
Courses. The following are attending Courses at Natal Command Head quarters in July; Band: Sergeant Panton, Corporal Gray, Cadet van der Post. Senior N.C.O.'s: Sgt.-Major de Jongh, Sgt. Kapp, Sgt. Forbes, Cadet Allen, L. A. Since the coming of Colonel P. J. Jacobs to take over the post of Officer Commanding Natal Command at the end of l^st stricter control is being exercised over various aspects of Cadet work, and what is laid down in the military manuals has to be con formed to. The effects of this are visible chiefly in matters of dress and Band formation. All ranks must wear the cadet badge and only the Band is allowed to wear the beret. At the end of the year Student-OfTicers will have to give up their tunics and probably their barathea caps as well. Instead of marching in ranks offour,the Band must now march in ranks of five and its strength, excluding reserves, must not exceed fifteen buglers and five side-drummers, plus,of course, bass and tenor drummers. All Bands are to be issued with epaulettes and shoulder tabs in school colours so as to add to their appearance on public occasions. A more alert interest in cadet training has accompanied these changes, and it is evident that the O.C. Natal Command Is giving his whole-hearted encouragement and backing to all aspects of cadet work. Every Detachment that wishes it can now have the services of three Permanent Force Instructors for one whole day each term, and we have found this arrangement very beneficial and satisfactory. With the co-operation of the Head and the rest of the Staff each Form exchanges two periods of school work in the class-rooms for two periods of cadet work at the field, and certainly no boys have been heard to grumble at the "swop"' In deed, the Instructors describe the boys' attitude as "highly re sponsive", and the P.P. gentlemen appear to enjoy their day's visit to us Immensely. Shooting. The Shooting Captain is I. A. Bjorkman and his enthusiasm and efficiency are very stimulating and helpful. He has been chosen to attend a shooting competition in Durban at the beginning of the holidays as a candidate for selection for the Natal Command Team 256