
After many years of valuable service a vote of thanks goes to Mr Ian Tirrell who terminated his contract at Kearsney at the end of last year because of a decision that all professi^onal coaching should stop. We also wish him the best of luck in his Channel bid this year. Without Mr.Tirreil's help we undertook the coaching ourselves. A large contingent turned out every Monday as usual. Proposed date for Gala in 4th Term; Saturday,2nd November. Old Boys, please note! Bath. For the first time ever the Bath was properly painted this winter. After draining it at the end of May we scraped and scrubbed for weeks. The walls were then washed with a strong detergent and hosed down. All the cracks were filled in with cold tar before the actual painting was started. A special rubber based Swimming Bath Paint was used through out. The first layer was a white undercoating followed by two layers of blue. It looks bright at the moment but we are told that the water will tone it down. 1 would like to thank all the boys who helped us with the cleaning and painting. It was nothing unusual to see thirty boys out there In the afternoon, andthey never complained, not even when their finpers bled after working with the detergent or when the paint on hands,face and feet just would notcome off. Thank you very much. To Mr.T. Metcalf, Jongh and D.Spargo a special word ofthanks and to Mr. J. Shave our sincere gratitude for a promise of financial assistance. j^ TENNIS During the first half of this year we have somewhat stepped up the activity both on our own and on other courts. Even if the activity on those other courts has not been conspicuously successful, we have, at any rate, gained useful experience. The First Team participated once again in the matches for the Brian Denness Trophy, played at Kershaw Park Courts in Pietermaritzburg. We were placed third, the final points score being as follows : Maritzburg College, 34. St. Charles, 28. Kearsney, 22^. Maritzburg Tech.. 21. Hilton, 14^. Harward, 0. 254