to move to full back and Spargo was brought up to centre. Good hooking by Homer and sound scrummaging by th^e pack, well led by Thompson and Newlands and Whipp, kept College at last fifteen minutes. It was a well-fought game from start to fimsh, exciting and open and distinguished by good forward play. The backs on both sides, however, lacked thrust. A few minutes before the final whistle College were awarded a penalty far out which they converted. 25th May vs. PORT NATAL Away Lost 3—27 The game opened in beautiful rugby weather—cool and clear with a stiff south breeze. Kearsney kicked off with the wind and a determined rush by the Kearsney pack carried the game to the Port Natal 25 yard line It was here that the first points were scored from a penalty. Immelman took the kick and successfully put the ball over. The game now took a turn against Kearsney. Both sides played open rugby but our tackling was most disappointing and resulted in the landslide that n°w set In Firsctame a penalty which equalised the score, then after some hustling forward work, the Port Natal left wing broke through the Kearsney line and scored under the posts. The conversion was successful. The game now adopted a slower tempo, despite some exciting open play. Port Natal attacked hard and vigorously the whole time and a free kick to Port Natal beautifully kicked by their fiy-half from the touchiine put them further In the lead. After the resumption of play Newlands had to leave the field and during this period Port Natal surged further into the lead with a try obtained from a de246