
A ffood dribbline run by the Kearsney forwards took the ball on "Old Crocks"line. Thompson fell on the ball and Kearsney receive an well-earned three points. and went over in the corner for an unconverted try. The Old Crocks score rose to 21 and the Kearsney score remained at 1 1. Kearsney now began to dominate the game and Nalson executed a cl^er break on "he'blM sidl and passed to Whipp who gave the ba I to a^ne who "h^;^ enabled "pofk nghorne to scor under^he pos«. This was successfully converted by Immelman and the final score was 16—21. , i a. The eame was full ofspirited movements and attacks. The knowtedg gained LTthe experienced "Old Crocks" should prove to be useful to the Kearsney team. 8th June vs. DURBAN TECH. Home Lost 3—15 The dav dawned slightly cloudy but cleared towards the afternoon. A North-East breeze swept the field from end to end and was made good use of by both teams. Kearsney lost the toss and Tech, elected to play with the wind. Kearsney kicked off and Tech. immediately placed themselves in an fho nf lone kicks It was a mere 3 minutes after the start of the tnat Tech heeled the bail from a tight scrum, near our line. Th^eir scrum-half gave Plotz, the Tech. fly-half, the ball and he dummied his way through to place the ball beneath the posts. The kick was converted. Kearsnev retaliated with determined play that carried the ball to the opposi"g team's rS-JLVd hne where Kearsney was awarded a free k ck. Immelman s kick was unsuccessful and Tech. kicked off from their 25-yard line. A short while later Kearsney was awarded anotherfree kick,this timefurther infield an°d nearer the posts, immelman again failed and Kearsney lost a chance oftaking the lead through the failure of two easy kicks. Tech carried the game back into the Kearsney half where taking advantage of a fumble in the Kearsney line, the forwards footed the j Kearsney defender fell on it and a loose scrum was formed. Tech. heeled and Plotz once more broke through to score. It was a very sad display of tackl ng on KearsneyTpart and they paid dearly for it. The try was successfully converted and the score stood at 10—0 in Durban Tech.s favour. Once more Kearsney thrust their way into the Tech. territory and a Irose scrum was formed in front of the Tech. posts, the Tech.flank P''°v®^ to get his man and Kearsney was awarded a kick in a most favourable position. Storm took the kick and succeded and Kearsney s score stood at 3 and Tech. at 10. In the final 5 minutes of this half, Kearsney showed thrust in bMh the line and amone the forwards, but were unable to penetrate the Tech. defence. With the wind behind them Kearsney should have made far more use of their advantage but they failed to do so and lost a golden opportunity for attack. Kearsney soon found themselves defending hard but a well timed kick by Spargo relieved the pressure. Kearsnev then attacked strongly butDurban Tech. cleared with a good movement bja long kick upfield wh^i;once again the Tec^ fly-half broke round the blind side, to score once more. The try was converted. 248