
KEARSNEY OLD BOYS' CLUB Officials, 1956-57 President: L. T. Polkinghorne. Vice-President: J. H. Charter. Secretory: P. MetcalKfe,arsney College. Treasurer: M. J. Rodda, 26 County Buildings, Durban. Members of Executive: J. A. Chick, H. A. Groom, H. J. Hopkins, G. Hulett, J. F. Reece, B. Theunissen. Durban Branch Chairman: J. W. H. Howarth,6 Cliff Road, Westville. Secretary: J. R. D. Goodricke, Box 1 18, Westville. The Durban Branch holds its Friday "Get-together"on the second Friday of every month in a new venue—the Roof Garden of the Central Hotel, West Street. Johannesburg Branch Chairman: G. D. Gardner,224 Louis Botha Ave., Orange Grove. Secretary: H. Lund, 51 Mount Ethne, Bunker St., Hillbrow. The year started off vrith a great kick as far as the Branch is concerned with the dinner and fiim show which we arranged for Newton VVaiker. About 26 Old Boys sat down to dinner at the Victoria Hotel on Saturday, January 19th, and then spent a most enjoyable evening hearing of the experiences ofthe Spring bok Rugger side in Australia and New Zealand. This was undoubtedly one of the most successful meetings that have been held in the Branch and we look forward tothe possibility of arranging similar meetings in the not too distant future. Apart from this initial send off to Club activities for the year not very much has been happening. However, the renewed interest in the gethers continues to grow and we are getting an increasing number of Old Boys to attend each month-the attendance at the June meeting was I9^hich was the best attendance at an ordinary Get-Together that we have had. We find that it is mainly the younger crowd that is supporting the Branch these days and we would like to see more of the older hands coming along. However,we do realize commitments as business executives,fathers and what-have-you make it increas ingly difficult for some of the chaps to attend. The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held on Monday,5th August, in the Victoria Hotel. Our Annual Dance is being arranged in conjunction with the Epworth Past Girls Union and will probably be held on Saturday,24th August, at the Old Johannians Club. If any of the Old Boys are visiting Johannesburg around this time who would like to attend the committee would be very glad to hear from them. Pietermaritzburg Branch Chairman: G.G. Ballard, Box 844, Pietermaritzburg. Secretary: P. Rodda, Natal University. 258